El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas (2024)

JVK1DAY, AUGUST 30, 1935 t'llONE TIMES PHONE MAIN 2020 THE EL PASO TIMES El Paso's HOME NewsnaDer i Three Famous Stars In A Thunderou Drama Of The Orient Rivera Draws Britain Maps Ocean Air Line Hearst Stirs GOP Action der of the Juarez Second Federal District Court for investigation into the alleged attempt of Pedro Martinez to pass a counterfeit $20 biU in Juarez. Herman Harvie Wilson, of Joplin, is also held on the) same charge. Gun In Dispute Composite Seaplane Will Scenario Writer Believed Slain Hollywood, Aug. 28 (UP). Carl Erickson, 27-year-old film scenario writer whose body was found under a eucalyptus tree overlooking the film city, a heavy caliber "luger" pistol beside him, may have been murdered, police said tonight.

Examination by a surgeon indicated the young writer had been killed by a slug from the nine-millimeter "Luger" which entered the Mexican Artist Displays Pistol In Attempt To Halt Lecture. Be Used To Open Atlantic Route. London, Aug. 29 (AP). The Brit TO SELECT PRINCIPAL.

A successor to C. L. Koelsche, elected principal of the Socorro School but who resigned to accept a position in California, probably will be named at a meeting of the trustees of the Socorro School at 9 a. m. today in H.

C. Hinton's office. Ish government has decided to use Mexico City, Aug. (UP) Rivera, noted Mexican artist, threw a session of the Conference of Progressive Education into an uproar tonight when he displayed a pistol while interrupting the lecture of a a so-called "composite seaplane" to Inaugurate a regular trans-Atlantic ir service, an authoritative source disclosed today, and the first flights DacK or the head and came out may be made late in 1936. Plans have gone past the soecu fellow artist, Alfaro Siqueiros.

I Rivera finally replaced the gun I in his pocket when delegates inter-' vened and arranged for the two art-1 ists, both of avowed Communistic lative stage and the government has INTEGRITY EL PASO ASSOCIATION OF LIFE UNDERWRITERS decided to stake everything on this through the forehead. "It would have been extremely difficult for a man to have handled the heavy pistol so as to shoot himself in that way," Dr. John R. Schaeffer, autopsy surgeon, said. new type of plane actually two planes take off, but only one makes the crossing.

A four-engined flying boat is one of Communistic policies and nomi component of the composite aircraft, sympathies, to Rebate their divergent artistic views at tomorrow's session. American delegates were present when the incident occurred. Rivera was the center of a controversy in New York a few years ago when his murals in Rockefeller Center were banned for their allegedly radical content. nate standard bearers opposite It will take off with a four-engined seaplane on its back. The seaplane will be capable of carrying 1000 from Roosevelt and his brain-trusters." Byrd at Berryville.

Va. "I have Metro-Goldwyn'Mayer's spectacular new melodrama, "China Seas." which brings to the screen Clark Gable, Jean Harlow and Wallace Beery, opens at the Ellanay today for a week's run. This picture is being highly praised everywhere. pounds of mail and fuel for a 2000' mile crossing in the teeth of a 60- repeatedly said I would have no part in it (a third party move mile gale. The parent ship will launch the seaplane at probably Former Arizona Jurist Held Republicans Eager For Democratic Division To Help Chances.

Washington, Aug. 29 (AP). A Democratic Party split into two warring factions, with Republicans bombarding both, was projected into the next campaign today by William Randolph Hearst's proposal for a Jeffersonian Democratic ticket. As if to take quick advantage of the Hearst suggestion that Alfred E. Smith lead the conservative wing of the Democratic Party against President Rcosevelt, Kansas Republicans, led by former Vice President Curtis, rallied behind their Governor Landon.

Mentions Landon. Hearst also had mentioned Landon as a possible Republican color bearer, along with Col. Frank Knox of Chicago. Among the conservative Democrats whom he proposed should be aligned with Smith were Senator Byrd of Virginia, former Governor Ritchie of Maryland and Governor Talmadge. of Georgia.

Aside from a hopeful pointing to the next Democratic convention for a smoothing of differences, there was little comment from those mentioned by Hearst. It ran something like this: Smith at Raritan Township, N. J. No comment. Ritchie in London "I have never subscribed to third party movements.

I have always been a Jeffersonian Democrat. My hope still is that the Democratic Party will return to Democratic principles." Opposes Third Party. Talmadge at Atlanta "I'm a Democrat and as national Democratic committeeman from Georgia it is my duty, to fight for the principles of old-line democracy and try to help the party on to victory next year. We want to start them off on the right foot, disapprove ment)." Rail Merger Always On Tap at MIKE'S CAFE Copia St. and Alameda Ave.

6000 feet or thereabouts. There was no comment from Landon cither on this or on the Woman Is Arrested In Counterfeit Case A Juarez woman bar owner, Mrs. The importance of this decision Put Forward Is apparent, in view of the fact On Disorderly Conduct Charge Britain controls the key stations on declaration by Curtis that he favored the Kansas governor for the Republican nomination. Manuela Do Anda, was being hi Id yesterday by Juarez police on or- Chicago, Aug. 29 (AP).

A man both northern and southern routes Consolidation Of Three Three Departments the Bermudas and New Foundland Then there is Ireland. The composite plane service will be used for mail-carrying purposes Midwest Roads Urged Under New Law. SmmDflnCEBflSKLIVE only. tS j. who police said gave his name as Sterven Abby, 53, a former judge of the Arizona Superior Court, was held today by police after his arrest on a disorderly conduct charge.

Arraigned before Judge Frank M. Padden in police court, Abby said he was recalled from the bench after serving in 1914 and 1915, When arrested he was barefooted. He explained his only shoes had become too tattered to wear. Chicago, Aug. 29 (UP).

Consoli dation of three Middlewest railroads DAIRY GETS CLEAN BILL. Dr. T. J. McCamant, City-County health officer, yesterday reported to County Attorney Dave Mulcahy that into a system with assets of almost Of City In 'Red' Three city departments continued "in the red" on expenditures of budget allowances, that of the mayor's, Alderman O.

J. Allen's and W. E. Casteel's, with the latter mounting to near the $10,000 mark, the monthly report on budget expenditures of city departments revealed. Mayor R.

E. Sherman was "overdrawn" on his budget to date a billion dollars operating nearly a thorough inspection of Leary's 15,000 miles of track Was proposed private Deacn at oanra (vionica, playground of indoor fresh water pool dancing nightly with the stars finest seaside hotel in the Los Angeles area, yet rates are extremely modest from RAPID HOTEL dairy, on Carolina Drive, by Harold Lyon, dairy inspector, failed to substantiate claims made in a protest filed by nearby property owners with Mulcahy. tonight under the amended Federal Bankruptcy Act by a protective committee for the seven and eight per cent preferred stocks of the Chi lb Lunches, Sandwiches, Mexican Food Prompt Curb Service Plenty of Parking Space MIKE CARACENA Allen, head of the police cago, Rock Island and Pacific Rail way Company. and fire departments, was "in the Kansas City, Aug. 29 (AP).

Allen W. Lewis, 80, wed 60 years ago today, advanced a formula for successful marriage. Speaking for himself and his 78-year-old wife, he said: "We have a rule a good one. We never both get mad at the same time." The consolidation would be ef red' $505.24, while the in Casteel's department, the city fected simultaneously with reor moniCfl ALIFORfll A ganization of the roads the Rock streets, sanitary and parks depart ments, amounted to $9780.08. Island, the St.

Louis-San Francisco Railway Company, and the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railway. The result, according to sponsors Acids in Blood Kidneys Fault Thert li nothing that so quickly mini health at too much Acid In the system. If the million tiny tubei In your Kidneys do not function properly and cause Acidity, Getting Up Nights. Leg Pains. Nervousness.

Backache, Dizziness. Swollen Joints, Rheumatic Pains. Circles Under Eyes, Frequent Headaches and Colds. Loss of Energy or Burning and Smarting, don't waste time. Help your Kidneys filter the Acids out of your blood with the special Kidney diuretic prescription Cystex.

It works directly on the Kidneys and Bladder and Is guaranteed to 'bring of the plan, would be "a Middle western railroad system ranking as one of the 10 or 12 largest in the Welcome to Rodeo Visitors world." "It would have direct access to Kirksville, Aug. 29 (AP). Lack of funds will be no handicap for marriage-bent couples here for two more days at least. Pleased by increased fees resulting from his half-price rates for August, Justice Alvan Brassfield said today he would marry couples free for the remainder of the month. "My August cut-rate plan has been a success," he said, "and now I'm going to give couples wanting to marry a break." every important terminal and ship J7- Make the HILTON DRUG I ping center in the Middlewest," the announcement said, "and own its own lines to the gulf ports of Gal Your Headquarters new vigor in 48 hours and do the work veston and Pensacola and have im your complete satisfaction in 8 days oi money back on return of emDtv Dackaee portant connections at Mobile and Cystex ISiss-tex) cost only 3c a dose al For Lunches and Refreshments New Orleans.

smgglsts and the guarantee protects you. "It would be one of the most important factors 'in American agri St. Louis, Aug. 29 (AP). William Ister, police said today, is a man who would swap his shoes for a cultural life.

It would create a com pany with a capitalization of approx imately $800,000,000 and a financial drink of whisky. In fact, they said, structure adapted to the conditions CHUCK WAGON Parked Here. Come and Get It. every indication is that he did. Trainmen told officers Ister ap 25c SHUMILK SwSglSSIRf 17i existing in the railroad today.

With the exception of the creation of the Van Swerineen railroad empire, it parently closed such a deal during a stop at Gasconade, last night He was arrested by union station is explained that no other proposal of such magnitude has been definite ly worked out in several decades. police, jolted by the sight of Ister plodding bare-footed up from the train sheds. Smothered Spring Chicken, saute grilled fresh tomatoes potatoes salad drink and dessert, at the special price The committee, headed by Carter Lowest Operating Cost H. Harrison, proposed the -consolidation to the Interstate Commerce Commission because of the Band Plays Tomorrow need for "flexibility of capitaliza In Artillery Area tion, a sound policy of amortizing funded debt, standardization of uhe following program will be TOBACCO SPECIALS rendered by the Seventh Cavalry working conditions and the desira bility of reasonable annual wages Sc Golden Grain 3 for 10c Band in the 82nd Field Artillery Area tomorrow from 7:30 to 8:30 p. m.

Louis A. Denicoly is band leader. per employe. If 5c Bull Durham 3 for 10c With a temperature of 6300 de March, Ting Of Victory Blon 10c Union Leader .2 for 15c grees Fahrenheit, the oxyacetylene flame is the hottest open flame known. FRIDAY and Saturday Overture, Fra Dlnvolo Auber LlKht opera.

The Chocolate Soldier. Straus Fantasy. Hungarian Fantasia Tobanl Salon piece. Golden Blonde EilenbiirB March. Our Favorite Regiment Ertl 15c Prince Albert.

10c For heavy hauling in quantity lots, rrelRht shipments, phone M-1166. Southwestern Fuel Transfer Co. Adv. III mm mm 50c WOODBURY'S FACE POWDER 39c A. United States Weather Report CIV'" THURSDAY.

AUGUST 29, 1035. Just In Time for School Opening Comes This Special Selling 30 ALOPHEN PILLS 23c $1.00 CITRO CARBONATE 67c 60c ALKA SELTZER 49c 25c PALMOLIVE SHAMPOO 35c INGRAM'S SHAVING CREAM 24c 2 Qt. FOUNTAIN SYRINGE 29c 25c LYON'S TOOTH POWDER $1.00 Crazy Crystals 85c MEAD'S DEXTRI-MALTOSE 57c 100 CAROID and BILE SALTS TABLETS 84c 1 Amarillo NE 10 1.72 Atlanta NW 4 .04 70 HO 70 Chicaito 6 BO B8 54 Cincinnati RE 4 B4 72 50 Dallas 1 .08 70 R8 7B 72c 3 $1.00 NUJOL 67c Dpnvcr SE 8 .01 fl B8 5 I L. rANO 7 .01 7 7:1 BOYS' SUITS With TWO Long Trousers 50c PEPSODENT PASTE 31c HOUSEHOLD RUBBER GLOVES, pr 15c 50c WILLIAMS SHAVING CREAM 33c 50c Phillips Galveston SB W) 82 Havre 12 70 72 42 Kansas City 4 .14 B4 56 Los Angeles SW 6 74 78 BS New Orleans RE 4 .18 2 78 New York 4 70 74 BO I Phoenix 4 SB 100 78 i Roswell 8 .08 78 82 8B ISt. LmilS 4 B4 B8 78 San Antonio 8 SB f8 74 I San Francisco 10 62 4 56 LEGAL PERMIT Both State and Federal For 24 HOUR PRESCRIPTION SERVICE $1.00 CAS EC 67c 1 lb.

HOSPITAL COTTON 27c $1.00 ADMIRACION SHAMPOO 67c Milk of Magnesia 34c $1.00 Wine of Cardul Sturdy fabrici, smart, new style features, in plain or fancy patterns, and TWO LONG TROUSERS. Boys like their style, mothers like their long wear. Sizes 6 to 16. (S5 Santa Fe 8 B8 78 54 Seattle 4 .24 BB Bfi B4 Washington SW 4 68 74 62 Additional El Paso Data. 6 a.

m. Nonn 6 p. m. Dry temperature 7.1 SO 78 Wet-bulb temperature 6 70 67 Relative humidity 67 36' 52 Total Jan. 1 to Aug.

29 2 12 In. Normal Jan. 1 to Aug. 29 6.01 In. Highest wind velocity till 6 p.m.

18 ml. 67c 75c BAUM BENGUE. 57c Emmm 1 50c KALAK WATER $1.25 CLOCKS-St. Regis 89c $1.00 JUNIS CREAM 67c 75c VASELINE HAIR TONIC 2 Qt. HOT WATER BOTTLE 75c FITCH'S SHAMPOO 44c SQUIBB'S MINERAL OIL, 35c COLGATE'S TOOTH-PASTE 33c 85c KRUSCHEN SALTS 47c 40c PALMOLIVE SHAVING 50c MENNEN'S SKIN CREAM 37c BRACER 34c BOYS' SLACKS Smart wool tweeds cut like men's styles.

Brown and greys. Sizes 6 to 16. 75c J.ISTER1NE 50c IPANA 40c CAST0RIA 63 34c 28c II 10S ANCELIS- NEWEST Musi Centrally Located Downtowa Hoiti THE MAYFLOWER 535 SOUTH CRAND AVE. Directly across frm the Biif mora adjoining the beautiful LIBRARY PARK Outstanding Innovations No Extra Charge (orTwo Person! Occupying the Same Room! Daublt tni Turin itii ATIt CU AR ANTIC AS WBUSMIO 180 Dooms 111 Rooms 38 Rooms 52.50 53.00 3.50 You don't hv te burial! Qt ICY HOT BOTTLE $1.29 BOYS' JEANS pa BOYS' CORDS rr Krk'rr iTm 1 r2 25c N0XEMA CREAM 15c 200 KLEENEX, 2 for ZiDC One Dozen 1 KOTEX IOC I 8's VERICHR0ME FILM No. 116 Labor Day Outings You will always find at the Hilton Drug a fine assortment of handy items which help to make your outing party a success.

28 All outside rooms -ill equipped with either tub or shower bath, or combination bath fc i ANOTHER NOVIl MATURI 24c Monterey CoctraJ Room 8's VERICHR0ME FILM No. 127 8's VERICHROME FILM No. 120 75c BAYERS ASPIRIN $1.00 JERGEN'S LOTION 60c MURINE mnd 24c 206-08 E. Sao Antonio St..

El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas (2024)
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