Community - GDevelop BIG Game Jam #5 (2024)


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StickyThe jam results are in this video!

The results will be announced in this video and will then be unlocked after the video finishes playing so you can see yo...

started by HelperWesley 18 days ago


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StickyNo rate for rate. Please.

I've seen rate for rate spamming ruin the scoring of jams in the past, and I'd like to see a fair and honest jam here. I...

started by HelperWesley 30 days ago

15 replies


Guy Boi 923 days ago

Uh oh the theme revealed!

well... i haven't Touched the physics behavior in my whole experience, what should i do?

started by Orcaro 39 days ago

3 replies


Orcaro38 days ago

Could I join?

Just started looking at some game jams and this one popped up. is anyone in need of a 2d artist?

started by Forever Lotha 38 days ago

8 replies


Forever Lotha38 days ago

Looking for a Cartoonist

I'm looking for a Cartoonist for a sandbox game with challenges and a reasonable scope

started by VoidProg 38 days ago


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How to deal with bad submissions?

Most, if not all, game jams recieve some terrible “games” (spam, s**t, unsafe, etc.). How should we handle these “...

started by Eyad Mahmoud 38 days ago


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how to submit game

i still haven't finished the game but I cant find the information on how to submit the game once I do

started by robito_potato 39 days ago

2 replies


Eyad Mahmoud38 days ago

I really didn't understand the Game Jam theme in the video. Can you explain plea...

I really didn’t understand the Game Jam theme in the video. Can you explain please! I only understood the word “unst...

started by EXYBALT 38 days ago

1 reply


Speralholop38 days ago

Need help? Call us!

How about being part of a team, or inviting us to be part of your team? There are two of us: Victor67 : Web Developer an...

started by victor67 39 days ago


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Level designer and musican and pixel designer WHO CAN???

started by SOHASOFT 42 days ago

6 replies


SOHASOFT39 days ago

Is it okay to use a previously made "game" that's only a template for a shooter game? It's just annoying to recreate the...

started by Timeless_on_YT 39 days ago


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Good Luck to everyone participating

I got bored, so I made this. Crazy, right?

started by Yhac10 39 days ago

1 reply


HotSaladWater39 days ago

Looking for a team (FULL)

I am an experienced G Develop developer, and if you check out my games, they are lacking better art, sound effects, and...

started by ZG10 94 days ago

17 replies


MullyMolly39 days ago

Need Music Producer.

If ya are comfortable with dubstep/rock tracks similar to Dmc: Devil May Cry, please poke me :3

started by SaikiSoft 61 days ago

2 replies


krsntaap40 days ago

Sound Designer looking to Collab

Sound Designer / composer / Game designer (ideation) looking to Collab My goal is to grow my portfolio and skills. also...

started by CLYPHDrops 40 days ago

1 reply


Hadi Elzein40 days ago

Does all content have to be original?

i plan on working on this game solo, although i am the FARTHEST thing from a composer, so i was considering using music...

started by zyn 41 days ago

5 replies


Exploptimist Apps40 days ago

Team for the upcoming Gdevelop Jam

Hello. I am Roshan, I have been using Gdevelop for 4 years now and i have made 12+ games. as...

started by Pih Realms 44 days ago

11 replies


Kami Amiga40 days ago

Coder Looking for Team

He everyone, I am looking to join a team for Big Game Jam Five. I have experience making games in all C languages and As...

started by C4skin 40 days ago

2 replies


Kami Amiga40 days ago


I have experience in illustration and game arts. my portfolio: Discord: #draw_joao

started by JoaoDraws 40 days ago

1 reply


Hadi Elzein40 days ago

Musician/ Producer searching for Team.

Hey, if you want any music done I would love to help out. For reference:

started by 41 days ago

3 replies


Hadi Elzein40 days ago

Musician Available for Game Jam

Hello there! I'm a composer looking to work on a game jam. I know there's a lot of musicians around, but if you're inter...

started by ReMx 41 days ago

1 reply


Avava1240 days ago

Im A Coder (Bad At Art)

I have experience in python (+ numpy and pandas) so ik how to code, I have ALOT of experience with scratch (10+ hours)...

started by Hadi Elzein 41 days ago

3 replies


Kami Amiga40 days ago
Community - GDevelop BIG Game Jam #5 (2024)


What is Game Jam version? ›

A game jam is a game development competition. Participants make a game from scratch in line with the theme of the jam and within a specified time frame. They can last for as little as 12 hours, or as long as two or more weeks.

How to get game jam ideas? ›

To get better at coming up with ideas during game jams, you can do brainstorming sessions. So just pick a random theme (for example from a past Ludum Dare) and go at it.

Who made Game Jam? ›

The Global Game Jam® was the brainchild of Susan Gold in collaboration with Gorm Lai, Ian Schreiber and Foaad Khosmood. GGJ was founded in 2008, inspired by the many game jams before it, such as the Indie Game Jam, Ludum Dare and Nordic Game Jam.

How do you complete a game jam? ›

  1. Try to create a short and easy game experience. Nobody is going to spend more than a few minutes playing a game jam game. ...
  2. Don't be a perfectionist. Be sloppy and cut corners. ...
  3. Sleep and eat when you usually do. Take breaks away from keyboard in regular intervals.
  4. Don't stress yourself out too much.
May 21, 2023

What is the point of a game jam? ›

A game jam is an event where participants try to make a video game from scratch. Depending on the format, participants might work independently, or in teams.. Gamejams are meant to be a recreational activity. It's a short enough time frame that you can put everything else aside and just focus entirely .

Why is it called a game jam? ›

History. The term game jam is a composition of the words game and jam session. A jam session describes the musical act of producing music with little to no prior preparation in an effort to develop new material or simply to practice.

Are game jams good for beginners? ›

Game jams are a fantastic way to not only test your skills and creativity but also to network with other like-minded individuals and learn from their experiences. With so many different game jams out there, it can be quite overwhelming to choose the right one for beginners.

Should I participate in game jams? ›

Game jams and hackathons are great at catering to most skill levels, so if you have a vague knowledge on a subject and want to learn more about game development, there's no better opportunity.

How long should a game jam game be? ›

Time: Most game jams are short, lasting from anything from a few hours to weeks and even years!

Do game jams have prizes? ›

Competition events tend to have prizes and judges, often some of the prizes will be for things like best art or music while others will be donated by a sponsor like like Unreal for the best game using their engine.

How does Global Game Jam work? ›

Participants work concurrently around the globe; we rally around a central theme, and then work together to create a game. It's our hope that we will see some very experimental prototypes that you can continue to work on after the jam. Many games developed in previous Game Jams have become fully realized games.

What is the game jam event? ›

Game Jams are game development marathons. They are events where amateur and professional game developers come together within a specified timeframe to develop their own games around a particular theme. Game Jams run continuously during the event duration.

What is the world's largest game jam? ›

The Global Game Jam (GGJ) is the world's largest game jam event, occurring simultaneously in locations around the world.

Why join game jams? ›

You'll become a more resourceful developer by finding creative solutions to problems you encounter during the jam. Limited time and resources force participants to think outside the box. Game jams encourage creative thinking and innovation, pushing developers to come up with unique and compelling game concepts.

Why are game jams important in serious games? ›

The games that are created during a game jam tend to be prototypes that are designed to showcase an idea. They provide a great way to test a concept and determine whether or not that concept should be turned into a full product.

What is Camjam game? ›

KanJam is a partner game, with teammates standing opposite each other at separate cans. One teammate throws the Frisbee/disc towards their partner, with the goal being to either make it in the open top, or for their teammate to bat the Frisbee down into the can.

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Views: 5654

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.