Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)

Page 2-Martinsville Bulletin, Friday, March 28, 1958 REGICNAL BLOOD CENTER BOX SCORE THURSDAY STATISTICS 3 134 86 pints 24-hr. distribution (24 hospitals) (4 hospitals cut 7 units). 71 1 Mobile unit collection (Salem) Stone Renews Prediction Of Sales Tax Law In'60 A prediction that General Assembly in 1960 will the sales tax in order mounting demands for revenue was voiced again last night by State Sen. William F. Stone' in address before members and guests of the "The sales Kiwanis, be adoptMartinsville Club.

ed." Stone said, "it the state's governing body is unable in- to find sufficient funds from sources to meet growing demands to carry on the normal, ordinary. operations Commonwealth." The theme was similar to that developed by Stone in other local addresses he has made since returning home from the recent session of the General Assembly. The speaker declared that the 1958 session of the State's governing. was the most harmonious "since the administration of Governor E. Lee Trinkle.

He said this resulted. from three factors which he listed as, the Assembly's unanimous supcontinued school segregation, the finding of a. 000.000 surplus in the state treasury. and the ability and respect the group had: for Governor Almond as a capable advisor and leader. "For the in the history of the Commonwealth, a.

budget covering the next biennium, amounting to more than $1,000,000,000 was adopted," the, speaker declared. J. C. 1209 WOOLDRIDGE, INC. Martinsville, Blvd.

Local Storage Crating Storage New Distance ME 2-5691 Warehouse North Agent ME 2-6175 Night Van Lines American Appropriations for public education were increased by 25 per cent over that of the last two years, bringing funds to per meet of educational the total needs budget, to! cent Stone pointed, out. "As of increased funds to localities, Stone said that the City 'of will receive this $676,000 in state monies while Henry county -will get $1.070,000 for public education, these figures representing substantial increase over the 1957 allocations." Stone also discussed briefly legislation passed by the General Assembly, the Pupil Placement Act, the. "Little Rock the uninsured motorist law, a uniform charter bill for localities, the, amended garnishee law, laws covering shoplifting, handling of youthful criminals, and providing. increased funds for mental hospitals, providing and 60 the additional employment troop- of the State police force. erThe program for the meeting was in charge of the club's publicity with E.

E. Stone, chairman, presiding and introducing the chief speaker. vision, Capital -district, accompanied by several Roanoke Kiwanians, paid a surprise visit to the club. He. spoke briefly after being introduced.

Dan M. Baptist was, introduced as: new of the club. Joe W. Howell, club president, announced that the Bassett Kiwanis club will act as host for an inter-club dinner meeting of the Second division next Thursday in the Riverside hotel, Bassett. Howell also announced that the program for the next club meeting, on April 10, will be in charge of the club's traffic and safety.

committee, of which William L. Wiseman is chairman. Former Gov. Thomas B. Stanley will be the guest speaker.

Frank Angell, Roanoke, Lt. 'Governor of the Second di- Anchor Fence Protects Give your children a safe place to play Children, -give own--install yourself a more genuine time to Anchor call chain your link Fence. Anchor chain link is "zincPets and Call clad" today after for a weaving FREE for extra estimate long life. PHONES Property J. P.


1 1. Ted's DUPONT TRADE MARK -See Our BLUE Window T. J. Burch Announces For Council (Cont. From Page 1) of the church's tinance tee He is also a member of the Kiwanis Club and: is chairman of its Agriculture Committee.

As 3 such, he has worked ly with 4-H and Future Farmers of America Clubs throughout this area. Burch is also a Pythian, an Elk- and a Moose. In municipal affairs, he is chairman of the City Zoning and Board of vice-chairman Appeals and of secretary. zens' Parking Committee. In the business field, he not only heads his insurance and real estate firm but is president of the Martinsville-Henry County Real Estate Board and a diof the State Real Estate Association.

"He is also director of the Piedmont Trust Bank and Building Supply Co. As a candidate for Council he follows in the footsteps of his uncle, the late Thomas Granville Burch, who once served on Town Council here and then became mayor before being elected to Congress, where he served in both branches. Burch is married to the former Miss Elizabeth Bulloch of Farmville and they, reside at 220 Starling Ave. Three current members of Council have two more years to serve They are Mayor John W. Shultz, Vice- Mayor E.

E. Stone and Clarence Donovant. The Stroller (Cont. From Page 1) what is needed right now is money so that she will be able to stay in the hospital and continue to get the very fine I treatment she has been receiving," Mrs. Baker said.

Anmisfortune has struck the family since last Friday. Rosie's father suffered a heart. attack land can no longer work. Rosie herself is a rheumatic heart victim. "The need is very great," Mrs.

Baker pleads. She asks that all wishing to aid call her at NA 9-2672. distinguished rating achieved by Martinsville High School in the State oneact play festival In Charlottesville yesterday cause for real jubilation for all concerned. Students in the cast were accompanied by Miss Martha Anthony, Mrs. M.

L. Carper and Mrs. Frank Lacy. All fairly beamed with pride to hear the judge, Dr. Harvey Baumgardener, compliment a not only performance, but the selection of the play.

We under-: stand he also had spect words of praise for Betsy Carper, whoe role demanded that she be on stage for practically the entire play. And speaking of plays, another attraction also ably by Miss Anthony, is on the boards tonight. MHS Juniors will: present a comedy, "The Stag Line." The cast and all concerned have worked hard on the production and hope. for a good audience. Curtain time is 8 p.m.

in the school auditorium and prices $1 for adults and 50 cents for children. SEEN ALONG THE MAIN DRAG--Victor Heiner of Roanoke In town to renew old friendships Rotarians Irvin Cubine and M. Lester Carper attending Kiwanis meeting--Fellow police: officers seeing Patrolman Frank Hundley's photograph on the front page William Cook completing his 15th year's work with one firm--The Jack Hankins finally celebrating moving day--The W. B. Chambleys having cuests from Georgia- -Dr.

C. T. Womack retting the dally mail -Mrs. Tom Willis shopping down the street--Mrs. Bill Stone having the Current Events Club meet at her home today Clay Roach looking at the little damage done to his car in accidentSanford Gilley leaving the hospital- Dallas Blevins appearing on witness stand in city court Miss Barbara Cotty rehearsing for play to be riven tonight--Mrs.

Jesse Chappell Mrs. John Pinkard observed torether downtown Jimmy Wade making All State High School cage Axton PTA Plans To Aid Library The Axton Elementary School Parent-Teachers Association, meeting last night in the Community Building, laid plans for a supper in the near future to raise funds for library books and supplies. A musical program was presented under the direction of Oscar Munch, director of the Drewry Mason High School band. PTA members voted to augment silver offering with sufficient funds to purchase one new uniform for the band. Principal G.

C. Turner announced that the County public health dentist is now conducting the school. He also requested all parents with pre-school children entering next Fall to come to the school for registration, now in progress. Colored News Members of the Presbyterian Church of Western District of Virginia will meet in the Holmes Memorial Presbyterian Church at Chestnut Knob at 10 a.m. tomorrow.

Martinsville Coed Aboard 3.1: Damaged Airliner 4 A young Martinsville coed, Sally Belle Whitener, daughter of Robert. L. Whitener, Mulberry Road, 'and a dent Mary Baldwin Staunton, was one of the 40 passengers aboard a crippled Braniff-Eastern Air Lines transport plane that circled National Airport, Washington, D.C. for two late yesterday before landing. Miss Whitener, a 1957 graduate.

of Martinsville High School, was among a group of 10 students and two chaperons from Mary Baldwin College who had boarded the plane in Washington, a n.d for New York before another plane hop to Bermuda where they were to vacation. taking off from the airport for New York, the plane developed difficulty the nose wheel retraction gear, Instead of going on to New York the plane circled, waiting for instructions, and was finally ordered to come down. It made a safe landing on. rain-slicked runways. Miss Whitener called her father late last night to tell him that all right, but was somewhat frightened during the time of the plane's difficulty in Portable Hand Pump Links Suspects To Gas Thefts Two young Axton men were arrested yesterday, and Wednesday in that may the beginning of a solution to a number of gasoline thefts from filling stations in recent weeks, Found in their possession was a large hand pump that can be used for drawing the fuel from the ground of a station, plus two 5-gallon cans apparently used as storage, Nabbed were Carrol Ray receptacles.

Davis and Posey L. Roach both of Axton. According to Sheriff's Deputy Ralph C. Hill, who investigated the case along with Deputy Douglas Manning, the pair was" spotted pumping a small quantity of gas from the Axton Amoco service station in Axton. They were allegedly seen by the owner of the station, Roy McGuire, last Thursday.

Hill. said McGuire approached them with a gun in his hand and conversed with them for some time in the filling station: Then the pair went home, Hill said. McGuire reported the incident and warrants were sworn out for their arrest bv Commonwealth's Attorney Kenneth Covington. Roach was picked up Wednesday by City Patrolmen F. F.

Dalton and R. O. Emerson. Davis was arrested yesterday by Deputies Hill and Manning: Both were released in $500 bond for trial April 21 in Henry County Court. In addition to the hand pump equipped with -a to insert into ground tanks, police also found two 5-gallon tanks apparently used to store the gas.

There has been a rash of gasoline thefts in the area recently and the investigation is continuing, Sheriff Morton IT. Prillaman said today. Daily Record City -County Courts MUNICIPAL COURT -Woodrow Hairston, 21, Charleston, W. vagrancy, 12 months in jail. William McArthur Redd.

31, Rt. 1, Ridgeway, break, enter and larceny, to grand jury: HENRY COUNTY COURT -James H. Dodson, Rt. 4, Martinsville, improper brakes, $20. Robert Lewis Dillard, speeding, $30, license suspended 10 Sundays.

William Stone Mays, 920 Childress" Martinsville, speeding, $30. Charles H. Dillon, Rt. 1, Patrick Springs, driving after license was revoked or suspend- ed, Dallas Wayne Hopkins, Rt. 2, reckless diving, $20.

James Edward Hairston, Rt. Martinsville, no license, $50. Dennis Marshall Prillaman, Rt. 3, Bassett, speeding, $30. Calvin Linberg Amos, Martinsville, no license, $20.

Martin Denton Ward; Danville, no license, not guilty; no valid sticker, $20. James Sillas Vernon, Rt. 3. Martinsville, crossing solid line to pass, $20, license suspended 15 days; improper license and registration, $20. Gravely C.

Hankins, Rt. 2, Axton, reckless driving, license suspended for 15 days. William Allen Wade, 303- Hampton Drive, Danville, speeding, continued on payment of costs. H. E.

Perdue, 1, Salem, illegal muffler, $20. H. E. Reynolds, improper lights and brakes, $40, license suspended for 15 days. Donald Lee Turner.

1141 Pine Hall Martinsville, im. proper muffler, $20. Tom Walter Irving. Rt. 1, Stoneville, speeding, $30, license suspended five day.

John Pete Hodges Rt. 2, Martinsville, drunk driving, $200, license suspended for 12 months. Ray Webster Barker, 9 Henry Martinsville, speeding, $20. Samuel Henry Moore, Rt. 1, Axton, speeding, $20..

Coleman Taylor Danville, speeding, $40. Leffie H. Hammock, Rt. 1, Jerry Rocky Winton Mount, speeding $20. Aspen Danville, speeding, $20.

Julian Linwood Dease, Rt. 4, Bassett, -speeding, $20. Bobby Clayton Secrest, 6 Hooker-Bassett Hill. Martinsville, improper muffler, $20. Leonard Elwood Crutchfied, Rt.

1. Axton, reckless $20, license suspended driving, days. Ernest Lee Hopkins, Rt. 3. Martinsville, improper brakes, $20.

John T. Redd Rt. 2. Martinsville, no operator's license, $50, 10 days in jail. Hollis McSwain, Beaumont, no valid plates, $30; no valid operator's license, $20.

Charlie H. Dillon, Rt. 1, Patrick Springs, improper license, $40. Irvin R. Wiggington, Patrick Springs, speeding, $40, license suspended for five days.

Hospitals MARTINSVILLE GENERAL Admissions (Wednesday): Frankie Shoemaker, 216 Moss City; Frances O. Washburn, 203 Farrell Spray; Miss Karen Irene Pickle, Henderson: Collinsville; Ronald dale City; Fred H. Critz, 612 Forest City; Mrs. Hazel King Sayers, 404 Oakdale City; Mrs. Mary W.

Luther, Bassett, Rt. Mrs. Dorothy A. Gregory, Axton, Rt. Mrs.

Ella P. Kendrick, Discharres: John W. Watts 915 Bob Gregory City; Allen S. Bondurant, 814 Hundley City; Miss Flossie Kate Davis, Axton, Rt. Mrs.

Alice C. Reynolds, Critz; Mrs. Ida H. Lemons, Fayette City; Mrs. Irene B.

Kendrick, Axton, Rt. Mrs. Sharley H. Parks, Fieldale, Mrs. Aileen H.

Davis, Bassett, Rt. Mrs. Patricia W. Hunt, 1049 Graves City; Mrs. Marie Y.

Burpeau, Ridgeway: Robert F. McBride Madison, N. Buford E. Greer, Bassett; Miss Kay Iris Stoneman, Fieldale. Ridgeway Pre-School Registration Slated "A pre-school registration "period and clinic for all pupils entering school for the first time next Fall will be held in the Ridgeway Elementary School at 12 noon Monday.

Principal W. C. Sweitzer has requested that a parent or other adult accompany. each child, and that a birth 'certificate be furnished. Bassett High Band Offering Concert BASSETT--The Bassett High School band and chorus will present its annual Spring conat 8 p.m.

tonight in the school auditorium. The varied program will range from sacred choral selections to march music and poplular numbers. William Coburn band and chorus director, SALE OF TIMBER Near Pinnacles Hydro Station Patrick County The City of Danville Water, Gas and Electric Departments is offering for Sale, merchantable timber of all species, 12 inches and larger at breast height in a boundary of timber approximately 2,500 acres more or less, at the City of. Danville Pinnacles Hydro Electric Development, Patrick County, Virginia. Detailed information as to location of timber, etc.

can be obtained from Mr. Loy C. Harris, Chief Operator, at the Pinnacles Hydro Station in Kibler Valley. The City will be glad to have interested parties visit this area and submit a bid. for this timber on 51 the stump on the basis of a lump' sum net price for entire boundary, on or before April 22, 1958.

The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. All bids should be addressed as follows: THE CITY OF DANVILLE, VIRGINIA ATT: R. L. HALL, Director of Finance" The Axton Volunteer Fire Company will sponsor a round and square dance in the station at 8 tomorrow night. The Fieldale Lions Club will present.

a minstrel show in the Fieldale High School auditorium. at 7:30 tomorrow night. Temperatures in the Martinsville area during past hours ending at a.m. a today ranged from a low of 32 degrees to a high of 48 degrees. The Fontaine Ruritan Club will sponsor a Brunswick Stew and cake walk beginning at 4 p.m.

tomorrow in Drewry Mason High School. Martinsville Council No. 751, United Commercial Travelers, will have a ladies' night banquet at 7 tomorrow night in the Hut Restaurant. Special guests will be school safety poster contest winners and their parents. A Dutch steak dinner will feature the monthly meeting of Patrick Henry Dokkie Club at 6:30 tonight in the Moose Club.

Members of the club, made up of Dokkies residing in this area who also hold membership in Rajah Temple, Roanoke, have been urged to be present. Dr. R. J. Johnson of the Bap.

tist Hospital, Lynchburg, and pastor Pocahontas Bassett. Baptist Church, will speak at 11 a.m. Sunday Fort Trial Baptist Church, in the absence of the Rev. Charles J. McBride, pastor, who is in a revival in North Carolina.

Demos May Hike Jobless Benefits (Cont. From Page. 1) BRIEFS ward plans for additional emergency jobless pay for qualified workers who have exhausted benefits under state law. Both plans would be effective only for about a year--that Eisenhower program ending April 1, 1959, the Democratic plans July 1, 1959. President.

Eisenhower has asked Congress for a program providing a 50 per cent increase in the number of weeks jobless workers may draw benefits. The period varies from state to state, up to 26 wecks. The federal government would be reimbursed by the states for the cost of the additional relief. The Democratic sponsored by Mills and House Democratic Leader McCormack would provide an additional 16 weeks of benefits with the federal government footing the entire bill. Segregation Issue Going Before PTA A resolution endorsing separate but equal school facilities for whites and Negroes is expected to be presented at the annual meeting of the Danville District Parent-Teachers Association to be held April, 22 at Stuart, it was learned here today.

The resolution, already endorsed by three Virginia district PTA units, will be presented by the Staunton River district for consideration at the annual Virginia Congress of Parents and Teachers Nov. 22 in Ricmond. Norfolk Newsoapers Hike Delivery Price 'NORFOLK (AP)-The Virginian Pilot and the Ledger-Star has announced price increases for carrier-delivered editions, effective March 30. The Virginian-Pilot will increase its weekly rate from 40 to .50 cents, and the Star from 25 to 30 cents. The increases are the first for the Virginian-Pilot in seven reaper and in the 11 first years.

for the The newspapers said the price increases were made imperative by increased tion costs. Play Accorded Top Honors A top rating of Distinguished was won by the Martinsville High School entry in the State one-act play festival in Charlottesville yesterday. 1. The play, "Rich Man, Poor Man," a comedy directed by Miss Martha Anthony, had previously tied with Bassett High School's entry for top ratings in the district competition earlier this month. The Bassett High School presentation, "The True in Heart," directed by- Miss.

Phyllis W. Pegram. received a rating of Superior. Dr. Harvey Baumgardener of the North Carolina State College drama departmechools judge, commended on their presentations.

The three festival will continue through tomorrow, with 48 schools throughout the State contending for honors. Scouts Plan Safety Week Participation Area Boy Scouts and leaders will launch this year's national" Safety Good Turn with a trafcil fic safety chambers meeting at 11 in a. City m. ton Counrow. Attending the meeting will be about 30 area Cubs, Scouts and Explorers, two selected from each unit.

City Police Chief Floyd Bowman and Al Connelly, project co-chairmen, will. provide briefing and instruction for the boys to set up a traffic safety speakers' bureau available to clubs and organizations throughout Martinsville, Henry and Patrick Counties. The traffic safety project is the first in three phases of the national Safety Good Turn undertaken by the Scouts this year at the suggestion of President Eisenhower, Max Nease of Martinsville is local general chairman of the project. Alleged Fraud Suspect Jailed Martinsville police reported arrest yesterday by Deputy Sheriff Raymond Smart of Frank Schofield, 32, Rt. 2, Ridgeway, on charges of making false statements in order to obtain unemployment benefits from the State.

Complainant in the warrant was R. line Williams, investigator for State Unemployment Commission. Held in the city jail. Schofield awaits release on bond pending trial in. Municipal Court April 10.

In another arrest, Clyde William Rodgers, 26, of 207. Wilson faces charges of drunken driving. He a taken into custody by city police early today. Rodgers posted bond, for Municipal Court trial April 29. Jesse W.

Hollingsworth, 40, of 911 Barrow's Mill was ticketed for trial in city court April 8, charged with speeding. Pythians Confer Rank On 3 New Members Three candidates for membership in Patrick Henry Lodge, Knights of Pythias, were given the second "rank at last night's weekly meeting of the organization. They were Dr. Fred. Wheeler, Phillip Spencer and Marvin L.

The lodge also voted $10 local Legion post's Junior baseball fund. A SAVE on all Solution Dyed Viscose 3 Carpet 1 A ONLY $395 Sq. Yd. BROWN AND BEIGE TWEED 9 12 $47.40 12 12 $63.20 12 15. $79.00.

-pi Any Desired Length 12 Feet Wide in stock at 4. ELKINS AND FURNITURE RUG CORPORATION 51 Fayette Dial ME 2.4773 14 COPY SANDRA FATE POWELL Funeral services for Sandra Faye Powell 4-year-old daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Powell, Starling were held at 3 p.m., vesterday in McKee Funeral Chapel by the Rev.

J. B. Sparks. Burial followed. in Oakwood.

Active pallbearers were leigh, Lewis. and Thomlas Powell. Flowerbearers were relatives of the deceas family. The child leaves her -the parents, maa sister, two brothers; ternal grandparents and the paternal grandmother. MRS.

EMMA Z. THOMPSON I Thompson, FERRUM- 92, Mrs. died in Emma her home Z. here yesterday morning. Survivors include five sons, Posey Thompson Kinston, N.

Montague of Roanoke, Thurman of Bassett, Sidney of Martinsville, and William of Ferrum; six Mrs. Daisy Martin, Mrs. Maude Rakes, Mrs. Brogan, and Mrs. Susie.

Underwood, all of Ferrum, Mrs. Eugenie Under- 5 PLANTS CLOSING DETROIT (AP) General Motors says it will close five Buick-Oldsmobile-Pontiac a 5- sembly division plants for one week starting Monday to effect what it said was an adjustment of operating schedules. (Juanita Adkins. Mount; 62 great-grandehildren. grandchildren, 18 ducted Funeral at services will tomorrow one grandchildren.

tro Trinier, the Church. Rev. The 1. Rev. G.

a will bour, and officiate, Elder J. G. L. with burial to Hat low Endicott. in the The family body cemetery at the will remain net: Home in Rocky- Bussey Mount Funeral a.

tomorrow. until 11 ROSELAWN BURIAL PARK Easy Terms Without Interest Figsboro Rd. Dial ME McKEE'S AMBULANCE 3 AMBULANCES OXYGEN 2 WAY RADIO ME 2-3466 GENERAL' AGENTS Industrial" or Payment Life, A or Hospitalitation Li Agents. add a "sure-fire" companion line and Increase from present Policyholders and attract NEW ones. Several choice areas In Vir.

zinis now open to Agents who would like to take advantage this tremendous opportunity. Other qualified persons who would like to establish their own business also considered. Write today for full particulars. Box CM-118, care this paper. ONLY for every GAS HEATING Need 4 There's No Dirt, No No Interruptions and No Storage.

But More Comfort More Safety See Your Favorite Heating Contractor or Call For Our Engineer To Assist You. SOUTHWESTERN VIRGINIA GAS CO. 14 10 W. CHURCH DIAL ME 2-5663 WOW! LOOK AT THESE HOME BUILDING SPECIALS METAL STORM DOORS FRIDAY SATURDAY ONLY ASPHALT As Low As x-9" 9" TILE 6 Piece CELOTEX 1 Ft. 12" x24" Scored CEILING TILE 10 1 Lester BROS.

SUPPLY ROANOKE RD. 'Encrything For the Home Builder! PHONE ME 2-5671-or ME 2.5673 20 EXT. 10 'L: COPY.

Martinsville Bulletin from Martinsville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.