Bryas Liebe - Destiny 2 Legendär Scout-Gewehr - Possible Rolls - (2024)

Bryas Liebe - Destiny 2 Legendär Scout-Gewehr - Possible Rolls - (1) Bryas Liebe - Destiny 2 Legendär Scout-Gewehr - Possible Rolls - (2)

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BRYAS LIEBE Bryas Liebe - Destiny 2 Legendär Scout-Gewehr - Possible Rolls - (3)

Legendär / Bryas Liebe - Destiny 2 Legendär Scout-Gewehr - Possible Rolls - (4)Energiewaffe / Scout Rifle

„Versprich mir nur eins… Dreh dich nicht um.“—Brya

Quelle: Saison der Hexe

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Bryas Liebe - Destiny 2 Legendär Scout-Gewehr - Possible Rolls - (5)


Das Rückstoßverhalten dieser Waffe ist vertikaler.


Damage Falloff
Reload Time
Effektivität in der Luft
Feuerrate 180
Magazin 16
Selected Perks
Popularity: Overall Select 4 perks to see their popularity.
Popularity: Perks
Popularity: Trait Combo
Popularity: MW Bonus


Perk Playground

Perk Playground

Random Curated

Crafted Enhanced

    • Bryas Liebe - Destiny 2 Legendär Scout-Gewehr - Possible Rolls - (8) {{perk.Name}}
    • Bryas Liebe - Destiny 2 Legendär Scout-Gewehr - Possible Rolls - (16) {{mod.Name}}

TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue Bryas Liebe - Destiny 2 Legendär Scout-Gewehr - Possible Rolls - (17) PVE
Red Bryas Liebe - Destiny 2 Legendär Scout-Gewehr - Possible Rolls - (18) PVP
Gold Bryas Liebe - Destiny 2 Legendär Scout-Gewehr - Possible Rolls - (19) PVE & PVP
Learn More

Curated Roll

Not all curated rolls actually drop in-game. Learn more

Random Rolls

Item is eligible for random rolls. Learn more

Item has recommended perks from trusted community theorycrafters. Learn more Hide Recommendations

Some of this item's random perks have been retired in its current version. Show Retired Perks

This item is craftable. Hover over perks below to see the requirements to craft a roll with them.

Show Enhanced Perks

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  • 1

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  • 8

  • Bryas Liebe - Destiny 2 Legendär Scout-Gewehr - Possible Rolls - (36)

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Popular Trait Combos

Auf Abstand

+ Explosivladung

6.56% of Rolls


+ Destabilisierende Geschosse

6.27% of Rolls


+ Explosivladung

4.58% of Rolls


+ Explosivladung

4.25% of Rolls

Auf Abstand

+ Destabilisierende Geschosse

4.05% of Rolls

Auf Abstand

+ Präzisions-Instrument

3.45% of Rolls


+ Explosivladung

3.36% of Rolls

Popular Individual Perks

Learn more

Based on 53.8K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped perks.

Crafted versions of this weapon below Level 10 are excluded.

This weapon can be crafted with enhanced perks. Enhanced and normal perks are combined in the stats below.

  • 20.4%

  • 15.7%

  • 15.7%

  • 12.4%

  • 11.4%

  • 7.7%

  • 7.1%

  • 4.9%

  • 4.2%

  • 26.9%

  • 19.8%

  • 19.7%

  • 11.0%

  • 10.4%

  • 7.3%

  • 4.6%

  • 19.5%

  • 17.5%

  • 14.5%

  • 12.0%

  • 11.9%

  • 11.8%

  • 9.3%

  • 1.2%

  • 0.7%

  • 0.5%

  • 0.2%

  • 0.1%

  • 0.0%

  • 0.0%

  • 100.0%

Masterwork Popularity

Based on 42.8K+ copies of this weapon, these are the most frequently equipped masterworks:

Of those 42.8K+ copies, < 1.0K (0.4%) were fully masterworked.


25.5% of Rolls


25.3% of Rolls


24.6% of Rolls


24.5% of Rolls

Mod Popularity

Based on 17.1K+ copies of this weapon with a mod equipped, these are the 8 most frequently used:


24.4% of Rolls


23.9% of Rolls


18.7% of Rolls


14.0% of Rolls


4.8% of Rolls


4.1% of Rolls


1.8% of Rolls


1.7% of Rolls

Your Rolls{{RollCountString()}}

Show Tips

TIP: New Season & Popularity Ranks

It's a new season! Popularity ranks can change rapidly at the start of a new season, especially on new weapons.

Be careful jumping to conclusions for a week or so as the meta starts to shake out.

TIP: Popularity Ranks

The letters F thru S below are Popularity Ranks. They measure how popular your roll is versus the most popular roll for this weapon among the global community. The most popular roll is ranked S+. The least popular is ranked F-. Popular doesn't necessarily mean "good"; unpopular doesn't necessarily mean "bad". Use what you enjoy!

Learn More

TIP: Theorycrafter Recommendations

The blue/red/gold icons & glows below are Theorycrafter Recommendations. They are the perks that trusted community theorycrafters like for this weapon and can disagree with what is most popular. The colors indicate the game mode for which they prefer the perk.
Color Icon Game Mode
Blue Bryas Liebe - Destiny 2 Legendär Scout-Gewehr - Possible Rolls - (147) PVE
Red Bryas Liebe - Destiny 2 Legendär Scout-Gewehr - Possible Rolls - (148) PVP
Gold Bryas Liebe - Destiny 2 Legendär Scout-Gewehr - Possible Rolls - (149) PVE & PVP
Learn More

TIP: API Perk Swap

The Bungie API now allows us to swap weapon perks for you*. Click individual perks below to swap them in-game. Click "Equip Popular Perks" to pick the perks that result in the highest popularity rank (if you're not already using them).

* You must be in orbit, a social space, or logged off.


Sign in to see the rolls you own for this weapon
and compare them against community suggested rolls!

Let's Go

Related Collectible


Quelle: Saison der Hexe


Bryas Liebe

„Versprich mir nur eins… Dreh dich nicht um.“—Brya

„Wie war Brya so?“

Die versammelten Geister– Targe, Peach und Ophiuchus– beendeten ihr Tratschen. Sie drehten sich zu Glint um, der etwas zurückwich.

„Ich habe sie nie getroffen“, fügte Glint hinzu.

„Aber du weißt, was mit ihr passiert ist, oder?“, fragte Peach. Glint nickte.

„Sie war…“ Peach dachte einen Moment lang nach, suchte nach dem richtigen Wort. „Fröhlich.“

Verwirrt zog Glint seine Hülle etwas zusammen. „Das kann ich mir irgendwie nicht so richtig vorstellen.“

„Es stimmt aber!“, zwitscherte Peach.

„Jetzt fällt es mir nur noch schwerer“, gab Glint zurück, aber Targe und Ophiuchus wippten zustimmend.

„Ich versteh schon, Eris war nie ‚fröhlich‘“, fuhr Peach fort. „Aber Brya konnte eine ganz andere Seite bei ihr zum Vorschein bringen. Echt eine ganz schöne Leistung. Ich war beeindruckt.“

„Sie und Eris haben sich immer Reime ausgedacht“, fügte Targe hinzu.

„Es war… herzerwärmend“, sagte Ophiuchus.

„Hm“, sagte Glint nachdenklich. „Klingt so, als wäre sie echt was Besonderes gewesen.“

„Das war sie“, sagte Targe. Es folgte ein Augenblick der Stille, bis Peach wieder das Wort ergriff.

„Was sie im Höllenschlund getan hat… war nicht umsonst. Eris hat es rausgeschafft.“

Die versammelten Geister nickten.

„Ich glaube, ich würde das Gleiche tun, wenn Krähe in Gefahr wäre“, sagte Glint sanft. „Wenn das der einzige Weg wäre, ihn in Sicherheit zu bringen. Aber Krähe würde sehr traurig sein. Sehr, sehr traurig.“

„Eris ist auch ‚sehr, sehr traurig‘. Sie hat nicht nur bloß das Licht oder ihre Freunde verloren“, antwortete Targe.

„Wir kennen unsere Hüter besser als sonst jemand“, sagte Ophiuchus. „Wir sehen sie an ihren absoluten Tiefpunkten.“

Targe schaute gedankenverloren in die Ferne.

Peach summte. „Ich frage mich, was sie von Eris' Plan halten würde?“

Ihre Frage hing einen Moment lang unbeantwortet in der Luft. Glint wippte auf und ab, was zeigte, dass er darüber nachdachte.

„Ich glaube, sie wäre stolz“, sagte er, und die anderen stimmten ihm zu.

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Bryas Liebe - Destiny 2 Legendär Scout-Gewehr - Possible Rolls - (153) 4.5

Bryas Liebe - Destiny 2 Legendär Scout-Gewehr - Possible Rolls - (154) 4.8


Bryas Liebe - Destiny 2 Legendär Scout-Gewehr - Possible Rolls - (155)


  • Deals Bryas Liebe - Destiny 2 Legendär Scout-Gewehr - Possible Rolls - (156) VOID damage
  • Craftable
    • Recipe: Bryas Liebe
  • Uses PRIMARY ammo
  • Introduced in Season 22
  • Current Drops
    • No Power Cap
  • Energy Weapon
  • Instance Item
  • Equippable
  • Part of Season of the Witch Activity Gear Set
  • API ID: 2779821308
Community Rarity Common Found by 74.5% of Guardians

Version History

  • MODIFIED6/3/2024
  • MODIFIED3/1/2024
  • MODIFIED11/26/2023
  • MODIFIED10/16/2023
  • ADDED8/21/2023


  • Energy Weapons
  • Weapons
  • Scout Rifles

Other Languages

  • Reviews (11)
  • Manifest

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Community Average Rolls FAQ

Q: What does "community average roll" mean?

A: Community Average Rolls are a way of "crowdsourcing" what the best roll is on each weapon. By scouring the global Destiny population using the Bungie API, we are able to see which perks a wide variety of players select for each weapon. Those stats are presented as the Community Average Roll.

Q: What do you mean by the "global Destiny population"?

A: As part of this feature, we are now tracking all active players using the Bungie API, not just those who have signed in on The statistics displayed here are based on all players that have logged in over the past 2 weeks.

Q: So this hits literally every player and every weapon they own?

A: Yes and no. Every player should be seen by our scraper. The process will compute stats on items seen in the vault / inventory of players who have granted access to their "non-equipped Inventory". However, the default permissions only allow us to see the full details on weapons that are equipped by each player's characters.

Q: Doesn't that skew the stats?

A: Partially. Presumably if someone has the weapon equipped, they like it, which would mean that the perks equipped on it are perceived to be better. At the same time, most people are probably dismantling rolls that they think are bad, so even if we could see their whole inventory, we might not catch many "dud" rolls. Overall, the phenomenon of (mostly) only being able to see equipped rolls will reduce the overall number of rolls on less popular weapons, but the perks on those that are visible will likely trend toward being more popular, otherwise people wouldn't keep the roll, let alone equip it.

Q: Why do percentages like 19% fill the whole bar?

A: The bars for each percentage are relative to the most popular perk in that column. The most popular perk will fill its bar, and each perk under that will illustrate how popular it is relative to the most popular. So, if 22% of rolls use the most popular perk in a column and 11% of rolls use the least popular perk, the bar on the least popular perk should appear to be roughly half full. The intent of displaying it this way is to create better contrast between the options.

Q: How do curated rolls factor into this?

A: The usage stats are based only on randomly-rolled, legendary weapons.

Q: Can you explain the letter ranks that are given based on these stats?

A: Ranks range from F- to S+, based on how "far" your roll is from the community average roll. A roll with the least popular perk in each column should be ranked F-, and a roll with the most popular perk in each column should be ranked S+.

Q: How can I help?

A: The best way for everyone to help make this tool more accurate / complete is to update your privacy settings to allow API tools to view your non-equipped inventory. The more people that allow full access to their inventory, the more weapons we'll be able to detect, and the more comprehensive the statistics that fall out of that will be.

Bryas Liebe - Destiny 2 Legendär Scout-Gewehr - Possible Rolls  - (2024)
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Author: Kelle Weber

Last Updated:

Views: 6048

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.