The Homestuck RPG 3
Credits These rules found their spiritual genesis in Gamma Worldtm, a property of Wizards of the Coast LLC. The intellectual property of Homestuck is the sole purview of Andrew Hussie, creator of [] and Person Who is Definitely Already Laughing at Your Expense. The images and likenesses of SBURBtm, the SBURB logotm, and Skaiatm, are the sole properties of Skaianet and are used herein entirely without permission... we are completely certain that the meteors are already on their way. The following individuals deserve all rightful slanders for this shamefully derivative work: umbralAeronaut Forger of Void in the Land of Neon and Melody cobaltKinesis Seeker of Reason in the Land of Ghosts and Shadow madLurker Mage of Null in the Land of Haze and Motion apocryphalCartographer Scribe of Time in the Land of Night and Circuits schoolSpeedrunner Seer of Doom in the Land of Shade and Relics
The Homestuck RPG 4
Introduction 5 Sylladex 46
Rules of Play 6 Alchemy 48
Brutal Affronts! 7 GM Material 54
Character Creation 8 Combat Encounters 55
Rolling your Title 9 Skill Encounters 58
Level Advancement Table 11 Exploring SBURB 59
Classes: Heir - Sylph 12-19 Player Death 61
Aspects: Breath - Zen 20-31 Underlings 62
Player Templates 32 Agents 65
Server Player Combat 36 Chess Pieces --
Sprites 38 Misc. Characters --
Skills 40 Prototyping Templates 69
Gear 42 Final Words 75
The Homestuck RPG 5
Welcome to the Homestuck tabletop Role-playing game! For now this introduction is a bit of a place-holder; we assume you must have a better then passing knowledge of Homestuck (of mspaintadventures fame) as well as at least a rudimentary grasp of the concepts of a table-top RPG. As we approach the final version of these rules however, a concise summary of basic concepts such as dice, character sheets, and double-paradox reacharounds will be placed here. Until then, enjoy this picture of Dave and Jade being awesome!
credit for the image goes to Lexxy
The Homestuck RPG 6
Rules of Play
In many respects the Homestuck RPG runs off of the same basic system that underpins the latest edition of Gamma Worldtm or the 4th edition of Dungeons and Dragonstm on which it was based. Those rules shall not be duplicated here; however the Wizards web site offers a free on-line Quick Start Rules PDF that contains the entire rules framework needed. We will note only where deviations from those rules exist. The Homestuck RPG makes references to "Strife" and "Scrutiny," two distinct phases of character interaction with each other, the worlds of Skaia, and their myriad denizens. These are functionally identical to "Combat Encounters" and "Non-combat Encounters" respectively, as you might already have guessed. Communication. This range keyword, which you will find many times on the following pages, is intended to allow certain powers to function in a team cooperative role, even when the party is separated across long distances. Whenever you are pestering somebody on the instant message application of your choice, close enough to hear each other shout, or simply talking face-to-face, you are said to be Communicating, or able to Communicate, with that player. Communication requires a two-way exchange of ideas: simply watching someone on a Trollian view screen does not in itself mean you are in communication with them. Subsequently hassling their iShade chat client counts as Communication, assuming they are willing and able to respond. Action Points do not exist as such in the Homestuck RPG. Many Aspects grant a Boon that function quite similarly to the concept however. Second Wind for those familiar with 4th edition and not Gamma Worldtm, are handled slightly differently. They are a Minor action and grant hit points equal to your bloodied value, but are otherwise identical in function and still may be used once in an encounter. The Homestuck RPG does not have Healing Surges to keep track of. Attack Aggrieve Power Range is assumed to be the range of the weapon currently equipped, except when noted otherwise. If a power simply states that it is "Melee- or Ranged-kind" without any other qualifiers, then whenever you use it with a Melee-kind Abstratus, you may attack any creature in an adjacent space to you. If you use it with a Melee Abstratus that grants Reach, you may attack any creature within 2 spaces of you. If you use it with a Ranged abstratus, the power range is identical to the range of the weapon you wield. If the power states that it is "Melee-kind (Close Burst 1)" or "Ranged-kind (Close Blast 3)" then that takes precedence over the weapon's statline... wielding a Reach weapon does not allow you to extend the size of a Close Burst or Blast, for example. Determining Success or Failure: As you might expect of the setting, there are many things you will likely attempt to accomplish where your character's success or failure are in uncertainty. In order to resolve these actions, perform the following sacred ritual: Take in hand two (2) of the venerable Decagons of Fate then cast them upon your tabletop, preferably while intoning an oath or pledge seeking the favor of the Fickle Ones. In simpler terms, roll 2d10, and add the relevant skill or attribute modifier. Compare the total to a target number. If the number exceeds the challenge or defense, it is a success.
The Homestuck RPG 7
Why 2d10?
The decision to go with Core Mechanic rolls of 2d10 rather then the much-loved 1d20 was not made lightly. It was a design goal to capture the outrageous quirks of the MS Paint Adventures style, which include all manner of tragic pratfalls and outrageous Brutal Affronts on the part of the protagonists as well as similarly upped antes by the opposition. Unfortunately, adding another layer of randomity on top of the already fickle d20 was decided to be a dangerously unbalancing act. Instead, we have settled for a compromise: the stability of a 2-dice bell curve is juxtaposed against a 10% probability of critical effects which include both good results and awful reversals of fortune. A side effect of replacing the d20 is that static bonuses to attack and skills become much more powerful: you'll notice that in many of the class powers/traits that follow, +1 or -1 modifiers to attacks and skills are the general rule rather then +2/-2. Above the curve of statistical probability it is harder to miss, and below that curve it can be a real struggle to hit. Teamwork is paramount in the Homestuck RPG to keep your rolls in the high zone!
Brutal Affronts and Complications When making Combat rolls, rolling doubles on your d10s offers you a potential for a Brutal Affront... or perhaps just a Grave Blunder. You must immediately make a 3rd roll of d10. If the third d10 comes up....
• Positive (5+) - Brutal Affront! Your attack is now a success, regardless of the original roll and the defense being targeted. Apply maximum damage, as if you had rolled the highest score possible on your regular damage dice. If you are at least level 2, then apply any Brutal Affront benefits you gain from your class or aspect as well.
• Negative (1-4) - Grave Blunder! Your attack is an unmitigated failure, regardless of the original roll and the defense being targeted. If you are at least level 2, you take damage equivalent to your Brutal Affront bonus (not the original attack) as well as any relevant effects. This damage cannot be reduced in any way! In any circ*mstances where a Grave Blunder effects reversed upon you might be unclear, there will be a clarification of how to apply the Grave Blunder in the class or aspect description.
In a Skill test, the rules are somewhat different. Make a note of whether your original score would have succeeded or not. Make the attack, and then consult this chart:
• Positive (5+) Beneficial Complication! - If your original roll was a success, you succeed more, perhaps uncovering a spontaneous, tangentially related breakthrough or unlocking a side-challenge through a fluke of luck related to your original effort. If your original roll was a failure, then you've somehow found the silver lining to the cloud: unlocking a parallel course of action that might help circumvent the problem or a nearly-equivalent treasure unrelated to your original pursuit.
• Negative (1-4) Negative Complication! - If your original roll was a success, you have succumbed to some sort of complicating side-effect that renders your successful effort... less so. If your original roll was failure, then you have managed to render further advancement in the effort you attempted impossible. Examples include breaking a vital tool, destroying clues, or enraging the Weasel Ambassador beyond the point of rational discourse.
The Homestuck RPG 8
Overview of Character Creation
1.) Decide on a Racial Template (??). Your group and your GM should have a discussion about what kind of Session you all want to run. Even if you decide to keep things simple and go with relatively 'normal' human Kids, one or two of you may decide (with your GM's approval) to apply a template or two on an individual basis in order to represent some sort of abnormal skill set or origin. It is also possible to stack some Templates together, creating a Telekinetic Troll or a Flying Insectoid for example. 2.) Determine your Title by rolling for your character's Class and Aspect (pg. 8). The instance of Skaia that you access assigns each player who enters a seemingly 'randomized' title composed of two elements. Progress in the game will reveal, however, that roles given are often strangely insightful. Very often it will seem as though the role is assigned in order to directly challenge you or even cater to a strength of yours, but either way Skaia's purpose seems to be to cause the players to experience some form of personal growth on their journey. For the purposes of the Homestuck RPG, we will go about this process in reverse by generating your Title first and then iterating further character details out of that. Roll a 1d8 on your Title chart, and a 1d12 on your Aspect chart in order to determine your role. 3.) Assign Ability scores (pg. 10). Your ability scores describe your player's inherent abilities in four different areas crucial to any Skaian adventurer, whether green skylark or seasoned rumpus-rustler: Mangrit, Pulchritude, Imagination, and Acumen. The Title you previously rolled for will dictate your primary and secondary scores, the other two must be assigned. 4.) Determine your skills (pg. 17). Your Title and Origin each grant you bonuses to specific skills, and you also gain another +4 bonus to one random skill that you roll. You may wish to consider these skills a reflection on a personal hobby or pursuit of your player's prior to their entry into the world of Skaia. 5.) Allocate a Kind Abstratus to your Strife Specibus. Now we're cooking with petrol! You'll need to arm yourself for protection as you travel the many deadly worlds awaiting you, so at this point you should take stock of your abilities and choose some form of weaponry that complements your fighting style. Be wary of the fact that in a world dominated by the capricious rules of the Captchalogue system, it is much more difficult then you might imagine to simply switch between a variety of different weaponry willy-nilly in the pursuit of your goals. You'd better choose wisely. 6.) Fill out the rest of your numbers (pg 11). 7.) So... just who are you? At this point you should sit back from your sheet, let your eyes unfocus a bit, and ponder just what sort of strapping young lad or lass resides in between all of these numbers. Your GM will hopefully by now have told you whether you're all going to be Humans, Trolls, or something else even weirder. While many of the classes and aspects on the following pages will suggest details of a personality archetype or possible motivations for why your character does what they do, these are only suggestions and should be re-interpreted or ignored in any way you choose. 7.) Draw your initial Sylladex hand (pg. ).
The Homestuck RPG 9
Character Title
The worlds generated by your instance of Skaia are constructed in order to challenge you. Your worthiness to accept the ultimate treasure of the game is in question, and your very lives are the stakes! Fortunately, you have an edge. Each player who enters Skaia through the portals of Sburb, Sgrub, etc. is granted a TITLE, which is both a gift of power and a promise of further greatness to come. In order to determine your Title, roll one d8 and one d12 and consult the tables below for each result. Your first roll determines your Class, and your second roll determines your assigned Aspect. These components represent (in part) the path of personal growth that Skaia has selected for you. For example, a roll of 5 on the d8 and 8 on the d12 would indicate that you have been selected to be the Thief of Time. Wicked! At this point you may also wish to select some sort of synonymous name for one or both of these components, perhaps to make the title sing better. Suggestions are included on the pages for Title and Aspect ahead. Continuing from the previous example, one might decide that their character's supreme mastery of thiefery and timey-wimey-ness is better personified by the title Hunter of Moments. It is probably for the best to not stray too far from the original meaning so that nobody gets confused.
Roll Class Roll Class 1 Heir 5 Thief 2 Seer 6 Mage 3 Knight 7 Page 4 Witch 8 Sylph
Roll Aspect Roll Aspect Roll Aspect
1 Blood 5 Breath 9 Doom 2 Hope 6 Keys 10 Life 3 Light 7 Mind 11 Space 4 Time 8 Void 12 Zen
Your GM, if they are feeling particularly kind, may give you a chance to re-roll one of the rolls if you disliked your initial result, or perhaps instead allow you to choose your Aspect outright prior to rolling for Class, but it is highly recommended to not tweak the Title rolling system too much if at all. The ways of Skaia are mysterious and part of the journey is learning to reconcile the occasionally bizarre choices of the game with your own path. With that said if two or more players end up with the same Aspect it is probably good grounds to seek some way to even out the results, depending on the size of your group. In larger groups a few overlapping Classes will not be too disastrous and may even be unavoidable, but in a small group the best policy is probably to have as unique a cast as possible. A more diverse set of players will be better able to combine their strengths and mitigate their weaknesses!
The Homestuck RPG 10
Unlike the common 6-attribute system, the Homestuck RPG uses a 4-attribute character system. Place an 18 in your Class primary attribute, and a 16 in your Aspect primary attribute (look at the Class and Aspect entries on the following pages to determine what attributes these are). If your Class and Aspect both have the same primary attribute score, place a 20 in that score. Then roll 3d6 once each for your other two or three remaining scores, add up all of the dice, and record the results. If you roll less then 10 for two or more remaining ability scores, re-roll. (ALTERNATIVE: If your GM allows it, instead of rolling dice simply take a 12, and 8, and an 8 and place those scores in whichever two or three remaining stats you want.) Most often, you will be using the modifier of your attribute scores to help determine success or failure of your attacks and actions. Look at it this way; an ability score of 10 is dead average. At ability score 10, there is no inherent bonus or penalty being applied to your efforts. Therefore the modifier for that ability is a 0. For every two points above 10 your ability score is, you gain a stacking +1 modifier to any related rolls. So, for example, an ability score of 18 grants a +4 modifier to all attacks and skills related to that ability score. Any odd attribute values are rounded down to the nearest even number for the purpose of the modifier: an ability score of 13 is a +1 bonus just as a 12 is, although at 14 and 15 there is a +2 modifier given. An 11 grants a 0 bonus just like 10 does, etc. If your 3d6 rolls for an attribute should place you at a number lower then 10, the exact same logic applies in reverse. A score of 9 (rounded to 8, the nearest even number down) grants a -1 penalty to any skills or attacks related to that ability score. Likewise a 6 or 7 would grant a -2 penalty to your efforts in that field. Once you have rolled for all of your attribute scores, you are now ready to derive the secondary values for the rest of your mathematical statistics. Use the section on Character Statistics below to see how this works.
Character Statistics
1st level Hit Points: Your Mangrit attribute value + Pulchritude value. Note that this is one of the only places where it is your full score and not simply your modifier that is counted! (ie. Mgt 16 and Plc 13 = 29 starting HP) Hit Points per level gained: 2 + the higher of your Mangrit or Pulchritude modifiers (ie. From the above example, a Mgt of 16 [+3 modifier] means that the character would gain 5 additional hit points per level). Fortitude defense: 10 + your level + your Mangrit modifier. Reflex defense: 10 + your level + the better of your Imagination or Acumen modifier. Will defense: 10 + your level + your Pulchritude modifier. Armor Class: 10 + your level + armor bonus + Auto-Parry (if applicable); if wearing light or no armor, add the better of your Imagination or Acumen modifier. Speed: 6 (+ or - modifiers from your Armor and Class) Initiative modifier: the better of your Acumen or Imagination modifier + your level + other modifiers.
Presence, Force of will
IMAGINATION (Img) Intelligence, reasoning
Physical strength, stamina
ACUMEN (Acm) Reflexes, Intuitive thinking
The Homestuck RPG 11
Class and Aspect
When your character first enters the Medium, they may find themselves referenced in a strange manner by the consorts and enigmatic inscriptions of their land. The world you have entered, though strange to you, has been constructed in anticipation of your arrival. You, and by extension your session's fellow players, are the prophesied heroes of your respective Lands. The nature of your personal "quests" in that world may vary wildly according to the occasionally non-sequitor logic of Skaia's formulaic world construction, however there are certain predictable patterns at work. The components of your title are significant clues. The first section of your title, the Class, is the most simple. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, most players fairly quickly find themselves stepping into the patterns of the Knight or the Seer as predetermined by their personality and various circ*mstances, all somehow foreseen by the powers that sustain Skaia. The second portion of your title, the Aspect, is generally more abstract and takes more time in the game to manifest. However they represent the most supernatural and most powerful abilities at your disposal, and are also the most closely-tied to the grand destiny you must fulfill in order to free your Land from the grip of it's Denizen and, eventually, take hold of the grandest treasure that Skaia has to offer. As a first level character, the majority of your power is defined by your natural talents and abilities, represented as skills and ability scores, as well as your Class, which represents rudimentary fighting styles and techniques that become gradually more deeply ingrained the further you adventure. As you continue to adventure however, you will discover that more and more your abilities are enhanced by the ever-expanding roster of Sylladex cards that you create through alchemy as well as the blatantly supernatural abilities bestowed upon you by the awakening Aspect within you. At 10th level, a character in the Homestuck RPG has about 40% of his or her potential represented by their awakened Aspect, with the Class they began with and their Sylladex representing approximately another 30% each.
Boondollars Level Title Benefit Sylladex Hand size (Alchemy Draw Chance)
0 1st Gain traits and choose two Aggrievements from your class, gain class and aspect skill bonuses. 1
75,000 2nd Brutal Affront benefit from class, bonus Sylladex card, Alchemize your first personal Sylladex card 2 (6+)
150,000 3rd Class boon 2 250,000 4th Traits from aspect, bonus Sylladex card 3 350,000 5th Fraymotif from class 3 (5+) 500,000 6th Brutal Affront from aspect, bonus Sylladex card 4
650,000 7th Aspect boon 4 (4+)
900,000 8th 3rd Aggrievement from class or aspect, bonus Sylladex card 5
1,200,000 9th Fraymotif from aspect 5 (3+)
1,500,000 10th Ascend to the God-Tiers (?) 5
What is up with Boondollars? Boondollars are a form of Skaian game currency that have absolutely no legitimate use, aside from paying off the occasional parking citation and screwing with your Land's economy for fun and (dubious) profit. In the Homestuck RPG they serve as a measure of your level advancement. If you should feel the need to somehow dispense with your Boondollars in some frivolous way go ahead... just use the aggregate of your personally earned Boondollars to date with regards to your character's advancement (not counting any expenditures).
100 Boondollars = 1 experience point.
The Homestuck RPG 12
Class - "Heir" Alternative titles: Scion, Noble, Heiress, Baron
You have inherited a birthright of strength and powerful will, although you may not yet realize it. Skaia might bestow this class upon you in order to make you realize the extent of your inner might, or perhaps help you come to terms with the way your strength separates you from others. While at first glance you may seem defined by a simplistic approach to problems, or perhaps a certain gullible naivety, the Heir is often a hero of surprising insights. Whether due to sheer optimism and a curious alignment of Fate on your side, or grim tenacity and self-belief, you are never content to give up in the face of adversity. Attribute: Mangrit Skill Bonus: Hidden Depths - Gain a +4 bonus to Insight checks. Traits: Strong Mind - Gain a +2 bonus to Will. Determination - Whenever you miss with an attack or fail a skill and didn't roll doubles, you gain a +1 bonus to your next attack or skill roll before the end of your next turn. Brutal Affront (lvl 2): (Sassa)crusher - The attack deals 1d10 extra damage and the target or one other enemy within 5 spaces of it is knocked prone. (Grave Blunder - or one other ally within 5 spaces is knocked prone). Aggrievements, choose two of the following, later you may choose to gain a third (lvl 8): Lucky Strike Standard action – At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind Target: One creature Attack: Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Mgt modifier + your level damage. Miss: The target and one other enemy within 2 spaces of it each take damage equal to your Mgt modifier.
Boon (lvl 3), gain the following power: Fortune-Favored Free action - Encounter Personal Trigger: You or an ally who can communicate with you suffers a Grave Blunder or Negative Complication Effect: The next time in this Strife or Scrutiny that you roll doubles, you automatically confirm a Brutal Affront or Positive Complication (as if rolling a 5 or better on your third die). In addition, if you have already spent your Second Wind you regain the use of it. Fraymotif (lvl 5), gain the following power: Fruit Gusher Crusher Standard action - Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind Target: One creature Attack: Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 3(W) + Mgt modifier + your level damage, and you and the target both take -1 to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
Effect: The target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn.
STRONG Stomp Standard action – At-will Close blast 3 Target: One, two, or three creatures in blast Attack: Mgt + your level vs. Fortitude Hit: Mgt modifier + your level damage, and the target is slowed until the end of itʼs next turn.
Dual-Grit Stance Standard action – At-will Melee-kind Target: One creature Attack: Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC, two attacks. Hit: 1[W]+ your level damage per hit. Effect: If both attacks miss and you didnʼt roll any doubles, you immediately suffer the effects of a Grave Blunder. Requirement: You must be in a One-handed Abstratus mode.
Wrinklef*cked Standard action – Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind Target: One creature Attack: Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 2[W] + Mgt modifier + your level damage, and the target is knocked prone. Effect: You gain temporary hit points equal to your level.
The Homestuck RPG 13
Class - "Seer"
Alternative titles: Guru, Sage, Juror, Vassal The gifts of the mind are yours to unlock, and you probably already know it (for better or for worse). There is no secret you cannot uncover or mystery you won't solve. A curious related benefit is that you are likely to gain the attention of powerful beings in the game, perhaps Exiled Royals or grim Horror-Terrors, who recognize your potential and seek to use you to advance their trans-timeline agenda... as well as yours. Your friends might not appreciate the fact that you always seem to be one step ahead of them in understanding the more esoteric workings of the game around you, but that's alright. They'll eventually realize that if anyone should have the pieces of the puzzle firmly in hand, it's you. Attribute: Imagination Skill Bonus: Secretive - Gain a +4 bonus to Stealth checks. Traits: Mental Fortress - Gain a +2 bonus to Will.
Piercing Intellect - Whenever you succeed on a skill test relying on Imagination or Pulchritude, you gain a +1 bonus to your next skill or attack roll before the end of your next turn or similar short span of Scrutiny time. You must have gained some sort of entirely new (to you) information with the initial skill roll.
Brutal Affront (lvl 2): Stinging Snark - The attack deals 1d8 extra damage and the target grants combat advantage to you until the end of the encounter. (Grave Blunder - you grant combat advantage to the target you Blundered against until the end of the encounter.) Aggrievements, choose two of the following, later you may choose to gain a third (lvl 8): Harsh Deduction Standard action – At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind Target: One creature Attack: Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Mgt modifier + your level damage, and the target and each enemy adjacent to it take a -1 penalty to attack until the end of your next turn. Sinister Irony Standard action – Encounter
Melee- (Close blast 3) or Ranged-kind (Burst 1 in range)
Target: Each creature in burst or blast Attack: Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Img modifier + your level damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of their next turn. Boon (lvl 3), gain the following power:
Guidance from Beyond Move action - Encounter Personal Effect: You and one ally who can communicate with you each gain a +2 power bonus to a skill roll, damage roll, or saving throw of your choice before the end of your turn.
Fraymotif (lvl 5), gain the following power:
Chilling Insight Standard action - Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind Target: One, two, or three creatures Attack: Img + your level + weapon precision vs. Reflex Hit: 1[W] + Img modifier + your level damage, and the target is dazed and slowed.
Vigilant Observation Standard action – At-will Close burst 10 Target: One creature in burst Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +2 bonus to defenses against attack from the target. If you attack the target before the end of your next turn, you gain a +1 power bonus to attack and + twice your level bonus to damage against that target only.
Reaping Justice Standard action – At-will Close burst 1 Target: Every enemy you can see in burst. Attack: Img + your level vs. Reflex Hit: 1d8 + Img modifier + your level damage, and you can slide the target 1 space.
The Homestuck RPG 14
Class - "Knight" Alternative titles: Soldier, Thane, Templar, Champion
Sometimes it's tough to see it behind that armor of yours, but you really do care about your friends. Why else would you have let them drag you into this absurd game? Whether you apply your calculating mind to problems through a lens of indifferent irony or demanding anger, the fact is that you're an indispensable ally. Perhaps Skaia intends for you to learn how much help you can be for the ones who depend on you when you let the facade slip a little and show them just how much you do care. Even if that's complete bullsh*t, the fact is that without a cool dude like yourself around all of these other fools are completely hopeless. Just consider this an act of philanthropy, motherf*ckers. Attribute: Pulchritude Skill Bonus: Off the Handle - Gain a +4 bonus to Athletics checks. Traits: Armor of Scorn - Gain a +1 bonus to your Fortitude, Reflex, and Will. Never Let Them See You Falter - You gain a +2 bonus on the roll to confirm a Brutal Affront or Positive Complication if your original roll would have failed or missed the target. Brutal Affront (lvl 2): Aggressive Demand - The attack deals 1d10 extra damage and the target suffers a -1 penalty to attack until the end of it's next turn, and a further -1 penalty if it doesn't include you as a target. (Grave Blunder - suffer -1 to attack until the end of your next turn, and an additional -1 penalty if you don't attack the same target you Blundered against.) Aggrievements, choose two of the following, later you may choose to gain a third (lvl 8): Canʼt Abscond, Bro! Standard action – At-will Melee-kind Target: One creature Attack: Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Plc modifier + your level damage. Effect: The target provokes an opportunity attack from you if it shifts until the start of your next turn.
Threshecute Standard action – At-will Melee-kind Target: One creature Attack: Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Plc modifier + your level damage, and you deal damage equal to 2 + your level to up to two other enemies adjacent to you. Boon (lvl 3), gain the following power:
Be the Cool Kid
Immediate Interrupt - Encounter Personal Trigger: An ally you can communicate with fails a skill roll or mises with an attack, and could not or chose not to make an Affront/Complication confirmation roll.
Effect: The ally may re-roll the skill roll or the attack, and you gain 5 + your level temporary hit points. Fraymotif (lvl 5), gain the following power:
Be the Knight
Standard action - Encounter Melee-kind Target: One, two, or three enemies; make a total of three attacks. Attack: Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. Reflex Hit: 1(W) + your level damage per hit. Effect: You or an ally within 5 squares of you may use their Second Wind as a free action even if they have already used it in this Strife, and the target(s) may not make any attack that does not include you as a target until the end of their next turn.
Chasing My Shadow Standard action – At-will Melee-kind Target: One creature Attack: Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Plc modifier + your level damage, and you shift 1 space and pull the target into the space you just left. Effect: Before or after the attack, you may shift 1 space.
Be “the One” Standard action – Encounter Close Burst 1 (Meleekind) Target: Each enemy you can see in burst Attack: Plc + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + your level damage, and the target canʼt shift or make opportunity attacks until the end of your next turn.
The Homestuck RPG 15
Class - "Witch" Alternative titles: Druid, Cleric, Invoker, Shaman, Philosopher
You probably come from a privileged background, be it actual royalty or simply access to unusual advanced technology. As is Skaia’s way, over the course of your adventure you will likely lose much of this material wealth. Your cheerful disposition will see you through, though. It is this same disposition that will make you the glue that holds your group of players together. Along with your possessions, you have a close relationship with a powerful entity, which is unfortunately likely to be turned against you at some point during the game. Attribute: Imagination Skill Bonus: Eager Friend - Gain a +4 bonus to Chumming checks. Traits: Positive Attitude - Gain a +2 bonus to Will.
You are -EXCIT-----ED! - Whenever you succeed on an attack or a skill roll, each ally who you can communicate with gains a +1 bonus to their rolls to confirm Brutal Affronts or Positive Complications until the start of your next turn.
Brutal Affront (lvl 2): "Don't Hurt My Friends!" - The target and one other enemy of your choice within 5 squares of it is weakened until the end of your next turn. (Grave Blunder: you and one ally of your choice within 5 squares are weakened...) Aggrievements, choose two of the following, later you may choose to gain a third (lvl 8):
Boon (lvl 3), gain the following power:
Foretold in a Dream
Immediate Interrupt - Encounter One ally you can communicate with. Trigger: The ally fails a skill roll or attack roll Effect: The ally gains a +2 bonus to the triggering roll, and may regain hit points equal to your Imagination modifier + your level.
Fraymotif (lvl 5), gain the following power:
Protector's Duty
Standard action - Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind Target: One creature Attack: Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 2(W) + Img modifier + your level. Effect: One ally who has already spent their Second Wind regains the use of their Second Wind in this encounter. Until the end of your next turn, any ally who spends a Second Wind regains additional hit points equal to your Img modifier.
Gentle Culling Standard action – At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind Target: One creature Attack: Img + your level + weapon precision vs. Reflex Hit: 1[W] + your level damage, and the first time the target misses with an attack before the end of your next turn, it falls prone.
Interposing Strike Immediate Interrupt – At-Will
Melee-kind (Close burst 1) or Ranged-kind (Close burst 2)
Trigger: An ally in the burst is hit by an enemy's melee attack. Target: The enemy whose attack triggered this power. Attack: Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + your level damage and the target's attack misses automatically, and you do not get a standard action on your next turn. Special: This power may not be used if the triggering attack is a Brutal Affront.
Warning Shot Standard action – Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind Target: One creature Attack: Img + your level + weapon precision vs. Will Hit: The target takes a -2 penalty to attacks until the end of your next turn. Effect: Two allies within 5 spaces, or you and one ally, gain temporary hit points equal to your level + your Img modifier.
Standard action - At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind Target: One creature Attack: Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Img modifier + your level damage, and any ally who hits the target before the end of your next turn gains temporary hit points equal to your level + 2.
The Homestuck RPG 16
Class - "Thief" Alternative titles: Hunter, Rebel, Raider, Rogue, Spy
It could be easy at first to dismiss you as immature, irresponsible or just plain callous. Yours might be a checkered past of alliances and betrayals, or perhaps a frivolous lifestyle that many of your friends did not take seriously. But in the world of Skaia, all things are now equal and you have a chance to prove your worth. With skills honed by the dangers you confronted everyday, your allies will have no choice but to acknowledge just how effective you are. But be careful, if you focus too hard on showing up everyone who once dismissed you it might be easy to miss the secrets that Skaia lays across your path in plain view: that the true treasures in this game are the friends you will grow closer to. Attribute: Acumen Skill Bonus: Treasure-Sense - Gain a +4 bonus to Perception checks. Traits: Artful Dodge - Gain a +1 bonus to your Reflex and +1 Speed. All of the Skills...! - You gain a +2 bonus on the roll to confirm a Brutal Affront or Positive Complication whenever your original roll would have hit the target or succeeded. Brutal Affront (lvl 2): Show you my Stabs - The target takes an additional 1d12 + your level damage. Aggrievements, choose two of the following, later you may choose to gain a third (lvl 8):
Boon (lvl 3), gain the following power:
Fraymotif (lvl 5), gain the following power:
That's Just Pawful! Standard action – At-will Melee 1 Target: One creature Attack: Acu + your level vs. Will Hit: 1d6 + Acu modifier + your level damage, and if the target moves on itʼs next turn it may not end itʼs movement in a space adjacent to you.
Pounce de Leon Minor action – At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind Target: One creature Effect: Before the attack, you may shift 1 space. Attack: Acu + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 1[W] damage, and the target grants combat advantage to you until the end of your next turn.
Savage Aggrievance
Standard action - Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind Target: One or two creatures Attack: Acu + your level + weapon precision vs. Reflex, two attacks
Hit: 1[W] + your level damage per hit. If both attacks hit, you gain a +1 bonus to defense against the attacks of the target(s) until the beginning of your next turn.
Effect: If both attacks miss you take a -1 penalty to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
Scorpionʼs Strike Minor action – At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind Target: One creature Attack: Acu + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 1[W] damage. Miss: Your turn ends immediately, and you may not use this power again until after your next turn ends.
Manipul8 Free action – Encounter Personal Trigger: You fail a skill roll or miss with an attack. Effect: One ally you can communicate with may immediately make a melee basic attack or attempt a skill as a free action with a +1 power bonus to the attack roll or skill.
Flawless Organ Strike Standard action – Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind Target: One enemy Attack: Acu + your level + weapon precision vs. AC; roll the attack twice and choose which result to use Hit: 2(W) + Acu modifier + twice your level damage, and the target takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends).
The Homestuck RPG 17
Class - "Mage" Alternative titles: Dealer, Forger, Maid, Prince, Savant
You might have adapted the code that got all of you into the worlds of Skaia, or been the only one with the technical know-how to run the game's servers. Maybe you're a high-blooded snob with more free time, privilege, and ambition then you have patience for those you consider beneath you. You are an expert at what you do, and what you do is show up every chump who dares cross your path. The class of Mage is often chosen for a player whose personal journey is intended to encompass learning humility to go with their talent. Another possibility is that you were selected for the great aptitude you show, despite suffering from insecurities or self-doubt that you are meant to shed during the course of the adventure. Regardless of the details you are a deadly adversary with an uncanny understanding of the systems that underlay the game. Attribute: Acumen Skill Bonus: Two Clevver by 1/2 - Gain a +4 bonus to Science checks. Traits: Steel Trap - Gain a +2 bonus to your Will.
The Expert - Whenever an ally you can communicate with attempts a skill roll or attacks a non-AC defense (Will, Reflex, or Fortitude), whether success or failure, you gain a +1 bonus to rolls with that same skill or that target that same defense until the next time an ally who can communicate with you would trigger this ability, at which point the bonus is changed to that new skill or target defense.
Brutal Affront (lvl 2): Devvastation - The attack deals 1d10 extra damage and the target loses it’s next Move action. Aggrievements, choose two of the following, later you may choose to gain a third (lvl 8): Dodge Thiis! Standard action – Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind Target: One creature Attack: Acu + your level + weapon precision vs. Fortitude Hit: 2[W] + Acu modifier + your level damage, and you slide the target 1 space and Weaken it until the end of itʼs next turn. Covering Attack Standard action – At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind Target: Up to 2 spaces within weapon Range (Rangedkind) or up to 3 spaces adjacent to you (Meleekind) Effect: Until the start of your next turn, any creature that willingly enters the spaces targeted by this power takes automatic damage equal to 1[W] + your level. Creatures may choose to leave those spaces without consequence. Boon (lvl 3), gain the following power: Success begets Confidence Free action - Encounter Personal Trigger: You succeed on the roll to confirm a Brutal Affront. Effect: Once before the end of the Strife or Scrutiny, you may add +2 to one dice roll you have made. Fraymotif (lvl 5), gain the following power: Ovverclocked Standard action - Encounter Melee-Kind (Close burst 1) or Ranged-kind (Burst 1 within range) Target: One, two, or three creatures in burst or blast. Attack: Acu + your level + weapon precision vs. Reflex Hit: 1(W) + Acu modifier + your level damage, and the target is stunned until the end of your next turn.
Wweakening Broadside Standard action - At-Will Melee-kind (Close blast 3) or
Ranged-kind (Burst 1 within Range) Target: Each creature in burst or blast Attack: Acu + weapon accuracy + your level vs. AC Hit: 1(W) + your level damage, and the target gains Vulnerability to your attacks equal to your level + 2 until the end of your next turn.
Aiimbot Standard action - At-Will Melee- or Ranged-kind
Target: One creature
Attack: Acu + your level + weapon precision + 1 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1[W] + your level damage.
The Homestuck RPG 18
Class - "Page" Alternative titles: Bard, Squire, Marshal, Poet, Warden
Second fiddle, the clown, the mere herald for the Other Guys. That's what some might first think when they see your title, and it may very well have been how they (or you) thought of yourself before entering the game. Skaia will sometimes bestow the class of Page as a challenge to a player who has been content with their place in the world before. This wording is deceptive however, for the test is not one of fading into the backdrop but of assuming leadership and responsibility at the center of the group. Even if your personality lends itself more to being supportive of your friends then taking the stage yourself, you may find yourself shocked by what you can do when you are thrown into the spotlight. Attribute: Pulchritude Skill Bonus: Pupa's Flight - Gain a +4 bonus to Acrobatics checks. Traits: Hardy Constitution - Gain a +2 bonus to your Fortitude.
hOnK! - Whenever you or an ally you can communicate with suffer a Grave Blunder or a Negative Complication, you gain the ability to grant a +2 power bonus as a free action to the roll to confirm a Brutal Affront or Positive Complication to the next ally who rolls doubles.
Brutal Affront (lvl 2): uH, hIT tHEM! - The attack deals 1d6 extra damage and an ally of your choice may make a basic attack as a free action. (Grave Blunder: ...the target may make a basic attack as a free action.) Aggrievements, choose two of the following, later you may choose to gain a third (lvl 8):
Boon (lvl 3), gain the following power:
Rite of Stewardship Minor action - Encounter Target: One ally you can communicate with. Effect: On their next turn, the target ally may gain a second standard action in place of their move action. If they make an attack with the action and fail the roll, you lose your standard action on your next turn.
Fraymotif (lvl 5), gain the following power: Oath of Resolve Standard action - Encounter
Melee-Kind or Ranged-kind
Target: One creature Attack: Pul + your level + weapon precision vs. Will Hit: 2[W] + Pul modifier + your level damage, and you or an adjacent ally may regain hit points equal to twice your level.
Effect: Each ally who can hear you gains a +1 power bonus to attack and may shift 1 space as a minor action until the start of your next turn.
Blocking Strike Standard action – At-will Melee-kind Target: One creature Attack: Pul + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Pul modifier + your level damage, and one ally adjacent to you or the target gains temporary hit points equal to twice your level.
Cavalreaperʼs Lance Standard action – Encounter Melee- or Ranged-kind Target: One creature Effect: Before the attack, up to two allies adjacent to you or the target may shift 1 space each. Hit: 1[W] + Pul modifier + your level damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to defenses until the end of your next turn.
Encouraging Voice Standard action – At-will Close burst 5 Target: One ally in burst Hit: The target ally may make a basic attack as a free action with a +2 power bonus to the attack roll.
Jugglerʼs Dance Standard action – At-will
Melee-kind (Close burst 1) or Ranged kind (Close blast 3)
Target: Each enemy you can see in burst or blast Attack: Pul + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 1[W] damage, and the target grants combat advantage until the start of your next turn.
The Homestuck RPG 19
Class - "Slyph" Alternative titles: Envoy, Scourge, Seeker, Zephyr
Whatever the specifics may be, you are a person of strength tempered by discipline and self-control. Just like anybody else, though, you’re a multifaceted individual. Chances are there’s something you’re keeping hidden or repressed. It may be unrequited romantic feelings, regret over past actions, or simply the fact that you’ve been dead all along. Skaia may test you severely, but your trials and tribulations will surely mean great rewards for you in the end. You are a mighty warrior in your own right, capable of both devastating power and dizzying mobility. Attribute: Mangrit Skill Bonus: Mysterious Source - Gain a +4 bonus to Skaian Lore checks. Traits: Sylvan Reflexes - Gain a +2 bonus to Reflex.
Find Another Way To Help – If an ally you can communicate with suffers a Grave Blunder, you may choose to either grant them Hit Points equal to your level + 2, or give them a bonus to their next skill roll equal to your level + 2.
Brutal Affront (lvl 2): Razor Wind - You may charge another enemy in range as a free action. Your movement during the charge does not provoke opportunity attacks. If there is no qualifying target in charge range, your attack instead deals 1d8 extra damage to the target. (Grave Blunder: The target may make a melee basic attack against you for free). Aggrievements, choose two of the following, later you may choose to gain a third (lvl 8): Scourgeʼs Charge Standard action - At-Will Melee-kind Target: One creature Attack: Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 1(W) + Mgt modifier + twice your level damage. Special: You may use this power in place of the melee basic attack at the end of a charge. If you do so you have +2 speed on the charge.
Dual Attack Standard action - At-Will Melee-kind Target: Two creatures Attack: Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC; one attack per target Hit: 1(W) + your level damage. Effect: If you confirm a Brutal Affront or your attacks hit both targets, you are slowed until the end of your next turn as you recover your balance.
Boon (lvl 3), gain the following power: Mediate Free action - Encounter Personal - Communication Effect: Until the end of your next turn, every ally you can Communicate with receives an additional +1 bonus when Flanking or receiving the help of Aid Another.
Fraymotif (lvl 5), gain the following power: Make Them Pay Standard action - Encounter Melee-kind Attack: Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. Fortitude. Roll the attack three times. Hit: 2[W] + Mgt modifier + your level damage. For every hit after the first, add +1[W] damage. Special: You may use this power in place of the melee basic attack at the end of a charge.
Zephyrʼs Rush Standard action - At-Will Melee-kind Target: One creature Attack: Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 1(W) + your level damage, and you may shift 1 space. Special: You may use this power in place of the melee basic attack at the end of a charge. If you do so your turn does not automatically end because of the charge.
Passing Cuts Standard action - Encounter Melee-kind Primary Target: One creature Attack: Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Mgt modifier + twice your level damage. Effect: You shift up to 3 spaces and make a secondary attack.
Secondary Attack: One creature other then the primary target; Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Mgt modifier + twice your level damage.
The Homestuck RPG 20
Aspect - Blood Alternative aspects: Fire, Rage, Retribution
The aspect of blood is a primal one that links you to the essential wellspring of vitality. To be chosen for this aspect implies that you are a hot-blooded character, possibly with more bluster to your name then actual rancor towards others. You can control your own life essence, and even begin to intuitively aggressively impact the blood of your enemies. The aspect of blood often results in a rather grisly sort of Land, adventures through which tend to involve the pacifying of twisted natural processes as the player 'cleanses' the land of a threat likened to a virus or cancer. Attribute: Mangrit Skill bonus: Hot-headed - +4 to Trolling. Traits (lvl 4): Exsanguine - Whenever you deal damage to a bloodied target, you may re-roll a single
damage die of your choosing and take the better of the two results. Auto-Coagulation - Whenever you first gain ongoing damage from an attack or effect, you may make an immediate saving throw. If you pass the saving throw you are no longer effected by the ongoing damage, though any other effects still apply.
Brutal Affront (lvl 6): Blood Drain - The target of the attack gains 10 ongoing damage (save ends). (Grave Blunder: You take 10 damage, and 5 more damage at the start of your following turn.) Boon (lvl 7), gain the following power: Furious Reply Immediate Reaction - Recharge Personal Trigger: You are bloodied or reduced to 0 hp by an enemy's attack. Effect: You may use one of your Aggrievements or Fraymotifs as a free action with a +1 power bonus to the attack roll. You then gain temporary hit points equal to your Mangrit modifier. If you would have been reduced to 0 hp or fewer, you instead now have 1 hit point.
Aggrievement, you must choose between either this power or another from your class (lvl 8): Frenzied Strike Standard action - At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind Requirement: You must be bloodied. Target: 1 creature Attack: Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 2(W) + Mgt modifier + your level damage. Effect: You gain 5 temporary hit points.
Fraymotif (lvl 9), gain the following power: Blood-boil Standard action - Encounter Close burst 5 Target: One bloodied creature Attack: Mgt + your level + 1 vs. Fortitude Hit: 3d10 + Mgt modifier + your level damage, and the target gains ongoing 10 damage (save ends) Miss: Half damage and the target gains 5 ongoing damage (save ends).
The Homestuck RPG 21
Aspect - Breath Alternative aspects: Wind, Freedom, Sky, Air
Your aspect is one of shattered boundaries, specifically the confines of gravity that tie land-bound beings to the earth beneath them. The wind is yours to command and shape. Your land's quests may involve freeing trapped creatures of flight from some sort of spell that binds them, changing the weather of your Land, or linking lost tribes of consorts separated by distance. Attribute: Acumen Skill bonus: Great Leap - +4 to Athletics Traits (lvl 4): 'Lucky' Fall - You never take falling damage, regardless of distance. You may still end up prone on a failed Acrobatics check. Unfettered - Whenever you are slowed or immobilized by an attack or effect, you may make an immediate saving throw. If you pass the saving throw you are no longer affected by the slow or immobilize condition, though any other effects still apply. Brutal Affront (lvl 6): The attack deals 1d10 extra damage, and you can fly your speed as a free action. You do not trigger Opportunity Attacks for the first square you leave during this movement. (Grave Blunder: You take 1d10 damage and fall prone in an adjacent space of the target's choosing.) Boon (lvl 7), gain the following power: Spirit of Freedom Immediate Reaction - Recharge Personal Trigger: You are hit by an enemy's attack. Effect: You may immediately fly 4 squares, avoiding opportunity attacks during this movement. On your next turn you may take an additional standard action and have a Fly speed of 6.
Aggrievement, you must choose between either this power or another from your class (lvl 8): Descend Standard action - At-will Close burst 2 Requirement: You must have flown, jumped, or fallen a distance of at least 3 spaces since the end of your previous turn. Target: 1 creature in burst Attack: Acu + your level + 1 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d10 + Acu modifier + your level damage. Effect: You may push the target and each creature adjacent to you up to 1 space, and cannot use this power again until the next time you fulfill the power's Requirement.
Fraymotif (lvl 9), gain the following power:
The Windy Thing Standard action - Encounter Close burst 4 Target: Each enemy or unattended object in burst Attack: Acu + your level + 2 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d6 + your level damage, and you slide the target 3 spaces. Effect: You gain a Fly speed of 6 (hover), until the end of your next turn.
The Homestuck RPG 22
Aspect - Doom Alternative aspects: Judgment, Bane, Blight, Fate
You are a herald of destruction. Skaia’s reasoning behind including a Doom player are mysterious and possibly related to circ*mstances far in the future of the session… maybe you are destined to endure a great sacrifice so that your allies might live, or it is your fate to strike the final blow on the ultimate adversary. On the other hand perhaps you are meant to shed your fatalistic character traits and take control of your destiny. What is certain is your power, and it is momentous indeed. Your land is likely a grim place with bizarre inhabitants, and your final quest is statistically quite likely to end with its nearly complete destruction. Attribute: Pulchritude Skill bonus: End Prophet - +4 to Trolling. Traits (lvl 4): Certainty of Fate – Whenever you are bloodied, you gain Resist 3 to all damage. The resistance granted by this Trait stacks with any other Resistances you may have.
Aura of Apathy - Any enemy adjacent to you that attacks you takes a -1 penalty to attack rolls.
Brutal Affront (lvl 6): Crippling Paranoia - The attack deals 1d10 additional damage and the target of the attack may not make opportunity attacks against it’s enemies, but is forced to take every Opportunity Attack triggered by it’s own allies. This effect lasts until the end of your next turn. Boon (lvl 7), gain the following power: Shroud of Doom Immediate Interrupt - Recharge Personal Trigger: You are bloodied or reduced to 0 hp by an enemy's attack. Effect: You gain a +3 bonus to defenses against the triggering attack. If the attack would now miss, the target grants combat advantage to you and you may take an additional standard action on your next turn.
Aggrievement, you must choose between either this power or another from your class (lvl 8): Sundered Hopes Standard action - At-will Ranged 10 Target: 1 creature Attack: Pul + your level vs. Will Hit: Until the end of your next turn, the target takes a -3 penalty divided up between your choice of attack, defenses, and saving throws. You must distribute the penalty between at least two of those choices (ie. -2 to attack and -1 to defenses, or -1 to Attacks, Defenses, and saving throws… but not -3 to saving throws).
Fraymotif (lvl 9), gain the following power: Twisted Fate Standard action - Encounter Ranged 5 Target: One creature Attack: Pul + your level + 1 vs. Will Hit: 2d10 + your Pul modifier + your level damage. Whenever the target makes an attack roll, you may roll 2d10 and choose to replace its roll with yours (save ends). In addition, choose an ally within 5 spaces of you. The next time that ally attacks the target before the end of your next turn; you roll 2d10 and can replace the allyʼs roll with yours. Miss: The target takes a -4 penalty to itʼs next attack roll.
The Homestuck RPG 23
Aspect - Hope Alternative aspects: Change, Nobility, Love
???? Attribute: Pulchritude Skill bonus: Clear Perception - +4 to Perception. Traits (lvl 4): Dream of Defiance – Whenever you or an ally within 5 spaces fails a saving throw, the target gets a +2 bonus to saving throws until the end of their next turn.
Raising Spirits - Whenever you or an ally within 5 spaces reduces a non-Minion enemy to 0 HP, they gain temporary HP equal to your Pulchritude modifier + 1.
Brutal Affront (lvl 6): Momentum Shift – The target gains Vulnerable 5 to all attacks until the end of your next turn. Boon (lvl 7), gain the following power: Demand Greatness Minor action - Recharge Personal Effect: You gain an additional Standard action this turn, and one ally of your choice within 10 spaces may make a Basic Aggrievement as a free action.
Aggrievement, you must choose between either this power or another from your class (lvl 8): Defiant Strike Standard action - At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind Requirement: You or an ally adjacent to you must be bloodied. Target: 1 creature Attack: Pul + your level + your weapon precision vs. Will Hit: 1[W] + Pul modifier + twice your level damage, and until the end of your next turn each ally who attacks this target has a +2 power bonus to the attack roll.
Fraymotif (lvl 9), gain the following power: Never Back Down Immediate Reaction - Encounter Close burst 5 Trigger: You or an ally is reduced to 0 HP by an enemy in the burst Target: The triggering enemy in burst Attack: Pul + your level + 1 vs. Will Hit: 2d10 + your Pul modifier + your level damage, and the target is weakened (save ends). Effect: You or the ally that triggered this power regains 5 hit points.
The Homestuck RPG 24
Aspect - Keys Alternative aspects: Path, Passage, Riddles
You are a revealer of gateways. Everywhere you look the game whispers its secrets to you, and in your hand are the keys to the myriad locked doors that are placed in your friend’s paths. It would be foolish to assume that your powers extend only to the trivial challenges of the game, however. Skaia is kind to those that humor it's superficially banal puzzles, and when you clear the final lock of your world’s many intricate maze-like logic traps you may well uncover greater treasures then are even dreamed of. Attribute: Acumen Skill bonus: Holding the Keys - +4 to Mysteries Traits (lvl 4): Trap Master – You gain a +3 bonus to defenses against attacks from traps and
hazards. Whenever a trap or hazard misses your defenses, you may cause it to re-roll the attack against a single enemy that is either adjacent to you or is otherwise a valid target of the attack.
Cipher – You no longer grant combat advantage from being flanked or dazed. Brutal Affront (lvl 6): Chains of Woe - The attack deals 1d8 additional damage and the target of the attack is restrained until the end of your next turn. Boon (lvl 7), gain the following power: Gatekeeper Minor action - Recharge Personal Effect: Until the start of your next turn, you gain a +2 bonus to all defenses and each space adjacent to you is impassible terrain for your enemies. You also gain an additional standard action in this turn.
Aggrievement, you must choose between either this power or another from your class (lvl 8): Lock and Key Move action – At-Will Close burst 5 Target: One space in burst. Effect: One of the following effects is produced:
If there is a door (or a 1-space wide opening in a wall that could contain a door) in the space, it is closed and sealed immediately. It takes a standard action and either a successful Mysteries check of 13 + your level to unlock it, or a Mangrit check of 14 + your level.
If the space is clear terrain, it becomes difficult terrain. If the space is already difficult terrain, it also becomes dangerous terrain. Any creature that
enters or leaves the space takes automatic damage equal to 2 + your level. If there is a wall in the space, make a Mysteries check at a difficulty set by your GM. If you
succeed, you have created an unlocked door in the wall that leads to the other side. If you successfully create a door in this way, you may not use this power again in the encounter.
Special: These effects last until the end of the encounter. Fraymotif (lvl 9), gain the following power: The Way is Shut Standard action - Encounter Ranged 10 Effect: You create four traps in four separate spaces that last until the end of your next turn. While they last, each trap can make the following attack the first time it is triggered only. Opportunity Action – Close burst 1 Trigger: A creature moves adjacent to a space containing a trap. Target: The triggering creature Attack: Acu + your level vs. Reflex Hit: 2d6 + your level damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn. Special: This powerʼs attack counts as a Trap for the purpose of triggering your Trap Master trait.
The Homestuck RPG 25
Aspect - Life Alternative aspects: Heart, Pulse, Health
???? Attribute: Pulchritude Skill bonus: Life’s Advocate - +4 to Chumming. Traits (lvl 4): Pacifying Aura – Whenever an enemy is adjacent to you, it’s damage rolls are reduced by an amount equal to your Pulchritude modifier + 2.
Life’s Vigilance - For as long as you are not bloodied, you do not grant Combat Advantage.
Brutal Affront (lvl 6): Vital Surge – One ally within 5 spaces of you regains hit points equal to twice your level. Boon (lvl 7), gain the following power: Gift of Rejuvenation Minor Action - Recharge Personal Effect: You gain an additional standard action on this turn and 10 temporary hit points. One ally within 10 spaces of you gains Regeneration 5 (save ends).
Aggrievement, you must choose between either this power or another from your class (lvl 8): Life Transfer Standard action - At-will Ranged 5 Target: 1 creature Attack: Pul + your level + 1 vs. Fortitude Hit: The target takes damage equal to your Pulchritude modifier, and you or one ally within 5 spaces of you gains temporary hit points equal to 2 + your level.
Fraymotif (lvl 9), gain the following power: Beacon of Life Standard action - Encounter Ranged 10 Target: One unoccupied space Effect: You create a Beacon of Life in the target space. The Beacon has 10 hit points and defenses identical to yours. Any ally within 2 spaces of the Beacon has Cover and cannot grant Combat Advantage, while any enemies within 2 space of the Beacon are weakened. So long as the Beacon remains, you gain the following action. Minor action – At-will (Once per round only) Close burst 1 (from the Beacon) Effect: One ally in the burst regains 5 hit points.
The Homestuck RPG 26
Aspect - Light Alternative aspects: Radiance, Luck, Fortune
???? Attribute: Imagination Skill bonus: Bend Light - +4 to Stealth. Traits (lvl 4): Shroud of Light – You may spend a Move action on your turn to gain
Concealment until the start of your next turn. Vision x-fold – You can never be blinded or have a penalty to attack rolls worse then -1.
Brutal Affront (lvl 6): Overwhelming Light - The target takes 1d6 extra damage and is blinded until the end of its next turn. Boon (lvl 7), gain the following power: Steal Luck Free action - Recharge Personal Trigger: An enemy within 10 spaces of you rolls Doubles on an attack or skill roll. Effect: The target takes a -3 penalty to their Brutal Affront roll (if the monster has one). If the monster does not have a Brutal Affront, it instead takes damage equal to your level + your Imagination score. You gain a +3 bonus to your Brutal Affront confirmation until the end of the encounter.
Aggrievement, you must choose between either this power or another from your class (lvl 8): Retributive Light Standard Action - At-will Close burst 10 Target: One creature in burst. Requirement: The target must have included you in an attack since the end of your last turn. Attack: Imagination + your level + 2 vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d8 + Img modifier + your level damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
Fraymotif (lvl 9), gain the following power: Retina Burn Standard action - Encounter Close burst 4 Target: Each enemy in burst Attack: Img + your level + 1 vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d10 + your Img modifier + your level damage, and the target cannot see you (save ends). Miss: You have concealment from the target until the end of your next turn.
The Homestuck RPG 27
Aspect - Mind Alternative aspects: Thought, Synapse, Emotion
The choices people make really do matter… and in a system as steeped in paradox consequences and unusual temporal reach-arounds as Skaia, it can be easy to forget that simple fact. As the player in your session gifted with the powers of the mind it’s your job to remind everyone what the powers of their choices can mean. Your enemies are as puppets to your machinations, while allies will come to depend on you to guide them along the path of making the decisions most true to themselves. It is up to you to prove just how much can be changed by one person with the clarity of mind to see past deception and confusion. Attribute: Imagination Skill bonus: Sharp Intuition - +4 to Insight. Traits (lvl 4): Mental Superiority – You cannot be marked or forced to attack a target against your will. If a power would place a mark on you or dominate you, ignore those effects.
Labyrinthine Mind – You gain a +1 bonus to Will. You also have Resist 5 to any attacks that target your Will defense. The resistance granted by this Aspect Trait stacks with any other resistances that you might have.
Brutal Affront (lvl 6): Confounding Strike - The target is stunned until the end of its next turn. Boon (lvl 7), gain the following power: Clarity of Thought Free action - Recharge Personal Effect: You gain another Standard action in this turn and may immediately end any Stunned or Dazed conditions that are affecting yourself and up to one ally within 10 spaces of you.
Aggrievement, you must choose between either this power or another from your class (lvl 8): Push their Buttons Standard Action - At-will Ranged 10 Target: One creature. Attack: Imagination + your level vs. Will Hit: The target takes one of the following effects:
The creature uses a free action to make a Basic Aggrievement against a target of your choice with a +1 bonus to the attack roll.
You slide the target up to 3 spaces. Fraymotif (lvl 9), gain the following power: Contagious Madness Standard action - Encounter Ranged 5 Primary Target: One creature Attack: Img + your level + 2 vs. Will Hit: The target takes ongoing 15 damage and is dazed and slowed (save ends). First Aftereffect: One other enemy within 5 squares of the target takes 5 ongoing damage and is dazed (save ends). Second Aftereffect: One creature within 5 spaces other then the primary target takes 1d10 + Img modifier + your level damage.
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Aspect - Space Alternative aspects: Distance, Portals, Travel
Position, dimension, and span are your specialties. As you progress in mastery of your aspect you will begin to regard distances in a more fluid manner then your allies, until many common problems seem almost hilariously quaint by your standards. While your aspect is superficially like that of Breath, you deal in more esoteric problems and have a tendency to realign reality to suit yourself, as opposed to the other way around. Your land is the single most likely to be granted the Forge and the Frogs in the Medium, though for the fulfillment of what mysterious purposes are yet unknown. Attribute: Imagination Skill bonus: Spatial Reasoning - +4 to Mysteries Traits (lvl 4): Translocation - When you shift as a Move action during your turn, you may end your movement in another creature's space. If you do so with a Medium or smaller being, they are immediately teleported into the space you just left. With a Large or larger creature, slide it one square in a direction of your choosing, so long as it provides an empty space for you to occupy. Existential Stability - Whenever you are hit by a power that would slide or teleport you against your will, you may choose to make a saving throw. If the saving throw succeeds you are not effected by the slide or teleport. Brutal Affront (lvl 6): The attack deals 1d10 extra damage, and you can teleport the target 5 spaces into an unoccupied space (you may not teleport them into a hazard or over an empty space). (Grave Blunder: You take 1d10 damage, and your target teleports you 5 spaces with the same restrictions.) Boon (lvl 7), gain the following power: Twist the Fabric Minor action - Recharge Personal Effect: You may teleport up to 6 spaces and gain another Standard action in this turn. Until the end of your next turn you may teleport 1 space as a Free action whenever an enemy enters a space adjacent to you.
Aggrievement, you must choose between either this power or another from your class (lvl 8): Thinking with Portals Move action - At-Will Ranged 10 Target: Two unoccupied spaces in burst Target: One enemy adjacent to one of the selected squares. Attack: Img + your level +1 vs. Will Hit: The target is pushed 1 space away from the origin square. Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you and your allies may choose to treat the two spaces as adjacent for the purposes of movement, line of sight, and line of effect.
Fraymotif (lvl 9), gain the following power: Singularity Standard action - Encounter Ranged Burst 3 within 10 spaces Effect: Each creature in the burst is either pushed or pulled (your choice per individual creature) 2 spaces relative to the origin square. Target: Each creature within or adjacent to the origin square after the forced movement. Attack: Img + your level vs. Fortitude Hit: 2d8 + Img modifier + your level damage, and the target falls prone and cannot stand (save ends). Miss: Half damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn.
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Aspect - Time Alternative aspects: Clocks, Duplication, Moment
At some point early in your adventure, you discover or are granted by your consorts some form of time-travel artifact, often musically themed. Skaia has designated you for the task of custodian of your session's timeline, and it is your job to preserve the alpha timeline and patch up any number of problems that may arise over the course of your game's session. The aspect of Time can be a taxing one, and you will have many difficult decisions to make... do you use a brute force approach, employing legions of 'expendable' clones from doomed paradox timelines, or do you more carefully conserve temporal integrity, attempting to handle all of your problems personally with a single convoluted primary timeline? Attribute: Acumen Skill bonus: Seen it All - +4 to Skaian Lore. Traits (lvl 4): Rewind - Once per encounter when you make an attack or skill roll and fail, you may choose to use this class ability. If you do so, you cancel all actions you have taken this turn, returning to your starting space if you moved and regaining the use of any powers and actions you have expended. You may start your turn over from the beginning exactly as if nothing you did in the intervening time had ever happened. Disc Skip - Whenever you shift on your turn as a Move action, you may shift one extra space. Brutal Affront (lvl 6): Paradox Strike - The attack deals 1d8 extra damage and you may create a Time Clone in an unoccupied space within 5 spaces of you as a free action, even if you do not have the Time Clone power. (Grave Blunder: You take 1d8 damage and are removed from play and unable to take any actions until the end of your next turn. If your space is occupied when you return, you are slid to the nearest unoccupied space of the GM's choice.) Boon (lvl 7), gain the following power: A Helping Hand Immediate Reaction - Recharge Personal Trigger: You would be bloodied or reduced to 0 hp by an enemy's attack. Effect: You take half damage from the triggering attack and may create a Time Clone in an unoccupied space within 5 spaces of you as a free action (even if you do not have the Time Clone power). This Time Clone acts immediately after the triggering enemies' turn, and then disappears at the end of your next turn.
Aggrievement, you must choose between either this power or another from your class (lvl 8): Time Clone Standard action - At-will Close burst 5 Target: 1 unoccupied space in burst Effect: You create a Time Clone of yourself in the target space. The Time Clone acts in the initiative order directly after you and can take all the actions that you can take, except that it can't use Time aspect powers or Sylladex powers. Its statistics are the same as yours, except that it has only 1 hit point. Your Time Clone disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or at the end of your next turn.
Fraymotif (lvl 9), gain the following power: Me's a Crowd Standard action - Encounter Close burst 3 Target: Each enemy in burst Attack: Acu + your level + 3 vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + Acu modifier + your level damage. Effect: The power creates a zone in a close burst 3 that moves with you. The zone grants cover to you and your allies, and any enemy that willingly leaves a space within the zone triggers a Basic Aggrievements from you as an Opportunity Action, even if you normally would not have Reach or Range to the target's space. The zone lasts until the end of your next turn.
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Aspect - Void Alternative aspects: Abyss, Null, Entropy, Silence
Your journey includes lessons in Stoicism and the strength of emptiness… by distancing yourself from pain and desire you are meant to achieve the pinnacle of your personal quest. The Land of the Void player frequently uses the theme of lack in some way, oftentimes being nearly devoid of tonal pitch, muted in colors, or with some other abstract concept. Alternatively your land may be a raucous display of emotion and perception, and your possession of the aspect of Void is defined in opposition to the excessive elements of the Land. At the height of your power, you will be able to command the emptiness within yourself to consume material around you. Due to the analytical and self-reflective nature of this aspect, it is also fairly common for the player to be highly proficient in technical abilities as well. Attribute: Mangrit Skill bonus: Analytical Mind- +4 to Science. Traits (lvl 4): This Presents No Challenge to You – You have resistance 10 to any environmental
damage, such as that incurred from inclement weather, natural hazards, extremes of temperature, poisonous environments, and falling.
Endurance through Emptiness – You gain a +2 power bonus to all saving throws. Brutal Affront (lvl 6): Chaos Strike - The attack deals 1d8 + your level additional damage to the target, and the target takes a further 1d8 + your level extra damage at the start of its next turn. Boon (lvl 7), gain the following power: Master of Void Minor action - Recharge Personal Effect: You gain another Standard action in this turn, and may choose to either flush a Void card from your Sylladex hand or gain Resistance 5 to all damage until the start of your next turn.
Aggrievement, you must choose between either this power or another from your class (lvl 8): Encroaching Entropy Immediate Reaction - At-will Close burst 2 Trigger: A creature in the burst hits you with an attack and deals damage. Target: The triggering enemy. Attack: Mangrit + your level vs. Fortitude Hit: The target gains ongoing damage equal to your level and takes a -1 penalty to all defenses (save ends). Effect: You lose your Standard action on your next turn.
Fraymotif (lvl 9), gain the following power: Sphere of Dissolution Standard action - Encounter Close burst 2 Target: Each creature and object in burst Attack: Mgt + your level vs. Reflex Hit: 3d8 + Mgt modifier + your level damage. The attack deals 1d10 extra damage to unattended objects. Effect: The powerʼs area creates a zone of difficult terrain for any creature besides you. This zone lasts until the end of the encounter.
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Aspect - Zen Alternative aspects: Balance, Intuition, Meditation
You are a study in contrasts. You have strength, but tempered by reason. You are solid in your stance, but you know how to give ground. Your Land may be an idyllic world of hermetic sanctuaries and artistically jumbled terrain under siege by Dersite forces, or it may be horribly in discord and oppressed. Either way all wrongs will soon be righted, for you know that with the help of your actions all balances are enforced in time. Attribute: Mangrit Skill bonus: Center of Balance - +4 to Acrobatics. Traits (lvl 4): Turn the Tables- So long as an enemy is flanking you, you have combat advantage
against that target. If an enemy flanking you misses you with an attack, you may knock the creature it was flanking with prone.
Give and Take – Whenever you are pushed, pulled, or slid by an effect, you may choose to shift 3 spaces in a direction of your choice immediately after the forced movement. Brutal Affront (lvl 6): Equilibrium Strike – Whenever the target deals damage to you or your allies, it deals half of that damage to itself (save ends). (Grave Blunder: Whenever you deal damage, you also deal half damage to yourself, [Save Ends]…) Boon (lvl 7), gain the following power: Balanced Assault Standard Action - Recharge Personal Effect: Choose an Aggrievement or Fraymotif that you can use as a Standard action. You perform the chosen action twice, with a +2 bonus to any attack rolls. You must choose at least one different target for the two attacks.
Aggrievement, you must choose between either this power or another from your class (lvl 8): Perfect Reflection Immediate Reaction - At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind Trigger: You are hit by an attack that grants a status condition. Target: The triggering creature Attack: Mgt + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 1(W) damage, and the target is given the exact same status effect that it gave you. The duration of the effect is linked to yours. As soon as your condition ends, so does the effect on the target.
Fraymotif (lvl 9), gain the following power: Redirect the Lifestream Standard action - Encounter Ranged 5 Target: One creature in range Attack: Mgt + your level + 1 vs. Fortitude Hit: The target is weakened and slowed (save ends). Miss: Choose one ally within 5 spaces of you (or you, if there are no allies in range). That person takes 10 damage, which cannot be reduced by any means. Effect: You or one ally within 5 spaces (that was not targeted by the Miss effect) may regain hit points equal to half of their Bloodied value.
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Troll - Your tough skin grants you Resist 1. At 5th level this improves to Resist 2, and at 9th level to Resist 3. - Strife is a way of life on Alternia. You gain a +2 bonus to Initiative rolls. - While your interior structure is tougher then the weak calcium-based bones of some other species that could be mentioned, your rigidly chitinous internal biology makes it less easy to bounce back from severe wounds. When you use a Second Wind, the hit points you regain are only 1/2 of your Bloodied value. - If you have any skill bonuses to Chumming at the end of character creation, you may choose to exchange the skill bonus for equivalent bonuses to Trolling. Bestial - +1 to your choice of Acrobatics, Athletics, or Perception. You take a -1 penalty to Science. -You gain a +1 bonus to Reflex. Your speed increases by +1. -Unfortunately, the esoteric 'science' behind Skaia's alchemy-based item creation system just comes across as completely befuddling to you. At each level, you gain half of a point fewer Alchemization points then you normally would. Therefore you'll have only .5 of an alchemy point at 2nd level, 1.5 at 3rd level, etc. -If you wish you may exchange one of your Class's starting Aggrievements for Natural Weapons. Natural Weapons Standard action - At-will Melee 1 Target: One creature Attack: Mgt or Acu + your level vs. Reflex. Make the attack two times. Hit (one attack: 1d6 + twice your level damage. Hit (both attacks): 2d6 + twice your level damage. Effect: If you hit with both attacks - If you used Mangrit as the ability score for this attack, then you may push the target 2 spaces and slow it until the end of your next turn. If you used Acumen as the ability score for this attack, then you instead daze the target until the start of your next turn.
Construct -You no longer need to eat, drink, or breathe. You gain a +1 bonus to Fortitude. -You gain Resist 2. At 4th level this changes to Resist 3, at 6th level to Resist 4, and at 9th level to Resist 5. -You can never gain the benefits of a Second Wind or any other forms of Hit Point restoration in battle, although you may still benefit from temporary hit points and may auto-repair yourself to full HP at the end of hostilities just as other characters do. -If you 'die' and your remains can be recovered, a competent ally may restore you to life (assuming they possess the proper tools and resources) with a hard Science check (or a series of lesser checks and more time spent at the task). -If you wish you may exchange one of your Class's starting Aggrievements for Vice Grip. Vice Grip Standard action - At-will Melee 1 Target: One creature Attack: Mgt or Acu + your level vs. Reflex Hit: 1d10 + twice your level damage, and the target is immobilized and grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn. If you leave a space adjacent to the target the effect immediately ends.
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Flyer -You have a lighter skeletal structure in order to accommodate flight. You have 5 fewer hit points then is normal at first level. At 7th level this changes to 10 fewer hit points. -You have a Fly speed of 8. When you fly you take a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your turn. - If you wear heavy armor, your Fly speed decreases to 6. Incorporeal - You gain 1/2 your normal hit points at first level, and 1/2 of the hit points you normally would every time you level up (round down fractions). - Your carrying weight is only 1/5 of what is normal for your Mangrit score. - You have the Insubstantial property. - You take no penalties for squeezing into tight spaces that can contain at least a Tiny creature. - Your base speed is unchanged, but you may also hover above the ground as you move. - If you wish you may exchange one of your Class's starting Aggrievements for Phasing Strike. Phasing Strike Standard action - At-will Melee- or Ranged-kind Effect: Both before and after the attack, you may shift 2 spaces. You may ignore any barriers or enemies in your path as if you had Phasing during this movement. Target: One creature Attack: Mangrit/Acumen/Pulchritude/Imagination + your level + weapon precision vs. AC Hit: 1(W) + your level damage. Special: The ability score used for attack and damage is determined by the Kind Abstratus in use.
Insectoid -You gain a +1 bonus to AC and +1 Fortitude. -You have 4 fewer hit points than normal at first level. At 4th level this changes to 8 fewer hit points, and to 12 fewer hit points at level 9. Lucid Dreamself - +1 to Skaian Lore and Mysteries checks. - Whenever you fail a Brutal Affront confirmation for a skill roll during a non-combat scenario (ie. a Scrutiny), you immediately fall asleep for 1d10 minutes in addition to any other effects. - Your dreamself is awake, which may entail many other story effects Empathic Connection - Whenever an ally who also has this template takes damage equal to your level + 5 or more, you take damage equal to your level that cannot be reduced by any means. - Whenever an ally who also has this template receives healing or temporary hit points, you regain health or temporary hit points equal to your level (divided by) 2, rounded up. - Whenever an ally who also has this template scores a Brutal Affront, you gain a +1 racial bonus to skill and attack rolls until the end of your next turn. - Whenever an ally who also has this template rolls a Grave Blunder, you gain a -1 racial penalty to skill and attack rolls until the end of your next turn. Physically Challenged -Your base speed is reduced to 3 and may not be improved by any other template or class trait OR you may only ever wield one-handed Strife Specibi and cannot hold anything in your off-hand. - You may distribute a +2 and a +1 bonus to any two skills of your choice besides Athletics. You take a -2 penalty to Athletics.
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Plant - Your base speed decreases by -1, and you take a -2 penalty to Initiative rolls. - Whenever you are pushed or pulled, you may reduce the distance of the effect by 1. This means that you can choose to completely ignore any push or pull effects of only 1 space. - Whenever an attack would knock you prone, you may make an immediate saving throw. If the saving throw succeeds you may remain standing. Savant - Alchemy comes easily to you, and you can come up with item combinations that others might not have considered. At each level, you gain one half of a point more Alchemization points then you normally would. Therefore you'll have 1.5 alchemy points at 2nd level, 2.5 at 3rd level, etc. - Gain a +1 bonus to your choice of Perception, Science, or Chumming. - An open mind can be a dangerous thing. You take a -1 penalty to Will. Whenever you are dazed, you take a -2 penalty to attack and skill rolls for as long as the effect lasts. Telekinetic - Because of your heightened mental sensitivity, you take a -1 penalty to Will and have Vulnerability equal to your level to attacks that target Will. - You can manipulate unattended objects from up to 5 spaces away from you as if you were holding them in your hand. For example, you can open a door as a minor action or push a boulder as a standard action. You take a -2 penalty to the attack rolls of attacks you make using this trait. - You can shield yourself with a flickering field of mental energy. When you use your Second Wind, you gain an additional +1 bonus to your AC and Reflex defenses in addition to the normal defense bonuses. - If you wish you may exchange one of your Class's starting Aggrievements with TK Crush. If your character has chosen to completely ignore a standard Strife Deck in favor of telekinetic attacks solely, you could represent this through a Kind Abstratus such as Heavy Rangedkind or something similar. Otherwise you may use this power alongside any other Abstratus of your choice to represent more of a 'dabbling' in mental powers. TK Crush Standard action - At-will Ranged 5 Target: One creature Attack: Img or Acu + your level vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + twice your level damage, and you may push the target up to 3 spaces.
Telepathic - Because of your heightened mental sensitivity, you take a -1 penalty to Will and have Vulnerability equal to your level to attacks that target Will. - You gain a +1 bonus to Insight and your choice of either Chumming or Trolling. - While you 're conscious, you and each ally within 10 spaces of you can mentally communicate with one another. - If you wish you may exchange one of your Class's starting Aggrievements with Psyche Lance. If your character has chosen to completely ignore a standard Strife Deck in favor of telepathic attacks solely, you could represent this through a Kind Abstratus such as Light Rangedkind or something similar. Otherwise you may use this power alongside any other Abstratus of your choice to represent more of a 'dabbling' in mental powers. Psyche Lance Standard action - At-will Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Imagination or Pulchritude + your level vs. Will Hit: 2d6 + your level damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
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Undead - You are slow to react to danger, but are blessed with convenient immunity to many ailments of the living flesh. Take a -2 penalty to all Initiative rolls. You have a -1 penalty to Reflex and a +1 bonus to Fortitude. Finally you are immune to any diseases (although you may be an unwitting carrier of some!) - At the start of any turn in which you are wounded but still conscious, you regain hit points equal to your level. - You may replace one of your starting Aggrievements with Draining Touch: Draining Touch Standard action - At-will Melee 1 Target: One creature Attack: Mangrit or Acumen + your level vs. Reflex Hit: 1d12 + Mgt or Acu modifier + your level damage, and you gain temporary hit points equal to twice your level.
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Server Player Combat
As a server player operating to help your client player, most of the time your tasks will involve the construction of ever-higher building construction on your client’s house, an activity that will most often be a somewhat leisurely secondary task attended to whenever you have a spare moment near a computer. However when push comes to shove there is nothing stopping you from using the tools of SBURB’s reality interaction software as an offensive weapon to help your Client player survive! If you are a Server Player for a Client who has just entered the Medium or is in the vicinity of their house, you can help them fight enemies as well. Rather then actually fighting alongside the player as your normal character, you temporarily don the guise of the “Server Cursor” in order to help out. Don’t forget any Communication abilities or Traits you might have, which can also help from a long distance! Cursor’s statistics Hit Points If a single attack deals damage to the Cursor equal to 6 + your level, the Cursor suffers a server time-out connection failure and temporarily disappears. You must spend a Standard action to resummon the Cursor, and it always appears in a square of your choice within 5 spaces of your Client player. Defenses The Cursor has an Armor Class of 15 + your level, and Fortitude, Reflex, and Will of 12 + your level. Size The Cursor occupies it’s space just as a Medium-sized creature does. It can flank with your allies. Movement The Cursor has a movement speed of 8 with Flying. It sure can zoom around! It triggers opportunity attacks as normal however, so be careful. Skills, etc. Since the Cursor is merely an extension of the Server player’s will, it cannot have a skill modifier or an inherent initiative score. Simply use the Server player’s values for these traits if they are found necessary. Play-style Not everyone has the same aptitude for Server combat. The first time you begin a combat as a Server player, choose one of the three following play-styles to represent your particular inclinations towards being a Server Player. Each Playstyle grants a Cursor Boon and an At-will power.
• Competent – You have pinpoint control of your cursor and use it to effectively jab and harm enemies whose guard is down. Any ally adjacent to your cursor or flanking with it gains a bonus to damage rolls equal to your level + 1. You gain the Sharp Retort power.
Sharp Retort Opportunity action - At-will Melee 1 Trigger: An enemy leaves a space adjacent to your cursor without shifting. Target: The triggering enemy Attack: Your highest ability score + your level vs. Reflex Hit: 1d12 + your level damage.
• Bumbling – You can’t seem to figure out this Server thing too well, and the confused antics of
your cursor are both indirectly humorous to allies and confounding to enemies. Allies adjacent to your cursor gain a +2 bonus to Saving Throws, and you are so used to suffering from connection drops that you can summon your cursor as a Minor action on your turn instead of a Standard action. You gain the Distracting Server Crash power.
Distracting Server Crash Standard action - At-will Melee 1 Target: One enemy Effect: Your cursor disappears, and one ally within 5 spaces of the target enemy may make a basic attack with a +1 power bonus to attack and a power bonus to damage equal to your level.
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• Antagonistic – Your cursor is a constant nuisance, drawing maximum attention possible to it and
away from your Client ally. Any ally who provokes an opportunity attack by entering or leaving a space adjacent to your cursor gains a +3 bonus to defenses against the Opportunity attack. You gain the Cursor Pester power.
Cursor Pester Standard action - At-will Melee 1 Target: The triggering enemy Attack: Your highest ability score + your level vs. Will Hit: 1d10 + your level damage, and one ally within 2 spaces of your cursor can shift 2 spaces as a free action. Effect: The target is marked by your cursor until the end of its next turn. Any attacks that it makes that do not include the cursor take a -2 penalty to the attack roll.
Aggrievements, At level 1, all Server Players regardless of their Play-style have the following powers:
“Clean Up” Minor action - At-will
Ranged 5
Target: One space (must be within 10 spaces of your Client player) Effect: The space becomes difficult terrain until the end of the encounter.
Distracting Poke Standard action - At-will Melee 1 Target: The triggering enemy Attack: Your highest ability score + your level vs. Fortitude Hit: The target either grants combat advantage or is slowed until the end of its next turn (Your choice).
Revise Room Move action - Encounter
Close Burst 2 (the origin space must be within 5 spaces of your Client player)
Target: One creature Attack: Your highest Attribute score + your level vs. Reflex Effect: Any areas of difficult or impassible terrain in the area of the power are turned into normal terrain. Any walls in the area of the power are removed... line of sight and line of effect, as well as movement may be freely traced through them now. These effects last until the end of the encounter, perhaps permanently if your Client is happy with your creative redesigns.
Drop the Load Gaper Standard action - Encounter Close Burst 1 (You must be within 10 spaces of your Client player) Target: Each enemy in burst Attack: Your highest Attribute score + your level vs. Reflex Hit: 1d12 + your level damage, and the target is pushed 2 spaces away from the origin space. Miss: The target is pushed 1 space away from the origin space.
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The Sprite Each player who enters the Medium is granted (or more accurately, somewhat inwittingly creates) a cryptic companion known as a Sprite. The Sprite begins life as a Kernelsprite, which is a silent sphere (or possibly two-dimensional circle) that flashes with an inner elemental light and is released when the Cruxtruder is first opened. The Kernelsprite will hover about expectantly and spew tones in an irritating binary drawl until a suitable object has been selected for Prototyping and offered to it, at which point the Kernelsprite may reject or accept the prototyping on the terms of it’s own baffling logic. Once the Kernelsprite is prototyped it changes to display an abstract representational image of the prototyping and begins to spout slightly more complicated babble, but is otherwise impossible to make comprehensible until the Medium has been entered. Once in the Medium, the Sprite acts as a guide to the player, describing game terms and explaining details, usually with an air of mystifying vagueness. If you wish to learn information from your Sprite, your GM may request a Skaian Lore or Insight check to discern the seeds of truth from the riddles that your Sprite is programmed to tell you. Aside from acting as a perplexing mentor to the game, the Sprite also has rather strong powers intended for use to protect new players from succumbing to the dangers of Skaia too early into the game. Whenever a player is at the table but unable to directly participate in a combat due to distance, your GM may give them the opportunity to take control of a Sprite and fight alongside the other players. Don’t forget to use your Communication-keyword Class powers and Traits to help as well!
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Sprite’s statistics Hit Points The Sprite has hit points equal to (your level x 6) + 20. Defenses The Sprite has an Armor Class of 16 + your level, and Fortitude, Reflex, and Will of 13 + your level. Skills A Sprite has a skill modifier in either Trolling or Chumming equal to it’s level + 6. A Sprite has training in Skaian Lore, but no skill modifier. The extent of its knowledge (or perhaps more precisely, its willingness to reveal what it knows in a clear fashion) is set by the GM. Size The Sprite occupies its space just as a Medium-sized creature does. It can flank with your allies. Movement The Sprite has a movement speed of 6 with Flying. Sprite Archetype Depending on what they were prototyped with, Sprites may tend towards a few different behavior patterns. If none of the following types works perfectly to describe the nature of your sprite, just pick one close to what you want to achieve and reflavor it to your taste.
• Trickster – Once per encounter as a free action, a Trickster can extend one of the effects it gives to an enemy to end at the end of the next turn, rather then it’s current turn. A Trickster Guardian also gains an extra +1 bonus to attacks with Sprite Blast.
• Guardian – Whenever a Guardian Sprite attacks an enemy with a Melee attack, the Guardian marks that target until the end of the Sprite’s next turn.
• Caring – Once per encounter as a minor action, the Caring Sprite can allow an ally within 5 spaces to regain hit points equal to half of their bloodied value.
• Malevolent – The Malevolent Sprite deals 1d10 extra damage to enemies that it attacks when it has Combat Advantage against them.
The Sprite has the following powers. Sprite Strike Standard action - At-will Melee 1 Target: One enemy Attack: 7 + your level vs. AC Hit: 1d12 + your level damage. Special: This power is a Melee Basic attack, and may be used as an Opportunity Attack, with a Charge, or anywhere else a Melee Basic may be used. Cryptic Communication Immediate Interrupt - Encounter Close burst 5 Trigger: An ally in the burst is hit by an attack. Target: The triggering ally Effect: The ally gains a +2 bonus to defense against the attack.
Sprite Blast Standard action – At-will
Close Blast 3 or Ranged 10 (choose every time you make this attack)
Target: Each enemy in blast / One enemy in range Attack: 3 + your level vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d8 + your level damage, and the target is either slowed or takes a -1 penalty to attacks until the end of your next turn (your choice which).
Point out the Weakness Standard Action - Encounter
Melee 1 or Ranged 5 (choose every time you make this attack
Target: One enemy Attack: 7 + your level vs. AC Hit: 2d8 + twice your level damage, and the enemy takes a -1 penalty to all defenses until the end of your next turn.
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d10 Skill Key ability Class - Aspect granting bonus 1 Acrobatics Acumen Page - Zen 2 Athletics Mangrit Knight - Breath 3 Chumming Pulchritude Witch - Life 4 Insight Pulchritude Heir - Mind 5 Mysteries Acumen / - Keys, Space 6 Perception Imagination Thief - Hope 7 Science Imagination Mage - Void 8 Skaian Lore Imagination Sylph - Time 9 Stealth Acumen Seer - Light 10 Trolling Pulchritude / - Blood, Doom
At the end of character creation, you will have 3 trained skills. One is granted by your Class, one comes from your Aspect, and one that is randomly determined by rolling a d10 and comparing to the table above. You gain +4 to a skill from training. If you gain training in the same skill from multiple sources, these bonuses stack. (If you are the Knight of Breath, you gain +8 to Athletics, for example.) If your random skill is a skill you already have trained once, your GM may allow you to reroll your third skill. Your total skill roll is determined by this formula: (2d10) + Level + Ability Modifier + Training Acrobatics (Acu): Acrobatics is the skill for feats of agility. If it’s a physical activity and it’s based more on dexterity than brute strength, it’s probably Acrobatics. Examples: Escape restraints (Difficulty varies, move action), Move at half speed across a narrow or unstable surface (Moderate) Athletics(Mgt): Athletics is the skill for feats of strength. If it’s a physical activity that relies mainly on the power of your muscles, it’s probably Athletics. Examples: Jump!(DC 5 per 5 feet covered, part of move action) Climb!(Difficulty varies, move action) Swim!(Medium in rough waters, move action) Chumming(Plc): Chumming is the skill for friendly interaction. You can’t get anywhere without friends, after all. Examples: Befriend the nice girl next door.(Easy) Befriend the troll who hates you.(Moderate) Befriend the guy trying to stab you in the face right now.(Hard) Insight (Plc): Insight is the skill for reading others. If this is high enough, they might as well not even try lying. Examples: See through a lie (DC depends on liar’s Trolling check), Read another’s emotional state(Moderate) Mysteries (Acu): Mysteries is the skill for “practical” knowledge about the game world. Examples: How do I open this sealed Boonbuck chest? (Difficulty varies) Where does this portal lead? (Moderate) How do I solve this puzzle? (Difficulty varies) Perception (Img): Perception is the skill for noticing things. You can make a Perception check when you could first notice something, or attempt it again later as a minor action. Examples: Find a hiding person (DC depends on hiding person’s Stealth check), Find an
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obvious clue (Easy), Find a well-hidden object (Moderate), Follow a set of faint tracks across metal(Hard) Science (Img): Science is the skill for, well, science. Both general knowledge of it and its applications. Example: Write computer programs (Moderate), Diffuse a bomb (Hard), Hack into a secure computer(Hard) Skaian Lore (Img): Skaian Lore is the skill for knowing about how this game really works. Example: What’s with all these gates? (Easy), What exactly is an “Agent”? (Moderate), Who is this “Lord English” fellow I keep hearing about? (Hard) Stealth (Acu): Stealth is the skill for, well, acting stealthy. Moving around and not being seen while you do it. Examples: Hide (Make a Stealth check at the end of your move action, DC is observer’s Perception check, requires cover or concealment), Remaining hidden while moving faster then 2 spaces (Make another Stealth check at -5 as a part of the move action) Trolling (Plc): TROLLING IS THE SKILL FOR ANTAGONISTIC INTERACTION. LYING, CHEATING, REGULAR OLD INSULTS, DOESN’T MATTER. GOT IT, f*ckASS? Examples: Lie (DC is listener’s Insight check), Intimidate Imps (Moderate), Befriend someone in the most jerkish way possible (As with Chumming, but one difficulty rung higher)
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Gear Choosing the Kind Abstratus you wish to make a permanent feature of your Strife Deck is a pretty momentous step in the life of any SBURBian, which is why you should probably base the decision on what you think will make you look most awesome when you strike a team pose. Or you suppose that you could look at the chart on the next page and decide what will give you the best benefit for your fighting style... There are several Kinds of Abstrata listed below, at first level you must choose ONE to be the primary tool of aggression for your budding player. Note that each Abstrata has two ‘Modes’ that you may swap between as a Minor action (you may only do this up to once per round). You may only exchange a one-handed attack modus for a two-handed one if the other hand is currently free! An Abstratus' statline tells you which of your attributes you use to perform a Basic Aggression with, the bonus you add to attacks with the weapon (precision), and how much damage the weapon deals on a hit. See the example for a Basic Agress after the Abstratus charts in order to see how these apply.
Auto-Parry: Whenever a Player is wielding a weapon one-handed and has nothing in their spare hand, their Armor Class is raised by +1 to indicate the ease with which they may defend themselves as compensation for the lost attack power. If you wish to make this a permanent feature of your character concept by envisioning them as a shield-bearing warrior (or for that matter with a dedicated parrying dagger or any other similar concept), then go right ahead. While this may seem limiting at first, there is a potential benefit down the road: a dedicated Shield is a valid alchemization point for Defensive Alchemy, and in fact this is the only known way to benefit from TWO Defensive Alchemy collectibles at one time. More on that later.
*Finesse Meleekind - Agile weapons that fit well in the palm of the hand and lend themselves to a pinpoint attack style. Drown your opponent in a flurry of accurate jabs, and pair them up one to a hand for even more extreme jabbery. Finesse melee-kind weapons are special because they can either do pathetic pinpricks or on occasion more powerful spikes of damage, depending on the skill and luck of the wielder at successfully hitting an opponent’s weak spots. When you successfully hit with a melee-kind weapon, note whether your final attack roll came up Odds or Evens. If the final roll result is Odds, use the first (lower) damage value. If Evens, use the italicized second (higher) damage value to resolve your attack. Examples of Finesse weapons include small knives, clawed gloves, nunchaku, and knitting needles (the kind you poke things with). Bladed Meleekind - A step above Finesse in terms of dependable power, these include many sorts of reasonably heavy bladekind abstratii, such as sickles, hatchets, gladius, hands-and-a-half, cheap piece-of-sh*t katanas, SORDS... and the like. These weapons lend themselves most to an artful two-handed fighting style, although if you happen to be lacking an arm due to an unfortunate prototyping incident (or because you desire to defend yourself with your off-hand) you might well find this style to your liking nonetheless. Crushing Meleekind - It'll take some hefting and more then a little Grit (or perhaps a dashing devil-may-care insouciance born of your overpowering Pulchritude) to wield these mighty weapons, but the effects are generally worth it. Or so you believe, though the occasional catastrophic miss might convince your allies otherwise. This category extends to many kinds of hammers, flails, warpicks, power gauntlets, chainsaws lipstick tubes, long-handled executioner's axes, claymores, and other unwieldy tools of destruction.
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*Finesse Melee-kind One-handed Precision: +3 Damage: 1d6 / 2d4 Acu or Img Dual-wielding Precision: +3 Damage: 2d4 / 2d6 Acu or Img Bladed Melee-kind One-handed Precision: +3 Damage: 1d8 Acu or Plc Two-handed Precision: +3 Damage: 1d12 Acu or Plc
Crushing Melee-kind One-handed Precision: +2 Damage: 1d10 Mgt or Plc Two-handed Precision: +2 Damage: 2d8 Mgt or Plc
‡Fist-kind Jab Precision: +3 Damage: 1d6 Mgt Smash Precision: +2 Damage: 2d6 Mgt
~Reaching Melee-kind Defensive Haft Precision: +2 Damage: 1d10 Img or Mgt or Plc Long Prod Precision: +2 Damage: 1d12 Img or Mgt or Plc
‡Fistkind - sometimes the simplest really is the best, assuming that you've got what it takes to handle this most gritty of Kind Abstratii. Fistkind is a unique category and benefits from a couple rules not covered above. First of all it's easy to see that while it is flexible and can be either powerful or accurate, Fistkind is still a bit behind the others in damage curve. Fear not though, for you gain some handy side-benefits as remuneration. First, Fistkind users are equally proficient at using their heads, knees, elbows, found items, and horns (?) for attack, and thus suffer no penalty for holding items in both hands when they wish to exact a quick Jab or even a mighty Smash upon the unwary. However, you will still need to have placed yourself in the Jab one-handed attack modus if you wish to benefit from Auto-Parry. Finally, it's pretty hard to catch a Fistkind user in a situation where they don't have their weapons available to them. ~Reaching Meleekind - Poke them from afar before they get close, utilizing a long-handled culling instrument, spear, glaive or naginata, grasping stick-mounted pincers, or flexible segmented canes. When using Reaching Meleekind in two hands, you may make a melee attack from as far away as two spaces rather then directly adjacent as normal. The mode of 'Defensive Haft' is for all intents and purposes the exact same as fighting one-handed with any other weapon in order to gain Auto-Parry, and may not be used to attack with Reach. Light Rangedkind - Here are organized your sundry pistols, crossbows, pocket ballistae, throwing darts, shuriken, javelins, .22 rifles, pin-point energy rays, slings, arrows, and outrageous fortunes. ***Heavy Rangedkind - All manner of heavy artillery, this category encompasses psychic eye beams, mighty rifles, harpoon guns, harpoon guns which are mysteriously somehow also mighty rifles, the telekinetic use of bladed objects or rocks as giant hurled weapons, the physical use of bladed objects or rocks as giant etc. etc., and of course knitting needles (the kind that you cast fearsome eldritch spells with). Because they are generally either ponderous or distracting to use, any opportunity attacks that you provoke by use of Heavy Ranged-kind grant the attacker a +1 attack bonus against you, so be wary! ****Randomkind - You'd have to be some kind of lunatic or gambling junky to seriously want to make this Abstratus work, but here it is. Randomkind works well to represent the bizarre attacks of an unstable energy cannon, pleas to a capricious Higher Power that is somehow responsible for your every offensive action, the spontaneous conjuration of unpredictable forces,
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or the fickle caress of the deadly Dicekind Abstratus. Randomkind is a ranged power. Every time you prepare to attack with Randomkind, roll 1d4 first to determine the power, precision, and range of your attack. If you find yourself out of range to make your attack, your action is lost as your attack fails immediately! Also note, you may never gain an Auto-Parry bonus when you wield Randomkind. Nobody said putting your trust in Luck was going to be a fair deal!
Light Ranged-kind One-handed Precision: +3 Damage: 1d8 Acu or Img or Plc Range: 5 Two-handed Precision: +3 Damage: 1d12 Acu or Img or Plc Range: 10
Heavy Ranged-kind*** One-handed Precision: +2 Damage: 1d10 Acu or Img or Mgt Range: 10 Two-handed Precision: +2 Damage: 2d8 Acu or Img or Mgt Range: 15
Random-kind**** 1d4 => 1 Precision: +1 Damage: 2d10 Acu or Img Range: 5 1d4 => 2 Precision: +2 Damage: 1d12 Acu or Img Range: 10 1d4 => 3 Precision: +3 Damage: 1d8 Acu or Img Range: 10 1d4 => 4 Precision: +4 Damage: 1d6 Acu or Img Range: 15
Whenever you just want to perform a simple whack/slice/shot/etc. using the weapon in your strife deck against an Imp or other unruly underling without any strange frill on the attack from your class, you are performing a Basic Aggrievement.
Basic Aggrievement Standard action - At-Will Melee- or Ranged-kind
Target: One creature
Attack: Mgt/Acu/Plc/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 1(W) + Mgt/Acu/Plc/Img modfier+ your level damage.
Special: The ability score used for attack and damage is determined by the Kind Abstratus in use.
Probably the first thing you'll want to do after getting a working Alchemiter is to alchemize yourself some slick new duds. That is obviously the most important thing you could possibly be doing right then. Fortunately, this actually really does help defend you from the injustices and privations of a cruel SBURBan world, above and beyond the obvious self-esteem boost.
Armor type Bonus Light Armor (Plush Robes, Long-sleeve Shirt and Jeans, etc.)
+3 to Armor Class, add Img or Acu modifier to AC
Heavy Armor (Suit and Tie, Lab Coat, Elaborately Frilled Dress, similar)
+7 to Armor Class, -1 to Speed
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The statistics for weapons and armor listed above represent the most basic forms of their categories. As you progress in the game and proceed to alchemize ever more advanced/ridiculous combinations of items, it is likely that you will end up Collecting and then using more advanced weapons and armor that enhance the statistics of the above items. In almost every case you will find that alchemized items which you Collect modify one or another statistic, but are otherwise equivalent to a category. For example, the mighty hammer Fear No Anvil is identified as a Two-Handed Crushing Meleekind weapon. Therefore aside from exceptions where noted on the Alchemy card for Fear No Anvil, it can be safely assumed that Fear No Anvil could be used in a Basic Aggrievement with either Mangrit or Pulchritude as the attacking statistic for it, would grant a +2 precision bonus, could not be used to gain the Auto- Parry bonus whenever it is being wielded, etc.
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The worlds in which SBURB is introduced are universally in possession of a strange and powerful method of personal item storage; the Sylladex. Unfortunately, this amazing tool is crippled by painful sub-systems of card management that tend to turn even the most mundane activities into a nightmare of tangled logic parsing. Rather then delve directly into that nightmare, the Homestuck RPG utilizes a slightly-less migraine inducing alternative. Or at least, now everyone suffers equally. 1.) Draw a Sylladex 'hand': At 1st level, at the start of every session your GM should allow
each of the players to draw one Sylladex card from the Common deck. As you progress in level, you will rapidly gain the ability to draw more Sylladex cards at a time. Eventually, your sylladex will form a 'hand' of up to 5 cards, any number of which may be utilized in a given encounter. Until a Sylladex card is used or flushed from your hand, it remains at the ready by your character sheet.
If you have a personal deck of Alchemy cards (once you are level 2 and higher), you may attempt to draw one of your own Alchemy cards. Roll a d10. If the result is a 6 or better, you may draw the top card from your personal deck. At level 5 this changes to a 5 or better, at level 7 to a 4 or better, and at level 9 to a 3 or better on the d10.
2.) Using Sylladex cards: You can use each Sylladex card once per encounter. Every
Sylladex card requires some kind of action to activate so that you can gain it's benefit. Some of them will then proceed to provide a bonus for the entire rest of the Strife or Scrutiny you are involved in, while others will provide a one-time bonus or allow a single special attack. When you use the power on a Sylladex card, turn it FLIPWAYS in front of your character sheet to remind yourself that it has been used.
3.) At the end of the Encounter, clean up your Hand: First, resolve what has happened to
used cards. Each Sylladex card belongs to one of three major categories: Common, Uncommon, or Rare.
• Common (Green): At the end of an encounter, you may choose to either keep or
discard any Common cards that you have used. If you discard a Common card, you may draw another card from the deck immediately to replace it, up to the total of Sylladex cards allowed in your hand per your level. If you decide to keep it, just put it back in your 'hand' face up by your character sheet.
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• Uncommon (Red): If you wish to keep any Uncommon cards, roll a 1d10 to determine their fate. On a roll of a 5-10, you may keep the card and put it back in your hand, ready to use again in an ensuing encounter. On a roll of 1-4, the card must return to the bottom of the deck and you may draw a new card to replace it.
• Rare (Blue): These mighty artifacts push the limits of power that can be contained in a humble Sylladex card, and such is their pride that they leave behind an echo of power when they depart on wings of fire for the great Omni Modus in the Sky(aia). When you use a Rare card, it does not return to the deck at the end of the encounter. Instead, flip it UPSIDE-DOWN in front of you to represent the hollow Void it leaves behind in your Sylladex. You may not draw another card to replace it! Your hand size has in fact decreased by 1 temporarily until you find a way to flush the Void card out of your hand.
Any cards that were unused in the encounter simply remain in your hand in front of you at this time. 4.) Record the effects of any Collected items. Some Sylladex cards include the Collectible keyword. If this keyword is featured on a card that you are discarding, you may note the benefits of the card in the Collectible entry under your permanent equipment. While you may not benefit from the mighty Sylladex power listed on the card (until such a time as you draw it again!), you will still have gained a boon of enhanced abilities that will remain with you as long as you choose to keep it. Often this will be a slightly more powerful version of existing armor or weapons, a skill bonus of some type, or in the case of alchemized components a combined effect of various useful benefits in one package. 5.) Choose to either keep or flush your hand: If at this point you cannot fathom how you will ever benefit from some or all of the cards in your hand, you may choose to flush them all back out of your hand and re-draw up to your hand limit (minus any Voids created by Rare cards). Note that this is an all-or-nothing choice... no card may be spared. If you are in possession of one or more Rare (blue) Sylladex cards then beware: they do not take to this treatment well. Any Rare cards, in the event of a hand flush, immediately flip into Void cards.
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Building your own Alchemy Cards
Similar to the Sylladex which offers astounding possibilities of item transportation and ease of use, all Homestuck characters have access to a wellspring of nearly limitless creative potential: Alchemization. Designing all manner of highly exotic combinatorial items through advanced high science is really simple too; all you have to do is follow these concise instructions! First, take some captchalogue cards for items found around your house or in your Land. Put one of these cards (or just a blank card, really) into the Punch Designix. Enter the code for the card into the Designix and it will punch a series of holes in the card to generate a unique code for the Totem Lathe to read. Enter the card into the Totem Lathe, then use some Cruxite you've extracted from the Cruxtruder in the Lathe to generate a carved Totem. Take the totem to the... you know what, you get it. But for the purposes of the Homestuck RPG, here is how you alchemize. At various breaks in the action your character may find themselves with the opportunity to fool around with their Alchemiters. When this happens, it’s time to build some Uncommon and Rare cards! Some alchemizations are simple and obvious (Gun + another Gun = MORE Gun), others are much less so. You can use any kind of explanation you want to explain the effects you create for your alchemy, whether you alchemized found items in your house, were given captchalogue card codes from another player, acquired the item from an Underling and then reverse-alchemized it, your future-self stole it from your Denizen and gave it to you through timeline shenanigans… whatever! The results are ultimately the same. There are three distinct categories of Alchemization possible… Weapon Creation, Suit Creation, and Item Creation.
Creation Alchemy is powered by various raw materials left behind by the game whenever certain enemies (such as Underlings) die. These various types of “Grist” are a gaming abstraction that mysteriously disappears as soon as you touch it and is magically whisked away to an invisible Grist Repository. The expenditure of these materials as well as your imaginative ability are the raw components that determine the limits to what you can alchemize. In the Homestuck RPG, this convoluted process is abstracted further for sanities’ sake. Every time you level up, the number of points that you have to spend on Creation Alchemy is equal to the value of your level -1 (so at level 2 you will have gained 1 point, therefore it is the first level you can make any Creation alchemy cards). You can create as many cards as you have points for. Of course, it hardly needs to be said that the GM has final authority on the legality of any card created. Any vetoed cards must be rebuilt until a compromise is reached. At first when you alchemize the most sensible thing to do will be to create one item at a time. From levels 2 through 5, any time that you create a new weapon, item, or suit you are creating an Uncommon, or red, card. Once you reach level 6 however, the rules change a bit. If you spend more then your level – 3 points on any individual Alchemized card at that point forward, then you are creating a Rare, or blue, card. Now your choice has become a bit more complex… spend your full allotment of points on incredibly powerful items that will cause complications with your deck, or build up a larger collection of weaker cards that will flow through your deck well? Most of the charts that display points costs for Alchemy include at least a few options that are a negative points value. As you might expect these are negative traits that reduce the innate abilities of the item in question and grant you a refund in Alchemy points for their purchase, but note that it is impossible to create a Card with a cost of 0 or less. You must spend at least half of a point on every card you create, and any refunds you gain from negative alchemy traits may
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only be spent back on the card they were gained from, not transferred to another card you create simultaneously or hoarded. Finally, it is normally not possible to buy multiples of the same Alchemy trait on a single card. The only exceptions are those traits which present two or more costs, and have a scaling effect based on which cost is chosen. Weapon Cards. A weapon card always consists of two parts: First is the Encounter power that you gain access to when you draw the weapon card from your Sylladex. The second component is the Collectible item that grants a set of permanent bonuses to your attacks with a particular Strife mode (ie. One-Handed Crushingkind, or Two-handed Heavy Rangedkind) after the first time you draw the weapon in combat.
Note that you cannot benefit from a weapon sylladex card that is not of the Kind Abstratus that you chose to wield at first level... normally. If you want to diversify your Strife Deck, perhaps earning a Ranged weapon to balance out your melee options or vice versa, buy the Strife Portfolio collectible upgrade.
Points Trait Offensive Alchemy [Collectible traits] -1.5 Unreliable The weapon has a -1 penalty to attack.
-1 Weakened The weapon does -2 damage on any attack that hits (minimum 1 damage).
-.5 Unbalanced When you miss with the weapon, you are slowed until the end of your next turn.
.5 (1) Skillful Gain a +2 (+4) item bonus to a skill of your choice. You may only benefit from the skill bonus of a single weapon during the course of any individual Strife or Scrutiny, and only while wielding the weapon.
.5 (1) Warning Gain a +2 (+4) bonus to Initiative while wielding the weapon.
.5 (1) Longshot +2 (+5) to ranged weapon’s range. 1 Swift* Increase your base ground movement speed by 1.
1 Strife Portfolio Upgrade
Choose a Kind Abstratus other then the one you normally wield and a Modus (one-handed or two-handed). The weapon you are crafting is now of that type rather then the Kind you normally wield, and you may wield it without penalty. Note that you must only buy this upgrade once per ‘expansion’ to your Strife Portfolio that you wish to make: you can now Alchemize and wield weapons of the type you select without any further complication.
1 Evasive Gain a +1 bonus to defense against OA’s triggered by wielding this ranged weapon.
1 (2) [3] Elemental Infusion Add +1 (+2) [+3] points to the weapon’s damage.
1.5 Slowing A successful hit with this weapon slows the target until the end of its next turn, in addition to any other effects.
1.5 Fazing A successful hit with this weapon causes the target to take a -1 penalty to attack until the end of it’s next turn, in addition to any other effects.
1.5 (3.5) Hardened Edge
Increase the weapon's damage die one position up the damage track: 1d6=>1d8 => 1d10 or 2d4 => 1d12 => 2d6 => 2d8 => 2d10 => 2d12 Buying the second cost advances the weapon two positions up the damage track. Note: Randomkind and Finesse Meleekind apply the purchase of this trait to each of their damage values on an individual basis.
Collectible Items Example: John has three different hammers collected in his Strife deck (Crushing Melee-kind): the Pogo Hammer and the Wrinklef*cker, both one-handed weapons, and Fear No Anvil, a two-handed weapon. Whenever he wields his Crushing melee-kind abstratus two-handed, he gains any of the permanent benefits from Fear No Anvil automatically. He must choose between the passive benefits of either the Pogo Hammer or the Wrinklef*cker whenever he switches to one-handed Crushing Meleekind.
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1.5 (3) Inescapable Deals 2 (5) damage on miss, unless the attack already has a miss effect.
2 Spreading A successful hit with this weapon causes each enemy adjacent to the target to take damage equal to your level (only triggers once per attack, per target).
2 Learning Whenever you miss an attack with this weapon, you gain a +2 item bonus to attack rolls against one target you missed against until the end of your next turn.
3 Accurate Gain a +1 item bonus to all attack with this weapon. 3 Legendary Gain a +2 bonus to Brutal Affront confirmation with weapon.
3.5 Mighty A successful hit with this weapon knocks the target prone, in addition to any other attack effects.
4 Entropic A successful hit with this weapon causes ongoing damage 5 (save ends), in addition to any other attack effects.
So long as you spend at least half of an Alchemy point on the passive benefits of your weapon from the table above, you also gain a generic Encounter power on the weapon card. The beginning template for the Encounter power starts out looking like this:
Weapon Power Standard action - Encounter, Sylladex Melee- or Ranged-kind
Target: One creature
Attack: Mgt/Acu/Plc/Img + your level + weapon precision vs. AC
Hit: 2(W) + Mgt/Acu/Plc/Img modifier + your level damage. The ability score used is determined by you, and must be one of the primary ability scores for the Kind Abstratus and Mode you are basing the Weapon card on. Any collectible traits purchased that modify the weapon’s attacks likewise apply to this Power. Any further effects to the power must be bought on the chart below.
Points Trait Offensive Alchemy [Power traits] -.5 (-1) Accuracy decrease The power’s attack bonus drops by -1 (-2).
-.5 Damage decrease The power’s damage drops to 1[W] + normal modifiers. .5 Misc. minor effect Any minor effect that is not a standard condition, penalty to the target, or
numerical bonus to yourself or allies that would apply during this combat. (example: free Skaian Lore check on hit target, changing appearance to match the target if the attack defeats it, etc.)
.5 Prankster's Gambit Target may not make an opportunity attack for the first square you leave on your turn after hitting with this weapon.
.5 Slowing Hit: Target is slowed (end of it's next turn).
.5 Extra Damage Change damage modifier to "...+ twice your level" instead of "+ your level" .5 (+.5) Movement effect Shift self 2 / Jump or Fly self 4 / slide the target up to 2 on hit / push the
target 4 on hit / Move self up to Speed, and similar effects (*may be bought multiple for different movement effects, or to increase a current effect by 1.5x distance)
1 Shattering Hit: Deals a -2 penalty to defenses (end of targets next turn). 1 Auto-Effect Change one effect you have bought for this power that is "Hit:" to "Effect:" 1 Uncertainty Target may not make opportunity attacks (until end of it's next turn). 1 Dazing Hit: target is Dazed (until end of it's next turn). 1 Immobilizing Hit: Target is immobilized by this attack. (until end of it's next turn). 1 Major Damage Gain +1[W] on the attack. 1 Parrying Effect: Gain a +1 bonus to AC against melee attacks until the end of your
next turn. 1.5 Accuracy boost Gain +2 accuracy on the attack. 1.5 Effect Duration Change one effect you have bought for this power that is (until end of
targets/your next turn) to (Save Ends).
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1.5 [2.5] Multi-attack Make 2 [3] attacks against the same target, damage is reduced to 1(W) + normal modifiers. You may not buy this with the Damage decrease trait.
1.5 Area attack Changes attack from Melee-kind to "Close Burst 1", and from Ranged-kind to "Burst 1 within Range." The attack targets each creature in the area.
1.5 Defense modification
The attack targets a defense of your choice other then Armor Class, either Fortitude, Reflex, or Will.
2 Vampiric Hit: Regain hit points equal to the [W] dice damage this attack rolls (don't count any other modifiers).
2 Stunning Attack Hit: Target is Stunned (until end of it's next turn). 2 Defense-breaker Hit: Target gains Vulnerable 5 to all attacks (until end of your next turn.)
2 [4] Multi-target Attack up to 2 [3] different targets in range. 2 Esoteric Attack Any unusual custom status conditions that the GM will allow (until end of
target's next turn). 3 Legendary Attack Gain +1[W] to the attack damage, +2 to the attack roll, and do half damage
on Miss. Armor Cards: Much like weapon cards, defensive alchemy is composed of two parts. One part is a broad Collectible benefit that is gained from collecting the item and wearing it regardless of it’s presence in your Sylladex hand, the other is a Power that can be used only as a card in your Sylladex hand. You may only wear one Defensive alchemy card at a time… unless you buy the Shield trait for the item, making it a Collectible that you can hold in an off-hand.
The primary difference between Defensive and Weapon alchemy comes in the power. The Power created by Defensive alchemy has no set template, as nearly every component is subject to change. For the specific case of Defensive Alchemy, any point refunds that you gain from taking negative traits must only be spent on the Power itself and not the Collectible chart, in order to prevent abuse of the system to get better Collectibles at the expense of the power. There are two categories that the Defensive power must be built around: the Activation and the Effect.
Points Trait Defensive Alchemy [Collectible traits] -1 Defense decrease The armor’s AC bonus drops by 1 point.
-.5 (-1) Burdensome The armor imposes a -1 (-2) penalty to speed when worn. .5 Skill bonus You gain a +2 item bonus to a skill of your choice when you wear this armor.
You may only benefit from the skill bonus of a single item of armor during the course of any individual Strife or Scrutiny, and only while wearing it.
.5 Shield This article is not clothing, but rather a Shield or Parrying item that you can wield in an off-hand whenever you are in a One-handed Kind Abstratus. When held in one hand it grants the Collectible effects even when you wear another Collectible defensive item. Choose either Heavy or Light: this item counts as that type of armor for the purposes of what other traits you may purchase for it.
.5 (1) Aggressive You gain a +2 (+4) bonus to Initiative checks (Light only). 1 Reflexive For the purposes of calculating AC only, your Acumen or Imagination modifiers
are considered to be +4 (Light only). 1 Custom-tailored The armor does not penalize your Speed when worn (Heavy only).
1 (2) Esoteric Defense Boost
Choose one defense other then Armor Class (Fortitude, Reflex, or Will). You gain a +1 (+2) bonus to that defense while wearing this armor.
1.5 (3) Fortifying You gain Resist 2 (Resist 5) to Blast or Burst attacks (Heavy only) 1.5 (3) Dodging You gain a +1 (+2) bonus to all defenses against Blast or Burst attacks (Light
only) 2 (3) [4] Elemental aura Any enemy that ends its turn adjacent to you takes 2 (4) [6] damage (Heavy
armor only).
Points Trait Defensive Alchemy [Power Activation] -1.5 Standard The power is activated with a Standard action. -1 Move The power is activated with a Move action. 0 Minor The power is activated with a Minor action.
The Homestuck RPG 52
Item Cards: Item cards are miscellaneous effects, such as healing Fruit Gushers, Plush Monsters that distract or disturb your opponents, or jetpacks that help you flyyyyyyyy, Pupa! Items do not have a Collectible component and are instead Sylladex cards composed only of a Power, making them a cheap and very flexible way to enhance your abilities compared to the generally pricier and more specific effects of Weapon and Defensive cards. Somewhat similar to the powers of Defensive Alchemy, Item alchemy is comprised of two components: the Activation action and the Effect.
1 Immediate Reaction
The power is activated with an Immediate Reaction. You must also buy a Trigger.
1.5 Immediate Interrupt
The power is activated with an Immediate Interrupt. You must also buy a Trigger.
2.5 Free action The power is activated with a Free action. 0 Trigger:
Bloodied The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when you are bloodied by an attack.
.5 Trigger: Melee Hit
The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when you are hit by any melee attack.
1 Trigger: Hit The Reaction or Interrupt of this power may be triggered when you are hit by any attack.
Points Trait Defensive Alchemy [Power Effect] -2 Overwhelming You are dazed until the end of your next turn when using this power. -1 Armor Lock You are immobilized until the end of your next turn when using this power.
.5 (1.5) Barrier You gain temporary hit points equal to your level (twice your level). 1 Dazing The attacker is dazed until the end of its next turn.
1 (2) Sudden Defense You gain a +2 (+4) bonus to all defenses against the triggering attack. 1.5 (3) Defense UP You gain a +2 (+4) bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn. 1.5 (2) Elemental Burst Any enemy that ends it’s turn adjacent to you takes 4 (6) damage until the end
of your next turn. 2 (3) Retribution If the triggering attack is from an adjacent enemy, deal 1d6 + twice your level
damage to the target (1d12 + twice your level). 2.5 (3.5) Ranged
Retribution As Retribution above, but this power is not limited by distance to the target.
Points Trait Defensive Alchemy [Power Activation] -1.5 Standard The power is activated with a Standard action. -1 Move The power is activated with a Move action. -.5 Minor The power is activated with a Minor action. .5 Immediate
Reaction The power is activated with an Immediate Reaction.
1 Immediate Interrupt
The power is activated with an Immediate Interrupt.
1.5 Free action The power is activated with a Free action.
Points Trait Defensive Alchemy [Power Effect] 1 (2) Healing You regain hit points equal to half of your bloodied value (your bloodied value).
2 Flying You gain a Fly Speed of 8 (Hover). You must purchase a Duration as well. .5 Skillful Upon activation, you gain a +3 (+5) item bonus to one skill chosen at the time
this item is crafted. You must also buy a Duration trait. 1.5 Frightening Make an attack against a creature in line of sight. Attack: Level + 6 vs. Will.
Hit: The target is dazed and immobilized until the end of it’s next turn. 1 Movement You may shift up to your speed, or ignore difficult terrain, or any similar effect.
You must also buy a Duration trait. 3 Grenade This item is deadly! Make an attack on every creature in a Ranged Burst 1
within 10 spaces. Attack: Level + 6 vs. Reflex. Hit: 2d6 + your level damage. ?? Miscellaneous! Do something wacky that your GM will allow. Buy a Duration if necessary.
The Homestuck RPG 53
1 Sensory This item prevents you from being Surprised by sneaking enemies, alerts you automatically when in the presence of Cheese Doodles, or something similar. Choose a Duration if your GM deems it necessary.
1.5 (3) Shielding You gain Resist 5 (Resist 10). You must also buy a Duration trait. 1.5 (2.5) Impervious You gain a +2 (+3) bonus to a defense of your choice when you activate this
item. You must also buy a Duration trait. You may buy this trait multiple times, each time it applies to a different defense (AC, Fortitude, Reflex, Will)
2 Void Flush When used, this item allows you to flush a Void card out of your Sylladex hand. 2 Recharge When used, this item allows you to recharge a power that has the Recharge
keyword. 3 (4) Omega Boost! When used, this item allows you to either regain the use of a power that has the
Recharge keyword, or flush a Void card out of your hand. (Do both!) -.5 Duration: Short The traits gained last only for as long as the action you used to activate them. 0 Duration: Normal The traits gained last until the end of your current turn (no use with Immediate
or Free actions). 1 Duration: Long The traits gained last until the end of your next turn. 2 Duration:
Encounter The traits gained last until the end of the encounter.
The Homestuck RPG 54
Game-Master’s Material
The Homestuck RPG 55
Running the Game
The Homestuck RPG is a game of wacky shenanigans, “kids and fun”, the absurd circ*mstances of a life-changing virtual reality game and a coming of age story. If you are planning on running a game of Homestuck for a group of friends, then first of all: don’t worry! The setting is one that encourages humor and fun above serious threats and dramatic tension, although the options are certainly there for deadly legitimate threats if you think that’s a direction that you want your storyline to go. The job of the GM of the game is neither completely adversarial nor exactly totally chummy: you should mediate the actions of the players and help them develop the worlds they travel through. You may use quirky plot twists and deadly challenges to keep them on their toes but ultimately you are a facilitator of the storyline in which your players’ characters are the main actors. There are a great many rules in this book as well as ideas that you can plunder from other role-playing games and supplements, but flexibility for the sake of everyone’s enjoyment should be your principle concern. A rule in this book or from 4th edition that does not do positive service to the goals of your table is a rule that may be safely ignored! A game of Homestuck can seem like an intimidating thing to create and run, between the many variables of the Chess Playing Field, the player’s individual Worlds, having various Exiles and Agents moving about as well as the predictable monster Underlings, etc. But the challenge is deceptive. If you need to, simply boil down the various components of the game to the ultimate goal of creating puzzles and challenges for the players to handle from one session to the next. Be receptive to player input. When you feel ready, present a few simple “variables” in the game, such as a potential ally with open-ended motives, a timed World quest that will take a string of smaller steps to complete, or a dangerous and scheming adversary. Build on those based on how the players react to them. In the end, you will discover that your Session builds itself out of the smallest steps!
Creating and Running Combat Encounters Eventually, your players are going to have to engage in STRIFE. If your party is new to the rules of 4th edition, try testing them out on a sample battle with the Guardian statblock found in the monsters section in order to help them work out the rules of the game’s combat. The Guardian is effectively immune to the damage a level 1 player can cause, and will introduce some of the principles of combat in as harmless a manner as possible. When your players enter the Medium through their planets, they will almost certainly still be level 1 and alone (save for the attentions of their Server player and a Sprite they have just prototyped). If you have a 3rd character waiting on the sidelines for their part in the story, you can give control of the Sprite to them so that they can help the other players. Likewise if you have a fourth or fifth player on hand, you might like to give them control of the Imps for the first encounter or two! Don’t forget to remind players of the bonuses they can grant from long distances via Communication as well. Take a map of the player’s home and place some Imps (between 3 and 6 is a decent number) around the map, with no more then 2 grouped in a single location (such as the Yard or the living room). Allow the character that has just entered the game a chance to run around and smash the offensive ruffians. Imps are not particularly smart and are more inclined to creative mischief then rushing to the defense of their allies, so don’t gang up on your player. It is not completely necessary to even give the starting Imps a Prototyping template (except in cosmetic details, perhaps) as it may take a while for the Underlings to fully comprehend the opportunities given to them through the Prototyping process. Don’t forget to have the player draw new Sylladex cards whenever they finish a battle with an empty hand, and let them take as many short rests as they need, perhaps adding a few more Imps to the area whenever they stop for any great length of time if you feel it’s warranted. Once that first combat and exploration has been finished, you might like to move the story to the other players as they enter their Lands as well, giving them a similar time in the spotlight to battle some Imps and explore around their house. Grant the experience (that is to say, Boondollars) gained from battles as if everyone had participated, so that nobody ends up left behind in level.
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When you build combat encounters after the first few, use the following guidelines. First, decide how challenging you want the encounters to be. Encounter Difficulty: Easy – warm-up battle, a chance to teach the rules or practice, an easy battle against poorly prepared enemies. Level = Characters -1 or -2. Standard – the average encounter. Level = Characters +0 or +1. Hard – a climactic final battle, fighting your way across the Battlefield in the middle of the Chess War, the culminating fight of a quest arc. Level = Characters +2 or +4. Multiply the number of Players in the group that you
anticipate will participate in the battle (including those who have control of Sprites or are acting as Server Players) with the Boondollar value of a single standard monster of the encounter’s chosen level. A 2nd-level encounter for 4 players would be 50000 Boondollars. This value is the “budget” of experience you should use to build the encounter. Spend points up to the budget on monsters and traps. The chart above shows Boondollar experience values for creatures at all the various levels. Next, spend the budget on monsters from the following pages. If your encounter includes Underlings (most encounters will until their adventures take your players away from their Lands in the Medium) you will notice that the monsters there are relatively simplistic for their level. This is intentional because those creatures are awaiting Prototyping with traits from whatever the players have placed in their Kernelsprite through either choice or poor luck! Prototyping is the spice to the creatures in your encounters; it grants them abilities of a little more complexity and distinguishes them from their basic template by changing the way they fight and interact. Generally speaking at least one template should be used on each Underling you use, in order to raise them to average difficulty for a creature of their level. For a little greater difficulty consider having the player’s Kernelsprite accept a prototyping of the “Tier 2” or “Tier 3” class. However you need not stop there as the modular nature of the Prototyping templates means two or more can be easily stacked, either to create a memorably harder encounter or perhaps emphasize some sort of story point. If no prototyping fits perfectly for what the players have prototyped, simply choose one that works “close enough” for mechanical purposes and change the description. Stacking templates in a completely literal fashion may result in excessively complex or contradictory abilities however, so use some discretion. For example you may wish to give only a single Encounter power out of two different templates while keeping all of the other traits from both.
As a general rule, when placing the starting positions of combatants on a map, a distance of 10 squares between the Players and the Underlings should be the rule of thumb. In a particularly enclosed battlefield such as a player’s
Monster level Standard Minion Elite Solo 1 10000 2500 20000 50000 2 12500 3100 25000 62500 3 15000 3800 30000 75000 4 17500 4400 35000 87500 5 20000 5000 40000 100000 6 25000 6300 50000 125000 7 30000 7500 60000 150000
8 35000 8800 70000 175000 9 40000 10000 80000 200000
10 50000 12500 100000 250000
Optional Rule – Monster Brutal Affronts: Aside from some exceptions with Elite and Solo monsters, the majority of creatures in the Monster chapter don’t have any effects listed for Brutal Affronts they might roll. You have two choices here: either ignore any doubles rolled by those creatures and treat them identically to any other attack roll, or give them a Brutal Affront effect (and corresponding mirrored Grave Blunder!) just as the players have. Beware as the latter option can make encounters much “swingier” with wilder damage results on the players and monsters taking themselves out of the fight early through Blunders. Monster Brutal Affront - +1d8 damage to the target. If level 6 or higher, +2d8 damage to the target instead.
The Homestuck RPG 57
house or a mystical ruin on their World, this can be lowered to 5 spaces. In a wide-open field on a flat sweeping plains World, this might be increased to as much as 20 spaces. If some of the monsters have a sneaky Prototyping, or the players are feeling particularly tricky, one side or the other might choose to attempt to surprise the other. Have the group that is attempting to Stealth make a Stealth check (paying close attention to the lowest Stealth result). If none of the Stealth checks are beaten by the opposing sides highest passive Perception (10 + Perception check modifier) then the opposing group is Surprised for the first round of the encounter, and the sneaking group may be able to start in a better position at your discretion. Check the list of conditions in the 4e quick start rules to see all that Surprise entails. Once starting positions are determined have the players and the Underlings roll Initiative!
The Homestuck RPG 58
Creating and Running Skill Challenges
Skill usage (and more broadly Scrutiny of the world of Skaia, it’s inhabitants, and it’s challenges) is more free-form then combat encounters. Skills are the rules medium which allows the game to flow smoothly outside of combat. Whenever a player wants to do something where the outcome of their action is in reasonable doubt through a test of natural ability, luck, or learning, a Skill or Ability check is the way to resolve it. Either pick one of the ten skills described in the Skill chapter, or if no skill applies instead choose an ability score. An example of an Athletics skill use is swiftly climbing a rock wall… having a high Mangrit score helps, but training and aptitude also are a factor. An example of an ability check is dead-lifting a boulder… ultimately strength alone is what you are dependent on. Generally speaking ability checks should be easier then skill checks. Next pick a difficulty for the check. As the GM, it’s between you and your players to determine the “tone” of your campaign, and the general level skill difficulties that you select can certainly play a part in setting the mood for the story you want to tell. Don’t be afraid to combine skill challenges and combat in the same encounter, once you think your players are comfortable with their abilities in both. Mixing elements and giving the players multiple goals to attain can create a memorable encounter. For example, fighting against time to defend against an endless horde of Imps while at the same time attempting to seal off a portal to the Outer Ring before all of the players are driven insane!
Character Level Easy DC Moderate DC Hard DC Epic DC 1 9 13 17 20 2 10 14 18 21 3 11 15 19 22 4 12 16 20 23 5 13 17 21 24 6 14 18 22 25 7 15 19 23 26 8 16 20 24 27 9 17 21 25 28
10 18 22 26 29
The Homestuck RPG 59
Exploring the Game of Sburb
The short version: Sburb is a video game through which several players create a new universe by
sacrificing their planet.
The long version: Each player of Sburb receives two disks, Server and Client. Installing the Client disk allows a player to begin playing immediately, while installing the Server disk gives the player power over the area around another given player who has installed the Client disk.
Ideally, all players will have installed both disks eventually, acting as Server for one player and Client for another.
Once a Server and Client have connected, the Client player’s home will be essentially at the mercy of their Server player. The Server player’s job is to deploy the tools necessary for the
Client to escape into the Medium (see below) before their house is obliterated by asteroids, as well as modifying their Client’s house as necessary to make their escape as convenient as
possible. A device deployable by the Server known as the Cruxtruder provides two important objects: an infinite number of colored cylinders called Cruxite Dowels and a single flashing ball of energy called a Kernelsprite. The Cruxite Dowel is then carved on a Totem Lathe and scanned by an Alchemiter (both likewise deployable by the Server player), producing a Cruxite Artifact,
some sort of mundane item formed from colored Cruxite, from an apple to a piñata. This occurs on a countdown which is displayed on the Cruxtruder as soon as it has been first opened. It is the Client’s job to find a way to damage the Artifact in some way before the countdown ends, as the
countdown heralds the coming of a meteor that will destroy the Client’s house utterly.
Meanwhile, the Kernelsprite must be prototyped, a process as simple as picking some object and throwing it into the Kernelsprite. The Kernelsprite may arbitrarily decide an object is unsuitable and reject it. Most successful items tend to be either a living being, the remains of a living being, or something resembling a living being. Whether any given item will work or not is ultimately up to the GM, who should encourage creativity. The item prototyped caused the Kernelsprite to
change, taking on attributes of the prototyped item. It also causes the enemies the player will face to take on the same attributes, so use caution—you probably shouldn’t prototype that awesome
Superman figurine unless you’re prepared to fight flying Imps with heat-vision. Failing to prototype your Kernelsprite is a very bad idea: doing so prevents Skaia from changing form,
rendering the game unwinnable. Once prototyped, the Sprite acts as a sort of exposition machine for the player, cryptically providing hints and nudges in the right direction and yielding
background knowledge of Skaia.
Once the Client player’s Artifact has been shattered or interacted with in the unique manner required, the player and their house are transported to a planet in the Medium, a solar system of
sorts revolving around Skaia. Each player’s planet is named according to a pattern: Land of [noun] and [noun]. The nouns can be as simple as “rocks” or as abstract as “thought” or “fear,”
though each land is tailored to its player, usually reflecting some aspect of the player’s Title and/or personality. After entering the Medium, the player’s Sprite can be prototyped a second
time. This second prototyping does not affect the enemies in any way.
From here, it gets a lot more open-ended.
The Homestuck RPG 60
Each player must progress through seven gates, the first located high above their house and each one located progressively closer to Skaia. The first portal will take the player to another location on their planet, the second will take them to their Server player’s house, the third will take them to another location on the Server player’s planet, the fourth will take them to that player’s Server
player’s house, and so on. For this reason, it is of great importance that each player either alchemize themselves some means of flight in order to reach the higher gates, or have the Server
players continually build their Clients’ houses upward in defiance of all sane physics for the same reason. Each player’s journey will culminate in an encounter with their Denizen, the “boss”
of their planet.
Over the course of their journey, the players will learn that they have stumbled into an eternal stalemate between Prospit and Derse, two warring kingdoms. The players’ intrusions will upset the balance, and unless they interfere directly, Derse will attack Prospit and win, taking control of Skaia. After progressing through their worlds, the players will end up on Skaia itself, a planet covered in a chessboard pattern, representing the ultimate potential. Unless the players are able
to stop the Black King from acquiring the White King’s scepter, however, Skaia won’t last long—the Black King will use the power of both his and the White King’s scepters to set in motion the Reckoning, which will send hundreds of meteors hurtling towards Skaia. Skaia defends itself by opening up portals that catch the meteors and redirect them to the players’
planet, but its defenses won’t last forever. Ideally, the players will confront the Black King and defeat him, allowing Skaia to fulfill its infinite potential by creating a new universe from the
minds of the players, a paradise for them to live the rest of their lives in.
Defeating the Black King is made extraordinarily difficult by the fact that all the prototypings that affected the common enemies also affect the Kings and Queens of Prospit and Derse (the Kings through their scepters, the Queens through their rings). Any Prospitian or Dersite (and only a Prospitian or Dersite) who comes into possession of one of these rings or scepters can
gain the power granted by the players’ prototypings as well. In the case that one of the players has prototyped something particularly powerful, getting a Propitan or Dersite with a ring or
scepter on their side may be the only hope for victory. Of course, this is all assuming weird time dickery isn’t involved. Anything can happen when you mess with paradox space. Happy playing!
The Homestuck RPG 61
Character Death
The Homestuck setting is a completely closed system. If one of the player characters dies permanently you can't just head down to the tavern after a quick funeral to recruit a replacement. Thus resurrection of some sort becomes a necessity to allow the player of the deceased to actually do anything. If circ*mstances are right the whole process of a resurrection quest may be curtailed with the kiss of life. As all the players are considered a prince or princess of Prospit or Derse respectively they may awaken a dreamself, allowing them to replace the fallen. Given that wounds propagate at a delay this is only an option if they are on the same body as the deceased or are close enough to the appropriate gate to be able to rush through and kiss the boy or girl. Otherwise it is up to the GM to come up with a way to get the character brought back. Depending on the abilities of the player character various options are available. Depending on the physiology of the species selected there may be another easy out. Perhaps death is simply part of “puberty” for the species. Getting mortally wounded results in the body undergoing a metamorphosis and acquiring a template, such as for instance growing a pair of wings and developing a more slender body structure. Such an option obviously only works once. Assuming a player possesses the appropriate scientific knowledge a soulbot may be constructed. Such a quest should involve gathering a specific type of grist or a specific object. Perhaps uranium grist for their reactor, something material required to interact with their departed soul, perhaps a specific crystal or something from their Land. Upon completion of the soulbot they gain the robotic template. Their dreamself is still dead. They must redraw a new sylladex and lose all collectibles until they can return to their body. If the character should fall again after that it is usually a matter of repair instead. A somewhat looser interpretation of canon allows for another sort of quest that allows for revival through the science of ectobiology. An ectoresurrection station is an unusual variant of the typical one responsible for the existence of the players and possibly their guardians. Instead of generating an infant it recreates the living body of a player. Awkwardness ensues as they are brought back with only the bare minimum required for modesty. They must redraw a new sylladex and lose all collectibles until they can return to their body. However seeking out an ectoresurrection station is no trivial task. First one must travel to the appropriate location of it. Then one must defeat the guardians. Finally repair is usually necessary to get it in working condition. It often appears someplace “outside” of the Lands such as on Skaia itself or an asteroid in the furthest rings. If the Title of Time exists in that session and is still alive it is possible to declare that the timeline has become doomed. This may or may not involve some preparation to save them with time travel. It could be as simple as telling them not to jetpack to their denizen this early or complicated as saving them from a powerful enemy pursuing them. Sprites make an excellent temporary character for the deceased. While engaged in a resurrection quest simply grant the player control of a sprite as warranted to keep them engaged in the game and assisting their allies.
The Homestuck RPG 62
Adversaries Underlings Vile creatures commissioned by the Denizens of the Land in order to slow the progress of the Heroes, Underlings compose the most common types of monsters encountered in the Medium. They are a diverse group of malcontents, including various types of beings apparently taken from obscure mythology. Underlings all share one trait however: the Prototyping that the players give to the Kernelsprites prior to entering the medium alters every single one of them. Whenever you place a creature with the Prototypable keyword into an encounter, you should choose at least one Prototyping template and apply it to the creature to represent the powers it has gained from the Prototyping. Even the seemingly silly can be perverted into a potential weapon! By a vast margin the most numerous of Underlings, Imps are commonly one of the first things to greet new Players entering their Land. At the beginning of the journey Imps will pose a credible threat to most players but a few levels up the Echeladder should see the average player dispatching these creatures with ease. Basic imps are slippery and cunning little devils who will try to gang up on players in melee but are easily frightened off by high-level adversaries, although the effects of prototyping can grant them any number of diverse abilities. Imp Scrabbler, Small level 2 Skirmisher [Prototypable] (12500 Boondollars) 32 HP (bloodied 16) AC 16 Fort 13 Reflex 15 Will 13 Speed 6, Initiative +5, Perception +3, low-light vision Clawkind - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack) +7 vs. AC. Hit: 1d6+3 damage. 1d6+6 damage if the Imp has combat advantage against the target. Shifty (Minor action - At-will) - The Imp shifts one space. Mgt 11 Acu 17 Img 14 Plc 8 Imp Mook, Small level 4 Minion [Prototypable] (use four of these in place of a regular monster of it’s level – 4400 Boondollars each) 1 HP (a missed attack never kills a minion; Prototyping never changes the Imp Mook's HP) AC 18 Fort 15 Reflex 17 Will 15 Speed 6, Initiative +7, Perception +5, low-light vision Clawkind - (Standard - At-will, Basic attack) +9 vs. AC. Hit: 5 damage. Shifty (Minor - At-will) - The Imp shifts one space. Prototyping Powers: Don't give the Imp Mook any Encounter powers from prototyping. If the Imp Mook receives a bonus to it's Basic attack damage or an additional attack type, change the Damage of that ability to 7 total. Imp Mobber, Small level 6 Minion [Prototypable] (use four of these in place of a regular monster of it’s level – 6300 Boondollars each) 1 HP (a missed attack never kills a minion; Prototyping never changes the Imp Mobber's HP) AC 20 Fort 17 Reflex 19 Will 17 Speed 6, Initiative +9, Perception +7, low-light vision Clawkind - (Standard - At-will, Basic attack) +11 vs. AC. Hit: 6 damage. Shifty (Minor - At-will) - The Imp shifts one space.
The Homestuck RPG 63
Prototyping Powers: Don't give the Imp Mobber any Encounter powers from prototyping. If the Imp Mobber would receive a bonus to it's Basic attack damage or gets an additional At-Will attack, change the Damage of that ability to 8 total.
Ogres are much larger and more imposing creatures then the puny Imps and will rarely hesitate to attack, unlike their easily frightened smaller brethren. While Ogres most often seem to be granted the more brutish and melee-focused Prototypings when possible, they can still benefit from any of the abilities granted. Ogres flinging balls of fire from afar or sneaking about like ninja may seem comical to you, but get into a punching match with them and you may not be getting the last laugh. Ogre Juggernaut, Large level 2 Elite Brute [Prototypable] (One of these is equivalent to two regular monsters of it’s level – 25000 Boondollars) HP 110 (bloodied 55) AC 15 Fort 15 Reflex 13 Will 13 +2 bonus to Saving Throws Speed 6, Initiative +2, Perception +1 Smashingkind - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack) +6 vs. AC. Hit: 2d6+6 damage. Tremor Stomp - (Standard action - Encounter) - Close Burst 2, Target: Each enemy in burst. +4 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 1d6+5 damage, and the target is knocked prone. Elite Action - (Free action - Encounter) - Effect: The Ogre Juggernaut gets an additional Standard action this turn. Mgt 20 Acu 9 Img 8 Plc 10 Ogre Aggressor, Large level 4 Brute [Prototypable] (17500 Boondollars) HP 75 (bloodied 37) AC 16 Fort 16 Reflex 15 Will 15 Speed 6, Initiative +3, Perception +2 Smashingkind - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack) +8 vs. AC. Hit: 2d8+4 damage.
The Homestuck RPG 64
The Basilisks of myth could breathe clouds of poison and freeze the unwary with but a sharp glance. This basilisk, on the other hand, just likes to grin obscenely and glare at people. The effect can actually be rather similar, but often as not the creature just launches into the attack with whatever absurd characteristics prototyping have granted it. Basilisk Gazer, Large level 5 Controller [Prototypable] (20000 Boondollars) HP 70 (bloodied 35) AC 19 Fort 17 Reflex 18 Will 17 Speed 8, Initiative +4, Perception +2 Bitingkind - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack) +10 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+5 damage, and the target is slowed until the end of its next turn. Disconcerting Ogle - (Standard action - Encounter) Ranged 10. +9 vs. Will. Hit: 2d6+4 damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of its next turn. Mgt 15 Acu 18 Img 9 Plc 12
Liches are fearsome monsters possessed of deadly draining attacks. They are not inherently very cunning, but can reach a higher potential when they are prototyped with a sneaky prototyping that allows them some combat mobility or stealth skill. However they will not hesitate to employ any prototyping given them in an effort to find the advantage needed to weaken their foe and make for an easier kill. Lich Underlord, Medium level 6 Lurker [Prototypable] (25000 Boondollars) HP 75 (bloodied 37) AC 20 Fort 18 Reflex 18 Will 19 Speed 6, Initiative +10, Perception +8 Draining Touch - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack) +11 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+4 damage, and if the target was granting combat advantage for the attack then it is now weakened until the end of the Lich's next turn. Ray of Dissolution - (Standard action - Encounter) Ranged 10. +9 vs. Reflex. Hit: 2d6+6 damage, and the target gains ongoing damage 5 (save ends). Mgt 14 Acu 15 Img 20 Plc 16
The Homestuck RPG 65
Giclops Devastator, Huge level 6 Elite Controller [Prototypable] (One of these is equivalent to two regular monsters of it’s level – 50000 Boondollars) HP 185 (bloodied 92) AC 19 Fort 20 Reflex 18 Will 19 +2 bonus to Saving Throws Speed 6, Initiative +10, Perception +8 Punch – (Standard action – At-will; Basic attack) Melee; +12 vs. AC. Hit: 2d12 + 5 damage. Crush - (Standard action – Recharge |5||6|) Close Burst 3; The Giclops selects a space within the burst. Target: Any creature in the origin space or adjacent to the origin space. +10 vs. AC. Hit: 1d12+8 damage and the target is dazed until the end of the Giclops’ next turn. Mighty Sweep - (Move action – At-Will) The Giclops designates a zone in a Close Blast 5. At the start of its following turn as a free action, every creature in the zone selected is subject to this attack (if the Giclops has moved before the start of its following turn, the zone moves with it). Attack: +10 vs. Reflex. Hit: 2d6+6 damage, and the target is pushed 3 spaces and knocked prone. Elite Action - (Free action - Encounter) - Effect: The Giclops Devastator gets an additional Standard action this turn. Mgt 24 Acu 8 Img 7 Plc 15
"Those terrible guys? They are a bunch of mean fellows who like to push people around. They are called Agents. They aren't usually a problem but they sure did put a spring in their step when the Heir showed up."
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The average Agent of Derse is a craven and rancorous individual, thirsty for advancement but unwilling to risk himself in the dangerous political climate of his homeworld. They are each of them cogs in a bureaucracy that has as one of its foremost goals the maintaining of a state of oppression on the various planets of the Medium. It is the hope of the Dersite nobles and their Agents that if the Players can be delayed on their planets that there will be a minimum of interference in their grand Chess Battle against the beleaguered forces of Prospit. To this end, Agents deliver communications and treaties between Derse and the Denizens of each planet, fomenting chaos among the Consorts and raising the banner of tyranny wherever possible. They are the behind-the-scenes puppet masters who are responsible, whether directly or indirectly, for the vast majority of the hardships that the Players must endure early in the game. Unlike the mostly-mindless Underlings that they direct, the Agents have a great deal of cunning and imaginative capacity for mayhem, and may be uncovered at any number of clever schemes intended to halt the player's progress through Skaia. If an Agent is happened upon, they will take poorly to the disturbance in their normally undercover activities and may be aggravated enough to take a more direct hand in eliminating the threat of the Players. If the battle should turn against them however it is a rare Agent who will not leave the Underlings to their fate and seek to reenact his wicked schemes elsewhere. Dersite Agent, Medium level 5 Lurker (Leader) (20000 Boondollars) HP 70 (bloodied 35) AC 19 Fort 16 Reflex 19 Will 18 Speed 6, Initiative +14, Perception +8, Stealth +12, Trolling +10 Low Blow - (Standard action - At-will, Basic attack) Melee. +10 vs. AC. Hit: 1d8+4 damage. If the attack hits an enemy granting combat advantage, the target is knocked prone. ...And Stay Down, Kid - (Minor action - At-will) Target: one adjacent prone target. Attack: +8 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 1d8+4 damage and the target may not stand up until the end of the Dersite Agent's next turn. This power may not be used on a target already suffering from its hit effect. Take Him Instead - (Immediate Interrupt - At-will; Trigger: The Dersite Agent is hit by a melee or ranged attack while bloodied) Effect: The target of the attack is now an adjacent Underling or other ally of the Agent's choosing. Disappear in the Crowd - A Dersite Agent may make a Stealth check to hide whenever he has cover from Underlings or other creatures. Mgt 13 Acu 20 Img 14 Plc 16 Jack Noir, level 7 Solo Lurker HP 256 (bloodied 128) AC 21 Fort 20 Reflex 22 Will 20 +5 bonus to Saving Throws Speed 6, Initiative +16, Perception +10, Stealth +14, Trolling +12, Skaian Lore +10 Slow Stab (Standard action – At-will, Basic attack) Melee. +12 vs. AC. 2d8+5 damage. When Jack Noir has combat advantage against the target, the attack deals additional +1d8 damage. Quick Stab (Minor action, 1/round) Melee. +12 vs. AC. 1d8+5 damage. Block and Parry (Immediate Reaction – At-will) Trigger: An adjacent enemy misses Jack Noir with a melee or close attack. Effect: Jack Noir uses Quick Stab on the target and can shift 4 spaces. Bleed to Death Slowly (Standard action - Encounter) Melee. +10 vs. Reflex, make the attack three times. Hit: 2d8+3 damage per hit, and the target takes ongoing 10 damage (save ends) if at least one attack hit it. Hate to Cut and R-- (Move action – Recharge |5||6|) Requirement: Jack must have hit a target with Quick Stab earlier in this turn. Effect: Jack Noir shifts his speed and may make a Stealth check if he has any cover or concealment at the end of the movement. I’ve had it up to Here, kid (Immediate Reaction – Encounter) Trigger: Jack Noir is bloodied. Effect: Jack Noir recharges Solo Action and Bleed to Death Slowly, and uses the latter power immediately if there is an adjacent target. He now also deals +5 damage with all attacks. Solo Action (Free action, Encounter) Effect: Jack Noir gains another Standard action on his turn. Mgt 18 Acu 23 Img 17 Plc 19
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Draconian Dignitary, level 6 Solo Soldier HP 224 (bloodied 112) AC 22 Fort 19 Reflex 20 Will 19 +5 bonus to Saving Throws Speed 6, Initiative +13, Perception +12, Mysteries +10, Insight +12 Deadly Reach Aura 2. The Dignitary may make opportunity attacks on any target within the aura. Diamond Spear / Cuestick (Standard action – At-will, Basic attack) Melee, Reach 2. Attack: +13 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10+4 damage, and the target is marked by the Dignitary until the end of its next turn. Don’t Bleed on the Suits (Standard action – Recharge |6|) Melee. Attack: +11 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 2d6+4 damage, and the target is unconscious (save ends). Paint the Town Red (Standard action - Encounter) Close blast 5. Target: Each creature in blast. Attack: +11 vs. Reflex. Hit: 3d8+4 damage. Miss: The target falls prone. Silent Frustration (Immediate Reaction – Encounter) Trigger: The Draconian Dignitary is bloodied. Effect: The Dignitary recharges Solo Action and Paint the Town Red and uses the latter power immediately. He now may shift an additional space every time he Shifts on his turn. Discerning Glare (Minor action, 1/round) The Dignitary gains combat advantage against an adjacent target. Solo Action (Free action, Encounter) Effect: Draconian Dignitary gains another Standard action on his turn. Mgt 17 Acu 21 Img 20 Plc 16
Hegemonic Brute, level 5 Elite Brute (Leader) HP 180 (bloodied 90) AC 17 Fort 19 Reflex 16 Will 18 +2 bonus to Saving Throws Speed 6, Initiative +7, Insight +9, Trolling +9 Pummel (Standard action – At-will, Basic attack) Melee 1. Attack: +8 vs. AC. Hit: 2d8+4 damage and the target is pushed 1 space and slowed until the end of it’s next turn. Hurl Safe Door (Standard action – Recharge |5||6|) Ranged 10. Attack: +6 vs. Reflex. Hit: 3d10+4 damage, and the target is knocked prone and cannot stand up (save ends). Eat Eyeballs, Deliver Stern Lecture to Empty Sockets (Standard action - Encounter) Melee 1. Attack: +6 vs. Fortitude. Hit: 3d8+4 damage and the target is blinded (save ends). Fight Harder, Ya Runts! (Minor action, Recharge |3||4||5||6|) Close burst 5. Target: One ally in burst. Effect: The target gains a +1 bonus to attack until the end of its next turn and 5 temporary hit points. Elite Action (Free action, Encounter) Effect: Hegemonic Brute gains another Standard action on his turn. Mgt 20 Acu 15 Img 14 Plc 18
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Courtyard Droll, level 4 Elite Controller (Leader) Sovereign Slayer, level 10 solo Skirmisher Bec Noir, level 14 solo Controller Chess Pieces Chess Pawn, level 5 Minion (soldier) Chess Pawn Rifleman, level 4 artillery Chess Rook, level 6 Brute Chess Bishop, level 6 Elite Controller Chess Knight, level 8 Elite Skirmisher *Black Queen, level 10 Solo Skirmisher (Leader) *Black King, level 11 Solo Brute (Leader) Denizens Lord English
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Prototyping Pretty Princess (Leader Prototyping) On second thought, this was a terrible idea. Every group of Imps seems to be led by at least one that is wearing an absurd dress and posturing vainly while its allies attack with the blind fervor of love-struck Princes Charming. We hope you're happy with yourself. Defense modifiers - Take -1 from the Underling's AC. Add +2 to Will. Fanatical Devotion - (aura 5) Any Underling allies within the aura that are reduced to 0 HP may make a Basic attack as a free action before they die. Dance for me, my Courtiers - (Minor; At-will) Ranged 5. Target: One underling ally. Effect: The target may shift 2 spaces. Behold Dress!? - (Standard; At-will) Ranged 10. One target in range. Attack: Level + 4 vs. Will. Hit: The target grants combat advantage to this Underling's allies (save ends). Distinguished Gentleman (Leader Prototyping) With a pipe in mouth and a serviceable hat at the ready, these dashing Liches look passable enough to make the muster at any country club gathering. Their opinion of themselves has certainly improved enough for it, anyway. Defense modifier – Take -1 from the Underling’s AC. Add +2 to Will. I Do Say! - (aura 10) Any enemy that hits this Underling while within the aura takes a -1 penalty to all defenses until the end of this Underlings next turn. Strike down that Ruffian - (At-Will, Standard) Ranged 5. Target: One Underling ally in range. Effect: The target makes a Basic attack as a free action with a +2 power bonus to the attack roll. Ultra Fighting Teenage Mega Battlers (Leader Prototyping) It’s strange enough when the Underlings take a pause from kicking your ass just to strike a team pose in their retarded multi-chromatic jumpsuits, but why do the Basilisks always have to try to join in? It just gets creepy looking. Defense modifier – Add +1 to Reflex. Team Strike – This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. Whenever the Underling hits with this attack on its turn, up to one other adjacent Underling may make a Basic attack as a free action. Delta Attack Formation – (Standard, Encounter) Requirement: At least 2 other Underlings must be adjacent to this one. Target: This Underling, and one other adjacent ally of its choice. Effect: Each target gains a +1 power bonus to attack rolls until the end of their next turn, as well as Temporary Hit Points equal to their level + 5. Combat Android (Brute Prototyping) A transforming alien robot eighteen-wheeler with a gruff yet fatherly voice would make for a great Sprite Guide, you figured. Well, it also makes for some lousy-tough heavy metal Ogres, unfortunately. Defense modifiers - Add +2 to Fortitude and subtract -1 from AC and Reflex. Hit Points - The Underling gets +4 HP, as well as +2 additional HP for each level it has. Smashing Fists - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. The attack deals 1d6 extra damage and the target is knocked prone on a hit. The Underling has a -1 penalty to the attack roll, however. Laser-eyes - (Standard; At-will) Ranged 5. Target: One creature in range. Attack: Level + 2 vs. Reflex. Hit: 2d10 + level damage. Medieval Warrior (Brute Prototyping) All of those Roman Legionnaires and Brick-block Knights you had lying around, you never thought 'Gee it would be fun to have to fight all of these for real some day'. Well that's not exactly what is happening, but getting mauled in the head by a Knight Ogre with a giant mace is just about as close as you're going to get. Defense modifiers - Add +2 to Fortitude and subtract -1 from AC and Will. Hit Points - The Underling gets +4 HP, as well as +2 additional HP for each level it has. Medieval-kind - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. In addition to its normal effects, on a hit the attack deals 1d8 extra damage and the target is pushed 1 space. The Underling has a -1 penalty to the attack roll, however. Warrior's Charge – (Encounter; Standard) Effect: This underling charges a target with a +2 bonus to speed and then makes a normal melee attack, albeit modified as normal by the effects of Medieval-kind above. If the attack hits the target is also dazed until the end of this Underlings next turn.
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Army Men (Soldier Prototyping) You gave the Imps a Prototyping of loyalty and discipline, along with actual weapons to use against you. How considerate! Well, at the very least they now have a curious tendency to want to stand in neat little rows. Defense modifiers - Add +1 to AC. Entrenching Equipment - The Underling gains a skill modifier equal to it's Level + 6 to Athletics. Squad Formation - If at least two Underling allies are adjacent to it, this Underling gains +1 to all defenses. Plastic Carbine - (Standard; At-will) Ranged 15, one target in range. Attack: Level + 6 vs. AC. Hit: 1d10 + level damage, and the target is marked by this Underling until the end of its next turn. Weapon Master (Soldier Prototyping) A cheap piece of sh*t katana or bo staff is a legitimate upgrade in the fighting power of the Underlings. Weirdly though, every single Imp you fight now thinks that it is a wizened asian Master fresh off the mountain, somehow. Defense modifier - Add +1 to AC. Harsh Tutelage - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. The attack may now be used as an Immediate Interrupt, triggered when an enemy shifts out of a space adjacent to the Underling. It also gains a +1 bonus to all attack rolls with this Basic attack. Divine Masterstroke - (Standard; Encounter) Melee 1. Target: One adjacent enemy. Attack: Level + 7 vs. AC. Hit: 2d6 + Level damage, and the target is marked by the Underling until the end of its next turn. Metamind (Artillery Prototyping) Basilisks with oversized craniums and bioelectric sparks shooting out of their eyes sounds like a great idea, and you should congratulate whoever came up with it. Right after you manage to not die fighting these psionically-gifted freaks off that is. Defense modifiers - Subtract -1 from AC, gain +1 Reflex and Will. Hit Points - The Underling loses 2 HP, as well as having -2 fewer HP per level. Mental Assault - (At-will, Standard action) Ranged 10. Target: One creature in range. Attack: Level + 5 vs. Will. Hit: 1d12 + level + 2 damage. Psionic Shield - (Encounter; Immediate Interrupt) Trigger: The Underling is hit by an attack. The Underling gains a +2 bonus to defenses against the triggering attack. Elemental Form (Artillery Prototyping) A prototyping that grants the Underlings access to a dangerously volatile harnessed element can't be all bad, right? Wrong. Defense modifiers - Subtract -1 from AC, gain +1 Reflex and Fortitude. Hit Points - The Underling loses 2 HP, as well as having -2 fewer HP per level. Elemental Aura - (Aura 1) Any creature that is not another Underling that starts its turn within the aura takes damage equal to this Underlings level + 2. Elemental Blast - (At-Will, Standard action) Ranged 15, Burst 1 within range. Target: Each creature in burst. Attack: Level + 3 vs. Reflex. Hit: 1d8 + level + 2 damage. Masked Avenger (Lurker Prototyping) They are Justice. They are Fear. They are the Night... They are Imps! Also, they are a royal pain in the ass to fight. Defense modifier - +1 to Reflex and Will. Subtract -2 from Fortitude. Hit Points - The Underling loses 2 HP, as well as having -2 fewer HP per level. Skill bonus - The Underlings gain skill modifiers equal to their Level + 6 to Acrobatics, Athletics, and Stealth. From the Shadows - This ability modifies a basic attack that the Underling already possesses. Whenever they hit a target granting combat advantage to them with this attack, the target takes 1d10 extra damage and the Underling may shift 3 spaces for free. Utility Belt Malfunction - (Standard, Encounter) Close Burst 1. Target: Each creature in burst. Attack: Level + 2 vs. Fortitude. Hit: The target is blinded until the end of its next turn. Effect: The Underling may shift 4 spaces and make a Stealth check if it has cover or concealment. Men in Black (Lurker Prototyping) Dark sunglasses and black suits and trench coats really tie together the Underlings into an ominous-looking force clearly devoted to protecting the oblivious citizenry from things they aren’t yet ready to know. Unfortunately these Ogres don’t seem to have internalized ‘the public good’ as part of their agenda just yet, and just use the fancy devices to terrorize.
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Defense modifier - +1 to Reflex and Will. Subtract -2 from Fortitude. Hit Points - The Underling loses 2 HP, as well as having -2 fewer HP per level. Stealth Field - The Underling gains skill modifiers equal to its Level + 6 to Stealth. It may make a Stealth check even in areas of normal concealment and cover, so long as they are adjacent to a wall or other solid obstruction. Teleportey Ball-Thingy – As a move action, the Underling may teleport 1d6 spaces. Roll every time an Underling tries to move with this method. If the dice result comes up as a one, then the Underling is instead transported 6 spaces, but in a random direction. Laser Amnesia Gizmo – (At-will; Standard) Melee 1. Attack: Level + 4 vs. Reflex. Hit: The target is dazed and blinded until the end of the Underlings next turn. Ninja Assassin (Lurker Prototyping) The only thing that is totally sweeter then being completely owned by a real Ninja is having your face ripped off by, like, a sly Ninja Lich, man. Radical. Defense modifier - +1 to Reflex and Will. Subtract -2 from Fortitude. Hit Points - The Underling loses 2 HP, as well as having -2 fewer HP per level. Skill bonus - The Underlings gain skill modifiers equal to their Level + 6 to Acrobatics, Athletics, and Stealth. Ninja Skillz - This ability modifies a basic attack that the Underling already possesses. Whenever they hit a target granting combat advantage to them with this attack, the target takes 1d10 extra damage and the Underling is invisible to them until the end of their next turn. Shuriken Toss - (At-Will, Standard) Ranged 5, Target: One creature in range. Attack: Level + 6 vs. AC. Hit: 1d6 + level damage and the Underling may shift 3 spaces and make a Stealth check if it has cover or concealment. Artificial Intelligence (Controller Prototyping) Ever since that computer mainframe got prototyped it’s been a constant struggle just to play the game! Every Basilisk has a computer screen displaying a cackling pixelated visage for a face and an uncanny ability to wage counter-warfare on your Server player. Defense modifier - +1 to Will. Comm Disruption – While on the battlefield during Strife, this Underling has a 50% chance of denying any Communication-range powers used by players not present in the fight. Server Static – (At-will – Standard) Target: A single server player. Attack: Level + 4 vs. Will. Hit: The server player is dazed and has a -1 to attacks until the end of their next turn. Flickering Screens – (Encounter – Close Blast 3) Attack: Level +3 vs. Reflex, every creature in blast. Hit: The target is immobilized (save ends). Prankster's Gambit (Controller Prototyping) Prototyping the Kernelsprite with a silly item or cartoon animal may have seemed like a good idea, but after a few battles you may regret the fact that the Imps always seem to come away with the better Prankster's Exchange in any encounter. Defense modifiers - +1 to Reflex. Slippery - (Immediate Reaction; Trigger: An attack targeting this creature misses): The Underling may shift one space. Gag Weapon - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. In addition to its normal effects, on a Hit the target is unable to make opportunity attacks until the end of this Underling’s next turn. Hat Trick - (Standard; Encounter) Burst 1 within 5 spaces. Targets all enemies in burst. Attack: Level + 2 vs. Reflex. Hit: The target is dazed (save ends). Squiddles (Controller Prototyping) Sweet dreams, you poor fools. Defense modifier - +1 to Will. Tangle! - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. In addition to it's normal effects, on a Hit the target is immobilized until the end of this Underlings next turn. Don't you Want to be my Buddy? - (At-will, Minor) Close burst 4, Target: One creature in burst. Attack: Level + 3 vs. Will. Hit: Pull the target up to 2 spaces. Let the Squiddles Sleep - (Encounter, Standard) Close burst 3, Target: Each creature in burst. Attack: Level + 2 vs. Will. Hit: The target falls unconscious (save ends). Effect: The Underling that used this power falls unconscious (save ends). Whenever a creature effected by this power takes damage, it may make an immediate saving throw. Pop Idol (Controller Prototyping)
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You think that if you have to listen to this teenybopper Best Hits radio rock piece of garbage one more time, you’re going to claw your ears out. Defense modifier - +1 to Will. Stage Lasers – (At-will, Standard) Ranged 10. Target: One creature. Attack: Level + 4 vs. Reflex. Hit: The target is blinded until the end of its next turn. Can’t Get This Song Out of My Head! – (Encounter, Standard) Burst 2 within 5 spaces, Target: Each enemy in burst. Attack: Level + 2 vs. Will. Hit: The target can’t make opportunity attacks or shift (save ends). Woodland Critter (Skirmisher Prototyping) Your Tiny Pony friends (or your pet cat) don't seem quite as friendly when they have the upper body of a cackling Basilisk. Best to lay your feelings aside and put these mutant freaks out of their misery as speedily as possible. Defense modifier - +1 Reflex. Movement bonus - +2 Speed. Critter Scamper - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. The attack gains the Effect: You may shift half of your speed and make this attack at any point during the shift. How could you? - (Encounter, Free action) Trigger: when reduced to 0 HP. Target: The triggering enemy. Attack: Level + 3 vs. Will. Hit: The target is immobilized until the end of its next turn. Brainless Feathery Assholes (Skirmisher Prototyping) This prototyping was clearly for the Birds. Ok, that joke was lame. I have to write rather a lot of these, you see. Not every line can be Shakespeare, ok? I mean, come on. Defense modifier - +1 Reflex. Movement bonus - The Underling gains a Fly speed (with Hover) equal to their base Speed. PSHWOOP - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. Whenever this Underling lands after flying at least half of its speed on its turn, then for the rest of its turn this attack gains a +1 bonus to the attack roll and may push the target 1 space on a successful hit. he'ss escapping from above!!? - (Encounter, Immediate Reaction) - Trigger: An enemy hits this Underling with an attack. Effect: The Underling flies its speed, ignoring opportunity attacks during the movement. Super Saiyan (Brute Prototyping, Tier 2) You went and actually prototyped one of 'the animes' with the Kernelsprite, didn't you? We were all joking about that one, actually. Yeah. Way to go. Defense modifiers - +2 to Fortitude and -1 from AC. Hit Points - The Underling gets +4 HP, as well as +2 more HP for each level it has. Burning Fists – This ability modifies a basic attack that the Underling possesses. The attack deals 1d8 extra damage, and a hit target takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends). Ki Fireball - (At-Will, Standard) Ranged 5. Target: One creature in range. Attack: Level + 2 vs. Reflex. Hit: 2d8 + level damage, and the target is knocked prone. Increase Power Level - (Encounter, Standard action). Effect: The Underling gains Resist 10 until the end of its next turn. The next attack that it makes gains a +1d8 bonus to damage, and dazes the target on a hit. Ghostly (Skirmisher Prototyping, Tier 2) Oh yes, perfect. Imps flying through walls and giggling to themselves like they are some kind of tricky Slimer. Defense modifiers - +1 to Reflex and Fortitude. Movement bonus – the Underling gains Phasing with all movement. Ectoplasmic Phasing – This ability modifies a basic attack that the Underling already possesses. On a hit, the Underling shifts 4 spaces and may shift through enemy spaces and walls during the movement (It effectively gains Phasing). Skill bonus – The Underling gains a modifier to Stealth equal to it’s level + 6. Phase Out – (Encounter – Immediate Reaction) Trigger: The Underling is hit by an attack. Effect: The attack is ignored and the Underling gains the insubstantial property until the end of it’s next turn. Wytch-Majjyk Spellecraft (Artillery Prototyping, Tier 2) Your meddling with fictional magic items, such as fortune telling balls, sh*tty wands, and/or magician statues, has produced Underlings that actually wield defictionalized magical energy (and wear colorful robes as well, naturally). Call their implements 'Science Wands' all you want, but prepare for a painful introduction to the ways of the Arcane as punishment for your Kernelsprite tinkering. Defense modifiers - Subtract -1 from AC, gain +1 Reflex and Will.
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Hit Points - The Underling loses 2 HP, as well as having -2 more HP per level. Movement bonus - The Underling may Hover above the ground as it moves. It has a fly speed of 4, but must end its movement over a flat surface or it falls. Esotera of Annihilation - (At-will; Standard) Ranged 20, Burst 1. Target: Each creature in burst. Attack: Level + 4 vs. Reflex. Hit: 2d6 + level + 2 damage. Dread Word of Unraveling - (Encounter; Standard) Ranged 20. Target: One creature in range. Attack: Level + 5 vs. Fortitude. Hit: The target takes ongoing 10 damage and is dazed (save ends both). Miss: The target takes ongoing 5 damage and is slowed (save ends both). Self-Prototyping (Soldier Prototyping, Tier 2) Through some sort of ill-advised time shenanigans you have managed to get your own visage, or that of a close loved one, on the prototyped Underlings. This would be just weird and not so inherently bad, were it not for the fact that now all of the creatures seem to be able to predict your every move with uncanny ability… Attack and Defense modifiers – When adjacent to the designated prototyped player, this Underling gets +1 to all attacks and all defenses. Denying Attack – This ability modifies a basic attack that the Underling already possesses. On a hit, the target of the attack may is incapable of using an At-Will Aggrievement of the GM’s choice until the end of their next turn. Can’t Run From Myself – (At-will, Immediate Reaction) Trigger: The adjacent designated prototyped player shifts, teleports, moves, slides, or flies. Effect: This Underling immediately duplicates the movement mode and speed of the player and must end this movement adjacent to the triggering player. Predatorial Alien Monster (Lurker Prototyping, Tier 2) Why on earth you would prototype the Kernelsprite with a ravenous alien brood creature from fiction is anyone's guess, and the results are predictably horrifying. Watch your back... Defense modifiers - +1 to Reflex and Fortitude, and -1 from Will. Movement bonus - The Underling gains +1 Speed and a Climb Speed equal to it's Level. Skill bonus - The Underling gains skill modifiers equal to their Level + 7 to Acrobatics, Athletics, and Stealth. Health Siphon - Whenever an attack of this Underlings hits a bloodied target or bloodies a target, it regains Hit Points equal to twice its level. Rip and Tear - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. Whenever it hits an enemy granting it combat advantage, the attack deals 1d10 extra damage and the target is dazed until the end of its next turn. Implant Attack - (Standard; Encounter) Ranged 5. Target: One creature in range. Attack: Level + 5 vs. AC. Hit: 2d6 + level damage and the target is stunned until the end of its next turn. Heavy Metal (Brute Prototyping, Tier 2) For whatever ridiculous reason, somebody thought it would be clever to put a copy of the latest Iron Warrior album into one of the Kernelsprites. Now your Underlings, while admittedly a whole lot more kick-ass then before, are beginning to get to you with their constant boozing and horrendously loud music. Defense modifiers - +2 to Fortitude and -1 from AC. Hit Points - The Underling gets +4 HP, as well as +2 more HP for each level it has. Axekind - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. The attack deals 1d6 extra damage when it hits, and the target is also dazed and deafened until the end of its next turn. Remember, a target that is deafened cannot gain the benefits of Communication with any of its allies! Mosh Pit - Whenever a chain of at least 3 Underlings with this template are adjacent to each other, they all gain the benefits of an Aura 1 centered on each of them. Any enemy that shifts into or out of the aura takes Damage equal to the Underlings Level + 1 (only triggers once per move). Pyrotechnics - (Free action, Encounter) Trigger: when reduced to 0 HP. Close burst 1. Target: Each enemy in burst. Attack: Level + 2 vs. Fortitude. Hit: The target is blinded until the end of its next turn. Psychological Horror (Controller Prototyping, Tier 2) Whether a former beloved pet that was preserved all wrong, a creepy Horror Movie poster, the fully realized form of a Horror-Terror or just some disturbing doll visage, this prototyping is terrifying to behold when it is translated onto the forms of the Underlings. Just your luck. Defense modifier - +2 to Will. Skill modifier - The Underling gains a skill modifier equal to their level + 7 to Stealth. Mind-Rending - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. Whenever the attack hits, the target receives a -2 penalty to all attack and skill rolls until the end of this Underlings next turn.
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Fear Itself - (Encounter, Standard) Close blast 3. Target: each enemy in blast. Attack: Level + 3 vs. Will. Hit: The target is stunned (save ends). First Guardian (Controller Prototyping, Tier 3) This Imp crackles with green lighting and seems to flicker between this reality and an infinite Other. As you ready yourself for the coming Strife, you begin to wonder just what could have gone so wrong for Fate to curse you so. Defense modifier - +1 to AC, Reflex, Fortitude, and Will. Quantum Strike - This ability modifies a Basic attack that the Underling already possesses. The attack now targets Fortitude defense, and on a hit the target takes an additional 1d10 + level damage and is teleported 2 spaces in a direction of the Underlings choosing. Unstable Gate - The Underling gains a movement mode of Teleport 4. Whenever it teleports, it may choose one ally and teleport it 2 spaces as well. Warping Defense - (At-will; Immediate Interrupt) Trigger: An attack hits or misses this Underling. Effect: The Underling gains +2 to all defenses against the attack. If the attack is a miss after the defense bonus, then both the Underling and the triggering attacker are teleported 5 spaces in a direction of the Underling's choice.
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-- umbralAeronaut [UA] began pestering you! -- UA: hey~ UA: good luck out there. UA: if things get too hot to handle don~t be afraid to ask for help~ UA: you can find us at our pesterchum memo~ #HomestuckRPG. UA: or come by the in Fan Projects and look for the Homestuck tabletop RPG thread~ UA: alright~ gotta run now. I~ll see you on the other side!
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