Virginia Gazette from Williamsburg, Virginia (2024)

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THE VIRGINIA GAZETTE $100 PER YEAR WILLIAMSBURG VA SATURDAY JULY 24 1S97 VIRGINIA ITEMS THE WONDERS SCIENCE THE NEWS i SYNDICATES AT WORK WASHINGTON NOTES PKIIAKED OB Till KUSH DESEBTED WIE KILLED Kc ROM AltJIEMA ESTAMLISHED 1S7O ths TEA IS ENDS OUR I II ES Blinds and Sasi Doors Manufacturer of Lung Troubles and Con sumption can be Cured United States Consnl Gencral Burke has bearded ths United states steamship Italelgh at Tangier and gone on a vtslt ot Inspection ot the euusulates under his jurtadl along the west coast of Morocco The battle ship Oregon has sailed Irons Port Angeles tor Sats rimctaeu jl'tio new vessel Helena has been ordered to ths Washington Na' yurd to receive a silver service to be pzosented by the State ot Montana Senator Carter will make tin presentation and Lieutenant Commander Swinburne eomtnnndlng the Helena Is ex pected to respond Capt II Sands has been ordered to command the Minneapolis In reserve and Capt II Chester has been Ordered from the Minneapolis to duty on the examining board liepreeoiiLixlve Dorr Introduced la the House a bill to prohibit the sale ot euuvlct rnade gods unless branded as such Mr reston the director ot the mint has received a telegram from the superintendent ot the Sun I'rnm tseo mint stating that 500 000 in gold had arrived nt that port front Alaska and that tin equal amount was ex pected to arrive next week There were 132 appointments Ot fourth class postmasters riday Ol these 62 were based on removals after tour years' service 12 on other removals and 2d on resignations and deaths Senator llunna has replied to the request ot the State Arbitration Commissioners asking his asalstaace la settling the ooal strike Ills response was that he would be very glad to co operate in a settlement and that a repre sentative of his was nusv on the ground ready to act and forward a settlement The President has awarded medals ot honor to Cupt Harlan Swift of Malo of the Second Now York Mounted Rifles and1 Charles Day ot Wellsboro a private In the Two Hundred and Tenth Petuisylvanlu Vol unteers MOULDINGS STAIR WO UK PORCH TRIMMINGS HARDWOOD AND SLATE MANTELS TILING AND GRATES INE HARDWARE PAINTS OILS AND GLASS AND BUILDING MATERIAL VERY DESCRIPTION steamer are Crowded With Men and Some Womuc Bound for the Klondike The owner of Dawon City Sayw that the People There Now Can Hardly Le Supported Thl Tain of Great Thousands Willing to Run the Risk of Starvation Curpar Margarlan Reaches New tork and TvlU of the Oulriitfea Carper Murgarbm an aged Armenta was the leader ot a band ot twemy llvu refugees who just arrived In Now York In the Steerage ol the Dutch steamship Spa ar dam from Rot terdam Thu party came from Harpoot in Asia Minor the scone of a bloudy massacre by the Kurds left our homes and the most ot our said old Carper before we left a priest named Dar Sorkes who re fused to give Information to the Kurds had his head cleft in twain by utu Uow ot the sword" Kazlgtau the rich farmer near Harpoot was brutally murdered by nlnetren Kurds who descended on his house and de manded some money They promised to leave it he gave up his wealth but on re ceiving it they bound him to a chair and hacked ml bis arms and tegs Hu only daughter a girl of twenty was taken cap tire Harpoot our party proceeded on horseback to Ronson on the Bia sea where we finally secured passage la a tree steamer for Marseilles We then Journeyed to Rotterdam where we secured passage on the Three Sleeping Boys and a Colored 1 rsm Killed A freight train In the International A Great Northern yards In Austin Tex ran over tour white boys who were sleeping on the tracks killing John Bridges 15 years Charles Sweeney 18 ami Montgomery 13 years old Henry lAtis 16 years was terribly hurt As the train left the yards an hour later colored man named Cox tried to grab a brake bar to steal a ri le but foil and was i mangled Inti miu I COOKE CLARK CO She Thought Her Husband Dead and The Truant Returns Melissa wife of red Darrow of Stanhope Webster County Ky was shot dead whtlo sitting on the front porch ot her house and Joel Warner a former husband who sud denly ieit her five years ago is in jail After three years' absence the deserted wife considered him dead and married red Darrow a farmer Warner appeared and demanded that she give up Darrow und go with him She re fused and ordered him to leave the place when it is said he shot her He then shot himself lie was seized disarmed and placed In counnmneiit He will recover Mrs co*cke wlteof Ex Mayor co*cke ot Asheville committed suicide at her home She was Miss Minnie Lyne of Cynthtana Ky and was mantel to Mr co*cke less than a year ago The executive committee in charge ot th celebration to be given at remont 0 Sep I temoer 2 when President McKinley will visit I the city have Issued Invitations to William Jennings Bryan Ex resldent Grover Cleveland Horace Chapman the Democratic nominee for Governor ot Ohio to be guests ot the city the same day and to take part la the exercises A meeting was held Sunday evening In B'nal B'rith Building San rancisco In be half of the Jewish colonists The assem blage had to be adjourned abruptly In order to avoid a collision letween two factions the one favoring the colonization and the other denouncing it as a scheme General Hubbard of New York la the most prominently mentioned man as the probable successor to Colonel Crocker as first vice president of the Southern Pacific Hallway Company The United States House ot Representa tives held a day imd night session Monday and adopted the conference report on the (tariff bill by a vote ot 180 to 115 In a letter received by President Kateblord from irgi nt grand master ot the Brotherhood of Locomotive iremen Mr Sargent offers his personal assistance in any manner deemed lest by Mr Ratchford and also suggests a plan for the membership of She organization numbering 30000 to assist the strikers financially Thojmlncrs employed at the Standard mine at Navarre 6 have joined the strikers The Camp Creek miners have also gone out Comptroller itch made advertisem*nt for the sale of gold bonds ot the City of New York amounting to 810 053 017 27 The bonds will boar 3X per cent Interest John Scott Oliver the California deputy sheriff who was Indicted In New York tor abduction attempted suicide in the Tombs Prison lie trust a lead pencil down Oils throat' He is not seriously hurt This Is his second 'attempt at suicide since bis arrest ire destroyed the Ouellette Block on Sandwich street Windsor Ont occupied by Neven Clinton Busker hardware Peek clothing anil Carley tailor Loss 474000 InsiUranoe 312000 Bartlett MacDonald Co dry goods adjoining were damaged 84000 by smoke and water fuliy Insured Miss rances Hayes the only daughter ot the late President Hayes will be married to Ensign Harry Eaton Smith on September 1 at the Hayes Mansion Spiegel Grove 0 President and Mrs McKinley will attend Burgota agent cf the Wells aro Ex press Company at Tampico Mex has been arrested on the charge ol robbing that com pany ot 86000 la currency Two other em ployes of the office Lave also been arrested for alleged complicity tn the rubbery An Eminent Aeo York Ch'inOt anU Scientist a ree ftJrr tn ur The distinguished New York chemist A dlocum demonstrating his Vwnv ery of a reliable and absolute cure for Consumption (Pulmonary Tuberculocbji and ail bronchial throat lung and chest diseases stubborn cough catarrh al affections genera! decline ami weak ness low of flesh ami all conditions of wasting away will send THREE REE BOTTLES (all different) ot bis New Discoveries to any afflicted reader of the Gazette writing tor them His scientific Treatment" has cured thousands permanently by its timely use and ha consnlcrs it a simple professional duty to suffering humanity donate a tri il ot his infallible cure Science daily develops new wonders and this great chemtat patiently experi menting for years bus produced results as bcueilciiii to humanity can be claimed by any modern genius His assertion that lung troubles and con sumption are curable in any climate ia proven by lettors of grati tude" tiled tn his Amcrictm and Euro pean labra tories in thousands frotrf those cured in all parts ot the world Medical experts concede that bron chial chest and lung troubles lead to Consumption which uninterrupted means speedy aud certain death tjimply write to A Slocum SS Pine street New York giving post office and express address aud the free medicine will be promptly sent Suffer ers should take instant advantage of his generous proposition Please tell the Doctor that you saw is oiler iu the Gazette A despatch from Sail rancisco Cal says: The i ntlre Coast has gone gold mad iince the discoveries ot the yellow metal in she Klondike region in Alaska The Alaska Commercial simmers will not ible tn carry a tenth ot the hordes now pre paring to start tor the frozen gold fields Great processions Ot men and some romen have been filing In and out of the itoamsblp offices asking particulars about a ansportatlon and routes It is estimatedhat noW people will start from San ram'is towards Alaska before August rom th ports ot Puget Sound as many more will em fftrk Tacoma reports that men ot wealthn that city are forming syndicates and ail vanclng grubstakes with the understanding i that the men whu do the work are to receive' calf ot the gold they secure These syndl rnt js are made up of from tun to twenty men ind each one signs a contract to receive hUshare of the proceeds Each party win seat rer on reaching tho placers and It Is esti mated that nt least tw out ot each party of uen will strike it rich and bring the average 'of all up to net loss than 10000 To Charter a Steamer I The biggest scheme ot nil Is to chartar the Northern Pacific steamer City ot Seattle provision her and load her down with all sorts of goods suitable tor use In the ar North It Is proposed to send the vessel up the Yukon Elver ns far as possible aud to utilize her during the Winter as headquar ters for the Tacoma colony All the exper I lenced Yukon miners Insist that those who 1 venture Into the Klondike country must have i at least one yaar'e tf provisions but such warnings are not heeded by many who are only anxious to get into the gold fields I and then trust to luck to make a living Ml classes of eonle are lolning the cold hunt ers out street car empwyi es ana poiummeu take the lead In point of numbers Ono capi talist who proposed paying men85 a day and meet all their necessary expenses besides di viding enruluga with them was overwhelmed with applicants and had to withdraw his Offer It is leaking out that many who returned last Spring from Klondike were careful not to give true version of the wealth ot the country Maps of Alaska are in demand The center of the new gold region Is nut within Alaskan territory but forty miles are not much on a map aud thousands of pros pective adventurers on tho Coast are studying the somewhat uncertain lines and charts that will serve to guide fortune bunt i ers Into the far Northwest TTHj kf fha E' zv! ui I nvlkfi itz1 of gold dust has dispelled some of the hazy notions of this distant Yukon region which generally has been regarded as a dreary suc cession of Jmpassalle snow mountains und Illimitable ice prairies The gold huutors who returned with fortunes tell of a country rich not alone tn minerals but in variety ot climate and resources It Is nut an endless I fee carnival up there There are two mouths I of sunshine and Summer There are trees and berrlus and flowers und where cultiva tion of the soil has been attempted accord ing to tne requirements or tnat ututuue ir has been successful Nevertheless tho dan gers from cold aud famine are great and the menace of snow toe and tho relentless Winters will have a restraining influence on the exodus Reports ut Rapid Wealth The arrival ot the steamer Portland with 4700 tWO tn gold and a second party of the miners Is taken as full confirmation ot the stories of the richness of the mines Ou the other band it accentuates the question many will usk before deciding to In rest 4500 to 41000 In the dangerous northern trip The i question is are so many of the miners returning with fortunes assmall as 810000 Or 425000 it there is such a wealth ot gold that anybody may obtain? Tbeso miners might have all ayed and became million aires judging by their own descriptions be fore the people In this part ot the continent had a chance to get there Of cour a some have given good reasons for coming away so early some are going buck and ail have brought gold enough to force tho sceptics into admission tnat tne discovery on Klondike must have been a rich one Michael Dass a German market gardener who has rest kd In Roanoke and vietiilty the past eight years committed suicide his resldencs a short distance south ot Roan oks by shooting himself tn the head with ft revolver Brabokor a neighbor beard the shot and went at ouce to Daze's house where be found him lying unconsci ous on the floor with a bul let wound in bls forehead and a revolver at bta side He was slxty eevun years old and had no relations in this country except his brother family at Harrlsbnrg Ta A note was found on the floor signed Daso which read: I me In a pln box and place on the hill and no preaching" The verdict of the coroner's jury was Io accordance With the above facts i The deceased had been very despondent tor somo time George Saddler a young farmer of Ches tertleld county was attacked and beaten al I most to death At the time ol 'the assault Saddler was 'asleep In bis wagon His as sailants it Is alleged were colored num Saddler and some other cenntrymen had brought produce to town to sell and were spending the night under a shad Several colored men have been arrested charg'd with the assault At tho requestor eftizons of Alexandria county Representative RIxey fcf this dis trict Is making an effort to secure such action ou tho part of the United States gov ernment ns will devote the COO or more acres of the Arlington truck unrsed to cx I erimental farms nailer tho c*ntrol of ths Agricultural Department Among tho projects suggested in 'Alexan dria county Is an extension of the Washing ton Arlington slid alls Church Electric Railway from Arlington to Seminary Hill near Alexandria the crossing at our MR run to be made near Station It Is not known how soon an effort will be mads to put this project into execution Mr Claron Noel? one ot the oldest and most highly respected citizens of Wytheville Is dead Mr Noel came to Wytheville a young man from Charlottesvile Vx where he had married Miss Mary Clyne He held many offices of trust In Wythe county After the war he opened a drug store in Wythe ville and conducted it with success and profit tor many years until he retired from active business some fifteen years ago He leaves a widow and three Mr Walter Noel Mrs John Brown and Mrs John and a host of friends Mr Noel was seventy nine years ut oga at bls death Luke Edwards ho had just boon sen tenced to the penitentiary for three years for burglary and Wesley Johnson tor the same offense who was serving out a sentence ot one year both negroes mode their escape fromtlie Roanoke jail and as yet have not been captured They sawed the bars of the cell In two and oncn inside the corridor made a hole through the bricks under a window on the third floor from which they easily descended to the ground The station keeper was notified that the prisoners were escaping but when he got to the rear of the jail they had disappeared The Norfolk and Western Hallway Com pany sent all the available crows to the lat Top coal regions In order to get out as much coal from that section as possible before all tho coal miners there had joined thu strike Charles Pavord died in Elkton of eonsump tton aged sixty llve years He was a native ot England ur many years he was en gaged in the shoo manufacturing business tn Philadelphia but moved to Elkton about fifteen years ago Bryant the forger escaped from jail at Charlotteavilie accompanied by a hite tramp who had been placed In the cell with him Three of the upright bars which were two lU' hes square were sawed out leaving an aperture ot about 9 by is Inches Bryant was arrested In the People's National Bank In April last charged with forging a negotiable note purporting to be tho note of A Earley A Sou ut Doylesvllle for sev eral hundred dollars His trial camo off on Wednesday June 23 thu Jury returning a verdict of guilty aud fixing his punishment at ten years ia the penitentiary He was kept iu the jail pending an appeal Nothing Is known ot Bryant except that he swindled a number ot people In and near Chatham before coming to Albemarle where be gave the name ot Bryant and of Brooks and Hayes Tho residence ot A Marshall on Tread well street la Berryville was discovered to be on tire The houk aud laddcr company and citizens responded promptly to the alarm and every effort was made tu save the burning building but chiefly because of the scarcity of water the firemen being en tirely dependent upon wells Mid cisterns tor the supply the building was entirely con sumed Almost all ot the furniture and other euatents of tho house were saved aud there being Insurance upon the building Mr loss will not be very heavy It Is learned that ail ot the railroads to be connected by the Belt Line around Ports mouth and Norfolk havo subscribed to Its capital stock and will have a representative In Its board ot director The Pennsylvania has been trying ever since It originated the enterprise tu get the other roads Interested pecuniarily and tts efforts have been sue cessful It Is said that the Seaboard Air Line was the last road tq hold off (rum the scheme but that It has now fallen Into line with Its neighboring corporations aud will be equally Interested with the Southern Const Line Norfolk and Western and Nor folk aud Southern Thu Pennsylvania will probably retain a controlling interest UTUMA PERECT HEALTH REGAINE3 The Wonder of the Age Grandest discovery in tho annals of Guaranteed to cure more dis eases than any other medicine treatment or system known to the medical profess sion MAN" made remedy but true panacea Vatcma is an amiseptic germacide it positively destroys al! microbes and germs ol every kind name and nature it is healing and soothing to the mucuous membrane It will permanently cure the majority of cases ot Bronchitis Catarrh Dispepsia all Stomache troub les all diseases ot the Bladder Bowels Kidnevs Liver Constipation Pile Old Sores Rectal Diseases Ulcers Eczma Scrofula Blood Rheumatism Neuralgia Diseased Discharges Dis eases peculiar to Women Nervous and Phvsical Weakness etc NO MATTER WHAT YOUR AIL MENT or where you live write us a lull history of your trouble and ourcon sulting physician will advise you what to do in order to regain your health Consultation is REE and sacredly con fidential Terms very low ur proofs enclose 2 cent stamp Local agents wanted everywhere No canvassing We advertise you in your home paper Address with stamp THE EATITAIA doMPANY Box DS Chicago III TON SORI AL ARTIST John New Bar ber Shop CHARGES MODERATE ACCORDING TO WORK I ask a share of the patron age of the people of the town and tho young gentlemen of the college John Carey irst Door Below Drugstore A MAN WANTED! or what? TO TELL ALL THE PEOPLE IN WILLIAMSBURG AND SLID ROUNDING COUNTRY WHEN THEY GO TO NOROLK NOT TO ORGET TO VISIT English Kitchen The only first Class Dinin? Room for ladies and rentlemen 3A7 dlaiji St Norfolk Vid Millions of Bushels ot Grain Brady ter Deportation Out West Long trains of empty freight ears have rolled out ut Kansas City tor two weeks aud dropped off in twos threes and fives on side 'racks along the lines of the railroads in Missouri Iowa Kansas Nebraska and Ok lahoma These empty freight ears of which there are thousands be filled with new '97 wheat Inside of tour or five weeks A tremendous grain rush is expected and the best of management by railroad officials will be needed to prevent a bnge grain blockade or a grain car famine Conserva tive estimates of crop statisticians place the yield ot wheat tor this your in Kansas at 60 500000 bushels 28 Commercial lace 49 Rounoku Avenue 1T0R7CLZ VA 1 WMiTEHWST QO 1 11 fv I 111 PV jUaaSBSfflHaBl" 1 uuull) Dlllluuj UUUlu AUD OTHZR 2 JILDI1TO1C2T3DIAD 10th Byrd Sts lUCIlMOXD VA.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.