Deseret News from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)

a The Descret News LAKE CITY UTAH 0-0 0-0 0-0 Through AL SMITH HURLS DEFY AT KU KLUX AND DRY LEAGUE Democrat Nominee Goes Into Stronghold of Klan to Brand it as Foe to Americanism. Anti Saloon Flayed as Propaganda Society Knowing Not One Single Scruple. BY GEORGE R. HOLMES. (Special Leased Wire Service to The Deseret News.) NEW YORK, Oct.

Leaving behind him a ringing defiance to the anti-saloon league and the Ku Klux Klan to do their Worst to him nest Tuesday, Governor Al Smith returned to New York today to wind up his campaign for the presidency. Save for the short trip across the Hudson tomorrow night to Newark, Governor Smith has now delivered his last speech of the campaign outside New He closes the fight this AL SMITH. week on home territory. His spirits fired by the tidings that he might lose the eight electoral votes of Maryland because of religious opposition to him in rural Maryland, Governor Smith, with characteristic audacity, chose Baimost timore' last sensational night for speeches one of of the entire campaign. He ripped into intolerance with both hands, denounced the anti-saloon league the Ku Klux Klan by name, and while a breathless audience of 000 people hung on every word, he said: "I would rather go down to ignominious defeat than to be raisin the ed to the greatest position gift of the people by any influence that may be exerted by any Or ganization with such perverted ideas of Americanism." Challenges Hoover.

He was speaking particularly of the Ku Kiux Klan. Just 8 few moments before he had paid his (Continued on Page Two) (Column one.) GEM ROBBERS GRAB $17,000 NEW FORK, Oct. men attacked Abner E. Blumfield, a jewelry salesman, in the hallway of his Bronx home today, knocked him down with a blow on the head, and escaped with jewelry he told police was worth 000. Blumfield was taken to a hospital with severe lacerations of the scalp.

Atlanta College Students Must Face Murder Trial ATLANTA, Oct. -The trial of George Harsh and Richard Gallogly, college students indicted for the murder of two store clerks during a recent series of holdups here, was set tentatively today for Norember 13. by the solicitor general's office. Heflin Swears to Vote Against Smith MONTGOMERY, Ala. Oct.

(A.P) -Senator J. Thomas Heflin of Alabama was quoted today in a statement published in the Montgomery Advertiser as stating "so help me God I vote against Smith if they read me out of the Democratic party and drive me from every senate committee." Although Senator Heflin has been active, in attacking Governor Smith In campaign addresses: this was said to be his first declaration 1 that he would not vote for the Democratic nominee. FIN) EDITI Bids. Kiosk Min. Mon ..64.

66 6 a.m. Min. Mon. 9 a.m. Min.

Tues. ..51......50 Noon PRICE FIVE CENTS FAR WEST While Admittedly For Hoover Displays Surprising, Smith Sympathy. By David Lawrence. Lawrence. of a series of six Lawrence gives the observations and study comparison with insentiment he has for 16 years.

The will give a forecast Congressional elec- Oct. middle west, in blend into each but these two reveal very few trends in common. The most conspicuous of these is the strong Smith sentiment in the cities and the feeling, in dis- the tricts. The far west was abandoned Hoover by the Democratic manage ment the campaign, but In this, the second despatches. David result of personal In 26 states and a vestigations of public made every two years last two despatches on electoral votes and dens.

WASHINGTON, -The west and this campaign other gradually, great sections DAVID LAWRENCE! not the Rocky mountain district and states east therefrom. Yet in all states, including the Pacific coast there are characteristics visible in the cities which are not unlike those of the Atlantic coast. The business groups, for example, in the cities are almost wholly with Hoover. He is their type of candidat- He is steeped in economic. lore and talks the language of business rather than of politics.

Besides, there is a natural pride in the fact that a westerner is at the helm of a great party and only those who understand the gradually increasing insistence of the west that public men look at governmental prob(Continued on Page Two) (Column 180) POLITICS A Today Digest' (Ry The Associated Press.) Smith expressed at faction with "older order" and promised many changes if elected; accused Anti-Saloon league of intimidating officials and threat. ening- Senator Norris: assailed Ku Kluk Klan; declared himself a "free ready to devote himself to interests and welfare of country. -Hoover, prepared for journey to California and speeches en route. -SOUTH BEND. questioned sincerity of Smith's tariff stand.

SPRINGFIELD, asserted purpose. of Democratic party conservation of high wages and sound business. WASHINGTON-Mellon appealed for return of Republicans to power as a business proposition. NEW YORK- disputed Work claims; declared it "next to impossible to believe there any question but that Smith will win. CHARLESTON, W.

challenged Smith statement that 80 per cent of Democratic members of Congress support his prohibition stand. GARY, Ind -Senator Reed, Democrat, Missouri, quoted Curtis as declaring last June that Hoover unfit to hold office." WASHINGTON-Work criticized Democratic campaign, charging "misrepresentation and flippant criticism:" expressed confidence Hoover will win. BOSTON-John W. Davis attack Republican prosperity claims, asserting country's greatest panics occurred under Republican admin. istrations.

STEVENS POINT, Wis- Secretary of Labor Davis defended Republican tariff and immigration stands. LACROSSE, Wis. Senator Brookhardt declared Robison's "claim to progressive Instincts is an absurdity." SALT LAKE CITY--L. E. Dillingham, western Democratic leader, attacked Borah as an "inconsistent and insincere LYNCHBURG, Va.

-Henry J. Allen, Republican paolicity director, charged Smith uses "Intolerance" as camouflage to avoid discussing Tammany. NIGH POINT. N. C.

William Allen White renewed attack on Smith for Tammany connections. PRINCESS TO WED. BRUSSELS Oct: The betrothal of Princess Francolse. daughter of the Duke of Guise, pretender to the French throne, to Prince Christopher of Greece, was officially confirmed at the Duke of Guise's house today. The date of the marriage will decidad next monk The cerewill probab be held in Italy Roof of Boston Bldg.

Kiosk. Tues. Tues. 57... Tues.

63... .63 WEST 0-0 0-0 0-0 Zep COOLIDGE BOARD URGES BOOST TO SETTLE TROUBLE Roads and Men Have 30 Days to Accept; More Increase Advised if Rules Are Amended. Probers Express Failure to See Why Controversy Should Have Arrived at Deadlock. WASHINGTON, Oct. -President Coolidge today expressed the hope and belief that the recommendations in the report of his emergency board.

just made public, will resalt in a settlement of the wage dispute between 70,000 trainmen and conductors and 55 western railroads. WASHINGTON, Oct. -The emergency board appointed by President Coolidge to investigate the wage dispute on western railreads has recommended a 6 1-2 it increase in wages without of rules, or alternatively a per cent increase if certain rules are eliminated. Further, the arbitration board proposed that whichever alternative the railroads and train service unions accepted should be put into effect retroactively, and the terms made to apply as of May 1, 1928, a date on which the controversy developed. The solution of the controversy suggested dealt with the discussion of complicated rules governing the application of wage scales hitherto agreed upon between the Brotherhoods and the railroads.

These. have long blocked a settlement of the controversy. A number of these rules, upheld by the, Brotherhoods, have beep viewed by railroad executives as unnecessarily hampering the efficiency of railroad service. Attacks Specific Rules. In consequence, the arbitration board suggested that the conductors and trainmen take either the 6 1-2 per cent increase in wages, keeping the present form of contract and rules, or that they obtain a 7 1-2 per cent increase, conceding certain alteration in the standard rules.

Specifically, the beard mentioned the elimination of the present rule affecting the operation of trains with doubleheader engines, and the elimination of the present rule limiting the tonnage of freight on a single train, Additional recommendations were made as to mod(Continued on Page Two) (Column five.) Earth Tremor Shakes Richmond, Homes -Residents Richmond contiguous territory reported this morning that they felt a distinct earth tremor about 6:46 strong enough to cause houses to quiver and windows to rattle. They said the shock continued for about thirty seconds. No damage was reported. RICHMOND, Oct. GIANT SHIP LAUNCHED.

NAGASAKI, Japan, Oct. (AP)- Asa Maru, largest vessel ever built for the Japanese Merchant Marine, was launched todey at the Mitsubishi dockyard. The Asa Maru cost $5.000,000 and is of 11,800 tons. AUNT HET was goin' to clean all my floors this morning. but Elia she was bringin' the children over to spend the day." TUESDAY OCTOBER 30 WAGES 0-0 0-0 0-0 Cyclone Flashes LAST MINUTE NEWS Ransom Demanded.

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. -Receipt of a letter demanding $10,000 ransom for the safe return of Mrs. Einora Cooper, 32. who disappeared here last Thursday, was reported the police night by her husband, last to, Ray L. Cooper, a street car emploge.

Coolidge to Vote. WASHINGTON, Oct. -President Coolidge has definitely decided to gO to Northampton, Mass, cast his vote announced in person next Tuesday, it was day the White House. Explosion Kills Five. ETHEL, Oct.

-Five persons were killed today in an explosion of a boiler at the 0. E. Daniel lumber mill. The dead: Wilbur Raspberry, E. T.

Deaton, Ed Carr, Leon Deaton, Elmer Loyd, Girl Burns. CHICAGO, Oct. -Freda. Kanaak, 29, former school teacher, was found perhaps fatally burned today in the boiler room of the police station at Lake Bluff, a suburb. Her clothing had been removed from her body and destroyed and her arms and legs were badly burned.

Board Ousted. CLEVELAND, Oct. entire Cuyahoga county election board was from office today by Clarence J. Brown. secretary of state, and the duties of the board were taken over by his office, for alleged irregularities in the August primary election.

Mrs. Smoot Rests Well For Night WASHINGTON, Oct. -Mrs. Reed rested last night, but in a critical Smooth nounced attending, Smoot has condition, physicians 21- been ill here for several months Robert Lansing Is Dead In East WASHINGTON. Oct.

30-(AP)Robert Lansing, secretary of state. under President Wilson, died at his home here this afternoon. Wyoming Miners Reject New Wage SHERIDAN. Oct. (AP)--Defeat of the wage scale agreement for Wyoming coal miners was made certain today when returns from the northern and central areas showed sentiment five to against acceptance of the proposal.

The vote in the Sherione, dan-Gebo district announced this morning was: For acceptance, 134; aginst acceptance 690. This made the state total: For 1.186; against 2,364 Returns were vet to be heard from one small camp in the northern area, one in the Rock Springs district and six in the Kemmerer district. Duke of Montrose, Demands Home Rule GLASGOW. Scotland. Oct.

(AP)-Home rule for Scotland. was demanded by the Duke of Montrose, who is lord lieutenant at Buteshire, at a national partr demonstration last nicht. The duke said that Stanley Baldwin, prime minister, who eras. elected Lord -Rector of Glasgow university Saturday, be the last 'English politician" to hold that post, Bye-Election Victory Gives Laborites Hope LONDON, Oct. leaders today hailed the victory of their candidate Albert Bellamy in Lyne, a bye-election Lancaster, at Ashton as promise of what would happen in the general election next year.

Ramsay McDonald, leader of the party and former premier said: "It shows that the industrial constituencies are going to be solidly behind SEVENTY NINT SALT RAIL 0-0 Battles GUNMAN SLAIN OFFICER SHOT IN DANCE HALL Chicago Marathon Ends In Riot; Colorado Man Killed. CHICAGO, Oct. -Biily "whiskers" Marzano, gunman, was shot to death today at a marathon dance' in 131st Infantry armory in the presence of two then hundred or more spectators, The who gave the name of Edward Brown, was taken in custody after a battle in which Police Sergeant Thomas Lee was shot and seriously wounded. More than 20 shots were fired. CHICAGO, Oct.

unidentified man was shot and killed early today as he ran down Calumet street in a vain effort to escape his assailant. Second Gangster Killed at Trinidad TRINIDAD, Oct. (INS) -Gangland warfare had claimed today its second victim in four days in this Southern Colorado city. Pino Mantelli, 40, roadhouse keeper of El Moro, four miles east of here, was shot down by three unidentified men in his office. Several horrified children witnessed the shooting.

The death of Mantelli was the latest development in "bootleg" war of several years duration, ace cording to police. Harry Nobile was found shot to death dying on the outskirts of town four days ago. Mantelli has had two of his places of business dynamited during the past several years. He was building a thitd when he was killed. NEGRO GUNMAN HOLDS UP TRAIN Bandit Fires at Brakeman, Terrorizes Women.

Passengers CHICAGO, Oct. the Michigan Central's Western Express, New YorkChicago extra fare train, were held up last night by an armed negro who got aboard at Michigan City, and jumped as the train was roaring toward Gary, He fired one wild shot at brakeman who walked into the observation car while the robbery was in progress. With about $250 in cash which he had taken from two passengers, the negro ran to the front platform and leaped from the train, which was Making 45 miles an hour. The robber climbed aboard when the train, due in Chicago at 9:00 p.m,. made a short stop at MichiCity.

When the train was in motion he swung around and upward from his position under the trap door on the observation car. smashed the glass and crawled in. He swept the score of men and women passengers with his revolver. and commanded them to give him their money and jewels. Robert A.

McCullough, Chicago, handed over $179 and I. E. Colvin, head of the Metal Glass Products company of Belding. gave the robber $80. Mrs.

Colvin dropped her jewels to the floor, as did several other women. R. J. Owens of Detroit, brakeman, stepped in upon the robbery before he realized what was going on. The robber fired, the bullet striking the brakeman's head.

The negro then ran to the front of the car and leaped from the train. Columbia Fueled For Ocean Flight ROOSEVELT FIELD, L. I. Oct. monoplane Columbia.

veteran of several historic flights, which crashed two weeks ago at start of a proposed flight to Rome was fueled today in preparation for another attemct to reach the Eternal City. The weather was favorable for takeoff. Roger Q. Williams, pilot, arrived at the field, but would not whether he intendel to start today, Charles A. Levine, the own witnessed the crash at the takeoff two weeks ago, was not at the field.

Damage to the ship in the previous mishap has been repaired. 1928 HELD 0-0 0-0 Half OVER-CONFIDENCE WARNING ISSUED TO G. O. P. STAFF Dr.

Work Spurs Workers To Keep Fight Until All Votes Are Counted; Radio Last Appeal. Hoover Plans St. Louis Speech on Waterways, Farms; Gets Ready to Make Westward Swing. BY WILLIAM K. HUTCHINSON.

(International News Service Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Oct confident the American people will elect Herbert Hoover president next Tuesday, the Republican headquarters here aday issued an appeal to the party of -electioncers to "carr. on to the end." Warnings that over alone could defeat the Republican nominee were sent into every seaboard state, to leaders. in the agricultural belt and to party chieftains in the mountain. states. The Hoover board of strategy, took the stand that Hoover will win if the party's organization maintains speed it has shown to date, until after all votes are counted.

Dr. Hubert Work. Republican national chairman, voiced the Hoover strategy in a radio address last night. Discounts Sraw Vote. "I would warn all good Republicans and our friendly supporters all parties that straw votes canot reach or record the full sentiment or purpose of all voters." said Work.

"The results of all (Continued on page two) (Column HUBERT WORK HUBERT WORK HOTEL MAN IS SHOT IN FIGHT OVER HIS WIFE NASHVILLE, Oct (AP) -Walter L. Liggett. prom-1 sinent grain merchant, shot and killed Turney M. Cunningham, manager of A large down town Nashville hotel, last night, in an alley behind the Cunningham home. He admitted the shooting.

In a signed statement to police, Mrs. Cunningham said she had been meeting the grain merchant secretly almost a year and that she had gone to her garage last night to meet him after first refusing to do so. Earl Kiger, a private detective, was the only known witness. He said he tried to get Liggett to leave the scene, but that the grain merchant declined to leave. The only statement of Liggett to police was that Cunningham fired first.

Cunningham was southern president of the Greeters, national hotelmen's organization. and long prominent in his field. Opposition Leading In Meagre Returns In Newfoundland ST. JOHN'S N. F.

Oct. meagre returns had been received today from yester1 day's general election in which tne heaviest vote in the history of New Foundland was poled. Women over 25 years of age yoted for the first time. Returns from only two of the thirty-seven constituencies of territory were available, and they were incomplete, In Belle Island, and Port De Rave, the opposition candidates on early returns were leading the government nominees two to one. The government or United NewFoundland party, which is pledged to carry on the work of former Premier W.

Monroew. who resigned spring, is seeking to reelect Premier, F. C. Alerdice. The opposition Liberal party has Sir Richard Squires as its standard bearer.

TOO 0-0 0-0 Way CAR HITS TWO KILLS ONE, IN HELPER CRASH Girl, Aunt Caught When' Auto Leaves Road; Charge Looms. HELPER, Oct. (Special) Migs Lucy Bruno. 17, was killed last night at 8:30 p.m. and her aunt, Lucia Bruno, 70, was critically and perhaps fatally hurt as well when they were struck by an automobile as it rounded curve near here.

The car was driven by Richard Cornish. It approached the west side of the Spring Canyon Junetion crossing at Helper and 40 runding the curve it left the road and hit the two women who were walking by' the side of the paved strip The elder woman was knocked 20 feet by the impact and the girl was dragged 20 feet under the car before it hit a fence post and stopped on the bank of an tion creek. The tire were rushed to a hospital where Miss Bruno, died 45 minutes later. An inquest will be held at 4 p.m. today and charges of involuntary manslaughter likely will be brought against Cornish.

The young lady who was killed was born in Helper on Oct. 13. 1911. Her. parents and three brothers, Adolf, Ernest and Jimmy survive.

STOWAWAY ON ZEP OLD HAND AT GAME Youth's. Sister Reveals Long Record of Ride Stealing. WICHITA, KANSAS, Oct. (AP) -When Clarence Terhune travels as he often does- -he travels in class. The venturesome 19-year-old St.

Louis stowaway on the Graf Zeppelin timed his debut in stowing away on an ocean trip to coincide with the maiden voyage last year of the liner Malolo, the Matson "floating palace" gation company's plying between San Francisco and Honolulu. Mrs. Lucile Woods, Terhune's sister. said Clarence was caddying in San Francisco when the liner arrived there from eastern 'shipyards. She said he stowed away and was not discovered for several days, Then, as yesterday when he was found on the German dirigible he was put to work to pay for his passage.

Another time he stowed away on. a ship bound for Alaska. but WaS unfortunate enough to pick the last boat of the season, and had to spend the winter there. He perfected business of stowing away in traveling from one golf tournament to another. He has been a professional caddy since he was 14 years old, and has caddied from coast to coast.

"He crashed the Heeney- Tunney fight last summer in New York, after lurking in the top part of the stadium all night. In some manner he obtained an usher's coat and and enjoyed the scrap from a $40 ringside Mrs. Woods cap, said. BRAZIL RATIFIES PACT. GENEVA.

Oct. --Bra- zil informed the League of Nations economic committee toddy that the Brazilian senate has ratified a convention for the simplification custonis formalities coneluded in November, 1923, at Geneva. WILLIE WILLIS By ROBERT QUILLEN busted my head with rock today, but we stopped it bleedin' with chewin' gum so Mamma wouldn't see, it an' make us stop playin'." LO 0-0 0-0 to Goal GIANT DIRIGIBLE RADIOS SHIP, MI CLOUDS HIDE HER Position Indicates Big Balloon Is Flying Toward Azores; Head Winds Retard Pace. Commander With 1,100 Miles to Go Expects To Reach Ireland Noon on Wednesday. (Copyright, 1928, by Internation News Service.

Reproduction Whole or in Part Expressly Probibited.) BERLIN, Oct, Graf Zeppelin entered an area good weather today after a storm of escionic proportions which last ed through Monday afternoon and last night, according to a copsrichte ed message filed from the airship today. The Graf had corered ONCE third of the ocean route and enc hair the total trip from Lakehurst, N. to Germany. NEW YORK, Oct. 30.

The Graf Zeppelin is the speed, on her homebound trip that had pected of her. At 8 o'clock thi, morning S. Ty the Graf was in the position of 40 West and 52.30 norta and her speed had been reduced to. 40 knots an hour owing to bad weather, according to word received by Intentional News Service. The airship was 600 miles east of the Newfoundland coast and 1,100 miles from Ireland.

Commodore Eckener expects to pass over the Irish coast Wednesday 1928.) ABOARD S. S. ASCANIA, AT SEA, Oct. 30-(Via Chatham, Mass, Radio Station to Intertational News Service)-The Ascanla was in wireless communication with the Graf Zeeplin at noon- (G. M.

T. (7 a.m. E. S. but the airsap was not sighted.

At that time the Ascania's position was 53.29 north and 42.03 west. The signate were strong abeam the er. The weather was fine with a strong southerly wind. The position given by the Cunarder is approximately 650 miles east of St. John's N.

and north, If the Zeppelin were abeam as reported or in other Words on the same parallel of longitude, she woul about one third of the way across long water jump from Newfoundland to Ireland. The speed traveled by the Graf between the time of her previously reported position and the 7. a.m. report would indicate that she was bucking head winds, or had been forced to maneuver around storm areas. BERLIN, Oct.

as to the position of the trans-Atlantic airliner Graf Zeppelin today indicated that she was heading in the direction of the Azures and was likely to approuch Germany from the south. D. E. E. Wurlitzer Dies of Influenza NEW FORK.

Oct. Howard E. E. Wurlitzer of 'Cincinnati. former chairman of the board of the Rudolph Wurlitzer company, piano manufacturers, died early this morning at the Ritz Carlton hotel, Mr.

Wurlitzer had been ill two days with influenza. He was 57 years old. He is survived Mrs. Helen Billings Wurlitzer, by, daughter, Valeska, and a son, Raymond. He retired recently from chairmanship of the board of company the, which was founded by his father.

TO GRANT HOLIDAY. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. (AP)-Due to the unprecedented registration for the November presidential election, a number. of corporations will grant. employes a part holiday to vote, it was announced today- SLUSH FUND CHARGED.

SPOKANE, Oct. (AP)-Charges that A. Scott Dullitt, Democratic candidate for governor, had spent "lavish sums" in his campaign, were made in a statement last night by Charles P. Lund. Republican chairman for Spokane county..

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