The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

A A PAGE FOUR The Daily L'ublished Every Afternuon Except Sunday by J. M. Lindsay, Inc. Entered matter by the office at Charlottessille, Virginia. TELEPHONES Business Office Editorial Department 191 P.

DAILY PROGRESS SUBSCRIPTION RATES: On month by mall 60r mantha by tuall 61 25 6 by mail $2.25 Oce scar by mall. $4.00 By carrier one work 15c Members of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively catitled to the tile or republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also local dews Lined. bercin. WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1930. BUSTED BUGABOOS The political misfortun which overtook Brown, of Virginia, Simmons, of North Carolina, Love, of Texas, and which some of the sanguine Democrats are predicting to lie in store for Heflin and Cole Blease is seen by the Washington Post as steps toward a Democratic revival.

in the following statement: "A year and eight months ago, the political crepe hangers were moaning over the Democratic party, and asking what was to become of 10. Admittedly there was room for pessimiam. Gor. Smith, the presidential nominee, had gone down to overwhelming defeat; Senate and House didates, in many cases, had gone down with him, and the "solld bloc of States that remained true to the party, since the Civil War -bad been rent asunder. Viralala.

Texas, North Carolina And Florida all were in the Republican column. "There was talk of forming new party, one that would be made up of what was left of the Democratid party and of those disorganized groups that were in sympathy with Its principles and ideals. 'Fortunately for the Democrat. dc party. there were men who listen neither to the obsequies nor to the talk of a realignment.

It was these men who reorganized the national commitice and made It nghtng force. has been happening in the political World has been vindication of their faith and courage, Virginia Is -back in the Democratic fold, the forces having been ovorwhelmAngly defeated by the regular Democratic candidates for State offices. North Carolina also La the voters having turned on the veteran Senator for bolting the party in November, 1928. 'Last Saturday, these two were joined by Texas, when former Gor. "Ma" Ferguson and Ross S.

Sterling Anished Arst and second. respectively, in the Democratic primary. They' will aght it out la a run-on primary later. Whoever wins In this will be the next Governor of Texas, the Democratic nomination being equivalent to election, "From a national standpoint, the most Interesting feature of the primary was not the able race of Mrs. Ferguson, but the remarkably poor showing of another gubernatorial candidate, namely, Thomas B.

Love. Love led the anti-Smith revolt in 1928, and res given much of the credit for the Hoover victory in the Lone Star State. In this year's campaign he ran on an platform and pleaded tor the votes of the 1928 desorters. He placed poor fourth in the race. result of Texas.

together with the results elsewhere, will serve to make the Democratic party the fighting organization that a minority patty in the United Stater should be. Two strong parties are needed in this country. Their existence makes for competition, and competition and the desire to excel in public service. ake for good govern- 1 1. 1 THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA.

WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 30, 1930 EDITORIAL COMMENT Staunton News- Senator Glass la the pet aversion in Virginia, politick of their citable group of anti-Bmith democrats led by Bishop James non, and this group may support the republican candidate for Benator, but that) possibility probably will cause Mr. Glass much concern. He saw, what happened to the republican coalition In last year's state Waynesboro News Virginian: The other "George Norris" who nicd for Senate In Nebraska has withdrawn -in fact he's withdrawn successfully that he can't be found. point because his erstwhile opSenator Norris thereby wins 4 ponent "withdrew" by request. Perhaps the Republican machine In Nebraska Is getting -ready to throw its arms lovingly around the good Senator after all.

Rockbridge County News: Now the farm refuses to spend more money to "pet" the price of wheat in the lace of Its great demand from the MidWest farmers, giving as one rea. son government purchase commodities for the purpose of "pegging" the market had always worked badly in the long run and always will. In thus speaking the farm board condemns its creator, President Hoover, and he seems to be in agreement with them. Hoover's self created farm bill when offer. ed in more than a year ago had a few real supporters either East or West.

Now Hoover and his farm board hare Joined in the effect to discredit it. Richmond "Times- Dispatch: We may look forward to a dressy campaign. During the past few years the Republicans of Virginia hard let alip a golden opportunity to establish a twoparty system in this Even old -time. Democrats were not averse to strong political oppoattion. It would hare been help.

ful all around. Both the Democratic. party and the state would have benentted by it. But when their great chance came the publicans went off on a tangent. Their campaigns have not been but destructive, They had no suggestions to offer; only criticism of what had been done.

There Is no tion that their attitude has changed in the least. Wherefore, we expect this fight on Senator Glass to be dismal falture, from every conceivable point of view. A WISH Mine be a cot beside the hill; A bec-hive's hum shall soothe my car; A willowy brook that turns mill, With many a fall shall linger near, The swallow, oft, beneath my thatch Shall twitter from her clay-buut nest; oft shall the pilgrim lift the latch, And share my meal, a welcome guest. Around my Ivied porch shall spring Each fragrant flower that drinks the dew; And Lucy, at her wheel, shall sing In russet-gown and apron blue. The village-church among the trees, Where Arst out marriage-vows were given, With merry peals shall swell the breeze And point with taper to Heaven.

-8. Rogers. columnist of national repute states that Sir Joseph Duveen, art connoisseur, carries his own pillowcases whereever he goes. This will be good news for the wives for they won't have to worry over the sheet and pillowcase problem when. Sir Joseph drops in for week and pass opinion on the works of art hanging on the Center Press.

It is reported that six million people in this country are going to pray for prrtection against dangerous broadcasting. They might also find some emcacy in turning off their radios when the ether becomes threatening. a service where the rewards go to those who adopt most successfully the standards of the Peeping Tom--this, It seems to us. is hardly a patriotic act. "It is bad enough to poison the bodies of taxpayers with wood alcohol; to set up a system whereby the honor of the youth of the land shall be poisoned by bribes of Government jobs is going a bit too far." Gandhi's followers hare found that it is necessary to work.

Now we have a chance to And out the difference between the Indian caravan and our own Coxey's He Knew His Carrots (BY WICKES WAMBOLDT) "1 have ordered a car of carrots." said one produce man to another. ejacul*ted the one spoken to. "Why, goodness graclous alive, we grow carrots around here world without end! You can't carrots in here and make money." "You wait and sald the man who had ordered the cor. rots, Soon after the carrots arrived they were all sold, and at higher price than the local catrots. Why? Because the -in carrots had been prepared to catch the fancy of the consumer.

These carrots were clean and bright. Each bunch contained exactly the same. number, of the same size, tied neatly; whereas the local carrots, were brought to the consumer much as if they were to be led to the pigs. They were dirty, some were bruised and gashed, All shapes and sizes were each bunch. tied In.

a slovenly manner; and one bunch would contain twice as many carrots as another. There was no attempt at unifarmity, at neatness, at attractire. ness. There is an amazingly large percentage of agriculturists who seem unable to understand that the public will pay a premium for appearances. The turers long ago learned that stcret.

They give as much deep thought to the way food looks as to the way it tastes--but many, many farmers cannot catch that idea -though it governs them in their own purchases of goods. Did you ever notice with what gay colors farm machinery painted? Farmers bring in produce ungraded, poorly packed. inartistically displayed. big apples and little apples, sound and rotten apples, apple without worms, apples with worms, all lumped into one box. Ripe black berries and green.

blackberries are mixed together. Large toes and little potatoes, whole potatoes and potatoes cut In hall are thrown into the same bag. don't use local produce." said one dealer, "because I can't get the farmers to grade it or to pack it right. I can't mako them understand that half dozen inferior apples in a bushel of good ones pulls down the price of the good ones that tomatoas tumbled into a bushel, basket won't bring, the price they would 11 packed neatly in smaller baskets. They won't spray their corn to keep the the worms out.

They won't take trouble to deliver their stuff to me in such, shape that I can get any sort of price for it or pay them any sort of price. The public finnicky-but not too Andicky. It has to be courted -but it doesn't require unreasonable courting. being is Fundamentally, artistic. He likes to havo the human his eye as well as his palate pleased.

There Is reason why chefs put little pants on lamb chops. DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK? BY EDSON R. WAITE. Shawnee, Oklahoma The Dally Pinang Gazette 4 Straits Chronicle of Penang, Straits Settlements, gives a dally report of police court proceedings. The following is a report of one morning's trials, showing how smoothly the court functions in handing out justice: 'pineapple seller' of Carnarvon an aged Chinese, one Chu Ah Kong told the istrate that he had been selling pineapples on the same corner for thirty years and did not ace why he should be arrested for obstruction now.

In spite of this he was fined two dollars and it was explained that he had been breaking the laws. Thus for the first time 1 in thirty years the par. ticular spot on Carnarvon Street frequented by Chu Ah Kong will be vacant. He has gone away -perhaps to China -never to return. "Two Tamils who described themselves as 'being Aghting friends' in were charged with public In MacAlister Road yester-day.

They pleaded not gullty. Alagan. the Arst accused, said that he was sitting near the gutter drinking toddy and eating curry. when Krishran, the second accused, came along and stepped on his rice. This led to words.

As more words were spoken the crowd became were bigger and as still more words spoken' more P. arrived on the scene and finally both were placed in goal. No blows were struck they claimed. A fine of one dollar for the Arst Tamil and two dollars for the second was the judgment. Chinese who immediately admitted that he permitted another to.

ride on his bicycle at the same time he was riding on It himself was fined three dollars this morning. The hearing of the case lasted about half a minute and was one of the first of similar cases. recently In which the accused Chinese did not offer some excuse. The name of the 'different Chinese' is Tau Guan. with theft, one Lee TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS Rested Tabrr A HatteR Worshiper Great Cat batint the Perforated a of frame tate Hun ton bird The pounds A hamurist tori Mate of the decimal agatem Producing pound 1: femily Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle 11.

SEAT SPOT PON KALE ERNE ROB Loss Ant IRON LIEN INA Candidate PO RESTIVE French island PEDDLER OMAR LED ORT NEVER OCEANS SCRAPE More at TERSE PEA LAD Short Jacket RESORTS Us Metered rats Fodder COTERAL ROC PANE OVEN 14 of INK RACE METE CIGS ONES ERE 6T But A parch late of st rabite time Numeral Dire from the degree DOWN F. Display Principal Article food Small Opera by Verdi Get of tr Character street Meanie Tom's the meters a Tropical frats matter Device Came together retching Alternative Are Finger Bellas 15 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 32 33 3 Twenty-Five Years Ago From The Progress July 30, 1905 Frank Durrett, of Red HIll, has recelved a letter from Colonel M. B. Birdseye. of New York, who was captured by General Thomas L.

Rosser, at Treviilians, during. the Civil War, and who made his escape from a Confederate. prison in Lynchburg. Mr. Birdseye, who was a colonel of the Second New York Car.

alry, stated that he was planning a trip into "Old Virginia" in October. He stated that he would go to Lynchburg, where he would hire a three-seated wagon and drive through nine counties, to Harper's Ferry, following as near as possible the route he took in 1864. after makIng his escape from the Lynchburg prison. The route would take him by Mechum's River, Millington and Nortonsville, 1 in Albemarle. "We have a standing invita.

tion to visit Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vigis, at Hamlin, Albemarlo county," wrote Col. Birdseye, "and intend stopping there. We want also to spend a day or.

two In Charlottesville." The reputation of the Keswick Hunt Club for Its charming entertalnments was ably sustained last evening in the presentation of "Man Proposes," by Samuel as Capt. Huntington, Miss Sallie Pugh as Miss Bettie Huntington, and Mrs. F. L. Thurman, as Dinah, the maid.

The clever acting of Mr, Cave, the sweet and winsome ways Miss Pugh and the coquettish Dinah were well received by the audience. A piano solo by Miss Richards, a vocal solo by Miss Woods, mandolin and piano duet by Mr. and Mrs. Richards. were enthuslastically Though the night was dark and rainy, the Meadow Creek Club House was the scene last.

evening of a most delightful entertainment given by Miss Loulle Antrim in honor of her friend. Miss Annie Keith Royall, of Richmond. I At an early hour the building. which is exceedingly pretty and well suited to entertaining, possessing an excellent floor for dancing, was filled with merry pleasure-seekers. The german was beautifully and gracefully led by H.

Clay Michle, and was kept up until a late hour. Choo Lim appeared this morning In the Penang Police Court and was given the alternative of Afteen dollars or Afteen days for stealing one grey coat and a pair of trousers to match valued at $5.00. The Magistrate warned Lee that if he was brought into Court in the future it would be much harder with him. "'He has rather ingenious said the Magistrate when one Loh Mah Cheng, ricksha puller charged with soliciting for hire, said that he had gone into the Church Street Ghaut Pier to give a European lady a bottle of medicine which she had left In his vehicle, and upon returning he was arrested. lA Ane of two dollars was the Motorcycle Delivery $1.00 Houbigant Bath Salts, 89c $1.50 Bath Powder $1.39 $1.00 Coty Talc 89c $1.00 Houbigant Perfumes 89c 50c Dew 44c $1.00 Listerine 89c J.

J. Talc 19c M. Timberlake, Inc. 4 THE QUESTION OF DETOURS One of the most unpopular words in this fast moving age is "Detour." It carries the suggesLion to automobilists of rough roads. Increased dimances, and probable tire troubles.

The very sight. of it, posted along the highways. arouses resentment, causes irritability and blood pressure. It changes normally cheerful, optimistic disposition into one that feeds, and thrives on thoughts of self pity. There can be uttle doubt that detours have been.

the basis of family quarrels, of widening domestic breaches and the breaking up of many hitherto happy marital relations. But. worse yet, they lead to acts of uncontrollable anger, and no jury should be expected to convict man of murder who, just prior to the crime, Has been compelled to dergo the mental and physical sufferings of a long winding detour over a rough. narrow, rocky dusty road that brings you back within a few yads of the Mart1 ing point. There is no complete solution to the detour problem.

Laws may ameliorate the punishment for the crimes for which it 4. -responsible, Public sentiment may ald in bullding up a more friendly attitude toward its heinous. ness. The practice 6t coclam, or form of mental suggestion, may lead to a more philosophical acceplance of the evils Involved. Then, we may adopt the pollcy of the Charlottesrille authorities, in doing away entirely with the "Detour" signs and partnit the public to wander almiessly in a labyrinth of roads and feel the Joy of victory if by chance he guesses the lucky route.

As much as we despise the word "Detour," and while we would not call our worst enemy by such name, except under the most extreme provocation. we do feel that since detours must be endured, they should be clearly defined and that they should be as tree from unnecessary objections as is possible under alt the circ*mstances. A QUESTION OF MORALS Fear for the morals of the younger generation prompts the Baltimore Evening Bun to issue the following editorial warning: to the new dry chief: "'Our own Amos W. W. Woodco*ck.

new chief of all the snoopers, Informers, under -cover men and agents provocateurs of Volsteadism, yearning to create an esprit de corps among his underlings, proposes, we are told today, to bring an Increasing number of young men Into the service. "We don't doubt the sincerity of Mr. Woodco*ck's intent. but for the sake of the future of the country we hope he abandons this Idea and abandons it quickly. The youth of this land are having hard enough time it 1s.

They are daily treated to such a. show of hypocrisy, doubiedealing, puss*footing and downright lying in the highest circles that it is a wonder they have any standards of decency left. "To take young men, at the age when they are amenable to suggestion, and put them into FIRE INSURANCE at low what MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE stands for No assessments, but substantial dividends which redace the cost from 25 to 40 percent. FRANKLIN P. SHIFLETT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE Room S.

J. Edwin Wood Bullding. Phone 1931 "Mutualize and SAXTON'S CLEANING AND DYE WORKS W. B. SAXTON, Proprietor TELEPHONE 185 CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA Remember It's Better to Send it to Saxton Than Wish You Had HOW'S your HEALTH the She York Dr.

Academy of MEDICAL CLUES Before the days of the X-ray, the chemical and biological labora tory, the practicing physician was obliged to place much dependence upon the acuteness of his own observations and upon the sensitiveness of his five senses--and that sixth sense which physicians call the "clinical hunch." In reviewing literature of the pre-laboratory period It is interesting to discover how much physicians wete able to learn bout the patient by merely looking at him. The posture of the patient, 'the appearence of His eyes, his thanner of breathing, the color of his skin and muccous membranes, the shape of his chest--all these were as revealing to hiri as the proverbial track of the scouting Indian. Thus, for example, in looking at a patient's nails the. physicain could tell much of his past and present medical history. Most of the debilitating diaffecting the body leave their mark on the nail.

The depression running across the finger nall 1 may be witness of an acute illness. In certain chronic diseases of the chest and of the circulatory system the nalls and finger -tips become club-shaped The color of the finger nail may serve as an index to circulation, and in certain types of circulatory dimculties there Is a distinct blush tint to the finger nail. Gout often is witnessed to by an extraordinary brittleness of the nail. Certain discased conditions of the valves of the heart show their existence in the ebb and flow of the circulation, in the capillary or minute blood vessels under the nails. In a score of other ways the physician is able to observe' clues in the condition or behavior of the patient that point to underlying diseased conditions.

WE'LL DRY CLEAN PRESS YOUR SUIT For $100 also clasp and neckties, Ladies Dresses, costa. sweaters, shirts, We call for and deliver. Give Us A Trial HEISKELL'S SHOP OPPOSITE PROGRESS OFFICE MUTUAL INSURANCE AGENCY OF. I JAMES F. MINOR Writing Old Line Mutual Insurance for tea yaara.

Twelve companies. four over Afty years old. Returded in dividends to polley holders in and around Charlottesville $8,693.53 tm 1929 (25-40 per cent) Combined Assets Combined Surplus $35,585,063.84 $12.363.034.42 Telephone 64 401 National Bank Balding Showingthe Largest Assortment of FountainPens In the City of Charlottesville Name Engraved FREE Let us fit a Pen to your hand JARMAN'S, INC. Stationers, Engravers, Printers 'L When you serve Belle Ribbon Creamery butter is never a doubt in your mind as to the purity of this product. Winter and summer it is always the same in richness, taste and purity.

Try Belle Ribbon butter TODAY! Elliott Ice Co. Phones 213 777.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

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Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.