General Discussion - A sixth map device slot - Forum - Path of Exile (2024)

Even if PoE fully supported players up to Kitava, one thing wouldn't change: PoE is a Grindy (Gear) Game. If you play casually, not knowing much about the game, you won't ever have enough resources to beat maps, even less so pinnacle bosses. I'm not saying they shouldn't, i'm saying that unless they gave more resources so new players could experiment to get more experience with the game, it wouldn't realistically change anything. And i'm sure this by design.

Even if we took Steam numbers and even double it to account for non-Steam numbers, if 8-10% of people killed a Pinnacle boss, there's a very high chance they bought packs. A 10% buy rate for a free game with millions of players? That's not exactly bad numbers. And i'm not even accounting for people that buy it anyway.

As for the 6th slot, that is very welcome. That's an extra Delirium free slot, adding an influence scarab, or more juice for strategies that have the ability to use the 6th sloth efficiently, Rogue Exiles, Strongboxes, Legion, etc, while also opening up for more strategies to be used since we can afford another slot.

Now if they actually do adjust the scarabs to even out the juice... Let's just say i'm getting tired of underhanded buffs.

Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].

Last edited by AdRonZh3Ro on Jul 14, 2024, 12:34:17 PM

General Discussion - A sixth map device slot - Forum - Path of Exile (1)

Posted by
on Jul 14, 2024, 12:24:34 PM

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If I had to guess maybe 1% of all players that try poe actually fight maven without a carry since selling the invite is worth more.

I think they should have put the map device behind atziri/uber atziri. But who cares right. Most players don't get that far in the game.

If I had to hazard another guess maybe 20% of a league players put in 200 maps and maybe 5% of a league fights all bosses farming their own invitation.

Poe bosses are designed in a way where players are extremely punished for actually engaging with their mechanics. Attempts are expensive and rewards for killing a boss are statistically nonexistent.

Most players would rather do like 3maps in the time it takes to kill a boss.

General Discussion - A sixth map device slot - Forum - Path of Exile (4)

Posted by
on Jul 14, 2024, 1:19:50 PM

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DarthSki44 wrote:

For PoE1, I think they should still try and improve the game and overall player experience, not just focus on the elites. Of course that part is just my opinion, GGG gonna GGG. PoE2 is still a ways off, so imo they still have to be somewhat concerned about PoE1 league performance. Would you agree there?

Concerned? Sure. That said, I think the core game is in a OK state - if we exclude T17 maps, at least from a gameplay perspective. Performance wise? Clearly not GGG's strong suit, and seeing as they haven't been able to really improve performance the last... 5 years, I'm starting to think it's impossible with the current infrastructure, at least for them.

Leagues come and leagues go, so an underwhelming league here and there has always been the case. Being so progressive, that is bound to be the case going forward too. And what makes a league perform good; making sure that the core player base is happy and plays for longer than a week, or pulling in lots of "new players" that plays 2-3 hours a week? From a community that talks so much about player retention and not league launch numbers, I think we have the answer.

Anyhow, there are changes that affects the early game too. Changes to item quality does. The bandit quest change also does, encouraging you to actually take one of the buffs instead of passive points, affecting your early game more. And the pick up range? Sure, it affects the endgame more, but is still nice - and should've been done a LONG time ago.

And that is just the changes we know about. We'll see what the future brings. But to answer your question: Sure, they should focus on both the end game and the early game - and it seems like they are.

Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.

Last edited by Phrazz on Jul 14, 2024, 7:20:38 PM

General Discussion - A sixth map device slot - Forum - Path of Exile (5)

Posted by
on Jul 14, 2024, 7:19:08 PM

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10 way is super easy. One extra slot will be interesting. Opens up for some way more broken strats though so I expect some scarab nerfs ruh roh.

General Discussion - A sixth map device slot - Forum - Path of Exile (17)

Posted by
on Jul 14, 2024, 8:08:17 PM

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arknath wrote:

10 way is super easy. One extra slot will be interesting. Opens up for some way more broken strats though so I expect some scarab nerfs ruh roh.

Yeah, probably - but I'll view it as a much needed balance, as some scarabs are so much better than others.

Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.

General Discussion - A sixth map device slot - Forum - Path of Exile (42)

Posted by
on Jul 14, 2024, 8:57:05 PM

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Pashid wrote:


DarthSki44 wrote:

But then I thought more about it. I think its down to like 12% of all players actually make it to maps. Clearing a T17 or a 10-way? It's got to be in the very low single digits.

Source: trust me bro?
It's not the first or last time that you come up with random and also false statistics.
At least provide some solid source for your claim or don't make such a random claim unless you do like to post random numbers all the time hoho

Here here!

Definitely level 5 information

**** I Started the "HERE HERE" Movement

General Discussion - A sixth map device slot - Forum - Path of Exile (54)

Posted by
on Jul 15, 2024, 7:39:15 AM

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I get the change, there are scarab sets with 5 scarabs so you need the extra slot to run a map with one of each so this makes sense.

No other reason. just so you can use all scarabs of one type on a single map.

General Discussion - A sixth map device slot - Forum - Path of Exile (55)

Posted by
on Jul 15, 2024, 7:45:43 AM

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Nomancs wrote:


DarthSki44 wrote:

Good to see you too hoho!

Oh btw my numbers were off, but not significantly. Here are some interesting ones to note below.

Also anyone that says the numbers from Steam don't matter or are irrelevant, are in total denial. There is nothing to indicate that Steam players behave any differently than PoE launcher players. It's the data. If a player starts and gives up 10 hours into campaign, that's relevant data, and means something. I have no idea why anyone with any sort of credible logic would discount that. We all know, including GGG, that PoE is new player hostile. I think it's incredibly important to show the more elite PoE players how truly isolated they are in the big picture.

Your vibes and feels, while you are entitled to them, don't change the reality of the PoE experience.

Open a map - 16%
Fully clear the Altas - 3%
Socket 4 stones - 3%

A few boss stats just to give an idea, but all are about the same, in the low single digits.

Shaper - 4%
Atziri - 3%
Eater - 6%
Elder- 6%
Sirus - 3%

Kill brutus - 51%
Complete act 10 - 14.8% but 16% opened map?

I'm curious if over 60% ever passed character creation screen, because it is a free game overall, you can download it, start it, turn it off and remove because arpg is not your jam, or you want to play whatever else you was interested more in... So I have no clue how someone could find those numbers credible. And 14.8% finished A10, but 16% opened a map? Doesn't this show you that data might be incorrect? More people opened a map but less people could even do that?

Even d4 devs mentioned in one of their podcast that most players quit before level 50. Some people finish story, and are done with the game. Even game they paid 70€, so why would it be any different with free game?

Is it possible that steam counts the map you open during the campaign as "opening a map?" That seems like the obvious answer to me. A 1.2% drop off from that point to beating A10 doesn't seem that hard to believe.

General Discussion - A sixth map device slot - Forum - Path of Exile (61)

Posted by
on Jul 15, 2024, 8:54:49 AM

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Isobar wrote:

Is it possible that steam counts the map you open during the campaign as "opening a map?" That seems like the obvious answer to me. A 1.2% drop off from that point to beating A10 doesn't seem that hard to believe.

Eternal Eclipse - Kill both Lunaris and Solaris in the same encounter. -16,3%
16% opened a map. Would more players finish act 7 than do main mission in A7? Impossible to skip main quest :) Thing is - some challenges are pre-A10. A10 didint exist so they don’t have achievements for it, but maps existed.

This is why data is inaccurate, it counts people who played/downloaded poe many years ago before 3.0, finished the game and were done. This is why comparing amount of people who ever touched the game in past 10 years, to newest bosses is pointless and illogical. This doesn’t show how how many people do it now. Ofc someone who finished game 7 years ago didin’t kill Maven - boss didin’t exist yet.

Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.

Last edited by Nomancs on Jul 15, 2024, 9:41:39 AM

General Discussion - A sixth map device slot - Forum - Path of Exile (66)

Posted by
on Jul 15, 2024, 9:40:42 AM

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ABagOfChitlins wrote:


Pashid wrote:


DarthSki44 wrote:

But then I thought more about it. I think its down to like 12% of all players actually make it to maps. Clearing a T17 or a 10-way? It's got to be in the very low single digits.

Source: trust me bro?
It's not the first or last time that you come up with random and also false statistics.
At least provide some solid source for your claim or don't make such a random claim unless you do like to post random numbers all the time hoho

Here here!

Definitely level 5 information

I probably shouldn't respond to this, but in case there are people that dont actually know, you can actually just click on the Steam achievements in the game page menu and see the player wide statistics. It's takes 20 seconds to verify for yourself. Don't trust me, it's not necessary, the data is provided and accessibile.

Now you can say you don't believe, or disagree with the numbers, which is a whole other conversation, but I didn't make anything up.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln

Last edited by DarthSki44 on Jul 15, 2024, 9:59:27 AM

General Discussion - A sixth map device slot - Forum - Path of Exile (78)

Posted by
on Jul 15, 2024, 9:58:53 AM

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General Discussion - A sixth map device slot - Forum - Path of Exile (2024)
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