What Fun is there in a Happy Ending? - Aquinnix (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Chapter Text Chapter 2 Chapter Text Chapter 3 Chapter Text Chapter 4 Chapter Text Chapter 5: Hermittober 2023 Day 4 - Bound Chapter Text Chapter 6: Hermittober 2023 Day 5 - Sand Chapter Text Chapter 7: Hermittober 2023 Day 6 - Bread Chapter Text Chapter 8: Hermittober 2023 Day 7 - Fall Chapter Text Chapter 9: Hermittober 2023 Day 8 - Blossom Chapter Text Chapter 10: Hermittober 2023 Day 9 - Betrayal Chapter Text Chapter 11: Hermittober 2023 Day 10 - Sacrifice Chapter Text Chapter 12: Hermittober 2023 Day 11 - Burst Chapter Text Chapter 13: Hermittober 2023 Day 12 - Fool Chapter Text Chapter 14: Hermittober 2023 Day 13 - Sweet Chapter Text Chapter 15: Hermittober 2023 Day 14 - Clash Chapter Text Chapter 16: Hermittober 2023 Day 15 - World Chapter Text Chapter 17: Hermittober 2023 Day 16 - Feather Chapter Text Chapter 18: Hermittober 2023 Day 17 - Card Chapter Text Chapter 19: Hermittober 2023 Day 18 - Scheme Chapter Text Chapter 20: Hermittober 2023 Day 19 - Water Chapter Text Chapter 21: Hermittober 2023 Day 20 - Heights Chapter Text Chapter 22: Hermittober 2023 Day 21 - Slay Chapter Text Chapter 23: Hermittober 2023 Day 22 - Shard Chapter Text Chapter 24: Hermittober 2023 Day 23 - Life Chapter Text Chapter 25: Hermittober 2023 Day 24 - Death Chapter Text Chapter 26: Hermittober 2023 Day 25 - Wrath Chapter Text Chapter 27: Hermittober 2023 Day 26 - Spy Chapter Text Chapter 28: Hermittober 2023 Day 27 - Victor Chapter Text Chapter 29: Hermittober 2023 Day 28 - Wilt Chapter Text Chapter 30: Hermittober 2023 Day 29 - Allies Chapter Text Chapter 31: Hermittober 2023 Day 30 - Warden Chapter Text Chapter 32: Hermittober 2023 Day 31 - Free Chapter Text Chapter 33 Chapter Text Chapter 34 Chapter Text Chapter 35 Chapter Text Chapter 36 Chapter Text Chapter 37 Chapter Text Chapter 38 Chapter Text Chapter 39 Chapter Text Chapter 40 Chapter Text Chapter 41 Chapter Text Chapter 42: Desert Duo Week 2023 Day 1 - Dancing and Holding Chapter Text Chapter 43: Desert Duo Week 2023 Day 2 - Vexes and Watchers Chapter Text Chapter 44: Desert Duo Week 2023 Day 3 - Alter Egos and Secret Identities Chapter Text Chapter 45: Desert Duo Week 2023 Day 4 - Poppies and Lilacs Chapter Text Chapter 46: Desert Duo Week 2023 Day 5 - Allies and Enemies Chapter Text Chapter 47: Desert Duo Week 2023 Day 6 - Cooking and Baking Chapter Text Chapter 48: Desert Duo Week 2023 Day 7 - Apologies and Forgiveness Chapter Text Chapter 49 Chapter Text Chapter 50 Chapter Text Chapter 51 Chapter Text Chapter 52 Chapter Text Chapter 53 Chapter Text Chapter 54 Chapter Text Chapter 55 Chapter Text Chapter 56 Chapter Text Chapter 57 Chapter Text Chapter 58 Chapter Text Chapter 59 Chapter Text Chapter 60 Chapter Text Chapter 61 Chapter Text Chapter 62 Chapter Text Chapter 63 Chapter Text Chapter 64: Hermit Fanon Swap Chapter Text Chapter 65 Chapter Text Chapter 66 Chapter Text Chapter 67 Chapter Text Chapter 68 Chapter Text Chapter 69 Chapter Text Chapter 70 Chapter Text Chapter 71 Chapter Text Chapter 72 Chapter Text Chapter 73 Chapter Text Chapter 74: Febuwhump 2024 Day 1 - Helpless Chapter Text Chapter 75: Febuwhump 2024 Day 2 - Solitary Confinement Chapter Text Chapter 76: Febuwhump 2024 Day 3 - ALT Human Weapon Chapter Text Chapter 77: Febuwhump 2024 Day 5 - Rope Burns Chapter Text Chapter 78: Febuwhump 2024 Day 6 - “You Lied to Me” Chapter Text Chapter 79: Febuwhump 2024 Day 7 - Suffering in Silence Chapter Text Chapter 80: Febuwhump 2024 Day 8 - “Why Won’t it Stop?” Chapter Text Chapter 81: Febuwhump 2024 Day 9 - Bees Chapter Text Chapter 82: Febuwhump 2024 Day 10 - Killing in Self Defence Chapter Text Chapter 83: Febuwhump 2024 Day 11 - Time Loop Chapter Text Chapter 84: Febuwhump 2024 Day 12 - Semi-conscious Chapter Text Chapter 85: Febuwhump 2024 Day 13 - “You Weren’t Supposed to Get Hurt” Chapter Text Chapter 86: Febuwhump 2024 Day 14 - ALT Lightning Strike Chapter Text Chapter 87: Febuwhump 2024 Day 15 - "Who Did This to You?" Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 88: Febuwhump 2024 Day 16 - Came Back Wrong Chapter Text Chapter 89: Febuwhump 2024 Day 17 - Hostage Situation Chapter Text Chapter 90: Febuwhump 2024 Day 18 - Too Weak to Move Chapter Text Chapter 91: Febuwhump 2024 Day 19 - "Please Don't" Chapter Text Chapter 92: Febuwhump 2024 Day 20 -ALT Human Shield Chapter Text Chapter 93: Febuwhump 2024 Day 21 - Unresponsive Chapter Text Chapter 94: Febuwhump 2024 Day 22 - "You Weren't Meant to be There" Chapter Text Chapter 95: Febuwhump 2024 Day 23 - Presumed Dead Chapter Text Chapter 96: Febuwhump 2024 Day 24 - "I'm Doing This Because I Care About You" Chapter Text Chapter 97: Febuwhump 2024 Day 25 - Water Boarding Chapter Text Chapter 98: Febuwhump 2024 Day 26 - "Help Them" Chapter Text Chapter 99: Febuwhump 2024 Day 27 - Left for Dead Chapter Text Chapter 100: Febuwhump 2024 Day 28 - "No...Not Like This" Chapter Text Chapter 101: Febuwhump 2024 Day 29 - Not Allowed to Die Chapter Text Chapter 102 Chapter Text Chapter 103 Chapter Text Chapter 104 Chapter Text Chapter 105: Skizz Week Day 1 - Silent/Shout Chapter Text Chapter 106: Skizz Week Day 2 - Hybrid/AU Chapter Text Chapter 107: Skizz Week Day 3 - Ghost/Omen Chapter Text Chapter 108: Skizz Week Day 4 - Friend/Enemy Chapter Text Chapter 109: Skizz Week Day 5 - Stars/Hearts Chapter Text Chapter 110: Skizz Week Day 6 - Sweet/Sour Chapter Text Chapter 111: Skizz Week Day 7 - Free Day Chapter Text Chapter 112 Chapter Text Chapter 113 Chapter Text Chapter 114 Chapter Text Chapter 115 Chapter Text Chapter 116 Chapter Text Chapter 117 Chapter Text Chapter 118 Chapter Text Chapter 119 Chapter Text Chapter 120 Chapter Text Chapter 121: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 1 - Beef Chapter Text Chapter 122: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 4 - Keralis Chapter Text Chapter 123: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 5 - TinfoilChef Chapter Text Chapter 124: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 6 - Jevin Chapter Text Chapter 125: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 8 - xB Chapter Text Chapter 126: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 9 - Skizz Chapter Text Chapter 127: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 10 - Stress Chapter Text Chapter 128: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 11 - Pearl Chapter Text Chapter 129: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 12 - Friends of Hermitcraft Chapter Text Chapter 130: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 13 - Cub Chapter Text Chapter 131: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 14 - Doc Chapter Text Chapter 132: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 15 - False Chapter Text Chapter 133: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 16 - Wels Chapter Text Chapter 134: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 17 - Etho Chapter Text Chapter 135: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 18 - Joe Chapter Text Chapter 136: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 19 - "ALT" Hermit Chapter Text Chapter 137: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 20 - Gem Chapter Text Chapter 138: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 21 - Bdubs Chapter Text Chapter 139: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 23 - Tango Chapter Text Chapter 140: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 24 - Cleo Chapter Text Chapter 141: MCYT Drabble Exchange Chapter Text Chapter 142: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 25 - Impulse Chapter Text Chapter 143: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 27 - Grian Chapter Text Chapter 144: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 29 - Hypno Chapter Text Chapter 145: MCYT Drabble Exchange Chapter Text Chapter 146: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 30 - Joel Chapter Text Chapter 147: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 31 - Ren Chapter Text

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Bdubs stared at the broken clock nestled in his palm. Each dent and crack was a reminder of betrayal, of loss. He focused on his own reflection in the shattered glass, his black eye sticking out like a sore thumb.

Bdubs and the clock had a lot in common.

Chapter 2

Chapter Text

Pearl let herself fall deeper into the pile of ivory snow. Frostbite snaked its way through her limbs, numbing the pain. Her heart was racing with panic that was not her own. A shiver crept up her spine, yet all she could feel was a comforting warmth. The warmth of knowing that, in this moment, she was not alone.

Chapter 3

Chapter Text

Grian dug his feet into the sand, the bright desert sun warming his back, crimson blood dripping from his fists. A grey figure lay still beneath him. It wasn’t supposed to end this way, but something in the back of Grian’s mind told him otherwise. He wiped his forehead, staining his red sleeve a deeper shade. Whispers filled his ears, one down, one to go. Grian slid his heel to the edge of the cliff. And smiled.

Chapter 4

Chapter Text

It was impossible to tell if the heartbeat echoing through the corridors was from Etho’s own chest or the dungeon itself. A soft breeze filled the frost covered hallway, as if the room was breathing. Doorways snapped closed like hungry mouths eager for their dinner. Etho’s feet splashed into a puddle left from melting ice. He couldn’t help but notice it was thicker than water, saliva would be an accurate comparison. It was as if the dungeon itself was alive, but that couldn’t be true.

Could it?

Chapter 5: Hermittober 2023 Day 4 - Bound

Chapter Text

When Scott closed his eyes he could imagine the string that tied her soul to his. He dreamed of taking his sword and severing the bind but it wasn’t that simple, it would never be that simple. A chill crawled up his arm, its frozen tendrils digging into his flesh. He glanced across the ravine to the woods where he could only assume that scarlet demon was laughing at his pain. Maybe demon was a bit too harsh, he was partly to blame for her insanity. But what choice did he have? She ran off. She left him to figure things out himself. He was only repaying the favour. Scott steadied his breath and tightened his grip on the piece of dynamite in his palm. One way or another, it was going to end today.

Chapter 6: Hermittober 2023 Day 5 - Sand

Chapter Text

Another grain of sand swam down the hourglass, settling amongst all the other grains that had fallen before it. Laying in a bed of seconds that could never come back, of moments that were gone for good. More sand came down, burying the grain, shutting out the light of the world. Like all other moments in time, the grain was doomed to be forgotten, mixed with every other second to ever be and blurred into obscurity. Something else came down the hourglass, thick and sticky and red. It carried all the little grains in its path deeper and deeper down to the very bottom. Another drop of crimson hope came down, and another. The glass filled and the little grain started to drift upwards, floating back up to the surface. Back up to the light. Back up to the present. Back to life.

Chapter 7: Hermittober 2023 Day 6 - Bread

Chapter Text

Grian grabbed a pen from his pocket and corrected the sign.


He had gotten used to carrying a pen with him wherever he went. The sheer amount of times it was misspelled was unbelievable. It couldn’t be that hard could it? There was a stark difference between him and a loaf of bread, at least that’s what he liked to believe. A single thought surfaced in his mind, at what point did he become the misspellings? If Grain was more common, then was that who everyone else thought he was? Was that who he was becoming? Was that all that mattered? He stuck the pen back in his pocket. What was the point? Maybe he should just embrace who everyone else thought he should be. Maybe that is who he is. Maybe that's who he always was.

Chapter 8: Hermittober 2023 Day 7 - Fall

Chapter Text

It felt as though time stood still as Jimmy’s foot slipped off the bridge. An overwhelming sense of panic overtook him, this was it, this was the end. His hair rustled in the wind as he fell and he closed his eyes. Pain shot through his skull like an arrow, then a stabbing pain in his chest. Jimmy couldn’t tell if it was hard to breath because of the shock, or if he was actually choking. He opened his eyes to see a small yellow blur. It grew closer and details started becoming clear, it was a bird. The presence of the bird was comforting in a way, like a soft hug. It flew away as the ground drew near. Jimmy didn’t feel scared for what felt like the first time in ages. He exhaled and spread his arms out as if they were wings, and barely felt any pain as his spine cracked on the stone.

Chapter 9: Hermittober 2023 Day 8 - Blossom

Chapter Text

A single teardrop landed on the poppy’s petals, bending the stem before it sprang back up towards the sunlight. Another drop came down, then another. The poppy greedily drank up the new found moisture. The poppy didn’t know what the fertilizer beneath its roots was, or why the drops were coming. The poppy didn’t care. It was happy to take in the nutrients and bloom.

Chapter 10: Hermittober 2023 Day 9 - Betrayal

Chapter Text

Grian’s heart sank as the sound of the ground shifting reached his ears alongside Jimmy’s screams. Grian drew his hand back from the button. It was his fault. It was always his fault. Guilt washed over him like an all consuming tsunami, images flashing before his eyes. The crash of a sharp stone hitting something below. Propping a body up over his shoulder with one hand and holding a sword in the other. Standing over a grey body with bloody fists. Grian forced himself to look down the pit. He was a monster, just like they wanted him to be. Just like he tried so hard not to be.

Chapter 11: Hermittober 2023 Day 10 - Sacrifice

Chapter Text

Skizz bowed his head as Etho raised the axe. It was better this way, he told himself, he was doing a good thing. Skizz heard a sniffle behind him but didn’t dare to look up, seeing their pain would only make it harder. Each second that passed felt like an eternity. They were going to be thankful. A sharp wind rushed past his ear as the axe came down. It was going to be worth it. The blade bit into Skizz’s neck. He was helping.

Even if it didn’t feel like it.

Chapter 12: Hermittober 2023 Day 11 - Burst

Chapter Text

Doc couldn’t breathe. It was gone. His home, his hard work, his everything, it was as if it was never there to begin with. He stomped his foot on the hollow ground, it would be an easy fix but… this was too far. First the bore and then his goat and now this? Doc could still hear the sound of his creation bursting into pieces right in front of him. You poke the goat, you get the horns, and those hippies had barely even felt the tip. He was done pulling his punches, Doc had humored their “fun” for far too long. They didn’t know even half of what he was capable of. Incompetence could only take them so far. They had made him hurt, and he was going to hurt them back. Who cared if others saw him as a villain, everyone was a villain in their own right. A smile crept across the organic half of his face. It was his turn to have fun.

Chapter 13: Hermittober 2023 Day 12 - Fool

Chapter Text

They were fools, but Cleo couldn’t keep herself from envying their innocence. She had done her job as a mother she supposed, shielding them from the ‘complexities’ of the world. Even if that meant they were a bit too wholesome for their own good. She could only imagine what would have become of her sons if Etho had gotten his way. A sigh escaped her half formed lips. Innocence is bliss isn’t it? Oh what she would trade for bliss in a time like this. She had done them a favour. Cleo watched from the doorway as Bdubs crossed the bridge back home from his ‘father’s.’ Cleo couldn’t stand how much time he spent over there, but she couldn’t really blame him. He didn’t know better. That was just the price one paid for happiness. She glanced back to Scar who was fiddling with something at the dinner table. Everything had a price, Cleo just hoped she had paid the right one.

Chapter 14: Hermittober 2023 Day 13 - Sweet

Chapter Text

The dough got thicker and harder to mix as Scar stirred in the chocolate. It took every ounce of self control he had to not pop some in his mouth. He formed little balls to place in the furnace and paused. Why was he putting all this effort into a gift for someone that was taking his sun away? Because he was happy for them, he should be happy for them. He had been nothing but a burden to Grian, it was only a matter of time before Scar was replaced. Lost in thought, Scar almost burned himself on the hot stone. Just another reason. He sat watching as the bottoms of the cookies browned. He should be glad Grian was happy. He should be grateful, he should be… No. Scar was angry, infuriated even. Grian was HIS soulmate. After everything they’ve been through together… It hurt. Scar took the cookies out of the furnace and wrapped them up in paper. He was going to be a good soulmate, even if Grian wasn’t.

Chapter 15: Hermittober 2023 Day 14 - Clash

Chapter Text

Martyn couldn't think. Thousands of voices filled his mind, mixing and blurring with each other to a point beyond comprehension. One scream stuck out from the rest, “do it, end this.” Martyn glanced down at the glowing bucket clipped to his waist. There were two people standing in front of him, neither of whom he recognized in his delirium. Martyn lunged at the closest figure, maddening words shooting from his own lips. He bathed the figure in fire before driving his blade through the fearful chest of the other. The voices screeched their congratulations. Pure catharsis consumed him. Martyn had won, and it was euphoric.

Chapter 16: Hermittober 2023 Day 15 - World

Chapter Text

Tango looked down at the earth, at his home. It seemed so beautiful yet so insignificant from up here. It was everything to him, to the people he was here to protect. He took a step, stumbling due to the unfamiliar gravity. The rough material of his suit scratched at his skin. He drew a deep breath of stale air as he glanced down at his communicator that had devolved into nothing but static. He could only hope the problem was on his end and not… Tango didn’t want to think about it. The Earth grew larger with every passing second, he needed to get a move on. Each step was more sure than the last as he dragged a box of dynamite across the dusty rock towards the crater. Was what he was going to do incredibly stupid? Yes. Was he willing to risk it all for his friends? For his family? Yes, a thousand times yes.

Chapter 17: Hermittober 2023 Day 16 - Feather

Chapter Text

Bdubs stared at the quill clutch tightly between his fingers. The impatient gaze of Etho looming over him was like a suffocating fog. Bdubs fidgeted his toes in an attempt to release some of the tension, eyes darting along the contract for what felt like the thousandth re-read. It wasn’t like Bdubs didn’t trust Etho, but something about it made him uneasy. The sound of Etho drumming his fingers on the table was a ticking clock pounding against his eardrums in the silence. Neither of them said a word. Bdubs placed the tip of the quill on the page and paused, leaving the ink to pool on the paper. Was this really a good idea? He glanced back up at Etho, whose expecting stare offered no comfort. Bdubs couldn’t take it anymore. He signed. He could only hope he hadn’t made a huge mistake.

Chapter 18: Hermittober 2023 Day 17 - Card

Chapter Text

Beef leafed through the pile of cards on the table. The smiling faces of each of his friends looking past him. It wasn’t the same as having them here. A dull ache found root in his chest. Beef had barely seen anyone while he was working on his project, but he hadn’t felt isolated per say. He could go and meet up with people when he had the time, and his friends came to visit often enough, but now? It was like the whole world had been hollowed out. Worry poked at the back of his mind. Where had everyone gone? More importantly, would they ever come back? The empty silence smothered him. Being so far away was one thing but this? True all consuming loneliness? It was terrifying.

Chapter 19: Hermittober 2023 Day 18 - Scheme

Chapter Text

Scar tapped his fingernail against the side of the crystal. The soft tinking only widening his smile. These puppies were gonna sell like hot cakes. Well he hoped they would. He scooped up a handful of the colourful trinkets and placed them gently into his bag, careful not to break the gla-crystals, they were crystals. Magic crystals. Crystals that were going to help people, strength, confidence, health. They were lucky he was selling them for as cheap as he was. It was a bargain. He stepped into the doorway and was almost blinded by the sudden brightness. He should name a crystal for that, sight of an eagle? Not just name, imbue with magic, that’s what he did. Scar stepped outside. New day, new customers to sca-help. It was benefiting them more than it was Scar. Yup. Definitely.

Chapter 20: Hermittober 2023 Day 19 - Water

Chapter Text

Jimmy’s raging shouts were nothing but angry gurgles under the waves. Scott felt a sharp pain in his leg, then his chest. Arrows shot through the water as Scott swam as fast as his aching muscles would let him. Martyn raised his sword and gestured wildly. Scott got the message. It was better to let Martyn do it, Scott wasn’t getting out of this unscathed. A small gasp escaped his lips as the blade bit into his arm. Crimson filled his vision, he had to keep going, he had to get away from his husband Jimmy. Another pain shot through him, Martyn’s guilty expression becoming blurred as Scott started to lose consciousness. A soft smile pulled at Scott’s cheeks as Martyn’s blade ran through his chest. It was better that it ended this way, but fear picked at the back of Scott’s mind. If Martyn was so willing… what else would he be willing to do?

Chapter 21: Hermittober 2023 Day 20 - Heights

Chapter Text

Pearl dangled her legs off the ledge of her tower’s window, feet kicking against the hard stone. Tilly sat next to her, nuzzling her forehead against Pearl’s hip and licking her hand at the same time. The light breeze ruffed the lip of her crimson hood. The ground called out from below. Pearl wasn’t scared. She was safe from up here, she didn’t feel the fear that the others seemed to have, just exhilaration. Even if she did fall, it wouldn’t be the worst thing.

Chapter 22: Hermittober 2023 Day 21 - Slay

Chapter Text

Gem ducked effortlessly under Etho’s swing, using her own sword to push him off balance. The next strike came, Etho was getting frustrated now, frustrated meant sloppy. Gem stuck her foot out and Etho’s face made a satisfying thunk as it hit the dirt. She rested the point of her dull wooden blade against his neck, a triumphant smirk painting her face. Etho grunted and pushed her sword away, making sure to pull his mask back up over his nose before getting to his feet. Gem made a mental tally, how many was that now? She was winning, that much was obvious. Etho dusted off and held his weapon at the ready, Gem kept her’s at her side. Etho’s eyes were weary with rage. Gem nodded, game on.

Chapter 23: Hermittober 2023 Day 22 - Shard

Chapter Text

Tango squeezed the frozen shard as hard as he could, letting the rough edges dig into his skin. He couldn’t feel its cold anymore. Too much time spent in the dungeon he guessed. The blue hair dye had been a choice but… a couple days ago he hadn’t been able to wash it out. Tango couldn’t help but worry, as irrational as it seemed. It was just dye, it made sense he would be used to the cold by now. He stared at his reflection in the ice, blue piercing eyes staring back. Had they always been that way? Tango couldn’t remember.

Chapter 24: Hermittober 2023 Day 23 - Life

Chapter Text

Is something ever worth enough that you would give your life for it?

For the victory of a friend. To escape?

For the strength of a cause. To strike fear?

For the life of another. To break the cycle?

For safety. For power and profit?

Is it ever truly worth the sacrifice?

Is it ever a good enough excuse?

Chapter 25: Hermittober 2023 Day 24 - Death

Chapter Text

Etho couldn’t breathe, it was as if his heart had stopped beating. He stared at the message, unable to look away. He fell to his knees. A single thought piercing through his mind, no. No, no, no! It wasn’t real, it couldn’t be. But it was. Guilt consumed him. It was Etho’s fault after all, he could have saved him. But instead… Etho had essentially lined up the shot. After everything that he did to keep Bdubs alive. Gone. A single tear swam down his cheek. Etho closed his eyes, trying desperately to blink the pain away. Nothing worked. Bdubs had taken a part of Etho with him.

gg buddy

Chapter 26: Hermittober 2023 Day 25 - Wrath

Chapter Text

Joel was seeing red, literally, crimson blood dripped into his eyes. The stinging was refreshing, it was nice to feel something for once. He couldn’t remember the last time he had truly felt pain. Joel’s feet were numb as he ran, his breath joyfully ragged. Then it came back. The all consuming rage. His cathartic victory was shorter lived than he had hoped. His eyes darted to the blood coated weapon clutched tightly in his hands, then to the woods surrounding him. He was alone. Joel bashed the pommel of his sword against his own forehead in a futile attempt to quiet the bloodlust. Again, harder this time, desperate to feel something, anything other than the whirlwind of thoughts tearing at his mind. It was no use. Joel wasn’t sure why he expected anything to happen. Hope had died a long time ago.

Chapter 27: Hermittober 2023 Day 26 - Spy

Chapter Text

Zed sat on the edge of his bed, fiddling with his spyglass. He pushed his sleeve over his hand and used it to polish the lense. Zed tucked it under his arm and stood, then paused. Was this right morally? Spying on his friends and taking pictures without them knowing? He hadn’t seen anything private yet but… maybe this wasn’t a good idea. Nah. It was just for fun, no harm no foul. Why would it be wrong?

Chapter 28: Hermittober 2023 Day 27 - Victor

Chapter Text

Pearl’s ears rang as she collapsed, tears carving rivers down her cheeks. It felt as though her body had been ripped apart, but that wasn’t why she was crying. The pain was numbing in a way, drawing her attention. He had done it. She forced her eyes to focus on the scorched blood splatter before her. Pearl had won, it was over. She shouldn’t care about him, after everything that he did. One good deed couldn’t make up for that. He was selfish, escaping like that and leaving her to deal with the pain. Pearl started to fade out of consciousness. Pearl had won, why didn’t it feel like it was over?

Chapter 29: Hermittober 2023 Day 28 - Wilt

Chapter Text

A bundle of flowers lay wilting in the sand, shriveling in the desert sun. Poppies and lilacs. Their delicate purples and reds faded and worn, a new rusty-auburn pigmenting the fractured petals. Stems crushed and mangled.

Broken flowers for broken dreams.

Chapter 30: Hermittober 2023 Day 29 - Allies

Chapter Text

Grian froze at the sound of explosions in the distance. It was getting closer, too close. Curiosity twisted into panic. He had to get everything out, the base had been compromised. His feet were numb as he ran, scrambling to grab what he could. Another explosion, the loudest one yet. Grian turned around to see the wall that had once stood behind him stood no longer. A mechanical monstrosity creeping through the hole left in its wake. Grian’s eyes drifted upward to see three figures crowning the contraption, two sparking fear and rage deep in his soul, but the other… No. It couldn’t be. They were friends. He wouldn’t have. But there he stood, a mustached face expressing the same surprise and horror. Grian only stared. His best friend was… maybe friend wasn’t the right word anymore.

Chapter 31: Hermittober 2023 Day 30 - Warden

Chapter Text

A shriek rang out across the field, inhuman in its piercing tone. Roars of death and rot echoing through the plain. Fear filled the air with quick breaths and frantic footfalls. Jimmy and Tango stood triumphant over the crowd. This was what they deserved. The creature jerked its head, staring at the pair, though it had no eyes. Jimmy and Tango exchanged looks of pure horror as the beast rushed towards them. Things were not going according to plan.

Chapter 32: Hermittober 2023 Day 31 - Free

Chapter Text

The canary looks to the light pouring from the entrance, dimed and fading. The air is thick, dragging on their wings. Down, down, down. Poison air fills breathless lungs. The light is closer now. So painfully close. Freedom, so painfully close. Weakness comes in gasps and coughs. The canary beats their wings harder and harder yet they do not move. The cold stone has swallowed hope. The coal mine will take its victim.

The canary will never be free.

Chapter 33

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Scott wiped his tears with bloodied fists, hugging his husband’s cold body tighter. He pulled an arrow out and gently pressed the tip to his own neck, then he pushed a little harder. Harder. A sharp gasp escaped his lips before he dropped the arrow and let his hands fall to his side. Jimmy would want him to keep going. To get revenge.

Chapter 34

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The Secret Keeper’s empty stare shot daggers into the hearts of those who dared to stare back. It’s infinite enigma radiating power. Success and failure. Victory and defeat. Life and death. The guardian who cares not for the lives it protects.

Chapter 35

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Grian looked Scar in the eyes, their hopeful gleam was like that of a sweet puppy, oblivious to the fact they were about to be put down. Grian’s gaze drifted to the small piece of cactus of betrayal clutched in Scar’s hands. The thought was sweet, Grian was willing to admit that much. Scar trusted him, Grian just hoped he would be able to repay that trust.

Chapter 36

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The sun sets in the desert

As the stars rise overhead

Bracing up the moon

Making way for the meteor to come crashing down

Chapter 37

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Tango coughed as smoke filled his lungs, the rough stone at his back getting warmer by the second. He looked over the flames to see the faces of his friends the traitors, bows drawn. Cries for mercy tumbled from his lips, but it was no use, the decision had been made. An arrow embedded itself in his shoulder, then another in his leg. Steam rose from the blaze, his own blood sizzling with sickly sweet vapour. Tango closed his eyes, bracing himself for the final blow. A sharp pain shot through his chest, he would return, he would get revenge.

Chapter 38

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Scar took a deep breath of cool mountain air, savoring the chill as it made its way through his lungs. He looked out, just being able to see the snow fort in the distance. Maybe he would pay them a visit some time, that would be fun. He smiled at the thought, imagining their screams. He turned his gaze to the collection of towers, Scar could almost hear the laughter. Fingernails dug into his palm and he let out another breath through gritted teeth. They deserved to feel what it was like to be alone like this.

Chapter 39

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Scott’s gaze shifted between Jimmy and Ren, between false confidence and intimidation. Jimmy played with the red fabric in one hand as the other discreetly made its way into his pocket, Ren didn’t seem to notice. Jimmy winked at Scott as he pulled out something small and metallic. Scott’s eyes grew wide as he attempted to silently convince Jimmy not to be an idiot. It was too late, a spark danced across the crimson banner as the corner caught flame. Martyn and Ren were yelling now but Scott was too panicked to bother hearing the words. They were done for. Why would Jimmy have done something so foolish? The banner was nothing but ashes now, Jimmy fixed his posture and eyed Ren in an attempt to threaten him. Scott couldn’t help but smile at that, Jimmy was just trying to protect him, and Scott would have done the same.

Chapter 40

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Victory is a curse, that’s the part they never tell you. Staring in the eyes of those you’ve trusted, those you’ve loved, and seeing nothing but red. The voices of the dead fill your mind, refusing to let go. End it! End it! They chant, words that fill your lungs until you can’t breathe. And you tell yourself it’s ok, that this is how it is supposed to be, that they will understand. But there’s a weapon in your hands and no amount of tears will wash away the blood that coats it. So you take a step, and then another. Because no matter what you do you don’t have a choice, at least that’s what you tell yourself. The seconds hang in the air, and you force a smile and blink. And then it’s over, but it never truly ends. The picture is burned into your mind but it’s worth it, because you won. At least that’s what you tell yourself.

Chapter 41

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Scott hadn’t really noticed Sparrow’s eyes before. They were like the night sky had been stuffed into his sockets. Nothing but void. Nothing but dread. Scott took a step back, then another, not being able to break eye contact with those soulless cavities. Maybe soulless wasn’t the right word. There were too many souls, all mixed and muddled into one big ball of nothingness. Scott managed to bring his gaze down to Sparrow’s hand, to the shining blade clutched in his grip. What was Sparrow doing? They were friends. That’s when it hit Scott, this wasn’t Sparrow, it was the skulk. “I don’t need a knife to kill you.” Sparrow’s the skulk’s words echoed with thousands of voices. Scott’s throat started to feel scratchy, his lungs clogged, he couldn’t breathe. Scott coughed and gagged, desperate to rid his body of the spores, get the taste of rot off his tongue. He felt weak, whether it was from the night or Sparrow’s the skulk’s presence Scott couldn’t tell. So Scott ran, as fast as his flimsy legs would take him. He could only hope his light would be bright enough to keep Sparrow the skulk from getting too close.

Chapter 42: Desert Duo Week 2023 Day 1 - Dancing and Holding

Chapter Text

Grian shielded his eyes from the blinding desert sun as he turned his head to look at Scar. He could hear a soft giggle as he moved, no doubt due to the fact he had to look up to meet Scar’s eyes. Scar wrapped an arm around him and Grian sank into it, letting his legs settle further into the sand. Scar only smiled at the added weight. Moments like these were precious, when it was just the two of them. No shouting or fighting or blood, just Grian and Scar. Grian let out a grateful sigh, he wished it could last forever.

Chapter 43: Desert Duo Week 2023 Day 2 - Vexes and Watchers

Chapter Text

Scar felt like he was being watched, not in a stalker-y way, more like someone was looking out for him. He paused and whipped his head around as fast as he could, hoping to catch whoever was staring. Nothing. Scar continued walking, the repetitive sound of his walking stick against the dirt allowing his mind to drift. He had a good guess as to what was going on, but was willing to play along for the time being. Turning his head again, he could see a flash of purple out of the corner of his eye followed by a hushed chuckle.

Scar smiled in the direction of the flash, showing off his sharp teeth. “You know, for a Watcher, you're not that great at the whole watching thing.”

Grian appeared in front of him. “I’m plenty good at watching, nothin’ says I have to be sneaky about it.” Scar rolled his eyes and gestured for Grian to walk with him. The two walked in silence for a while, enjoying each other’s company. Grian seemed to be lost in thought. “Ok I give up. What do Vex do anyway?” The frustration in his voice made Scar grin, he loved the little noises Grian made when he was angry.

“Wouldn’t you like to know.” Scar tried to make his voice sound mysterious but he just sounded like an over dramatic stage performer. Grian made more frustrated grumbles as they kept walking, it only made Scar’s grin widen.

Chapter 44: Desert Duo Week 2023 Day 3 - Alter Egos and Secret Identities

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Scar’s arm felt weak as he pulled the bowstring taut for what felt like the thousandth time. An exhausted gasp left his lips as he released the arrow. Just a little too far to the right. He sighed as he fought the urge to collapse onto his knees. Something wet and sticky splashed onto his cheek, then his leg. Egg yolks. Not the most effective weapon, but with how tired Scar was feeling they might as well have been bullets. Scar used the back of his bow to shield his face as he aimed again. Right on target. The winged man fell to the ground, Scar was surprised at the amount of arrows it had taken before they fell. More eggs hit him as Scar moved closer, the whites dripping down his face made his eyes sting. Another arrow to the arm solved that problem. Blood mixed with the yolks forming an orange-red mess on the ground. The man grunted as he tried to pull the arrows out of his body. When Scar got close enough, the man grabbed at his legs, throwing Scar off balance. Scar lunged at the man’s face, desperate to have his Scooby-Doo villain reveal moment.

“I’ve got you now! Let’s see who’s really the man in the chicken costume!” Scar grabbed the mask and yanked to reveal the broken and battered face of… no no no no! Why hadn’t Grian told him? All of this could have been avoided if he had just known. Grian had lost so much blood, it was a wonder he was still alive.

“Surprise.” Grian muttered weakly. Scar raced to put pressure on the wounds but there were too many. Grian was gone. And it was all Scar’s fault.

Chapter 45: Desert Duo Week 2023 Day 4 - Poppies and Lilacs

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Grian stared at the bouquet clutched tightly in his grip. The desert sunlight making the flowers glow. Poppies, red like blood. Lilacs, purple like bruises and rotted skin. It was sweet that Scar thought he had to give them to him, that the ravine could have broken their friendship. Grian looked down the mountain to see Scar running through the sand playing with a bee. A soft exhale made the flower petals dance. Once Grian would have been annoyed that Scar was messing around and not doing, well, literally anything else, but now it made Grian smile. He was jealous of how happy and carefree Scar could be in a time like this. Grian’s gaze drifted back to the flowers. Poppies, red like love. Lilacs, purple like magic and trust.

Chapter 46: Desert Duo Week 2023 Day 5 - Allies and Enemies

Chapter Text

Two friends dance in the sand. Betrayal and blood coats guilty fists, shining in the light of the rising sun.

A wizard stands alone, longing for the laughter below. A tap on the shoulder, and the wizard is robbed by the smile he yearned for.

Souls entwined like chains. One pulls and tugs and rips, the other is dragged along. Secrets shatter hearts.

Grief stricken and raging, the sibling left behind shouts and swings. An axe blade sinks into skin, and he goes into the light with his brother.

A trader sits at his post. The door opens to reveal a long lost friend.

Chapter 47: Desert Duo Week 2023 Day 6 - Cooking and Baking

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Scar humed as he placed the last batch of cookies on the stone to bake. The smell of sugar and cocoa filled the air. Scar dusted the flour off his pants and licked the chocolate from his fingers. Baking had always been his favorite pastime, who didn’t love getting a freshly baked cookie? When people got baked goods they smiled, and when they smiled Scar smiled. Scar turned his attention back to the cookies, almost ready. Maybe he would give this batch to Grian, he had been acting weird around Scar since they got back from that desert vacation thing. This was sure to cheer him up! Scar took the cookies out, careful not to burn himself. He blew on them to try and cool them down faster, the sooner they were cool the sooner he could give them to Grian. The sooner he could give them to Grian, the sooner he could see Grian smile.

Chapter 48: Desert Duo Week 2023 Day 7 - Apologies and Forgiveness

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Grian held his breath as he walked up to Scar, how could any words make up for what Grian did? Still, he had to try. “Scar” Grian lowered his gaze as he spoke. “I know that nothing I can say will change what happ…” Scar cut Grian off by wrapping him in a tight hug, Grian was startled to say the least.

“It’s ok! You have nothing to apologize for.” Grian’s tears moistened Scar’s shoulder as he pressed his face in harder.

“What do you mean? I-I-I killed you!” Scar only ran his hand through Grian’s hair as if he were a cat.

“I’m right here aren't I? Very much not dead.” Grian looked up to meet Scar’s eyes, he could still see the marks his fist had left on Scar’s face.

Grian sniffed and wiped the tears from his cheek. “I’m so sorry.” He still couldn’t truly believe Scar was forgiving him, he had no right to be forgiven.

Chapter 49

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The first to fall calls out in the void. The dark echo shatters the Canary’s wings. If they cannot fly, they cannot fall, and yet… The cage’s walls have only shifted once again. The deep coal black still beckons. The flower can only bloom once. The Canary’s song will never truly cease.

Chapter 50

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Tango walked over to Jimmy who was attempting to get a horse into a pen. ‘Attempting’ being the key word in that sentence. Jimmy had devolved into yelling at the steed and gesturing wildly, he didn’t even notice Tango’s presence until he tapped Jimmy on the shoulder. “Holy moly! You scared me! This stupid horse won’t go in the stupid pen!”

Tango was no stranger to anger and Jimmy was practically glowing with it. He placed a hand on Jimmy’s shoulder and squeezed. “Hey, deep breath, it’s just a horse.” Jimmy’s head tilted to come to rest on Tango’s hand and he exhaled slowly. Tango rested his head on Jimmy’s, eyeing the stubborn equestrian. Jimmy had done so much to help Tango with his… he hesitated to use the phrase ‘anger issues,’ it was Tango’s turn to repay the favour. They stood in silence for a while, listening to each other’s breath.

“Tango,” Jimmy moved to look Tango in the eyes. “Why did we ever think it was a good idea to start a ranch?”

Tango failed to stifle a laugh. He ran his fingers through Jimmy’s hair as he spoke. “Because it meant we would have lots of moments like this.” Jimmy leaned back into Tango who wrapped an arm around him. Jimmy then tilted his head back to look at Tango, and they both smiled.

Chapter 51

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Etho stared as Bdubs vanished into the distance. Just like that, he was gone. It was still a hard pill to swallow, one that burned Etho’s throat. He took a deep breath, there was nothing he could do, he needed to move on. The crunch of snow under his feet was no longer soothing, Etho could only think about the footprints that would never be. Another shaky breath pushed through the fabric of his mask. It was better this way, Bdubs had been a liability anyway. Etho turned his gaze to the moon, then to the mountain on the horizon and the hut that sat on it. Maybe there was something he could do.

Chapter 52

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Mumbo’s heart was pounding out of his chest, his breath stinging in the bottom of his lungs. Shrieks, both human and not, pressing against his eardrums, making a strange sort of music with the beat of his footsteps against the dirt. This was his fault, everything was his fault. He was the one who helped Grian get the skulls. He was the one who got on the stupid strider. He was the one who… a grotesque screech knocked Mumbo out of his thoughts. Faster, he needed to run faster. Mumbo was coming up to the group now. Someone could help him. Just a little further. Something caught his eye ahead, a fence post.

His fence post.

Chapter 53

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Lizzie broke the curse. She died in the void, the Watcher’s realm, and they did nothing. Or did they? Nothing hurts more than your death meaning nothing. Everyone cheering and celebrating another for merely continuing to stand. No one even realized she was gone at first. Her life was just that meaningless, ignored even in death. And that creates more pain than any coal mine ever could.

Chapter 54

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Grian stared at the lava, its bubbling heat pulling beads of sweat from his forehead. Sweat that mixed with his tears and dripped down, evaporating and filling the air with grief. His fingers tightened around the ladder rungs as he dangled them over the lake, the splinters left from its hasty creation digging into his palms. Grian welcomed the pain. He deserved it. Shakily, he forced himself to his feet. The ladder rung felt more like a handle now, like that of a pickaxe. He could have sworn he saw a gap in the small bridge as he crossed, must have just been his imagination.

Chapter 55

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It was supposed to be fun, laughter escaping from zipped lips. It was supposed to be harmless, a distraction. But, of course, They couldn’t let it stay that way. As Tango looked into Skizz’s frantic eyes, as desperate screams filled the air, he knew it was too late. Tango looked back up the mountain, he needed to run, to get away, to survive, yet he couldn’t take a step. Maybe if he just stood there, if he let the blade sink into his chest, then they could be together again. And maybe, just maybe, they could laugh again.

Chapter 56

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The moment the words left her lips, Pearl saw her teammate’s faces turn pale. She stifled a giggle at their fright. It was just a colour, what was so scary? They were the ones that asked. Pearl always loved the colour red. The colour of blood and love, of poppies and pinpricks.

The hood of her scarlet cloak caught her breath as it rose, small little ice crystals forming on its edge. Her body shivered, but her heart was warm. He was feeling the same chill, and they, in this moment at least, were together.

Yes, red was definitely her favourite. Red was warmth. Red was comfort.

Chapter 57

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It was a joke. Holding an early funeral, saying they could still hear Jimmy’s voice. But now, he really is gone, and yet… Grian can still hear him. As if his memory was whispering in Grian’s ear. It was comforting in a way, Grian could pretend, if only for a moment, that Jimmy was still with him.

Chapter 58

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Lizzie fell to her knees, the burnt smell of ash filling her lungs. It was gone. Everything she had worked so hard to create, to protect. Gone. She forced herself to her feet, the ground beneath her was damp with tears. To think, she once trusted the hands that lit the match. Lizzie’s fingers still stung from her frantic attempts to save what she could, but it was too little too late. She took a step, then another, eyes burning with rage. This wasn’t over, even if it felt like it.

Chapter 59

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Scar stared at the piece of paper crumpling in his grip. A single tear fell down his cheek, staining the parchment. This world was forcing him to hurt, to be the villain, to be hated. He just wanted some friends, he just wanted to be loved. Was that too much to ask? Maybe he was meant to be alone. Maybe things were better this way, less people around to suffer because of him, to baby him. He didn’t need to be protected like some sort of child. Loneliness was freedom, and who didn’t want to be free?

Chapter 60

Chapter Text

Break the bonds that chain you

Let the snake blend into the grass

Soak your hands in crimson

Let the world fall to ash

Broken hearts only blind

Be free to show your wrath

Victory is not for those who bleed from others wounds

Betray, and outlast

Chapter 61

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Scott and Gem sat on the diving board, feet dangling over the edge. “So,” Scott began. “This is the end isn’t it?”

Gem placed her hand on his shoulder. “Yep.”

“Wanna get your bets in?” Scott laughed

Gem stared at him. “What do you mean?”

“You know, who you think is gonna make it.” Scott smiled at Gem’s confusion.

“Oh that’s easy. It's going to be you.”

Scott stood on the mountain, blood dripping from his hands and sword. He had done it, finally. He looked up to the sky, and saw a bright flash in the clouds. It was over, finally.

“No, it’s not going to be me.” Scott lowered his gaze and muttered under his breath. “Not again.”

“What was that?” Gem brought his attention back to the present.

“Nothing. I just… it should be you, not me.” Scott locked eyes with Gem who froze at his words. They both sat in silence for a while, neither quite sure what to say. Scott’s mind drifted, Gem deserved it more that he did, Scott already had his victory. He wanted to give her the best shot he could to survive.

Chapter 62

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Etho ran, well if you could call what he was doing running, it was more of a speedy limp. Rapid footfalls drummed behind him, a bloodthirsty shout echoing over the soft hills. Etho needed to get home, fast. This was the end, and he knew it. Etho would rather die in the company of memories than staring at the tears of the people he cared for. He tripped on a stone, the harsh dirt stealing layers of skin from his knees. The shouting was louder now as Etho scrambled back to his feet, just a little further, then he didn’t have to fight anymore. Etho stole a look back, Scar was close now, too close, Etho could see how his teeth were practically dripping with crimson. Just one more step, then Etho could finally rest.

Chapter 63

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Pearl ran a hand through Mailbox’s fur, receiving a quick lick in thanks. Looking into that little dog’s eyes never failed to put a smile on her face. Knowing that, no matter what, they were going to be by her side. Alliances could fall, she could end up alone again, and Mailbox Tilly would be there.

Chapter 64: Hermit Fanon Swap

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Cub was spending the day tidying the museum, tomorrow they would be leaving this all behind. It was bitter sweet, sure there were only better things to come but… it still stung, abandoning everything like this. A loud knocking made his ears perk up and twitch.

“Cub! Cub! Where are you?” An excited voice called out from upstairs. Cub nearly knocked over a small vase with his tail as he spun around in surprise. He tucked the cloth he had been using to dust into his pocket and walked up the stairs. Scar ran to greet him, hugging Cub so tight he couldn’t breathe.

Cub coughed. “Hey man, you mind not choking me?” Scar hesitantly let go. “What happened?”

Scar laughed. “Oh nothing happened, just wanted to spend the last day with my Convex buddy!” Scar wrapped an arm around Cub’s shoulders.

“Well, I can't say no to that.” Cub giggled then shrunk down and leaned into Scar when he started petting the top of Cub’s head. “Scar, you know I don’t like it when you do that.”

Scar only smiled. “I know that you love it! You just pretend that you don’t. You're an awful actor by the way.”

Cub tried to hide the grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. Maybe moving on wouldn’t be so hard after all.

Chapter 65

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Don’t hurt them again

Don’t leave me alone again

Don’t abandon this

Please stay

Maybe it’s better if you do leave

Loneliness is better than watching it all catch fire

I was sorry too

Chapter 66

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The days were swimming in Scar’s mind now, each sunrise blurring together until there was nothing left in his memory but fire. He just wanted so desperately for it all to end, it was supposed to be over, he was supposed to be free. He won, he made it, he survived. But now he wished he hadn’t, wished with everything in his soul that he hadn’t. Scar couldn’t feel his hands anymore, they were numb from pressing the button over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and… nothing ever changed. It was broken, it had to be,

broken like him.

Chapter 67

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Ren placed the intricate wooden crown on his head. The rough edges dug into his scalp, splinters mixing with his hair. He pushed harder, taking pleasure in the pain. A drop of blood snaked down his face. Satisfied, he let his hands drop to his side and lifted his chin to the sky. He was tempted to shout but settled for a low whisper not wanting to draw attention, not yet anyway.

“Red winter is coming”

Chapter 68

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“I haven't told you how much I admire you.” Etho turned to see where the soft voice was coming from, doing his best to hide the fact that the kind words had started him. Skizz stepped forward. “You always seem to know what to do, I wish I had that confidence.”

Etho was glad his mask hid his jaw dropping. “Skizz… that’s so sweet, but really, I’m certainly not the type of person you’d want to look up to.” Etho lowered his gaze and searched the ground for an excuse to leave this conversation.

Skizz’s warm smile only grew. “And modest too! Oh come on, I know there’s a smile hiding under there.”

Etho couldn’t bring himself to make eye contact. “Now you're just making stuff up to make me feel better.”

Skizz gave a fake scoff and pointed his finger at his chin. “I come over here to compliment you and you call me a liar?” Skizz did his best to sound angry but a giggle seeped into his words, Etho only rolled his eyes. Deep down however, it was nice to know someone cared.

Chapter 69

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Joel shouted until his throat was sore, then continued, the pain only adding to his rage. Flames still tickled the edges of his vision, coating his thoughts. Burns ran up his arms, the skin of his hands red and bubbly. He glanced over to Etho whose eyes were red with hostility. Holes were burned into his mask, exposing his barred teeth. Smoke filled the pair’s lungs. Joel rummaged through his tattered pockets, pulling out a small piece of metal and a stone. It was time to watch the world burn, revenge was long overdue.

Chapter 70

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It was just a task, Tango knew that. A fun one too, even if it was a bit stressful. Being able to mutter his frustrations to the wind was calming in a way. Torchy, that’s what he named the flaming stick. Not the most creative name in the world, but it still made him smile. The more he talked to it however, the more sure he was that he could hear whispers responding back. Tango wasn’t crazy, no, definitely not. The confused words of those around him faded into the background, his own childlike grin being mirrored in the flames. It was Torchy, it was his friend, why were they so concerned?

Chapter 71

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He was the king of the world, holding life itself in the palm of his hand. Scar felt a smirk tug at the corners of his lips. Everyone else had mocked him, brushed him off, ignored him. Scar wasn't going to be ignored any longer. He fidgeted with the crystal in his hand, feeling the rough edges dig into skin as he squeezed, the frozen mountain air sticking needles into his face. He reveled in the pain, he was so much stronger than they all gave him credit for, he could reunite friends or break hearts with the flick of his wrist. This shack might as well be a castle. Maybe it was better to be underestimated, it would be just that much easier to get revenge with their backs turned like this. He would show them all what he was capable of, that the only thing worth fearing in this world, was him.

Chapter 72

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The moonlit night sent shivers crawling across Bdubs’ skin. He wrapped his mossy cloak tighter around himself, tucking his chin into the fluff. Still, the chill slithered under his hood, pulling at his ears and stealing his breath. The darkness covered the world in ink, and he was drowning in the abyss. This was why he hated the night. It wasn't the monsters, in fact, in this moment, he would give anything to hear a groan or shriek. Anything to prove the world was still there, waiting for the sun.

Chapter 73

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Scott took a step back after he placed the last stone on the wall, gazing at his handiwork with pride. This wall meant they were safe. Sure it wasn't the best defense in the world, but it would give him enough time to get ready for a fight, or run. Plus it had somewhat of an intimidation factor which was always a plus. It would protect them, even when Scott couldn't. He wouldn't let anything else happen to his allies, to his friends. Not again, never again, he couldn't bear to lose someone like that again. Scott forced himself to take a deep breath, trying to steady his thoughts. This was different, wasn't it? Scott glanced at the sword fastened to his waist.

He would make it different, even if it killed him.

Chapter 74: Febuwhump 2024 Day 1 - Helpless

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Etho pulled desperately at the chains around his wrists and ankles that were binding him to a cold examination table, each tug only digging the metal further into his skin. Still, he yanked, barely feeling the blood that was now dripping down his limbs. The room lit up, the bright steril lighting burning his eyes. A figure walked towards him, a surgical mask covering the lower half of their face and reflective goggles covering the upper half. Etho froze, not wanting to seem as pathetic as he felt. Wordlessly, the figure moved closer, soulless eyes scanning over Etho. They reached for a small table beside the metal bed that Etho hadn’t noticed in the darkness and grabbed a scalpel. Etho bit down on his tongue, trying his best not to scream. Screaming was for the weak. A hand grabbed him by the forehead and forced his head to lay flat, a small whimper escaped him. The taste of metal filled his mouth as Etho bit down harder. The scalpel was getting closer now, too close. Panic consumed Etho, he choked on his own blood as his breath quickened. He was coughing now, his head held firm, gravity forcing the crimson back into his lungs. His arms were moving of their own accord, flailing, yet held frustratingly still. The figure did not seem diswayed, only grabbing a towel and wiping the blood covering Etho’s face. The scalpel moved closer and Etho squeezed his eyes shut only for his left to be forced open. Pain. Etho’s vision went red as the blade cut into eye. He couldn’t take it anymore, he shrieked, a blood curdling shriek. The world was swimming now, his already patchy vision fading.

I’m going to die

That was the only thought in his mind, twisting his stomach and tightening his throat. Etho’s whole body was screaming but there was nothing he could do. Nothing but watch as everything around him dissolved and went dark.

Chapter 75: Febuwhump 2024 Day 2 - Solitary Confinement

Chapter Text

It was dark. The kind of dark that fills your lungs with ink and threatens to yank your eyes out, that squeezes your ears and numbs your skin. A pure abyss of black, so black that calling it by that name would be insulting, so black that it forces itself into shades of shadowy blue and purple just to give your eyes something to see. Mumbo wasn't sure how long he had been here, any hope he had of telling time was stolen by the oblivion. It was starting to get to him. Just moments before he could have sworn he heard a voice, an incomprehensible whisper, but one that was distinctly human. He clung to the sound, playing it over and over in his mind. He brought his hands to his face, prodding at his hollow cheeks. Taking pleasure in having something to feel. The voice was devolving now in his mind, distorted by his desperate attempt to make it stay.



Over and over again, pounding against his brain, causing the return of a splitting headache that had only subsided hours before. Was it hours? It felt like hours. The voice was screaming now, piercing shrieks that stabbed at his bones. Mumbo was sure he was going mad, the cries playing incessantly. He placed his hands over his ears, anything to get it to stop, anything to… the voice was quieter now. Mumbo took his hands away, loud. He put his hands back, quiet. It had to be some sort of mental trick, it couldn't be coming from… no. Mumbo was just crazy.

He wanted so desperately to be crazy.

Chapter 76: Febuwhump 2024 Day 3 - ALT Human Weapon

Chapter Text

Slayer forced a smile as she pulled her blade from the body. She was supposed to enjoy this, watching faces turn grey. A small tear threatened to swim down her face but a sleeve made quick work of the traitor. Emotion was for the weak. Slayer’s face and overalls were covered in crimson now, that was the reason she wore overalls, easy to take off and hide the stains. This one had been a fighter, and she hated the mess that fighters made. The body had a sizable hole cut out the chest, and a hand missing. The gore was sickening, how many people would be in mourning because of her? How many children left behind? How much pain had she caused? Too many and too much, that was the answer. Slayer shoved the feeling deeper down, she didn't feel things, she was made not to feel. She thought, just for a moment, about running the sword through her own chest and carving out her vile heart. No, she wasn't of any use if she was dead. Slayer kneeled down, forcing her eyes away from the rest of the face as she carefully removed an eye from the socket, the left one. It had become obvious in the fight that they had been right handed, they wouldn't need the left eye as much. They wouldn't need either, not anymore. A small jar made its way out of her bag and the eye was placed gently inside, proof Gem Slayer had done her job. There was a river just a few steps away, that would be a decent place to hide the body, and clean the guilt off her face. What would happen when Gem Slayer went back? Every mistake Slayer Gem had made would be made painfully clear, Slayer’s Gem’s back still ached from the last job. Perfection, she was supposed to be perfect. What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she just be perfect? Human error was supposed to have died with the soft little girl Slayer Gem used to be. Why couldn’t that child just die? Every scar, every beating, it was supposed to make Gem stronger. Why didn't she feel strong? It wasn't like she had a choice either way, it was kill or be killed. Gem didn't want to die.

Chapter 77: Febuwhump 2024 Day 5 - Rope Burns

Chapter Text

There was a scyth in his grip. The world turned dark, like the light had been sucked out of everything. Then it was red.

Zed woke up, heart beating in his throat, lungs screaming to breathe faster. He forced his breathing to slow. It was just a nightmare. A nightmare about what he was capable of. He tried to sit up, then remembered the rope he had tied around his wrists and ankles as a precaution. The Hermits hadn’t seemed to notice the marks that it left, but he still wore shirts with longer sleeves. He couldn’t worry them, there was nothing to worry about. Yet. Zed shifted so he could press a button with his chin. A whirring sound filled the room as the machine started. Moments later, a sheep popped up from a secret panel on the floor which was coaxed over by some wheat sitting on Zed’s nightstand. After a frustrating few minutes, Zed managed to get the sheep to eat enough of the rope to free one hand, he was then able to untie the rest himself. Sure it wasn’t the most efficient system in the world, but who doesn’t want to have a bit of fun every now and again? That’s why he did it, so everyone else could have fun. Standing, he gave the sheep the rest of the wheat and went to get dressed, tugging his sleeves and pants over the burns. They didn’t hurt anymore, the raw skin numb from many mornings like this. He moved to look at himself in the mirror, staring at his own purple eyes. Was it just him or did they look a little darker than normal? Panic quickened his heartbeat and he forced himself to breathe slowly. He looked back at his eyes, must have just been a trick of the light. He had taken every possible step to ensure that didn’t happen again, to ensure the people he cared about were safe. Zed grabbed a piece of rope and put it in his bag, just in case. If they needed to, would they? Would his friends do what needed to be done to keep the world safe?

Zed wasn’t sure how long it had been when he awoke again, he didn’t remember falling asleep. He sat up slowly, rubbing his eyes. His hands were wet and sticky on his face. He opened them again and looked down. Red. His hands were dripping with blood. No. No no no no no no no no. He had done everything right! He took every precaution and yet… Zed scrambled to his feet, desperate to get away from himself. He backed into a wall. That’s when he truly took in his surroundings, he was in a small box, barely twice the size of him, with a single light in one corner. Zed didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, they had done something, but it wasn’t enough, nothing would ever be enough. How many had died in the process? He sat back down against one wall, processing it all. Should he scream? Let someone know he was himself again? But if he was free, people could get hurt again, people he cared about. Maybe he should just let himself rot in here, that would be the right thing to do, he deserved it. Trying to get out would be selfish. Wrong. Evil.

Evil like him.

Chapter 78: Febuwhump 2024 Day 6 - “You Lied to Me”

Chapter Text

“You… you said we could still be friends.” Blood dripped from Mumbo’s mouth as he spoke.

“I…I…” Grian met Mumbo’s saddened gaze, not sure what to say. He wrapped his arm tighter around Mumbo, inadvertently pushing him further into the blade.

Mumbo’s eyes began to glaze over. “If I fell.”

Tears pressed at the backs of Grian’s eyes. It had all happened so fast, he wasn’t even thinking. Why wasn’t he thinking?

“Mumbo I didn’t mean for… I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry. I wasn’t in my right mind when I said…”

Mumbo’s gurgling voice cut him off. “Why did you lie?”

The words were like a dagger to Grian’s soul. Mumbo’s legs gave out, taking both of them to the ground. The force of the sword hitting the ground pushed it back up towards Grian, taunting him. Blood from Mumbo’s rapid coughing splattered on Grian’s face.

“Why did you lie to me?” The question came again. A question Grian didn’t know how to begin answering. He hadn’t meant to lie.

“I just couldn’t bare to lose you and I thought that if we were both suffering then at least we would be cursed together.” Grian didn’t know if Mumbo could even hear him, his eyes were closed, chest barely moving. Thoughtlessly, Grian wrapped his arms around his friend, pulling their blood soaked bodies as close as he could.

He didn’t have it in him to cry, his soul felt like it was wrung dry. “It wasn’t supposed to be a lie, we’re still friends just… I don’t know.”

Were they? Friends didn’t drain the life from each other. They don’t run a sword through the other’s heart. It was supposed to be a warning, that’s all, but now…

Mumbo’s voice was barely a whispe. “So we can still be friends?” His eyes lit up as he spoke.

“Yeah.” The response came too late, Mumbo’s body sagged in Grian’s hold.

It wasn’t worth apologizing again, to ears that would never hear it. Still, he found the grieving words leave his lips. He grabbed the sword and pulled it out, the new hole only adding to the puddle of blood the two lay in. The blade felt heavy in his grip, wrong. He was wrong. Something deep inside was twisted. He let the sword fall to the ground, not trusting himself to hold it any longer.

Grian’s hands were covered in red. Skin clotted under his fingernails. Cactus needles sticking out of his flesh. He was a monster.

The memory was dizzying, playing incessantly in his mind. It was still true. No matter what he did, no matter how hard he tried, it would always be true.

Grian was a monster.

Chapter 79: Febuwhump 2024 Day 7 - Suffering in Silence

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Impulse couldn’t breathe. The cold of the void filled his lungs as he fell, the ink black stealing his sight. It wasn’t like he hadn’t experienced the all consuming nature of the abyss before, especially in his line of work. He started a mental timer, any moment now, his body would cave in and he would wake up in a warm bed. Minutes passed, then hours though it felt like days, the darkness robbing any chance he had at telling time. His breath quickened, though no air came into his lungs. The thick syrup of the void dragged him deeper and deeper into the pure frozen nothingness. He fumbled for his communicator, desperately trying to call for help. When he spoke, no sound left him. He was screaming now, throat raw, yet the silence still pounded against his ears. He only had one option. The sword at his hip found root in his grasp, he took a sharp airless breath, and plunged the blade deep into his chest. The icy ink numbing the pain, he closed his eyes, yet it made no difference to his sight. Nothing. The sweet embrace of death hung just out of reach. He felt around the hole, there was no blood. Panic overtook him as he reached his fingers into the gap, nothing. No guts or skin or organs. Just void. He cut into himself again, and again, nothing. His body was almost dissolving now, yet his mind remained painfully alert, aware of every piece of him that was missing. The blade fell from his grip, it was useless. He was useless. That was when he gave in, letting his arms splay wide as he sunk into the never ending void.

Chapter 80: Febuwhump 2024 Day 8 - “Why Won’t it Stop?”

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Yet they never truly die. Reborn again into husks made purely for sad*stic entertainment. Over and over again, unceasing torment.


Oh how horrifically innocent, left to drown in their own guilt, suffocate due to so called morals.


Pretending to hate the taste of the blood they guzzle like wine.

You blame us, yet we do not hold the blades.

Is it so evil to let live what is kept in shadows?

Or are you only looking to absolve the actions of those you ‘care for?’

We simply watch.

Do you think each iteration was not created for your pleasure?


Not even you could be so oblivious.

This is your fault.

Bask in your cruelty.

Chapter 81: Febuwhump 2024 Day 9 - Bees

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It was a joke. That was all. Put on a bee costume, mess around with X, and call it a day. Now Keralis was starting to get worried. He had been trying to take the suit off for over an hour, the more he pulled, the more it felt like he was tugging at skin. The costume had been tight when he put it on sure, but certainly not like this. He forced himself to take a breath, it was just fabric, he was panicking over nothing. Maybe he would just sleep in it, and try again in the morning. The thought of having it on any longer was sickening, some primal part of him screaming to get away. He looked at himself in the mirror, had the mask always been molded so perfectly to his face? It was probably just sticking to sweat from a long day, yes, that had to be it. Keralis stepped outside, hoping the cool evening breeze would dry his skin. The city was beautiful this time of night, with all of the lights. He looked over to see a small flower bed, the flowers were even more beautiful, their petals lit by the stars. Tulips. He felt drawn to them, the way they swayed in the breeze. Thoughtlessly, he moved towards them. With each step he felt lighter, the world grew bigger. A sharp pain pierced through his back, but Keralis barely felt it, too far gone into his trance. He reached the tulip, it was far grander up close, the petals larger than he was. He landed at its center. Had he been in the air? Keralis hadn’t noticed he was floating. The tulip took up his entire field of view, that was all that mattered right now.

Not how small he felt.

Not the pain pulling at his skin.

Just the flower.

Chapter 82: Febuwhump 2024 Day 10 - Killing in Self Defence

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Joel didn’t have a choice. It was kill or be killed, them or him. One way or another it would have ended with a body on the ground. Even if his actions were a little preemptive, they were justified.

That wasn’t what scared him.

Now, he sat by the river, cleaning the blood off his sword and face. It was sad watching it flow away, the red was such a pretty decoration on his blade. The adrenaline rush was fading and he found his eyes drifting upwards towards the woods, searching. Searching for his next target. He forced his focus back to the task at hand, the pure ecstasy he had felt from the kill slowly draining away.

He refused to admit the joy that came with the crimson pooling on the ground, with the satisfying thunk bodies made when they hit the dirt. He was only doing what had to be done, nothing more. Still, each kill became more gruesome, more fun. Joel had learned quite a bit about anatomy, where the arteries were, which bones could be snapped the easiest, how deep each cut could be before it became fatal.

The screams were soothing, the thrashing only adding to the challenge. This whole thing was meant to be a game right? Was it so bad it was entertaining?

It was self defense. They would have come after him eventually, Joel was just speeding up the inevitable.

Was it so evil to smile in the process?

Chapter 83: Febuwhump 2024 Day 11 - Time Loop

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Find the diamonds.

Build the machine.

Press the button.

Find the diamonds. Build the machine. Press the button.

Find the diamonds, build the machine, press the button.


It was fun the first time. Scary, but fun, because they were in it together. They were trapped together.

The second time was a fluke. That’s what they got for messing around with time travel. But the others didn’t remember. Why couldn’t Grian get them to remember? Why did they look at him like he was insane? Grian wasn’t insane. He wasn’t. He.

The third time was worrying. They should have been home by now. Why couldn’t Grian go home? He didn’t remember what home looked like anymore. He didn’t remember. He didn’t. He

Grian had stopped counting. It was pointless. No matter what he did it ended the same. It never ended. It never. It.

His friends weren’t letting him into the cave anymore. They were keeping their distance. He just wanted their help. He just wanted. He just. He.

Chapter 84: Febuwhump 2024 Day 12 - Semi-conscious

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Everything was fading. The world but a sea of mismatched colours and blurry shapes. Scar’s limbs felt like they were made of stone, stiff and heavy. Had the world always been this blue? It was a pretty pale shade, almost grey. What was that noise? Words, someone was talking, each sentence sharp yet soothing. Scar was tired, maybe if he just closed his eyes… shaking. His whole body was shook violently. A murmur of frustration escaped him before his eyelids drooped once again. There was another voice now, this one quick and jumpy. The blue was fading, replaced by darkness.




The words were devolving too. The voices like wind chimes in the breeze flowing through his mind. Why did the sound so panicked? He just wanted to take a quick nap. Each part of him was growing numb now. There was another voice, this one but a whisper yet still clearer than the rest.

You have done well.

Stop resisting.

Welcome home.

The voice was soft, like a warm hug. Scar let himself fall into the words. The blue was gone, only black remained.

Beautiful, peaceful black.

Chapter 85: Febuwhump 2024 Day 13 - “You Weren’t Supposed to Get Hurt”

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“Don’t look at me like that.” Grian forced frustration into his voice, trying to cover the pain that lingered in it.

Look at you like what?

Grian turned his gaze away. “Like you're mad at me.”

But I am, aren't I?

“You… you weren’t… I wasn’t.” The words got stuck on Grian’s tongue.

You weren’t what?

He whipped his head back around. “I wasn’t thinking ok! Is that what you want to hear? I never meant for you to die! Isn’t this punishment enough?” The anger in Grian’s voice was real this time.

What’s punishment enough?

Grian gestured wildly in the air. “This! You're still…”

I’m still what? I’m gone, remember?

“Yes of course I remember! What are you…” BigB’s face began to fade in Grian’s mind. “No! Come back! Please. I can’t lose you again.”

You cannot lose what is already gone.

The voice faded away, leaving Grian desperately trying to hold onto those words even if they were nothing more than figments. Even if BigB was nothing more than a figment, and Grian was the one responsible.

That wasn’t what hurt the most. Grian deserved the guilt to haunt him forever.

Why was BigB abandoning him?

No, he couldn’t blame it on anyone but himself. He was the one letting it go. He was the one abandoning BigB.

Everything was his fault.

Chapter 86: Febuwhump 2024 Day 14 - ALT Lightning Strike

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It was poetic in a way. Each life snuffed out with such violence and prominence yet lasting little more than an instant. It was a sign. A warning, meant to inflict grief like wounds, signal victory or defeat.

A single lightning strike.

That was what everything came down to. No matter who you were, or who you hurt, it was the same. A common end. One last ditch effort to be remembered.

The void was never meant to be remembered.

The sound echoed throughout the world yet fell of deaf ears. Silenced by their own priorities. There was only one who truly heard. Only one that heard the screams and the crack that followed. Only one who was to blame.

It was fitting, ignored even in death. Left to suffocate and succumb alone.

In order for the canary to be free, it must be replaced.

Someone else’s lungs must be filled with black.

Someone else must stop singing.

Chapter 87: Febuwhump 2024 Day 15 - "Who Did This to You?"


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

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“Guys! She’s waking up!” The voice was soft, almost muted, like someone shouting through a piece of cloth. That was not unlike how Pearl’s mind felt, like every thought was clouded and distorted.

Another voice came, this one higher pitched but still whisper like. “Pearl! Oh gosh, are you ok? How did you… no, that's not important right now.” Pearl felt her body move upwards, it was strange, the air now at her back felt more stable than whatever she had been lying on before. It was freeing, like she was floating. “There we go. It's ok, take your time. Is there anything I can get for you?” Pearl’s tongue felt like lead in her mouth. That was fine though, she felt no need to respond to the kind voice, just to be.

The other voice was back again. “Give her some space Gem.” The support at Pearl’s back fell away, yet she remained upright, resting against the firm nothing.


Another voice, this one pitched somewhere in between the two others edged by a light warmth. “Oh man Pearl! Are you alright?”

The higher voice, Gem replied for her. “She’s awake, that's good right?” Something came to rest on Pearl’s shoulder, it was barely a touch but something about it still felt secure, safe.

“Pearl, can you look at me?” The warm voice was closer now. Pearl moved her head in the direction of the voice, even the small tilt making her muscles feel like stone. “Ok great start, now just open.” The voice was steeped in concern now, almost jittery. Pearl followed the command, lids slowly creeping open. The world was beautiful. Little lights filled her vision, dotting a sea of deep blues and purples. Everything was so big yet so small, filled with potential yet drowning in a sea of it.


No more voices.

Her body was shaking, the pressure on her shoulder tightening. The muted voices were back, even quieter, each word lost in the expanse before her. A few words managed to reach her ears. “Get Doc… No, she'll be fine… I think.”

Pearl’s lids drooped again, the darkness returning. It seemed sad now, lonely without all the lights and colours.

A new voice, this one low and gruff. “Let me take a look. Hey Pearl, can you open your eyes again?” Pearl did as she was told, the world regaining its beauty.

“So, any ideas?” The cloth voice was edged with concern, though it was hidden by fake curiosity.

“Let me make a few calls. See if you can get her to talk in the meantime.” The deep voice faded away, followed by the sound of creaking and a soft thud.

Pearl could get lost in this, the never ending expanse before her, it was intoxicating.

“I know this is a lot but… do you think you could tell us what happened? Etho just found you lying in the snow by Decked Out and we don't have much else to go on.” Gem’s voice was almost trembling now. Pearl opened her mouth to respond, the words feeling rough in her throat and coming out as nothing but a small gurgle. “That’s it, take your time.”

Pearl finally managed to speak. “Stars.”

“Uh huh, what about stars?” The cloth covered voice was closer now.

Pearl tilted her head in its direction. “Stars.” She repeated.

A sigh came from her left followed by the warm voice. “Can you tell us anything else?” A long pause. “About your eyes maybe?”

What was wrong with her eyes? Everything was so magical when she opened them, dusted with light.

“It's so pretty.” The words felt slurred as they left her lips.

Everything tightened. Like the air had shattered and each breath threatened to cause another crack.

Gem’s voice was laced with false joy. “What’s pretty? You certainly don't mean Impulse.” A forced laugh echoed through the space. “Ow! I'm just trying to lighten the mood!”

Pearl didn't hear the last few words. “Everything.”

Footsteps, loud and clunky, as if made by metal boots. “Can someone tell me what happened? I just caught Doc trying to…Oh goodness me.” The voice was breathy and muffled, anger quickly dropping to fear.

“We don’t know. I just found her like this and well… you can see for yourself.”

More bulky sounding footsteps came closer. “Pearl.” The whispered word was somber and full of worry. Pearl just made a vague humming noise. “What happened?” Then, lower, slower. “Who did this to you?”

“The stars.”


I just wanted to add that this one got turned into a full length fic. Go check out Gilded Moonlight if you're interested in what happens next!

Chapter 88: Febuwhump 2024 Day 16 - Came Back Wrong

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Wels had seemed… off the past few days. Wrong. His skin was a shade too pale, his movements precise and stern, a deep sense of anger seeming to linger in his eyes. Beef was getting worried. Had it been a side effect of the cloning machine? He didn't think anything like that had happened when he used it, he would have remembered something like that, right? No, the thing didn't even work, it was just a wooden box, that couldn't be it. Even if it wasn't, he still felt somewhat responsible, at a bare minimum he had to go check in on the guy.

As Beef approached Wels’ base, a chill seeped into his bones. Had the roofs always been this shade of red? He could have sworn they were magenta before. It didn't matter, that wasn't why he was here, Beef needed to focus.

“Wels! Wels! Are you around here?” Beef wandered around the area until a voice responded.

“Over here.” It was low and almost sinister, annoyance seeping into the words. Still, against his better judgment, Beef followed it.

The figure that stood before him was Wels, but it also wasn't. His armour was a darker grey, almost black. The way he stood was best described as eerie.

Beef sucked in a breath. “Hey Wels! Just wanted to check in and see how you were doing.”

“Why?” The single word response was distorted and irritated.

Beef shuffled his feet uncomfortably. “You know, we’re practically neighbors, just wanted to check in.” Hurriedly, he added, “and you've seemed a bit off since the whole cloning machine thing and I felt bad and I just…” He stopped, Wels’ piercing gaze taking the air from his lungs.

Wels held eye contact. “Nothing is wrong. You can go back to your little sand castle now.” he waved his hand and began to walk away

Little sand castle! It was nowhere near little! How dare he! Beef tried to steady himself, something was wrong, Wels would never speak to him like that. “Now I know something’s up. You know you can tell me anything right? We’re friends.”

Wels huffed and raised his voice. “Nothing is ‘up.’ Now leave, I’m busy.”

Beef only sighed and turned to walk away, he had done what he could. As he left, he could have sworn he heard a panicked voice coming from beneath him.

It sounded kinda like Wels, but he had made it obvious he wanted nothing to do with Beef.

He was probably just hearing things.

Chapter 89: Febuwhump 2024 Day 17 - Hostage Situation

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“Don’t make a sound or I can make this a lot quicker for the both of us.” The words were filled with poison. Mumbo did as he was told, keeping his shaking body and still as he could manage. Someone was behind him, holding a blade against his neck and a hand over his eyes. “Good. Now you are going to walk, very slowly. Ok?” Mumbo almost nodded before realizing that would have ended with the knife breaking skin. His assailant seemed to take his silence as a yes and began to push him forward, Mumbo’s knees almost giving out from under him. They walked for what felt like hours, Mumbo passing the time by coming up with various methods to escape this situation, only to scrap them all. Most of his focus was taken up by not tripping anyway. “Stop.” Mumbo froze in place, not because of the command, but because of the words that had come only moments before.

“Mumbo! Are you alright? What did you do to him? What do you want?” Each syllable filled his pain and rage, with Grian’s pain. It took everything in Mumbo’s power to stay silent, and to hold back the tears pressing at the back of his eyes. The hand fell away, revealing they were standing in a cave, Grian was on the other side, eyes swelling with fury.

The figure’s voice remained painfully steady and monotone. “You need to come home.”

Grian took a step forward. “I thought I made it very clear I am never going back to that place.”

The blade pressed further into Mumbo’s neck, drawing blood. “You might want to reconsider.”

Mumbo and Grian’s eyes met for just a moment, revealing their shared fear. Grian looked back up, if Mumbo didn't know better he would have said Grian’s flashed purple. “Let him go.” Each word was slow and sharp.

A small chuckle came from behind Mumbo. “All you have to do is come with me, and no more harm will come to him, or your other friends.” The last word was spit with disgust. Mumbo had no idea what was happening, but he certainly didn't want Mr Stern Voice to take Grian away from him.

He met Grian’s gaze, and silently mouthed the words Its ok, don’t sacrifice yourself for me. I'm not worth it.

A single tear slid down Grian’s cheek. “Fine.” Mumbo’s heart sank, he had just told Grian not to! He should have known better than to think Grian would have done anything he told him to.

The blade fell away and Mumbo was shoved to the ground, coughing and sputtering. He barely got up in time to see Grian’s heartbroken face fade to purple and disappear.

His best friend was gone, and whether he liked it or not, he could only blame himself.

Chapter 90: Febuwhump 2024 Day 18 - Too Weak to Move

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“Guys I told you, I’m fi…” Tango didn’t get to finish his sentence before his legs gave out from under him and everything went black.

He wasn’t sure how long it had been before he began to hear voices again. “Zed go grab some… wait no, come here, he’s awake!” Tango made a low gurgling noise and forced his eyes open, only to be met with a face uncomfortably close to his own. Tango tried to sit up, only to fall back down the moment he moved. “Don’t move, you need to rest.” Impulse pulled a blanket over Tango, one of what appeared to at least fifteen others, one of which was just a large towel and another being one of Zed’s spare lab coats (well, one of Cub’s spare lab coats).

Undeterred, Tango tried again. “Come on Impy I’m fine I just…” He trailed off when his arms once again gave out from under him.

“Tango I got a bucket of lava somewhere. I was going to use it earlier but Impulse was a party pooper and made me wait to ask before I dumped it on you.” Zed’s fake annoyance made Tango laugh, each breath more painful than the last.

Tango grimaced. “No lava necessary, I’m…”

Impulse cut him off. “Say fine one more time and you volunteer yourself to be Zed’s next guinea pig.” Zed’s eyes lit up at the idea. Tango sighed and held his tongue.

Zed’s gaze shifted between Tango and the corner of the room from which a soft orange glow was emanating. “So that’s a yes to the lava?” Impulse glared at him playfully. “Ok jeez.” Zed held up his hands.

“Can someone tell me what happened?” Tango groaned.

Impulse frowned. “I think you know exactly what happened mister ‘I’m going to spend all my time in the freezing cold for a year.’ What did you think was going to happen?”

Tango felt sleep pulling at him once again, and fought to stay awake if only to prove a point. Still it wasn’t long before darkness consumed him.

The next time he awoke, everything hurt. Needles of pain poking and prodding at each and every part of him. A small whine escaped his throat, prompting the return of an overly, as far as Tango was concerned, worried Impulse. “How are you feeling?”

Tango almost laughed at how obvious the answer was. Instead, he put all of his energy into not screaming at the top of his lungs. His silence only made Impulse's face soften. “Yeah I know, dumb question. Is there anything I can…”

At that moment Zed burst into the room, dropping the bag he was carrying as soon as he saw Tango, spilling its contents on the floor. The contents in question were another lab coat, a flint and steel, a bowl, some assorted vegetables, and a piece of wool. Impulse brought his palm to his face. “Zed! What did I say about the fire? You’re as bad as Scar with that thing. And I told you no solid food.” He sighed

Zed didn’t miss a beat. “That’s what the bowl is for.”

A small laugh escaped Tango, sending another jolt of pain through him. This time, he couldn’t hold back his scream.

The room stilled and fell silent, both Zed and Impulse froze, staring at Tango. Moments later, both were nearly on top of him. “Where does it hurt?” Impulse’s calming words washed over Tango who could only whimper. The second lab coat was then draped over him.

“Maybe we should get someone. Cub has some medical training right?” Zed giggled, trying to cover the nervousness that seeped into his voice.

Impulse stood. “Not a bad idea.”

Another whine came from Tango, the last thing he wanted was more people here. His attempt at communication was not received. “It’s ok, more help is coming. Please promise me you won’t do this to yourself again. We care about…” Impulse didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence before the room lit up, consumed in a blazing inferno.

Now Tango wasn’t the only one screaming.

Zed and Impulse were shouting but Tango couldn’t make out the words, already too far drawn into himself. The pain was gone now, replaced by an insatiable guilt.

He should have known repressing his fire for this long would have ended badly. He should have fought harder. He should have told them to leave the room.

He should have been a better friend.

Even if he had told them to leave, they wouldn’t have, they cared too much.

It was Tango’s fault for making them care about a monster.

Chapter 91: Febuwhump 2024 Day 19 - "Please Don't"

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Scar stood on the balcony of the town hall building, gazing out over the shopping district. His focus however, was not on the shops.

“Bdubs.” Scar turned to lock eyes with his advisor. “Do they hate me?”

Bdubs stepped forward. “Of course they don’t, why do you think that?” As if on cue Jellie came and rubbed up against Scar’s legs.

Scar picked her up. “I was elected as mayor, by a landslide. But… just look! I’ve put so much effort into making this a beautiful place, that was my whole platform. And yet, purple. The grass is an embodiment of my mayorship, of me! And they hate it.” He sighed.

“Most people don’t hate it. And I’m sure no one hates you.” Bdubs turned his gaze to the district.

Scar grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him, staring right into Bdubs’ soul. “Don’t. Don’t lie to me. You're supposed to advise, not placate me.” He stumbled over the word ‘placate,’ pronouncing it more like ‘plaw-cat’ but his message was clear nonetheless.

Bdubs’ eyes went wide, his whole body tensing up. “I’m not… I would never lie to you! Your people care, I'm sure of it.” He forced a laugh.

A soft blue glow surrounded Scar, but he didn’t notice. Bdubs however, was all too aware. “What do you want me to say?”

The glow seemed to absorb into Scar, disappearing in an instant. He turned his gaze. “I want you to tell me what you're really thinking, what everyone is really thinking.” Bdubs opened his mouth to speak but he didn’t get the chance. “I want you to tell me I’m not cut out for this. That everyone made a mistake by voting for me. That is my fault we’re in the middle of a war.” His voice was somber, filled with a sort of quiet rage that Bdubs was shocked to hear coming from Scar. It was a voice of guilt, of self loathing.

It was at that moment Bdubs had an idea. “Yes, everyone does think you’re an awful mayor. But this is your chance to prove them wrong. To make them pay for ever doubting you.” He tried his best to keep his words steady, to hide the near giddiness that was lying beneath.

Scar’s face turned to stone. “What do you suggest?”

Bdubs willed himself not to smile. This was his chance to get back at everyone for thinking he was weak. For all the years of teasing that still lingered in his gut.

And the best part? No one would know it was him.

Chapter 92: Febuwhump 2024 Day 20 -ALT Human Shield

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“Jimmy!” The words left Tango’s lips without a second thought. Pure adrenaline coursed through his legs as he ran. His hands met Jimmy’s back, pushing him out of the way. Out of danger.

Tango’s ears were ringing now. Pain rippled through him, his singed skin screaming out. Screams that forced their way into his lungs and scratched his throat as they escaped. Everything spun.

That was when Tango realized he wasn’t the only one screaming.

He must have not pushed hard enough, that was his first thought. The second? He had just made a huge mistake.

Tango crawled his way over to Jimmy who was lying only a few feet away, his own lungs trying to relocate themselves as he did. When he finally managed to stop coughing, he looked over Jimmy. There was a gash on Jimmy’s jaw that mirrored the pain in Tango’s own. Though when Tango pressed a finger to the spot, it came away clean. Jimmy was cradling his right leg, the same leg that Tango looked down at himself to find bending in the wrong direction.

Tango was kicking himself. How could he have been so stupid? He’d only made things worse. If he had just stayed put, they would only have one set of injuries to deal with. One source of pain.

Jimmy stared at him through half closed eyes, face scrunched in agony. If Tango hadn’t dove in, he would have been able to carry Jimmy back to the ranch house, another quick glance at his leg told him that wasn’t happening. If Tango had just thought things through, the pair wouldn’t be barely clinging onto consciousness. Now they laid together in the crater, the dust beginning to settle.

Maybe everyone else was right. Maybe they were doomed to fail. Doomed to die.

Chapter 93: Febuwhump 2024 Day 21 - Unresponsive

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“Please.” Scott ran his fingers along the edge of Jimmy’s pale jaw. “Please don't let this be the end.” His eyes drifted up to Jimmy’s forehead, and he forced them back down again. It was just a little blood, both of them had been through worse. Jimmy would wake up. Scott’s hand fell to Jimmy’s arm, squeezing his wrist. Jimmy was just resting, the battle had taken a lot out of him. A poppy was lying beside them, it must have fallen off when… when Jimmy went to sleep. Scott fumbled for it and tucked it back behind Jimmy’s ear, for when he awoke. Scott stood, hoisting Jimmy up with him and wrapping Jimmy’s arm around his own shoulders. They needed to get back home, that way Jimmy could be more comfortable. He staggered over the desert sands, the ground littered with pits and red. A glance back revealed a trail of crimson following the pair, Scott must have gotten some on his shoe or something. The sun was high in the sky, the heat making Jimmy feel heavier. They were almost to the forest, it would be easier to walk on solid ground. Maybe Jimmy would be up by then, and they would laugh about Scott having to carry him like a body bride. They would clean up in the river, Scott might even let Jimmy cook tonight, he wasn't really that hungry anyway.

It would be peaceful, away from all the death.

Just the two of them.

The way it's always been.

Chapter 94: Febuwhump 2024 Day 22 - "You Weren't Meant to be There"

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“You weren't supposed to see that.”

“Did you really think you could keep something like this a secret?”

“How do you think I've kept you all safe?”

“You call this safety?”

“It's better this way.”

“I can’t believe you of all people could possibly think…”

“Come here and I can explain.”

Joe woke in a cold sweat. Broken pieces of conversation echoing in his mind. Who had he been talking to? The more he thought about it the more distorted the image became, nothing but a smudge in his memory. He reached for the notebook he kept beside his bed, scribbling down every detail he could. It wasn't just a dream. It was real, he was sure of it. The face had been grey, or was it a deep brown? There was a bit of blue too, or was it a soft purple? Joe hated this feeling, knowing all the answers were buried deep in his mind if only he could dig them out. Something else was off too, the papers on the floor were scattered in the wrong direction, his bed sheets pulled over him at the wrong angle. He looked around the room, taking note of every little detail. Satisfied he had recorded as much as he could, Joe stood and walked over to his bookcase, looking for anything that might provide answers. Before he knew it, the sun was high in the sky and Joe closed the back cover of his twenty second book, “Landscaping Your Mind.” It was all fascinating, sure but… not what he was looking for. Now, the consequences of his day at his desk were starting to catch up to him, namely his growling stomach. He reached for his communicator, it would be good to get out and meet up with someone.

<Joehillssays> hey does anyone want to meet up for lunch?

<ZombieCleo> Joe it’s 4pm

<Joehillssays> early dinner then?

<xisumavoid> sure

<xisumavoid> meet at spawn?

<Joehillssays> see you in 7

Exactly seven minutes later, Joe stood waiting for X. He didn’t mind having to wait, it gave him time to ponder.

“Hey Joe!”

Joe turned. “Howdy Xisuma!” A deep sense of unease took root in Joe’s stomach, hunger twisting into nausea.

Suddenly he remembered whose voice it was he heard in his dream.

Chapter 95: Febuwhump 2024 Day 23 - Presumed Dead

Chapter Text

It wasn't unusual for Mumbo to disappear for a couple of days. Sometimes he got overly obsessive over some redstone project of his, or spent too many days without sleep and was found passed out in a corner somewhere a week later. Grian was used to occurrences like this, but it had been far too long for comfort. Everyone else kept assuring him that Mumbo was just busy with a farm or something but it had been over a month now. The “oh I’m sure he’ll call tomorrow”s turned into “just give him a week and he’ll get back to you.”s. Grian was starting to panic. Even since they met they’d never go more than a week or two without any sort of communication. Grian knew Mumbo better than anyone, and he knew something was wrong.

He started by checking around Mumbo’s base, inspecting his farms or the places they usually hung out. Nothing. Grian’s search began to get more frantic, busting into people’s homes, muttering about Mumbo having to be around there somewhere. Everyone was worried now, and they should be, that’s what Grian spent months trying to get them to do.

But they weren’t worried about the right person.

Why didn’t they care? Mumbo was their friend too, he could be in danger! He could be… Grian forced the thought from his mind, but it didn’t budge. That was the only explanation for what was happening. That was the only reason Mumbo would ever cut communication like this.

If there wasn’t someone left to communicate with.

Did Mumbo have a will? Grian should probably talk with Cleo, they had more experience with funerals and the like. Those ideas alone were enough to bring tears streaming down Grian’s face.

At least he wouldn’t have to search anymore.

Chapter 96: Febuwhump 2024 Day 24 - "I'm Doing This Because I Care About You"

Chapter Text

“Go.” Pearl and Tilly’s eyes met, one pair blurry with tears, the other painfully ignorant. “Please.” Pearl’s frantic gestures seemed to have no effect, Tilly only wagged her tail. “They're coming,” more sobs, “I’m just trying to keep you safe!” Tilly was undeterred, pressing herself harder against Pearl’s lower leg. The sound of galloping horses echoed in the distance, they were out of time. Pearl’s hand moved to grip the handle of her axe that was still caked in dry blood. She waved it around wildly, missing Tilly’s head by no more than a centimeter. Now the dog’s ears were pressed flat against the back of her head, tail between her legs, paws inching backwards. Pearl was screaming now. “Why won't you hate me? Everyone else doesn't seem to have a hard time with it!” Tilly continued to back away, slowly, still unwilling to leave Pearl’s side. The axe fell to the ground, and Pearl with it. She was begging on her knees. “If you stay… I can't have anything happening to you! I don't know what I would do with myself.” Tilly’s ears perked back up and she began to lick Pearl’s face. The shouting in the distance was getting louder. With a revived sense of desperation, Peal reached for the axe, swinging it in the air in front of Tilly. The blade met resistance. Her cloak was no longer the only piece of red in her vision. Tilly yelped, a shrill and world shattering sound, and ran into the forest, a small trail of blood chasing her paw prints. This was what Pearl wanted. Right? Tilly would be safe, it was only a small wound. They would be able to reunite after.

Pearl was protecting her.

Chapter 97: Febuwhump 2024 Day 25 - Water Boarding

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It burned

That was all Tango could think in that moment. His skin fizzing as the water splashed onto his face, his lungs trying desperately to escape as they were coated with liquid.

This is what burning must feel like

His frantic gasps only pulled in more water, more pain. Tango flailed blindly in an attempt to strike whatever was making the world spin. His hand met something solid and he hit again and again and again, as hard as his melting limbs would let him. He realized, far later than he would like to admit, that what he was pounding did not respond, and it was hard, far harder than any living thing had any right to be. He began to thrash once again, this time meeting something solid, and squishy. Tango hit again, digging his nails into flesh. A scream of pain echoed through the room, and it wasn't Tango’s. He continued beating what must have been an arm until the water stopped consuming him. Tango sat up, coughing violently, eyes swollen to near blindness. Searing pain still coated every part of him. Air. Beautiful fresh air. Whoever had been pinning him down had fled by the time Tango forced himself to stand, locking the door behind him. Tango pounded against the door with raw, bleeding fists. His own screams echoed in the room now, pleading with the universe for it to be over.

Chapter 98: Febuwhump 2024 Day 26 - "Help Them"

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The ocean shall provide

It was a never ending expanse of beauty. A deep, rich blue that shimmered like the soul of the world. The ocean breeze took the breath from his lungs and filled them with peace. The sea was loving, calm, it was life.

You will pay for your disrespect

This was so much bigger than the two of them. It was a matter of principle, of protection. They needed to put him in his place, to show him there was a limit to his power. The blood spilled only fed its hunger.

Do you hear that call?

It was a magical place to call home. A fresh start, a new beginning. Just her, in a boat, free from all the expectations she left behind. The deep blue held secrets, it was unnerving, terrifying, welcoming. She hadn't felt sweet fear like this in as long as she could remember. It was liberating.

Do not resist

The rivers flow through the world, like veins breathing life into the earth, connecting those that lived amongst its shores. The ocean its beating heart, the water the collective mind of those who seek its mighty serenity.

Help them see

See what they are missing. See what they have overlooked. See what they truly desire. See what they must be a part of.

Chapter 99: Febuwhump 2024 Day 27 - Left for Dead

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“We were allies, you know. Allies are supposed to protect each other.” Martyn’s voice was kept viciously calm and level.

No response.

Martyn started to scream. “You left me to fend for myself! All of you! How could you abandon this?” His rage fell on deaf ears. “Giving me the silent treatment huh? Nothing to say to defend yourselves? Unbelievable.” He turned to grab Jimmy by the shoulders, trying to shake some sense into the blond.

Jimmy’s arms came away in Martyn’s own.

They were sticks.

Jimmy was just sticks.

Martyn glanced around, truly taking in the others surrounding him.


His desperate delusion started to fade, revealing the wooden forms draped in cloth. Revealing what was left of his friends, of his home. It didn't change the fact that they had left him, if anything it made it worse. They had left him for dead, and they weren't here to answer for it.

Chapter 100: Febuwhump 2024 Day 28 - "No...Not Like This"

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Everything froze, like time itself was held captive by the shock coursing through Grian’s veins. It wasn't supposed to end this way, then again, what is ever truly supposed to happen? Still here he stood, Scar kneeling before him, a sword reaching out to him in offering. Instantly, all of his anger faded. It didn't matter that Scar had run him through with the same blade only moments earlier. It didn't matter that Scar had allowed him to die. All that mattered were the words slowly making their way from Scar’s lips.

“You may slay me and take the enchanter.”

Grian had always envisioned him and Scar at the end, just not this kind of end. He imagined their bodies falling side by side in battle. He imagined slicing Scar’s throat when their alliance finally crumbled, and following soon after. He imagined taking an arrow for his friend, but the sacrifice not being enough. Every possibility ended with them sharing a grave. Now, Scar lowered his gaze, not capable of holding Grian’s broken stare. Grian’s hand moved to take the blade, and paused, unable to take up the offer.

It couldn't end this way.

It needed to be a fair fight, Scar deserved that much.

It hurt just to think about having to harm him. To have to think about only one of them moving on, and the other left alone. It was an impossible situation, after everything they did, after all the lives they ended to get the far, only one could survive. Grian couldn't bring himself to take the easy way out.

One thing about his dream came true. In the end, it would be just him and Scar.

Chapter 101: Febuwhump 2024 Day 29 - Not Allowed to Die

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Doc couldn't think. Every thought filtered through the dizziness filling his body. He sat up, slowly, holding himself upright with his arms. Or arm to put it more accurately. The realization froze him in place, he couldn't move his right arm, and more worrying, he couldn't feel it. He attributed that to the numbness coating every muscle. That was at least, until he looked at it, or the lack thereof. In its place was an intricate piece of machinery, wires sticking out of exposed panels, it was clearly unfinished. The fact that an arguably janky prosthetic limb was now a part of him was concerning to say the least. He continued staring, and his heart dropped like a rock into his stomach. That was his arm. The arm he had built for a project he had been working on until…

A blinding red light filled the room, sounds of whirling machinery and metallic footfalls echoing in Doc’s ears.

It was coming.

Doc forced the image from his mind, he had more pressing matters to worry about. He raised his left hand to rub his eyes, trying to clear his blurry vision. It met something hard. Panic. Doc steadied his breath, he wasn't one to panic, he needed to get his act together. He gently tapped at the metallic feeling piece that now rested where his left eye was, that explained the blurriness. His remaining eye looked around the room, finally taking in his surroundings. It was his workshop. The same workshop he had been in when…

He just needed a bit more time. It was almost finished. Then he could keep everyone safe.

Now he would never get the chance.

The more he looked around, the more pieces started to fit. The faded blood stains on the floor, the broken bottles and pieces of metal, the hastily opened drawers, the blueprints scattered around the room.

Someone had been here. Not just something.

Someone had put him back together. Even if he didn't deserve it. Even if it was all his fault.

Doc staggered to his feet, dragging the metal arm up onto his work table and reaching for a screwdriver. Looked like he would get a chance to finish it after all.

He couldn't die like this. He didn't deserve for it to be over yet.

Chapter 102

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Beef stared at the message on his communicator.

<???> make him pay

<???> or you will

It was a joke, that’s how it all started, that’s how it always started. It was a fish for god sakes! Why didn’t he just think? No, he wasn’t the only one to blame. Doc was the one who said those things. He was the one who had drawn the attention of these people.

Beef walked slowly to his closet, hoping each step would delay the inevitable just a little longer. He opened the door, revealing a single article of clothing hung front and center. Just touching the fabric made him feel sick as he forced his arms through the sleeves, the suit clinging to him like a second skin. A skin he desperately wanted to dig his nails into and claw off.

Beef forced himself to take a steady breath. He was doing this to protect those he cared about. Even if he hurt them in the short term, it would be better this way.

Skizz hadn’t spent a lot of time with Beef before, nothing more than quick conversations here and there, but Skizz could still tell something was off. The way his voice shook when he spoke, the hesitance masked by a forced bravado. The way his eyes darted to his wrist with the rhythm of a marching drum.

No, it wasn't a drum, it was a heartbeat, it was as if his comm was pumping life into his veins.

Something was deeply wrong.

“Hey buddy, just wanted to check in, see how you were doing.” Skizz forced warmth into his voice.

Beef’s glare dug daggers into him. “I’m fine.”

The words got lodged in Skizz’s throat, choking him. Maybe it would be better if he just let it be. Maybe Skizz should just listen to his voice of reason (which sounded suspiciously like Tango) for once.

Some stones are better left unturned.

Chapter 103

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Two brothers stand on opposing sides of a hill.

They were not true brothers, yet family had never really mattered. No, that was a lie. It did matter, just not in the traditional sense.

The first began to climb, stealing glances at what he had left behind. He was just a kid, he had been forced to grow up so fast. A newfound determination filled him, this was just another adventure. Soon he would be home. Back to the family that never felt like one. Back to smiles around the dinner table, well, one smile at least. He hadn’t said goodbye, that didn’t matter.

The second rushed up the slope, eyes fixed ahead. This was his chance to prove his worth, to prove he wasn’t some little kid that needed to be protected. He tripped over a small stone, the grass burning his palms as he landed. Still, he got up again, not wanting to waste time. Soon he would be back home. Back to smiles around the dinner table. He hadn’t said goodbye, and now he wished he had.

Chapter 104

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Zed stood at the edge of his ravine, admiring his latest creation. He gave himself a pat on the back for coming up with this whole theme. It was like he was like he was a game master, in control of his own destiny. That was the important part of all of this, he was in control.

Not some super villain.

Not death itself.

Not a mysterious pillar.

Not the moon.

Not some multiversal rift.

Just him.

Zed took a step closer to the edge. He could get used to this, the feeling of power. Why hadn't he done this sooner?

The shear authority was intoxicating.

Chapter 105: Skizz Week Day 1 - Silent/Shout

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There are a lot of voices in the world. Many try to claw and scratch and bite. They sink their talons in and rip in an attempt to pull themselves upwards, even just an inch. A cacophony of anger and bitterness.

But sometimes, there’s another voice. Small and unassuming, but impossibly beautiful. Words that hug and warm and brighten. Words that try so desperately to cut through the noise and reach crying ears.

If enough people weld it, the voice can grow and thrive and amplify. What’s even more powerful however, is a single sound. One single sentence that screams and shouts and refuses to be drowned out. A single word that turns into thousands on a single tongue.

That is a voice that will never die.

Chapter 106: Skizz Week Day 2 - Hybrid/AU

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Skizz wasn’t normally the kind of guy to get self conscious. He was the one who put a smile on everyone else’s face, who showed insecurities who’s boss. But every once and a while, Skizz would stand in front of the mirror. He only had one that he kept covered with a sheet. If he didn’t look, he could pretend, he could forget, even if just for a few moments.

Now, he forced himself to look, to run his eyes over his reflection. Peering at the thick black scales that covered the outside of his arms and peppered his chest, poking out at his neck. His eyes kept going upwards, to the deep purple horns that barely stuck out of his thick hair, only the bottom half of the right one remained, the left little more than a nub. Skizz turned around, craning his neck to look at his back, at the two long and messy scars that still hurt when he thought about them too much. A tail that was dotted with far too many scrapes and faded bruises hung limp and numb against his leg. He turned back around, opening his mouth and running a finger along his teeth, along the pointed tips he used to spend nights trying to file down before giving up and going to bed with bleeding gums.

A deep sigh escaped him, a soft shudder working its way through his bones. He was in a better place now, he didn’t have to hide anymore. He reached for a pair of shears, putting the hair covering his horns between the blades. He took a sharp breath, he used to like to keep his hair shorter, why was it so hard to cut it? The shears fell to the floor, slipping through his shaking fingers.

Old habits die hard.

Chapter 107: Skizz Week Day 3 - Ghost/Omen

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This was fun, at least, it was supposed to be. The whole thing was a joke, let's go find some ghosts. It was a goofy little bonding experience, they were going to wander around an old house for an hour, scare each other a few times and then laugh about it for a week or two before the whole experience was relegated to the absurd scrapbook that was their lives.

Now Skizz stood clutching a flashlight with shaking hands like it was the only thing keeping his heart beating. In a way, it was. He wandered through the hall, forcing his gaze away from the bodies of his friends that sat slumped against the wall, covered in… strawberry jam. Yes, that was it, yummy innocent jam. He wanted to curse Impulse for bringing them here, for suggesting this idea in the first place, but he couldn’t bring himself to blame someone who was now…taking a nap.

The door was now mere feet away, he could do this. Then the light went out. Skizz slammed the flashlight against his palm, begging the universe to turn it back on. Everything was pitch black, the dark silence squeezing him and stealing his breath. Skizz forced himself to remain calm, well as calm as he could manage. The door was in front of him, it was a straight shot to freedom. He walked slowly with his hands out ahead of him, not wanting to trip or bump into anything. Just a little further, he could see the crack of moonlight under the door.

Then the silence broke. A piercing and blood curdling shriek echoed through the hall, startling Skizz so bad he fell backwards. His back was now soaked with something warm and sticky, must have just been a puddle of jam. Skizz crawled on his hands and knees, not having the time or the courage to bother trying to stand again. He bumped into something solid, the door, it had to be. Skizz reached up, feeling blindly for the handle. There. He yanked hard, pushing his whole body weight into opening the door.


Skizz jiggled and jiggled but the handle wouldn’t budge. The screaming was getting louder now, if that was even possible. He pounded against the wood, willing it to swing open wide.

In one swift and frozen sensation, all his fear left him, as did his gasping breath, and his racing heartbeat.

Chapter 108: Skizz Week Day 4 - Friend/Enemy

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It was freeing, getting to let loose like this, to feel the strength coursing through his veins like this. Everything was so excitingly fast and beautifully slow. Skizz’s fingers twitched, his tongue coming out to wet lips. A soft giggle worked its way up his throat, twisting into a full and shaking laugh, some deep part of him unshackling.

No one else seemed to see it the way he did. The way they looked at Skizz, eyes ever shifting and feet inching back. They were scared. They were scared of him.

Skizz brought the back of his hand to his forehead, wiping away the sweat. It came away sticky and red. Why was everyone so afraid? Why did their bodies tense when he came close? Why did they look at him like he was a monster?

He was their friend.


Chapter 109: Skizz Week Day 5 - Stars/Hearts

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Skizz felt strangely empty, watching everything disappear like this. He was angry, sure but… part of it was almost numbing. This was his whole life, he had put everything he had into this, into helping people when everyone else told him he was crazy. Now, it was gone. One simple senseless act that took everything. But Skizz didn’t cry. None of them did. Bedside him were beacons of rage or panic, not grief. In some twisted way, this was always the plan. Mission statements were always going to crumple and rip and fade.

And Skizz smiled.

Chapter 110: Skizz Week Day 6 - Sweet/Sour

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Whether or not they were technically allowed in the kitchen was… debatable. No one had been explicitly keeping them out so what could possibly go wrong? Skizz got his answer about ten minutes later when he, Impulse, Tango, and Zed all stood covered head to toe in flour along with the cabinets and half the countertops. The four’s stomachs hurt from laughter as they continued to throw various baking ingredients at each other. Soon, they were dripping with eggs and milk. Once the sugary dust settled, and Tango and Zed stopped slap fighting in the corner of the room, all of them were sticky and out of breath and faced with a whole new problem. They had absolutely nothing in the bowl, and nothing left to put in said bowl. The four looked at each other, then at the bowl, then back again, all with comedic synchronicity.

If they hadn’t been banned before, they were definitely going to be now.

Impulse ran to find some towels or anything they could use to clean up their mess. After a group consensus that a large bundle of wheat would not work as a cleaning implement, the four settled on one of Zed’s spare lab coats. (Well, one of Cub’s spare lab coats, but who’s counting?) This led to the vast improvement of the baking ingredients strewn about the room becoming slightly smudged and more spread out.

“No one’s going to notice right?” Impulse winced.

Tango looked at him. “Sure, no one is going to notice the room suddenly being a few shades lighter.”

“Okay here’s an idea, what if we leave and pretend we were never here?” Zed already started inching towards the door.

Skizz paused. “Don’t you think we should…”

The other three cut him off with a collective “no.”

At least they hadn’t burned the place down this time…

Chapter 111: Skizz Week Day 7 - Free Day

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They say every time a bell rings, an angel gets their wings.

Skizz couldn’t count the number of times he wished that were true.

He had gotten in the habit of hope and disappointment. Always ringing doorbells more times than was strictly necessary. (Much to the annoyance of those around him). Some days he would just sit in his home or with his back against a tree and a bell in his hands.

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring.

Skizz knew all too well it was pointless. He would sleep weird and wake up with a back ache and think, just for a moment, that miracles were real.

Now, he was waiting in a field, foot impatiently tapping. He could just see Impulse in the distance, and as he neared Skizz could see his expression. Impulse’s face was twisted with annoyance and regret in an attempt to cover the smile that only widened the closer he got to Skizz, his eyes lighting up. In that moment, Skizz couldn’t help but feel a grin tugging at his own lips.

Skizz never truly regretted his choice. Sure he spent sleepless nights wondering if there was some other way, thinking about what could have been.

Having Impulse around was worth it.

Chapter 112

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Grian had a history with government.

It didn’t matter how it happened, how fair or just the system was, something deep insides him wreathed with rebellion. Nothing was ever truly fair, that was what everyone else failed to learn. One way or another someone was on top and everyone was left to live off the scraps.

He tried everything to be a good citizen, to obey.

No, he would never obey like that again, he would never suffer like that again.

It didn’t matter if it was his friend in power.

They said they were friends, they weren’t, they took everything from him.

It didn’t matter how hard he tried to stay in line.

He wouldn’t keep his head down anymore, wouldn’t stand by while everyone he loves suffered.

This time would be different, he was the one in control, he could make sure everyone was safe.

That’s what they wanted, they forced him to be in control, they forced him to hurt.

Grian forced a breath, adjusting his watch and wiping the dust from his desk. Yes, this would be different.

He didn’t know what he would do if it wasn’t.

Chapter 113

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Magic mountain

That was what Scar had called this place. It could have been any number of synonyms or poorly thought out plays on words but no, he just had to choose that name. There was no way it was just a coincidence, sure things went over Scar’s head fairly often, but he couldn’t forget about that. Joel didn't know what to do, should he talk to him? This was the first chance they really had to just talk, not have to worry about looking over their shoulder or never opening up because it could end at any moment.

Joel let out a deep sigh, looking out over the warm pink forest that covered the mountain top. That’s right, he was standing on top of the mountain this time. He wasn’t scared to be up here, he wasn’t left alone in a cave because he refused to take the kinds of risks that Scar didn’t even think about.

He wasn’t alone.

Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all, it gave him a chance to replace all of those cold memories. After all, blood was only a deeper shade of pin

Chapter 114

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Gem sat up with a jolt, gasping for breath, hands patting her chest for the bloody gash that had been there only moments ago. Reality hit her, foggy memories growing sharp.

She had just lost a fight, to Joel of all people! Gem’s eyes drifted to her communicator, to the message that sat front and center. She smashed her hand against the wall, wanting the message to disappear, wanting her failure to disappear. The effort was in vain, and she knew it, but it felt so good to hear the screen crack, to feel the impact in her bones.

It still didn’t change anything.

Gem had spent her time with these people building a reputation. Trying desperately to prove she wasn't some weak little forest girl. That was always how others saw her, some child that needed protection. But when she had a sword in her hand, when blood stained her shirt, she felt strong. That was how she wanted to be known, as someone who wasn’t to be messed with, someone who could take care of herself. But now look at her, she was weak and defenseless and now everyone knew, all of that work had been for nothing.

Gem forced herself to stand, to begin the walk of shame back to the club.

It was only a matter of time before all the voices were proven right.

Chapter 115

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Scar had never been religious. His time with the vex had taught him that those who were worshiped usually didn’t deserve the praise. It was fine, when half your best friends fall into the category of mad scientist, there weren’t a lot of things that went un-explained. The drama of gods and deities just made things more complicated, and Scar’s life was complicated enough already. It didn’t really matter, even magic could hold its own without some being in the stars to thank. But there was one thing, one small inexplicable thing that hung over Scar’s head and danced in his dreams, one tiny thing that refused to leave him alone.

Scar couldn’t die.

That fact on its own wouldn’t be worth fussing over. It was just a fact of life that people could die over and over again before finally kicking the bucket. Scar was not an abnormality. At least, that’s what he thought for the first couple hundred years.

At first he thought it was vex magic, or maybe he was just really lucky. But the vex had abandoned him years ago and he was hardly considered lucky. Something was up. Every mark and divot in his skin was a testimit to a strangeness he couldn’t seem to shake. Proof of the thousands of times he had fallen and gotten back up again. Scar had met countless people that held similar claims, eldritch beings, immortal creatures, Joe, but none of them lived and felt pain the way Scar did.

Scar was agonizingly human.

He felt every breath as it entered his lungs, he got sick, he knew cold and warmth, he was made of blood and flesh and bone. Every once and a while, he would look up at the stars and feel the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. It felt as though he was being watched. As Scar went about his day, with all its small cuts and bruises, with all its sharp inhales and relieved exhales, he couldn’t help but start to think something was looking out for him.

Or someone.

Chapter 116

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Pearl sat on her knees on the floor of her tower. Tilly sat across from her, tail wagging. Between them sat a small cake. It wasn’t much, Pearl had never claimed to be a good baker, but it was something at least. Plus, trying to use dog safe ingredients made the whole thing a bit of a mess, but it was still edible, probably. Peal took off her hood, shaking her head and letting her hair fall loose around her shoulders. A soft whine came from Tilly, the dog shuffling her paws anxiously.

Pearl laughed. “I know, I know, just one more second.” She stood, grabbing a pair of small hand made wooden cups and filling them with some water that had been heating over the fire. She then dropped a few leaves into each cup. Placing the cups on the floor, one on each side of the cake, she sat down once again.

“Alright.” Pearl raised her cup and tapped it gently against Tilly’s. “Happy dumping day!” Tilly immediately stuck her nose in the cake.

Pearl tried to pull the cake away, but it was too late. “Oh come on! Save some for me!” Tilly let out a joyful bark. “Well at least someone likes my baking.” She rolled her eyes and took a sip of the impromptu tea, nearly burning her mouth.

“You know,” Pearl began, setting the cup down and leaning back, propping herself up with her arms. “I thought celebrating it like this would help take the bite out of thewhole thing, but I guess not.” She let out a sigh, sinking down with her back against the floor. Tilly, as if sensing Pearl’s sudden change in mood, ran over and started licking her face, nose still covered in cake. Pearl tried to fend her off to no avail. Tears pressed against the back of her eyes and were promptly licked away.

Maybe this whole idea wasn’t such a bust after all.

Chapter 117

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Scar was used to being alone. It used to sting, but he stopped caring long ago. At a certain point he just had to accept that no one wanted him around. It wasn’t his fault, at least, he didn’t think it was. There was always something out of his control. Even when he managed to gain allies, they always left, or made it clear that they would if they could. But that didn't stop Scar from trying. Sometimes, there would be a few magic moments, and it felt as though someone truly cared about him. Scar wasn’t sure why he kept believing those lies. Now, as he sat on the hard stone with his back to that cursed button, he couldn’t help but smile. Near manic laughter fell from his lips as he leaned further into the rock, so lost in his own thoughts that it felt like a warm embrace.

At least this time, he wasn’t stuck on the sidelines watching everyone else have fun. He felt less lonely in the company of dead bodies, than being surrounded by smiling faces just out of reach.

Chapter 118

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Do you remember the flowers that bloomed? I remember how they peppered the countryside. I remember how they hid the bloodstains in your hair.

Do you remember a towering spiral of stone? I remember how it kept us safe. I remember how it was supposed to keep you safe. I remember how the grey stone turned red when you smiled.

Do you remember wooden floors that creaked? I remember how we built this home together. I remember when I didn’t recognize who you were. I remember how the blood never left my hands. I remember how I kneeled.

Do you remember the beautiful sky? I remember the sunsets kissed by golden light. I remember the sand under my nails. I remember your blood mixing with mine. I remember wilted petals. I remember how I couldn’t bring myself to cry.

Do you remember how it ended?

I remember.

I don’t want to remember.

Chapter 119

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That’s the thing about sand. It gets under your fingernails and sinks into every wrinkle. It clings to every piece of fabric and fills your shoes. It stays with you, no matter how far you go. For the next few days and months you will wash and wash but there will always be a few grains left.

And alongside those grains sticks a memory, a moment that replays with each step that digs the little specks into your feet. You get used to the pain, the constant itch, because no matter how bittersweet, it's nice to reminisce.

But the little pricks don’t come with the cool breeze of the ocean, with the laughter of children and the relaxation of tired muscles. They come with hot summer sun that was never really summer. They come with shaky breath and screams. They come with red.

The desert stays with you.

No matter how hard you try to leave.

Chapter 120

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What happens when the clock loses its purpose? When its ticking becomes no more than a phantom drumbeat driving one further into insanity? When its hands are those of a metronome that goes back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and back and forth and? When its numbers fade and twist because they have lost their purpose as well? When there is nothing but the dark?

But it’s not just dark. No, it is so much more. It has countless agonizing dimensions that fold and swim and blind.

Did you forget you can’t move? Of course you did. Memories have lost their purpose here.

There is no purpose left, it is swallowed up by the not quite dark because you know that you will never experience true darkness ever again.

There is only one thing that remains beside you in that room that was never truly a room and its locked door that was never truly a door.


White hot agony.

But that’s fine. Because the sting is a hug and you are so desperate for a distraction.

The walls are closing in, but there are none. Yet it is still getting harder and harder to breathe. Because there is no air, and you have no lungs. Blood and organs have lost their purpose too.

And then They come, and you can see now for the first time but you never stopped seeing.

They ask you a question.

Would you like to play a game?

You try to speak but you can’t form words without a mouth. But They still know, They always know, you know too.


Chapter 121: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 1 - Beef

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It was nice, unexpected, sure, but nice. It was never really Beef’s intention for this to devolve into well, whatever you wanted to call it. But it still felt so good to finally have a place to belong. It was almost too good to be true. None of that mattered though, Beef was just happy not to be alone anymore. He had a habit of driving people away, and he knew it. Beef never wanted to be alone, he wasn’t sure why everyone else had that idea. Maybe it really was all his fault, maybe everyone else just hated him.

But all of that was in the past. He had a home now. That was all that mattered.

He had a purpose.

So why did it feel like he was still driving everyone else away?

Beef hadn’t seen xB in weeks, he just filled the shelves of an empty room and went on with his day. When was the last time he spoke with Etho? He couldn’t remember now.

But Beef always came home to a message in his inbox. He always came home to praise and words that told him just how valuable he was. He barely noticed how the messages were getting shorter, how they felt like the same sentences over and over again.

They cared about Beef.

So why had he started to hesitate? Why did he stare at the words blinking on his screen and wonder if he really should?

It was probably just the long days in the sun getting to him, that had to be it. But they never got to him before.

Doc was one of his oldest friends, they had known each other for years. But Doc didn’t care about him, no one else cared about him, so why was this so hard?

How far was Beef willing to go to be loved?

The answer was stained a shade of crimson that hung at the edges of his vision for days afterwards.

None of that mattered anymore. They cared about him.

And Beef wanted so desperately to feel that warmth again.

Chapter 122: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 4 - Keralis

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It got boring after a while. At a certain point Keralis had seen enough empires fall that it was nothing new. Once he’d been to a couple hundred funerals, it had become nothing more than the same old thing over and over again. Still, it didn’t make things any easier, one would think he would be numb to it all by now but the tears still burned his cheeks all the same.

Sometimes, he wondered what it would be like to die. Would it hurt? What comes after? But he stopped asking long ago, it was easier to just ignore it when he could. So he made friends and watched them wither over and over again because no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t get his stupid heart to close.

Knowing was the hardest part. Knowing that no matter how much time trickled past, death would never carve out a space for him. In the end, it would just be Keralis.

He was destined for loneliness.

Then, one day, he made a new friend, one that did not wither like all the rest. Keralis didn’t bother asking why, he had lived so much of his life begging for ignorance that he wasn’t about to turn down the opportunity. That friend gave him a home, a true home that didn’t fade with the hammering of years against its walls.

More came. More that were like him. More that held their curse like a blessing.

Keralis wasn’t alone after all.

Chapter 123: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 5 - TinfoilChef

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Legend speaks of a man, down in the deepest depths of the earth. A guide for the weary who dare to make the trek. Through those endless winding tunnels echoes the sound of steel against stone, rhythmic beats of times gone by and perhaps times yet to come. Sunlight is no more than a distant memory there, but the light of flames fixed to the walls still dances against the rock. Those little flickers are eternal, kept fed by the sweat on the man’s brow.

Few have met the man, those who have weave tales of a wide smile that chases away the shadows, and of a laugh that shakes the earth. Soot coated fingers offer a calloused hand, the warmth of his grip seeping into one’s bones. There is something comforting about the specks of dirt that pepper his beard and the winkles that frame his kind eyes.

One does not need the sun in a place as bright as this.

He is the guardian of mines long forgotten and caves yet to be touched by human hands. And as he paves the trail back to the surface, one cannot help but leave with a heavy heart. As the sky gets closer, soft blue eyes get further and further away.

But one cannot stay forever.

And the memory of the man is held by the rock and stone, immortal.

Then you remember, he never said goodbye, only offered you a place to rest.

Chapter 124: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 6 - Jevin

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That was the one thing about being a slime, it took a surprising amount of effort to stay solid. If he lost his focus for just a moment, his fingers sunk back into his hands and his shoulders began to drip down his arms. No one knew how hard it was, and Jevin liked it that way. It was so much easier to move and work like this and he was squeamish at the thought of getting pitty.

He washed his sheets every single day, ridding them of the little spots of slime that he hadn’t been able to pull back into himself in the morning. Ridding them of little pieces of him. He didn’t feel pain like the others did, but he couldn’t help but feel hollow as he scrubbed at the fabric. His mind drifted, and the brush he had been using began to make its way into his palm. The tickle sharpened his focus and he cursed himself. He slowly pulled the brush out, wincing at the foreign yet all too familiar sensation.

Two weeks passed before he was no longer able to reach the top shelves of his home. He could stretch and reach it just fine, but as the thought crossed his mind, so too did the images of his friends’ faces if they saw him like that, legs abnormally long and torso unevenly drawn out.

Jevin could never let that happen. People didn’t look like that. People didn’t look like him. So he made his way down into a cave, one he had been to a sickening number of times before. The sound of squelching echoed through the cavern, but it was not his, not when he wore shoes with extra thick soles so he would never make that noise. People didn’t make noises like that. Jevin followed the sound, a small green blob came into view, tucked away in the shadows. It was so painfully small.

It was just a child.

But Jevin needed this, even if his eyes that were never really eyes burned at the thought. He needed to be normal. He watched as green faded to blue. It was part of him now, so why did it feel so alien?

The sun had set by the time he made it back home. Jevin grabbed his sheets, they weren’t quite dry yet but that didn’t matter. They would be even more wet soon anyways. As Jevin lay down, he allowed himself to relax. His body melted down onto the mattress and his features were left to shift aimlessly about what used to be a face.

Because when the doors were locked, and everyone else was asleep, Jevin could finally give in.

Jevin could finally be himself.

Chapter 125: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 8 - xB

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A soft breath escaped xB as he slipped his jacket off his shoulders, tugging his arms free of the fabric. He folded it carefully and placed it on the shoreline before stepping into the water. Just his feet at first, watching as it ran over his toes. He continued to wade into the river, soon he was up to his waist, then his shoulders. The cool blue enveloped him, a gentle hug that filled his bones with a sense of calm.

He leaned back, letting the water support him as he floated to the surface, laying on a soft bed of glass. It wasn’t quite the same as the ocean, nothing was, but it was nice nonetheless. It just felt right. xB wasn’t sure when it first started, he had always felt drawn to the water.

xB could feel himself melting into the blue, it was beautiful, just him and the water, one in the same. A voice, barely more than a whisper at first, made its way over the gentle ripples.

It welcomed him home.

When xB awoke, he was sprawled out on the sand. He coughed, water dribbling from his lips. Sitting next to him, was a book shining with a deep and ancient magic. On his other side lay a salmon with its head chopped clean off.


Chapter 126: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 9 - Skizz

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Skizz stood on the top of Magic Mountain, looking out towards his pyramid. Well, the bottom half of a pyramid at least. That didn’t mean he wasn’t proud of his progress, just getting this far had been a decent amount of work. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, not the type of thing normal people based their projects on. But then again Skizz had never been normal, or a person for that matter.

This was a way to become more human in a sense. Skizz wanted to learn more about humans, and what they needed to survive would be a good start. It was a way to become closer to his friends, to find out how to care for them.

Even if that meant causing them a little bit of pain. What was science without trial and error? It was worth it, and they understood that.

But it did start to make Skizz wonder. If all of this was to learn how to avoid pain, then was causing it really the right thing to do?

And if angels were supposed to stop pain, then what did that make Skizz?

Chapter 127: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 10 - Stress

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Stress kneeled over a bucket of water, scrubbing her hands clean. The water had started to take on a reddish tint, she really needed to change it out when she got a chance. Everything had just become so hectic lately, it was as if everyone had gotten together and made a pact to all get injured this week. Stress had never been so exhausted in her life. Still, she had to keep going. She had to keep working.

She dried her hands and stood, making her way back over to the bed tucked into the corner of the room. Scar was asleep under the covers. It wasn’t that much of a suprise that Scar had managed to cut himself open yet again, at least Stress had gotten a lot of practice with stitches over the past few years. Stress grabbed a roll of bandages and began to wrap up Scar’s shoulder.

It had been fairly routine, she hadn’t really needed to put Scar to sleep. But Scar had the tendency to flinch at every little thing, and Stress didn’t have the patience for that right now. He would wake up in an hour or so anyway. She tied the bandage off, a deep sigh working its way up her throat. Why couldn’t anyone else do it? It wasn’t like there wasn’t anyone else with a decent amount of medical knowledge, Doc rebuilt half of his own body for Void sake.

Still, something about seeing Scar’s calm face like this made a soft warmth bubble up in Stress’ chest. He was so relaxed, so vulnerable, but he trusted her.

Stress liked being trusted.

She pulled the sheet back over Scar, tucking the edges of the blanket underneath him. As soon as Scar was ready to go, Stress would go down to the river and rinse out her bucket just as she had done countless other times. The routine of it all was nice, she would admit that much, but something about the sheer monotony of it was crippling.

Stress took a seat on the edge of the bed, her gaze remaining fixed on Scar’s sleepy smile. Her eyes flickered to the table beside her on which sat the needle she had used to stick Scar back up.

If she wanted to, there was nothing stopping her from doing something with that needle. But Stress would never hurt her friends like that, even if they were complete idiots some of the time.


Chapter 128: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 11 - Pearl

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Pearl layed down on the grass, its soft cushion providing protection from the bumpy dirt below. Her gaze was fixed on the sky, tracing imaginary lines between the stars. She didn’t get a chance to just relax like this in the night all too often. No one else seemed to appreciate the night the way she did. It was strange, how could they not want the sky to be this beautiful forever? She shifted her focus to the moon, a puddle of golden light in the cosmic ocean, the thumbprint of some overly curious child.

She always felt better when she was able to look up at the night, it was refreshing, energizing. Pearl shifted, trying to dislodge a rock that had been digging into her spine. It still refused to leave her be. She reached a hand back and fiddled with the rock, bringing it up to look at it closer.

It was a small and smooth stone, a deep grey that almost had a bluish tint to it. Pearl held it up high, aligning it with the stars. It caught the moonlight in a way that made it look like it was glowing.

The sun started to creep its way up over the horizon and a deep sigh escaped Pearl’s lips. She wished the night could last forever. Pearl slowly got to her feet, brushing the grass off of her legs and back. The more she looked at the stone, the more it looked like the moon itself. She tucked it away into the safety of her pocket.

Now she had a little piece of the night to carry with her.

Chapter 129: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 12 - Friends of Hermitcraft

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It was different now, the world just seemed so… quiet. The wind still carried the sound of what used to be normal, what used to leave everyone content. Strange as it seemed, that wasn’t enough anymore. One never notices how deep a hole is until they know what it’s like for it to be filled.

After all, what is a sheriff without his deputy?

What is a disciple without his god?

What is a twin without her mirror?

What is a witch without her apprentice?

What is a pirate without his crew?

What is a slayer without her party?

What is a miner without his engineer?

What is a kingdom without all the people that make it a home?

Chapter 130: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 13 - Cub

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Cub could still feel it under his skin when he thought hard enough. The way it had wrapped itself around his bones and ate away at him from the inside.

The way it made him part of it.

When he looked up at the night sky it would take on a teal hue that sent a deep nausea crawling up his throat. Cub always carried a mirror with him now, just to remind himself that his eyes still had whites.

Just to remind himself that he was still in control.

Cub didn’t remember much from then. Nothing but the endless chanting that puppeted his limbs and forced its way into his mind until he couldn’t think of anything else. Had he even breathed?

And he had caused so much pain, that was the part that kept him up at night. He tried to tell himself over and over again that it hadn’t been him, but it was his hands that were coated in teal and black.

Sometimes, he would zone out for a moment, let himself be carried away by his thoughts. He could never truly convince himself that those thoughts had been his own.

It had been a part of him, and no matter how free he felt, he knew deep down that he was still a part of it.

Chapter 131: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 14 - Doc

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Doc jolted awake, breathing harsh and rapid. He blinked hard, focusing on the details of the room around him. No white walls. The door was wide open. A deep sigh worked its way up his throat.

It was just a bad dream.

Still, he couldn’t stop his hands from shaking. Well, hand, singular. He pulled the covers up over himself, pulling his knees to his chest and tucking his chin in so his head was hidden under the sheets. All of that was over now, he was safe.

That didn’t change the fact that he didn’t recognize the man who stood in the mirror anymore, no matter how hard he tried to move past it. Whenever he walked into a room, he could feel the way the air shifted, the way a hint of fear still echoed no matter how hard everyone else tried to disguise it.

He knew all too well how the others saw him, no matter how much they said otherwise.

It was the same way he saw himself.

A monster.

A mess of flesh and machine that loomed over them and made their gaze falter. An ungodly concoction of metal and bones, both man and animal. A terrifying beast.

Doc had never been the warmest person, he remembered how his colleagues used to joke about how stern he tended to come across. A man of few words, a real mad scientist type. They didn’t care about the real Doc, the Doc that would spend his evenings ranting about his latest project to whoever would listen, the Doc that opened his arms wide to anyone who passed by his desk without cracking a joke.

Look where that got him.

He had tried to open himself up more, he really had, a futile attempt to combat all the shifting glances. That hadn’t really panned out. No one was willing to get close enough to see.

Maybe that was for the best.

Doc forced himself to uncurl, pulling the blankets off with a defeated sigh. He rolled out of bed, wincing at the clinking his arm made against the bed frame as he braced himself. No, that would never truly be his arm.

He walked across the room, gaze landing on the mirror hanging from the wall. The mirror that was decorated with cracks and fist sized dents. He really just needed to get rid of the thing, it didn’t serve any real purpose.

It was easier to just ignore it.

But as he moved, he couldn’t help but feel the weight of an arm that wasn’t truly his. He couldn’t help but blink and notice how only one eyelid moved. He couldn’t help but feel the pressure of chipped horns at the side of his head.

He couldn’t help but notice all the ways he was no longer himself.

Chapter 132: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 15 - False

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False wasn’t afraid of blood. Shades of crimson had decorated her vision for as long as she could remember. Sometimes it would just be a scratch, or a few drops from her nose when it got cold and the air got dry.

But most of the time, it wasn’t her own.

The others revered her for her way with a sword. False didn’t understand why something like that deserved so much praise. Something about the way the blade glittered in the sunlight made a deep nausea bubble up in her stomach. Knowing now much pain had been caused by a flick of her wrist… But it was fine. It was something False was good at, something that made her valuable.

And False liked the feeling of being wanted.

It was so surface level and self centered, but False needed to know she was useful. Just why did she have to be so damn useful with blood on her hands? A good soldier wouldn’t care, they would have blocked out those feelings years ago.

But then again, False had never been the best soldier. So why did everyone think she was? She didn’t deserve such accolades.

Murder didn’t deserve celebration.

Maybe False was just soft, maybe she was just some exception, maybe this wasn’t truly as wrong as the twisting in her gut seemed to suggest.

So as she grabbed her well worn cloth from its hook on the wall, she forced her breathing to slow. This shouldn’t bug her, False had done it countless times before, Void how she wished to be numb already. She ran the fabric down the length of her blade, watching as it was slowly stained crimson. Well, it wasn’t that much of a difference from the hue it already bore. No matter how much she scrubbed, False had never been able to return it to its original creamy shade.

By now she had stopped trying.

Chapter 133: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 16 - Wels

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Wels had developed a bit of a habit of looking over his shoulder. Every time he rounded a corner, or stood up, or went inside, he would take a glance. He never really expected anything to be there, not anymore at least, but it still provided a sense of comfort. One little thing he could do to make sure everything was alright.

Eventually, he had stopped seeing shadows out of the corner of his vision. Wels had stopped seeing him. But the feeling of being followed never truly faded away.

He had also gotten in the routine of sharpening his sword every night, even the days he hadn’t used it. The metal was starting to wear thin at this point, but even paper could make someone bleed. It was just a precaution, an unnecessary one, at least that’s what he kept telling himself, but it was a precaution nonetheless.

It always felt better to be prepared.

Because one day, Wels was certain that he would look behind and see him again.

But it had been years, but that didn't mean it would never happen again. Wels had gotten off easy, but simple words wouldn’t be able to keep an anger like that at bay forever. And when it happened, it would all be Wels’ fault. He needed to live up to his title, he needed to protect his friends, this was all for them.

So why did they look at him like he was crazy?

It was perfectly reasonable that he was on edge for three years straight. It made complete sense that he couldn’t go to the nether without an extra weapon and a deep and clawing fear in his gut.

Because when he looked in the mirror, all Wels could see was him. All he could see was piercing red eyes and sickly pale skin.

Wels didn’t want to hurt his friends.

Not again.

Chapter 134: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 17 - Etho

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Etho always came back to the jungle. He knew how the others joked about it, he knew about all the decidedly one sided betting pools. The grass was just greener, it just made sense, it meant he would never be low on wood. There were countless logical reasons he had spewed over the years, and those seemed to satisfy everyone.

He didn’t tell them about the pull he felt, about the voices that would start whispering in his mind the moment he stepped too far away.

He didn’t tell them how desperate he was to see even just a different shade of green.

But it was fine, there was nothing wrong with the jungle. It was beautiful and vibrant and provided the perfect backdrop for a whole host of different projects. The thick canopy hid the sun enough that he could sleep in without getting woken up by blinding light. The sound of chirping birds provided decent company.

There wasn’t a specific reason why he wanted to leave.

That was the hard part. How could he explain how he felt so at home and so trapped at the same time? No matter how comfortable he was, the back of his mind screamed that something wasn’t right. It shrieked and shrieked and drowned out all the other whispers.

But it was fine.

Because nothing was wrong.

Because this was where he was supposed to be.

Because he liked the jungle, just as much as it seemed to like him.

Chapter 135: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 18 - Joe

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Joe didn’t mind being a puppet. It was pretty nice all things considered, larger injuries were no more than an inconvenience. Just a little bit of thread and he was good to go.

He couldn't remember what pain felt like.

Logic told him that he shouldn’t miss the feeling. Pain was bad, people purposely avoided the feeling. This numbness was a gift. But somehow, he still felt like he was missing out on something.

Was it sharp? Was it dull? Did it last long? It depended on what happened, that’s what the small part of him that was still human told him, it could be all those things. But that answer didn’t truly answer his questions.

But it was fine, because he wasn’t supposed to miss something that was so obviously bad. A felt hand rubbed at felt skin but didn’t feel anything. It was as if he was simply rubbing two sticks together, but he wasn’t, he was rubbing two parts of himself.

That sparked a new question, if he couldn’t feel them, were they truly a part of him? His limbs moved when he wanted them to, but the same could be said for a stick he was holding.

What made something part of him?

And did a definition even matter?

Words could twist and mold, they could carry all sorts of different meanings. So did they truly have any meaning at all?

No, words had meaning, he could talk and communicate and others could know what he was saying. But if he couldn’t feel the words as they made their way up his throat, if he couldn’t truly breathe, were those even his words to begin with?

Was he truly himself if he couldn’t remember what his body looked like?

Chapter 136: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 19 - "ALT" Hermit

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EX didn’t like being called evil. People always threw the term around with such carelessness that it made his skin itch. It was as if that was something that he just was, an identity decided for him by countless others who never even bothered to get to know him enough to know his real name.

EX forgot his real name a long time ago. It hadn’t been spoken for longer than he could remember. He was always just Evil Xisuma, a twin destined to live in his brother’s shadow, some wicked creature that didn’t deserve a chance to explain.

He had a book that he kept by his bedside, writing down every single word that he thought could possibly be his name, hoping that it would one day come to him in a dream. Of course it would never be that easy.

And EX was running out of paper.

Was it similar to his twin? Did it start with the same letter or ring with the same sounds? Or was it something completely different? All he had left to distinguish himself was that horrid prefix.


That’s all he was. There must have been something deeply and irreversibly wrong with him, something that made him vicious and depraved like everyone else seemed to think he was.

Maybe he didn’t have a name, maybe that was all he was, the evil twin, nothing more. He never wanted to hurt people. Sure he had made some mistakes, he certainly wasn’t above admitting that. Was a few screwups all it took to make him unredeemable? Make him worthy of a label that would hang over his head for the rest of his life?

EX was just going to have to do for now, at least that way he didn’t have to hear that word every single day.

Chapter 137: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 20 - Gem

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Gem stood on her beach, looking out over the ocean at the now setting sun. The soft orange glow washed over the sand, making it shine as though it was made of flecks of pure gold.

It was easy to forget what had happened there mere hours prior.

Sure they had laughed and joked and smiled, but that didn’t wash the blood stains that dyed her jacket a deep purple. On the sandy shore, laying atop a bed of gold and bathed in warm sunlight, was a pile of severed heads. Crimson dripped from the skulls adorning the top of the stack and tattooed the pale faces of those resting below.

The whole scene was oddly beautiful in a macabre sort of way.

Gem played absentmindedly with the wooden blade in her hands. Its original hue was lost to a shade of off red. That was the thing about wooden swords, the blood soaked into the material and refused to come out no matter how hard she scrubbed at it.

She had never intended for things to go this way. The whole thing started out as little more than a housekeeping project, a bit of landscaping to brighten up the place. Bright was certainly a word for it.

As soon as she was done watching the sunset, she ought to tidy up the place, find somewhere to put her new trophies. That was a better way of thinking about it, the soulless eyes of her friends starting back at her were her rewards.

Why did she always end up like this? Blood stained and out of breath? Although she did have to admit the space was practically built for the activity, flat soft ground being overlooked by the giant skull carved into the mountain side.

It was almost as if the space had been created for this very purpose.

But it hadn’t.


Chapter 138: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 21 - Bdubs

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Tick tock goes the clock, rhythmic beats that echo.

Tick tock goes the clock, it’s not too late to let go.

Tick tock goes the clock, the sky nears and brightens.

Tick tock goes the clock, freedom called like sirens.

Tick tock goes the clock, when did you last see your friends?

Tick tock goes the clock, is this really how it ends?

Tick tock went the clock, before it lit ablaze.

Tick tock went the clock, this is the reward for your praise.

Tick tock went the clock, why did you not leave?

Tick tock went the clock, ask and you shall receive.

Tick tock.




Chapter 139: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 23 - Tango

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There were some days Tango could still feel it. The cold that clawed its way up his arms and sunk sharp tendrils into his skin. The way the frost placed an icy hand over his mouth to keep him from screaming, from breathing.

But that was all in the past. Hallways of dark stone that never seemed to end no matter how fast he ran were no more than a fading memory. Well, not as fading as Tango would have liked. He turned his gaze to the sky for a moment, reminding himself that the sun hung just above his head.

Tango had missed the sun.

As he looked over his latest project, he could hear a deep and layered voice calling to him. He needed to work. He needed to finish it. He needed to make it real. He needed to give it life.

He needed to feed it.

Tango shook his head, blinking hard. He was free now, he didn’t have to worry about that anymore. He wasn’t subservient to his own creation that shoved a gag down his throat before he even knew it was alive, before he knew it could speak.

That had never been the plan, yet things rarely ever did go to plan. A soft breeze blew through his hair. It was nice on a day as hot as this, but all Tango could think about was how cold the gust was. How it stuck needles into his bones and made his limbs grow numb. Because Tango couldn’t get too tired to work if he was too numb to feel pain, if his eyes were frozen open so he couldn’t fall asleep.

He forced himself to take a breath, focusing on just how soft the warm air felt in his lungs. As he placed another line of redstone, he was comforted by the fact that he could stop whenever he wanted to.

So why didn’t he? It was starting to get late, and Tango could feel his eyelids beginning to droop. So why didn’t he take a break?

Force of habit he guessed.

Chapter 140: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 24 - Cleo

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Cleo sat on a small wooden stool, hunched over a table. On said table lay her left arm which she was awkwardly trying to clean up the end of. It was much easier to reattach it if the shoulder was cut cleanly, and it never got any easier to deal with the uneven tear lines one handed. Cleo wiped up the last spot of long since congealed blood and tried to angle herself so that their arm could stand upright on the table with the nub leaning against her shoulder. That way their other hand could be free to work with the needle and thread.

After a decent amount of fiddling, she was able to sew it back on. Each time the needle pierced skin, all Cleo could think about was how she felt nothing. Pain had died with the rest of her long ago. What would have been a life altering injury for some, was no more than an inconvenience, albeit a frustrating one.

Every flinch-less puncture was a reminder of how much of their humanity had been lost.

Sometimes Cleo wondered if things would have been better if she had died that day.

She flexed her fingers, making sure the arm had been attached properly. It wasn’t like there was a wrong way to do it, as long as it was a part of them they could control it. Standing, she continued to play with her joints, feeling the stiff fluidity that all their motions seemed to carry.

It worked just fine.

Everything was just fine.

Even if everything was screaming that it shouldn’t be.

Chapter 141: MCYT Drabble Exchange

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Ren wasn’t making it back in time.

The realization hit, mirroring his thudding heartbeat. Ren’s legs gave out. A warm tingle, then a burn washed over his skin, sinking into his bones.

Pain, sharp and spreading. A snapping made a sound between a screech and a whimper shoot up his throat. The desperate cry was lost to the moonlight, alone.

Ren forced himself to open his eyes. His skin was covered in scruffy brown hair, his thoughts melting and swirling together.

He began to walk on clawed hands, one thought sticking out among the rest.


Ren needed to feed.

Chapter 142: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 25 - Impulse

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Impulse’s body felt light and heavy at the same time, like he was floating but made of stone. It was dark, a deep and piercing black that stole the breath from his lungs. Everything was so infinitely empty yet filled with endless ink. He was swimming, but he was held perfectly still by the air that was so thick it wrapped around him and sent a sharp chill into his bones.

Time was frozen, yet it raced by at a dizzying speed. Impulse’s eyes were wide open, but he couldn’t see a thing.

And somehow that let him see everything.

He was melting into the abyss, the feeling of his body slowly dripping away was intoxicating. Warm and soft and welcoming. He was home, for the first time in his life he was truly home. He couldn’t breath, he couldn’t speak, he couldn't think, but none of that mattered. He didn’t need to do any of those things anymore.

The Void hugged him, black and invisible arms holding him close. In a place without sound, he could hear its whispers. They were not words, they held no volume, yet they were drowning with meaning.

Just like he was drowning.

But there was no pain, no coughs or gasps or cries. Everything was so blissfully numb, his skin felt nothing but cold and warmth and everything and nothing.

Because he was surrounded by everything and nothing at all.

And this was where he was meant to be.

The world began to spin, but it had been twisting and churning for hours already yet remained perfectly motionless and content. No, hours was not a correct description, there were no hours, just as there were no seconds or days. Time was no more than a figment of imagination that was so unnecessary its use could not be understated.

His emotions swirled and dissolved and thawed, and as the last of consciousness was welcomed by the abyss, Impulse fell. He had been falling forever and no time at all, but now he truly plummeted into infinity.

And then he awoke, truly awoke.

And the world was suddenly full yet so blindly empty.

And it was bright.

And it was warm.

And it was solid.

And Impulse cried.

Soft tears worked their way down his cheeks and rolling sobs bubbled over his lips. His body rocked and shook. The back of his hand came to wipe his eyes and he let himself sink back into the mattress.

No matter what he did, he could never stay. Each and every time he ended up back here. The fading edges of false promises tickled at the back of his mind.

He could never stay where he wanted so desperately to be.

Chapter 143: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 27 - Grian

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“Don’t look at me like that.”

“Like you care about me.”


Grian threw his fist through the air, striking uselessly at nothing. He continued to flail, tears blurring his vision. Pain erupted up his arm as his fist hit the wall, hard.

He jerked back, flexing his fingers and wincing at the sting.

“I’m not pathetic!”

He was screaming now, his throat raw and torn. He wiped his bleeding knuckles on his sweater before whipping back around and punching the air yet again.

“I would rather die than do anything with your…”

Grian cut himself off by tripping over his own feet, landing roughly on his shoulder. He wasn’t bothering with words anymore, screeching a whole host of unintelligible noises as he stared daggers into the ceiling.

“You’re the ones who don’t deserve any of this you monsters!”

He scrambled to his feet, kicking wildly in the air.

“I will never let you hurt them ever again.”

The words were stern as slow, nearer an animalistic growl than human speech.


“Don’t think you will ever have the right to call me that.”

He stumbled forward, crashing into the wall in front of him.

Grian? Are you alright?

“I said…”

Grian spun and ran blindly in the direction of the voice.

“Don’t call me that!”

He punched, this time meeting a soft yet firm surface. Grian wailed on his newfound target, clawing and biting and beating.

“I’m going to make you suffer! Just like I did!”

His throat was raw and the words were painful but he didn’t stop until his body gave out from under him. His bruised and battered form fell to the ground, exhaustion finally pulling him down. It was then that he realized he was covered in blood, his skin red and sticky.

He checked himself for any open wounds, finding nothing but minor cuts and scrapes.

Grian turned to see a broken figure lying beside him.

He rushed to kneel beside the body, his own eyes no longer glazed over, truly seeing what he had just done.

And a single tear fell down his cheek.

Chapter 144: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 29 - Hypno

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Hypno stuck his hand into his pocket, running his thumb back and forth across the piece of cold metal that sat there. The motion was comforting, a nervous habit really. He pulled his hand back out, taking the object with him.

It was a small silver pocket watch. The chain ran over his fingers, falling between the spaces like water. Hypno continued to stare, watching as the hands ticked. Time always seemed to pass slower when one was intensely aware of its flow. Every second hung in the air, waiting to be examined.

Hypno wrapped the end of the chain around his fingers with practiced ease, tilting his palm and letting the watch fall and swing gently in the air.

The soft tinking as the chain in his hand clinked against itself mirrored the ticking of the little watch. He moved his hand slightly, encouraging the swing.

Back and forth.

Back and forth.

Back and forth.

It was a simple motion, yet it held so much power. Its easy swing could bring someone to their knees, or solve their deepest issues.

Which would it be today?

The pocket watch continued to swing.

Back and forth.

Back and forth.

Glazed over eyes followed the motion.

Back and forth.

Hypno cleared his throat softly, lest the noise disturb the process.

“Wake up.”

Chapter 145: MCYT Drabble Exchange

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“You’re sure this is a good idea?”

“The goodest!”

“And it’s safe?”

“No less than clipping a toenail! Probably…”

Impulse should have realized his mistake the moment Zed bound his arms and legs to the table. If not then, he should have started to have concerns when the needle that was supposed to be “just a pinch” was more akin to a stab. Somehow managing to get through all of that, he should have worried when his whole body went slack while his mind remained perfectly awake.

But none of that raised his suspicions. In fact, Impulse didn’t start second guessing until Zed grabbed a knife.

“Alright, now for the fun part!”

Zed pressed the blade against Impulse’s skin, then sunk it in deep. Impulse couldn’t move his mouth to scream, but the paralysis was far from accompanied by numbness. Blood that was closer to black than red dripped down the side of Impulse’s chest, Zed having cut a line right down the middle. Zed placed the knife down on a nearby table before sticking a finger in the wound. The movement was slow and deliberate, eventually Zed had his whole hand inside.

“There it is! Cheeky little thing.”

Zed began to remove his hand, carrying with it something inky and pulsing. It was getting harder to breathe with every passing second.

Then Zed yanked.

Something snapped, and Impulse began seeing spots. The blob was placed on a plate, and Zed left the room. He returned within a minute, holding something that looked suspiciously like a human heart. Zed stuck his hand back in Impulse’s chest, opening it wide enough he could fit the new object in. That was followed by a needle and thread.

“Almost done!”

Impulse didn’t stay conscious long enough to see the wound get stitched closed.

Chapter 146: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 30 - Joel

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Joel tended to carry himself with a certain bravado, his chest puffed out and his face painted with a near permanent smirk. Some might have called it an inflated ego, hotheadedness, arrogance.

Joel preferred the word confidence.

Was it so wrong to prioritize himself? It wasn’t like he didn’t care about anyone else, he did, sometimes too much. So why did everyone give him such a hard time?

Maybe they were just looking for excuses to tear him down, to use him as a stool to push themselves higher.

But isn’t that just what everyone else says about him?

It was impossible really, there had to be some way out, some way to prove to people he wasn’t as unapologetically self centered as they seemed to think.

But was it worth it? Was proving his supposed innocence actually going to do anything? Or was trying to show himself as caring really the most selfish thing to do?

Afterall, he was really the only person who would benefit from that.

Maybe he shouldn’t bother.

Chapter 147: Hermit-a-Day May 2024 Day 31 - Ren

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Ren had a habit of getting a bit too far into character. It was fun, to put on a different hat and be someone else. It was freeing, to have so many opportunities and stories.

If he had enough stories, one would eventually end the way he wanted it to.

It was the whole monkeys and typewriters idea, someday, all the pieces would fall into place given enough attempts. So Ren kept trying, he kept creating, he kept sewing different costumes and practicing different voices.

He was a one man show, theater kid incarnate, he could be anything anyone ever wanted him to be. Anyone and everyone other than himself, because where was the fun in that?

All these other personas were so much more interesting, so much more creative, so much more worth everyone else’s attention.

Why would he want to be his boring old self, when he could be so much more?

A king.

A warrior.

A traveller.

A reaper.

He could be powerful, he could finally be in control, all it took was letting a few words fall from his lips that would never truly be his own.

Or were they?

Because sometimes, when he was just about to fall asleep, and there was nothing else to keep him from his thoughts, Ren would wonder.

Which one of these fantastical people were truly him? Were any of them?

Or was what he thought of as himself just another creation of an overactive imagination?

What Fun is there in a Happy Ending? - Aquinnix (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.