Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)

30 a a Attorney General Brownell Kept In Background During White House Talks About Little Rock. By DREW PEARSON WASHINGTON Highlights and footnotes of the White House talks over Little Rock: When the four southern governors met the President, Gov. Frank Clement of. Tennessee remarked: "You must be taking Republican vitamin Every time I come here you look better. You Repuolicans must be eating high on the bog." Ike was from the first about Governor "For the Lord's sake, get it sound and solid so it won't be necessary to go through this he told the four governors.

"I don't want this half-settled." Because of Ike's Gov. Luther Hodges of North Carolina called Faubus several times, read him the proposed statements, even telegraphed -him the statements Significantly, Attorney General Brownell was left out of the governors' talks because they blamed him for persuading the President to "use Federal troops. Brownell is a long time friend of E. 0. Spencer, Jackson, hotel owner and leading Mississippi Republican who handled Eisenhower job appointments in that state.

It was Brown.ell's and Spencer's to. the Republican party in the Deep Last week Spencer fired a. blistering felegram to Eisenhower, resign- By PETER EDSON 44 WASHINGTON (NEA) How to make: crime pay an increased of its own costs to the public is one of the major problems faced by James. Bennett. director of U.S.

Bureau Prisons for the past 22 vears. It is a challenge that can't be laughed off. The cost of crime payers is going up every year. In 1946 there were 121,000 prisoners in state institutions and 17.000 in federal institutions. For 1956 the figures were 168,000 and 20,000 35 per increase in 10 years.

Numbers are expected to rise further as population and crime rates go up. Federal prison population increasing at the rate of 400 more inmates every year. Thirty federal institutions -built, to. accommodate about 15.000 prisoners are now 30 per cent overcrowded. Last year Bureau of Prisons went to Congress with a 15-million-dollar construction program to take care of more youthful.

prisoners and more maximum custody prisoners like bank robbers. -These two categories show maior increases today. Caught in the economy drive, Congress turned down the request. But sooner. rather than later.

this problem of federal prison overcrowding will have to be met. ing. Brownell was kept cooling his heels, he was consulted backstage on the drafting of statements. Under Ike's skin- Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong. Negro jazz master; probably doesn't realize it, but White House insiders say.

he had quite. bit to do with steeling the President's usually complacent disposition on the race faced issue. and' has no: is Armstrong exploded last month. getting almost so bad a colored man hasn't got country. The way they are treating my people in the south the government can go.

to hell." This really got under Ike's skin. Vice President Nixon also needled. Ike, talked Jackie. Robinson, first Negro to star inbig-league baseball. and to Roy Wilkins, head of the NAACP.

about a meeting of Negro leaders with- Eisenhower. While this liminary talk w'as under way, Congressman A dam Clayton Powell. the Harlem' who bolted Ike's in a 'telegram to House asking for a conference. Other Negro leaders don't like Powell, consider him an unreliable grandstander, He has been tinder income -tax investigation. -Expand -Prison To Cut suggested solution is- to allow Bureau of Prisons to take the net receipts of its Federal Prison Industries, and reinvest: them in enlarging the institutions themselves, as well of as the 50 shops in 24 institutions.

This would be a practical way to help criminals pay a greater share of. their own upkeep. Fedis 0. Industries. which is a government corporation, began operations in 1935.

Since then it has shown net earnings of 49 million dollars, of which 32 million has been paid back- to -the Treasury as divi- dends. last year amounted to 27 million dollars with net profits is of over four million. -The total cost to the government for operating the 30 federal institutions is. around 30 million dollars. This makes Bureau of Prisons capable of 13 per cent Federal prison camps, like those at Tucson, and Mill Point.

W. have built roads and done national forest service. This has" saved other govern- -ment part me ent money, though the work done shows no cash return to the Treasury. Federal prisons also upperate farms that. raise over $1,750,000 worth of food products a year.

They furnish 40 per cent of the prisoners' own requirements at JACOBY ON BRIDGE New Crop Of Young Players Shows Talent In Tournament By OSWALD JACOBY The recent national tournament demonstrated that while -the tough there is a new crop of young. players coming along who are able to. compete successfully against them. Gloria Turner; secretary from Chicago, has beeen playing in tournaments for. five or' six years.

hoe has almost 1.500 master points but up to this year had. never won a title. This time she was a member of the team that won -the -mixed championship and also finished fourth in the open of four. Unquestionably Gloria's name belongs on any list of the best women players.Today's hand shows- -Gloria's technique, in contract. playing The a whole three play nowas in the diamond suit.

Gloria needed four diamond tricks but wanted five if possible. She won the opening spade lead and. promptly laid down the queen of: diamonds. The purpose of this. play was to guard against all five diamonds being in the West hand.

However both opponents lowed to this lead so she continued with the ten spot. When West. followed, Gloria went up with dummy's ace and East showed out. Now the wisdom of the ten However. he got an' immediate reply from the White House agreeing to a None of these meetings has yet been held.

Events at Little Rock broke too rapidly. White House advisers cautions that it would A meet mistake' with for Negro the leaders President during, to or too soon after. the Arkansas crisis. New civil rights 'head The man recommended by Vice Pres-. ident Nixon to head up the new civil inside the Department is St.

John. Monroe, Barrett. Barretts to was inves- sent tigate the removal of Negroes. from the voting rolls. Later.

when Louisiana's Attorney General Gremillion -testified before the House Judiciary Committee. regarding this incident, Barrett was given the reviewing and refuting his testimony. Nixon liked the job he did. ExGov. Francis Cherry of Arkansas.

the man Faubus defeated for re-election, is quoted in Washington as saying: course Faubus intended to give in to Eisenhower. He's enjoying himself -George Allen, the Mississippian who is Ike's golfing partner. purchased Ike's. Gettysburg farm for him Industries Costs a "cost of less day for each inmate. That in itself is a major contribution toward making criminals pay for their own: upkeep.

As a matter of fact. all goods and services produced by Federal Prison Industries are for government use. Nothing is sold on the open market in competition with private industry. This moves the old stigma against "prison labor." Only 4.000, or about 25 per cent, of the prisoners are now employed in prison industries. They so were paid an average of $27.50 a month in wages.

Most of this money has to be saved or sent charges. This is: another factor in making crime pay-for itself--in the newer and better meaning. Out of its earnings, Federal Prison Industries -supports vocational training schools at a cost. of. about $500,000 10.000 a prisoners vear.

took such courses. In about half the institutions, courses are given credit recognized as apprentice training for union cards. Prisoners courses in welding. tire bricklaying, metal working and other trades get certificates which help them get jobs on discharge. When successful, this vocational training is perhaps the biggest dividend in cutting crime costs.

criminal who can be taught a trade that will keep him from: crime is net gain to society. The sad fact is, however. that two out of three prison inmates are rehabilitated and return to crime. State. penal institutions have a spotty record on development of prison industries.

A few 'have model shops, but in some states, prisoners are kept in almost Questions And Answers Q-The first yacht built in America bore the name of what president? A--The- "Jefferson," -named for Thomas Jefferson, was built in 1801; according to records. 3 Q-What is a simbil?" A -The white-bellied stork. Q-Baseball is often referred to as the diamond sport. Is the playing area square. rectangular or diamond shaped? A -It is.

a square, 90-feet between. bases. Q-What is the Taj Mahal and where is it located? A -It is mausoleum of white marble. Jehan built by (1628-1658) the at emperor Agra, India. It contains the tombs.

of his favorite wife, Mumtazi and of himself. Q- Willie Keeler held the game hitting record for. 44 years. Who bettered it? A-Keeler hit safely in 44 consecutive games in 1897. Joe DiMaggio set a new major league mark of 56 straight games in 1941.


BOX 312, CARDIFF- BY WE SEA, 10-1 PEA I 493. 962 AK954 754 WEST. LAST QJ 1087 4 4. J4 Q10753 J763 10 SOUTH (D). AAK 2.

AK 8 Q102 A 63 East and West vulnerable South West North East Pass Pass 3 N.T. Pass Pass Opening lead-4 NORTH 493. spot play became Gloria returned to her own hand -and led her last diamond. It did. not matter whether West covered or not.

The rest of the diamonds were good. If she had played -the the ten that ten spot: would have blocked off dummy's. nine and Gloria would have wound up with only three diamonds tricks instead of five and would have made only two -trump not four. I 1 7 y. ARTISTS WRITERS TOEING THE MORE POLAND STUDENT a PUILAS 4: THE WA MISTON POS "In America They Think It's a Problem That People Aren't Getting Enough Education" Congressmen Should Reflect Wishes Of People And Not The President In- -a few months the nation's lawmakers will be back at the old stand in Washington.

and a new chapter will unfold in the story of President Congress. The country may dare to hope that it will be played a little differently. Many decades of experience have shown "that major presidential programs often do not get far in Congress unless the incumbent. president, personally and through- his lieutenant, shoves, coaxes, embarrasses and even threatens reluctant legislators. So long have these tactics been practiced in U.S.

lawmaking history that the need for such White House pressures is taken for granted. The political scientists justify this performance by stressing that the president is the one national officer elected by the whole nation, and therefore it is proper be should exercise a compelling general leadership. By the same token, they say, the individual lawmakers representing states or congressional districts cannot be expected to hold the national viewpoint, uppermost. Consequently they must be pressed into line from above. The politicians themselves for the most part act as if this were indeed the proper course--in other words, as if they had no choice but to yield to state or district pres-sures unless the president throws.

so much weight an to -take-back-in-1958 home. Seen in this light the president's- job with OPEN FORUM Congress is not so much to sell the merits of a proposal as it is to get lawmakers off the hook. This does not mean, naturally, thatthere are not measures for which genuine persuasion is required. But, actually, the idea that the president can win acceptance of a bill only by the legislators again and again is a sad commentary on the make-up of the U.S. Congress.

What it seems to say i is that most lawmakers are the mere creatures of their states. and districts, incapable of acting independently with regard to' the national good un-less driven to it by the president. After President Eisenhower's school aid 'bill failed in 1956, a lawmaker called on- himand heard a fervent argument favoring themeasure. He told the President that if he'd said that the day before, the bill would have -Obviously, this stood as a criticism of Mr. Eisenhower for not urging the issue hard enough.

But was that really the whole of Some legislators who voted against it -would have changed their vote under White House. pressure. Some of these must had convictions favorable to the proposal. What paper-thin convictions they must: have been if they could wither away in the ab. sence of the big word from the President.

Congress might gain a little more stature if more of its members should decide that they can" be representatives without being. puppets. Pr Elks Laud Role Of Newspapers Martinsville October 5, 1957. Editor and Staff, Martinsville Bulletin: National Newspaper Week gives us an opportunity to express our appreciation and to give our local Newspaper a recognition it so justly deserves on this, The Nation's Press eighteenth annual National Newspaper. a Week, October.

1stwthrough the 8th, with slogan, "Your Newspaper L. Blackledge of Kearney, Nebraska, Grand Exalted Ruler of the Order of Elks, has announced that the Order Elks will join in Observance of National Newspaper Week in tribute to the men and women of the press who are 'helping us to preserve our liberties by shedding the light of truth on local, state and national affairs. Our forefathers wrote othe guarantee of a free press into our federal constitution not because they wanted to protect the newspapers, but because they knew that freedom to gather and report the facts was indispensable to the preservation of the peo- pie's liberties. More and more etforts are being made to infringe upon the freedom that the press must have to ferret out the truth and report it to us. Every sucht effort is an attack, upon your right to know.

an attack upon your constitutional liberties. Therefore American Organization should make National Newspaper Week challenge to: dom those by who trying are to to to to to to to to to- attack muzzle the press. It is up to American people and. or organizations to strengthen, to principle of a Free Press and combat efforts to restrict this Freedom. No other people is so thoroughly informed through their newspapers as are.

Americans. In no other country are the people so free to form their own view's on the basis of what they read in their press. This is we think a tribute the way in which the newspapers serve. In thousand of communi- ties across the land, there is no more vital force than hometown newspapers. -We are inclined to take our newspapers for granteu, forgetting that the men and women, Page 4-Martinsville Bulletin, Monday, October 7, 1957 MARTINSVILLE BULLETIN day afternoons, except Saturday and Sunday morning DY THE MARTINSVILLE BULLETIN.

INC. startinsville. Virginia H. HASKELL H. MARIL General Manager L.

THOMPSON Editor CIRCULATION RATES Home Delivery By Carrier per week By Motor Route 01.55 per month By Maut In Henry, Patrick, franklin and Pritsvivants Countica tr' Virginia and Rockingstokes end Counties In Nortb Carolina evening and Sunday 1. Months Months Month 15 $4.00 $1.50 Elsewhere $16.00 00. 15.00 $1.19 Entered to the pontotfice at Martinsville, Virginia second -class mail matter MEMBER THE ASSOCIATE') PRESS The A MOCLA exclunvely entitled to for publication allcredited to it or dot otherwise credited to paper and also the local UM bar and was partner in a Howard Johnson restaurant, is a great; wisecracker. -Now -there- wisecracks about him. One is Allen renounce Ike and go back Mississippi?" Answer is: "No, principle." George can.

always Faubus's rise revision of the agreed statement on. school protection almost broke- up a "farewell party for departing Secretary of Defense Charley Wilson. Ike was attending the party given by John Foster Dulles and attended by Mrs. Wilson. who.

once. slapped back at -the President when her hus- a band criticized the National Guard -and -Ike championed it. Word came that the National Guard at Little' Rock, even thouth federalized, wasn't dosuch a good job inside Central High School. also that Faubus had changed his Ike left the farewell Mrs. Wilson hade the last laugh.

Ike concluded that her husband right about the National Guard -at -least in Little Rock. In Maryland. Liberia -During the Governor's breakfast preceding their meeting with Eisenhower, Gov. Hodges stepped to the telephone to call Faubus. While waiting for him, Clement of Tennessee remarked, almost wistfully.

that the two Senators from Tennessee were in Europe and "You were in Africa this weren't Gov. of. -Florida Maryland. asked. "Yes," MicKeldin the one GOP governor present, "I went to -Maryland, Liberia." He explained that Negroes from Maryland had 'gone to Liberia before the Civil War to help found a Negro state in Africa and had named one country "Maryland." "I went over to celebrate the 100th anniversary.

of the admission of Maryland County into Liberia." During the conference -with Ike, each governor. gave a brief expression views the Little Rock problem. "We are not here to praise or condemn," said Clement, "In Tennessee. when we had our trouble not escort the students in and out of the school. Our duty was to restore law and order so that citizens could carry out any law.

ful activity without fearing violence. bodily harm, or death. No -bodyguards or escorts were Collins, of Florida emphasized the intensity of the situation. "Race: relations have been impaired instead of improv. ed by the, presence of troops," he declared.

1- F. 3 1 Dr. Crane. .3 3 Action That Does Most. Good For People Is Right One 3 1.

Case W-319: Robtrt Gingery, aged 37, is a Methodist clergyman at New Albany. Indiana. Earlier this year. you probably -read about his hazardous encounter with an escaped. bank robber.

4: Rev. Gingery was riding with one. of his- parishioners, Sgt. Marvin' Walts, when their radio reported the bank holdup. Sgt.

Walts immediately used his car. as a road block. Soon an automobile approached and stopped. Sgt. Walts got out: to check upon the driver.

Alas, it was the bandit! The latter whipped out a gun SI and killed the loyal police officer. Then the robber, brandishing two guns, headed for the car in which Rev. Gingery was seated. The bandit fired at the minister but missed. The clergyman meanwhile had seized a -shotgun from the back seat.

After that first shot from the bank robber, Rev. Gingery finally got the safety ed the trigger. off the gun and hurriedly, pullHe killed. the bandit, thereby saving his, own life. 1: Some devout folks' may feel that killing is NEVER justifiable.Thus, we have sincere conscientious objectors in time of war.

They prefer to turn the other cheek and submit to communism, pillage, rape, and all indignities that the invader may wish to heap upon, their innocent women and children. For they argue that the Bible says "Thou shalt not which is one of the Ten Commandments. Our civil courts, however, maintain that killing in selfdefense is And our U. S. Congress drafts men.

for war. Who is right? On the night of Christ's arrest, Peter drew the sword in de-tense of- Jesus. But Christ forbade him to continue, since Jesus realized he must face his destiny. and go through with the mock trial and crucifixion: But a few minutes earlier, Jesus had instructed his followers (Luke and he that hath no' sword. let him sell his garment and buy one." Just two verses later in the Gospel of Luke, we also find this: "And they said, Lord, behold, here are swords.

And he said unto them. It is enough." At another. Jesus went Vegetable Garden ACROSS 8 Chemical 1 Root vegetable suffix 7 root. 9 Biblical land vegetable 10 Wading bird 13 Interstice 11 1 Deer track 14 Make possible 12 Olympian 15 Jargon goddess 4 18 Elder 19 Legal point 17 Measures of 21 Click -beetle cloth, 22 Selection 18 Anger (ab.) 20 Depot (ab.) 23 Babylonian 21 Hebrew deity ascetics 24 Smudges 25 Old -womanish 25 Against 28 Stutter 26 Pattern 32 Pertaining 27 The san. to a node.

(Latin) 33 Facility 29 Mutilate 84 Weight 30 Essential deduction being 35 Elevate 36 Dip '40 Provided with weapons 41 Feels regret 43 Brazilian macaw 46 Fourth Arabian caliph iT Onager 50 Green 53 Vegetable 56 Form a notion 57 "'Lily maid of Astolat" 58 World 59 Meal DOWN Narrow Allet 2 Russian river Rots fax by exposure Negative word 5 Island (Tr.) 6 French capital Be displeased 15 over to a green fig tree for some its fruit, but it was barren. So the Bible says Christ cursed the fig tree. Next morning when Peter accompanied Jesus, Peter remarked that the tree was withered and dead, clear down to its roots (Mark 'So Christ apparently killed an unfruitful fig tree. Would He have slain an animal or a human being? He also drove. the moneychangers out of the temple with physical force and upset their tables.

So Jesus was not a complete pacifist, for the Bible shows us he physical violence in good causes. cent stamped. addressed. envelops and 20 cents to cover typing and Ing costs when send for his booklets.) BARBS When this bank bandit shot and killed a police officer in -cold blood and then attemptedto murder Rev. Gingery, was he really a human being or just 2-legged tiger? If.

a jungle monster springs at you, should you then try to reason with it! "Cast not your pearls swine." Jesus warned us, meaning that we should use methods that will work on the limited mentality of the creatures we meet. If Rev. Gingery had attempted to save this bandit's soul, his first word would have been met with another bullet, for one had already whizzed by his head. Rev. Gingery is reported to have said he thought he could do more good for mankind alive and in his pulpit, than under stone slab in the cemetery.

Do you agree? He certainly gets my vote in the matter. (Always write to Dr. Crane In care -newspaper -tong 3 A Nebraska -school teacher forbade her scholars to chew gum during class hours--and their bubble busted. The man who says he can look at a woman and tell herage better keep his mouth shut. It's a lot more.

fun taking shine to a new car than puttingit on an old one. When you become, beside yourself with rage, you're in poor company. Answer to Previous Puzzle ADD PANO UNOT ORRA MOO COCONDARD AL GA 9 AN MORTAL AND ATONE TRANS COND LEDE ONTO DON BED 31 Bamboolike 45 Mimicker grass 35 Rodent 37 Musical note 38 Bowling term (pl.) 39 Lamprey. 42 More reined 43 Sacred bull (Egypt) 44 Interpret A 15 who put them together day after day, and week after week, deserve our encourazement. Because Elkdom appreciates the great contribution that our newspapers make in giving us the truth that we in turn can discharge our responsibilities as free Citizens.

Martinsville, ginia Lodge No. 1752. B.P.O Pu the Elks wishes to express its sincere appreciation and Staff of the Martinsville Bulletin for such a wonderful publication. to this Community, and for aiding in preserving of our Democratic Traditions. Sincerely, The Officers and Members, B.P.O.

Elk No. By: Francis A. Exalted Ruler Va. Dear. Sir: At one who has long been harassed by the parking problem in your city, I feel I must' offer a suggestion.

as how.I believe this difficult situation can be overcome. Such a condition as now exists in downtown Martinsville 15. a detriment to the future growth of the city, and it is of prime importance to businessmen and citizens alike, that a solution be found immediately. While I agree providing more parking space, and making better use of existing facilities will afford temporary relief the present, parking diiemma. I feel the best long.

range solution lies in the development more new streets around the downtown section. Perhaps Chestnut street could be extended to run from Moss to Ellsworth, and possibly a new street opened to run from the vicinity of East Church through to Franklin or Liberty Streets to help relieve the congestion on downtown Main and Church' streets. 'Sincerely, (Miss) Daisy Frye 47 Operatic solo 48 Male offspring (pl.) 49 Let it stand 51 Weight of Thailand 52 Summer (FT. 54 Drink made with malt 55 Knock 40 9 I F. 1 1..

Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)
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