The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

I 2 d' VA. MONDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 25, 1937 PAGE. NINE THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, Classified Advertising Rates And Regalations cord. for price charge consecutive 4. Progreso errors immediately attar fires is ad Daily Not inserted until of day of publication.

FOR RENT cottage, small property. family, take care of Concord Ave. 1-25-11. cottage, 10 Poplar rent. ApRoom repair.

Reasonable 1-18-eod-6t. 200 Avon Four room apt. electric DERN refrigerator, separate Leterman Phone 2232. 1-23-6t. RTMENT3-Furnished or Mira.

Phone 168. 1-22-6t. Quarles, Second story of of one rooms house Law on St. Suite J. E.

1-18-tf. Dr. Fry's Spring, 1-2 bus line. 6 rooms and GALOW, from beat. garage, and water quarters.

$35.00. Phone 6-18-tt. FOR SALE Hundred acres on bard surroad seven miles northwest of lotterville. Seven room house; barns and other buildings; A choice location. Offor $6,500.

See Mr. Wing-1 F. Harris Agency, Tel. 1-23-3t. Foot double duty meat case Firdaire compressor and Splendid condition: Can be at 400 W.

Main Midway Market until Tuesday. After time 1302 Main ibmond, Va Can be bought 1-23-2t. Modern -1. room house, in Plaza, garage. Small payrest like rent.

Must be Co. STIFIED Chicke, blood tested, readable 300 egg olood leghorns. reds, chicks $6 90 per hunup Custom batching. Trail's Poultry Farm, Gordoneville, 12-22-90L crea, six miles out, Route 29. timber, $60 acre, Jas, 1-5-256; Tire All sizes makes, Unusually low Some new, some nearly Come early for best selec0-Drive-It.

Garage, 5th and Sta. 1-9-tt. Ridge Street. Frank rards. 1-14-tf: LTRY Farm, acres, one mile Louise fronting on Jefferson away.

Electric lights, home, kea house, garage, all new, k. L. R. Dickinson, Loulsa. small lot Peoples Bank to quick buyer.

Call F. M. 1-25-2t. DALOW. Five rooms and hardwood doors, electric lt-In bath tub, attraoy.

located. Offered for for quick sale, Mr. Han7. Harris Agency, Tel. 1-23-2t.

INSTRUCTION Violio. Competent teachragnable rates. Dan Yuter, 104, 1837 Main. 1-21-6t. LOST And tan.

male fox. hound Monticello or Pantops. Has 00 throat. My name on colLiberal reward. Chas.

W. 1-25-3t. SINESS SERVICE Men's Fur remodeled. and Clothing. E.

Mopilk, Clothier, 220 1-2 W. 4 Mon. Thurs. for Swks. SITION WANTED Wishes In widower's position as househome, Phone 1-25-1t.

INITURE Space- STORAGE Co. Private Rooms Storage Dept J. LATERNEAU Piano Tuning the Testimonials Famous Musicians From Market Phone 180 Local and Long Distance HAULING Crating E. Phone Norcross 1033. Elders Elected For Presbyterian Church At a congregational meeting terday, following the morning worship service In the Presbyterian elected Church, by.

six additional elders were the congregation. The newly elected are Nat Burnlay, Dr. Frank D. Daniel, Roy Learly, William B. Murphy, Cap tain Norton G.

Pritchett, and c. Elmore Stevens. According to the rules of the rotary system, adopted by the Presbyterian Church the fall of 1933, these new eiders will. serve for terms of alt years. In addition to the new elders, the following are serving on the stoa: Life members elected before the Inauguration of the rotary system- bi.

E. Dinwiddle, F. P. Dunaington, Dr. Thomas tel, Dr.

H. 8. Hedges, Charles G. Maphis and Thomas Rosser; to serve until 1939 Robert G. Burnet.

E. F. Robey; to serve until- 1941- Frederick Brown, Seth Burnley, Frederick C. Disque, W. A.

Gibson, James E. Irvine and Dr. J. K. lock.

University Student Is Injured In Fall Vernon Quarles, nineteen-yearold Univerrity student, son of. C. H. Quaries of this city, is recelving. treatment in the University Hospital today for Injuries sustained Saturday night in what was ported as an accidental fall.

According to reports, Quarles fell from a moving automobile, on Altamont Circle, striking hie head on the pavement, causing hemorrhage of the brain. Hospital authorities stated that his condition la matisfactory and that he is tirely rational but that he will be kept under observation for several days. Salary Schedules Will Be Discussed At the closing session of the Albemarie Education Association. held on Saturday at Mcintire: School, adjournment was taken til February 6, when further consideration will be given to a discussion of salary schedules, and other matters affecting the schools of the county. 1 Following the address by Edward J.

Jultz, of the Farm Credit Assos clation, committee was appointed to study the advisability of the teachers organizing Federal Credit Union, for the purpose of saving and borrowing money. la Better WASHINGTON, Jan. 25-4P Representative John W. gen, Jet, of Bristol was recovered today from cold to spend a short time in his office. He was absent from his office the greater part of last week.

Plaintiff Stung Again LOB ANGELES, Jan. 25-UPLast October Oliver Hickey met hostile' hornet in Grimth Park, municipal: Institution. Hickey Aled claim against the city for $100. This week the city council denied the damages. Moreover, ordered the city attorney to submit Hickey a bill for $25.

It, cost that much to investigate his claim. Auctions Legala in Belmont addition to the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, In Block 11, see also description in deed In Liber 157 page 216. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. A deposit of $300.00 will be required of the successful bidder at. time of sale.

Terms of sale to be compiled with within ten days or prop erty to be resold at rick and cont of defaulting purchaser. Robinson Moncure, A. P. Walker, Commissioners of Sale. I hereby certify thet' the bond of $3.600.00 required of one of the above named Commissioners of Sale by decree of sale in the above sult has been riven by Robinson Moricure, one of said Commisstonere of Sale, with approved surety.

Given under my hand this Sta day of January, 1937. C. E. Moran. Clerk of Court.

NOTICE Pleise notice that on' the 4th day of February, 1937, the undersigned will apply to the, Virginia Alcoholic: Beverage Control Board for a Retail License to. sell Beer for "on-premises' and "off-premines consumption" at my lunch room and. at Greenwood, Va. Signed: B. F.

Smith. Three Are Killed In Road Accidents State Has Toll of Seven Violent Deaths (By Associated Press) Virginia counted a week-end toll of seven. violent deaths today, -Three died by fire, three la automobile accidents and another by drowning whea a car plunged into a swollen stream. Two small children of Mr. and Are.

Walter Ellerson, of Nero, Smyth county, burned to death Saturday their mother was at a barn milking. Corrie Salyers, four, daughter of Sir. and Mra. Harliess Salyers, of Dickenson. county, burned to death after clothing.

was ignited an open Are. Frenchman Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Robinson, of Clintwood, whose stalled car was being pushed toward. Clint wood, was drowned when the machine 'plunged Into Russell Ford river, Two companions escaped.

Automobile deaths William Goddard, Atty- Ave of lantic City, killed when his auto collided, with a truck- near -South Hill; Miss Mary Emily Moore, Aftyseven, of Norfolk, fatally Injured when she was struck by a car on Hampton Boulevard. William 8. Wilson, sixty, of Danville, killed by a hit and run car as he was walking homeward with his stepdaughter. A young man riding with Goddard was. admitted to Memorial Hospital In Richmond in a serious condition.

Robert Smith, of Winston Salem, N. driver of the truck, charged with involuntary slaughter. Red Land Club Will Pick 1937 Officers Clash With Temple Oncers for 1037 will be elected at. the annual meeting of the Red Club, Charlottesville's him torte social fraternity, in Its home on Jefferson Street tonight at. o'clock it was announced today by Randolph H.

secretary. treasurer of the organization. 'Present omcere of the club are: 8. Hildreth, vice-president; Mr. Lyttleton Waddell, president; W.

Perry, secretary-treasurer; and board of governors including Raymond L. Jackson, E. O. MeCue, Eugene A. Perry, Robert L.

Taylor, B. Wilson, Ed V. Walker, W. Dan Haden, and R. Watson.

The governors will hold preliminary business seasion this afternoon at 1 o'clock. U. Va. Debaters To to The University of Virginia Debating Team will clash witb the Temple University team: on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock In Jet. ferson Hall, It was announced today This debate on the subject of Congressional Regulation of Maxi.

mum Wages and Minimum Hours for will be the Arst In series for the University team which is under the direction Dr. McLean, The -Temple Team, Which will come to Virginia. following meet scheduled with Johna Hopkins Unlversity, :10 on southern tour which will Include the University of North Carolina, wake Forest College and the University of Florida, Thistlethwaite Is Given Appointment RICHMOND, Jan. 25- -Pres Ident V. of the University of Richmond announced today the reappointment of Glenn F.

Thistlethwaite as athletie director for three-year term, The action, the President was taken by the executive mitten of the board of trustees upon the recommendation of the university a athletio connell, Hurt In Accident NEWPORT NEWS. Jan. 25-UP -W. C. Warner was 1a local hospital today suffering from! depressed fracture of the skull the result of an automobile' co*k lision Physicians per.

formed. an emergency operation last night on the injured youth. His condition. was described today as critical, TODAY'S MARKETS Quotations Furnished By Chas D. liarney 4 Ca 1.

A (Quotations At 1 P. Alleghany 1-4 i Allie Chalmere Allled Chem. 236. American Rank Note 40 Amer. Can 113 Amer.

A Fran. Power 12 Amer. International 18 Ame Locomotive: Ami Radiator 36 7-6 Amer. Tel. Tel.

1-2 Amer. Tobacco 14 Water Works Anaconda 14 3-6 Atlantic Coast Line Atlantic Refining 35 Auburn 81 Baldwin Locomotive Ralt. Ohio R. R. Bethlehem 79 Canadian Parife 15 Case Threshing.

150 Cerro de. Pasco 6A 38 Cher: Corp. 19 Chem. Ohio R. R.

66 be Chrysler 122 Columbia A 38 Commercial Solvents 20. Commonwealth Sou. Con. Gas of N. Y.

Continental Can Consolidated 011 16 1-2 Corn Products Ref. 69 Curtis Wright Del, Lack Western 18 Dome Mines Douglas Aircraft 76 DuPont 174 14 General Electrio 63 General Motors 66 Glidden Co. Goodyear Tire Hudson Motors. 20 Inter, Harvester 109 Inter, Nickel Ltd. 63 Inter.

Tel. Tel. 12 Kennecott 58 Loews, 78 Lorillard 23 Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator. Nat. Dairy Products Distillers 28 Nat.

Power Licht Y. Central R. R. North American North Amer. Aviation Packard Motors 11 Pennsylvania R.

R. Plymouth OIl 25 Publio Ber. of N. J. Radio Corp.

of Amer, .11 Remington Rand 25 Reynolde Tobacco. Sears Roebuck Socony. Vacuum Schenley Distillers Southern R. Southern Pac. R.

R. be Standard Brands Standard Oil of N. Stone Webster Texas Corp. Timken Roller Bearing Tri-Continental 10 Carbide 105 United Aircraft A United United 15 U. Indus.

Alcohol Rubber. 63 U. Steel Western Union 62 1-2 Westinghouse Elec. Co. 164 Woolworth CURB QUOTATIONS Elec.

Bond Share 26 1-3 Ashland OIl Cities Service Ferro Enamel Root Pete 11 About 75,000 canaries are imported Into the United Atates In' year. Investment SERVICE Inquiries Invited Bonds 'Stocks W.E. Buford Co. Citizens Bank Bldg. Charlottesville, Va.

Phones-31 288 Landscape Service Through our Landerape Department. We after the rica of a Graduate Landscape Architect and the most complete Linas of Frant Material In the Fast. anting ratimatos and costs submitted without charge Write for a Free Copy of our it Pare Planting Gulde, WAYNESBORO NURSERIES Waynesboro, Va. -Phone 149 Death Toll Rises In Flooded Areas (Continued From Page One) out the fond belt of Southern Indiana. Clifford Townsend directed rellet authorities to commandeer trains and.

Trucks to. transport about 85,000 refugees to cities as far north as Indiana pole. Downstream from the Onto Indiana Ientucky sector river experts said the worst yet to come, Director W. J. Morom of the covernment weather bureau's Nood forecasting service said it might be 10 days or two weeks before the est met the river at Cairo, Ill.

He maid gency flood conditions might continue for. a a month and that if lower Mississippi tributaries reached flood stage coincidentally "things would he pretty bad for the lows lands." The known flood. dead by states. Arkansas, Illinois; Ken. tucky, Missouri, 1: Ohio, Tennessee, Wed Vir ginh, 1-Total 44 The Kentucky total did not Include the Fatimaied number of prisoners dead in the Frankfort riot, which the nation's total 89.

UnconArmed was another report that four persona were dead at Lawrenceburg, Ind. Calling the 11 in the flood belt: Illinois The Mayor of Cairo, population 12,000, proclaimed that all women, children and feeble should evacuate Immediataly, The river, stage was more than feat, two feet of the city's Laves workers gave up trying to hold back the river town and abandoned it the Ohio's dood waters. The entire 1,200 population: bad- taken to highor. ground The homeless totaled 20,000. Celebrate Birthday 35-49 Clarke and Frederick counties will Join with Winchester January in celebrating President Roost vell'e birthday.

The birthday ball will be held at the George Ingion Hotel bere. Henry P. MItchell, Clarke County chairman, and Mayor R. Anderson head the Winchester Funeral services aRe A. MCALATER cAlister were hell at her Into home on Clark's Mountun! Saturday afternoon, conducted by the Rev: Ed Lisle Rain, pastor' of Trinity, Methodist Church.

Orange. Interment was in the fanilly burla! ground at the home. She. the widow of William Slaughter Me and was bee fores her marriage, Terrell and was -nine years of She had been blind and an invalid! for numbe of yeare, Two daughters, Mrs. Ray Putof Orange, Mra Ruby of Owen, Maryland, granddaughters, Fletcher Taylor and alias Atheisen l'ulHim; and one brother.

Bernard Terrell of and one sister, Mra Maude Talley Louisa. Mdivani Brother lay Arrested By Soviets MOSCOW, Jan 25 Am Bydy Mdivani, identifed by Soviet omciala an a brother of the "marrying) Sidivania." was arrested today attor having been Implicated co conspirator 17 ousted Communint. on trial on treason chars Mdivant, former Soviet commercial ache at Paris and known disciple of Leon Trotsky before the now bantehed Bolehevirt from favor, wax to be prisoner at. Tinia, Georgia. Robertson Improsre WASHINGTON, Jan.

Hospital attaches weld today Representative A. Willie Roberison of Lexington, wan "retting alonk. very nicely." Robertson entered aft. Alto Hospital Friday for treatment cold. State Congressman Has Heart Failure.

(Continued From Page Ones POSITION WANTED Cook or maid. Beatrice Daw enport, $16 Pare Street. 1-25-2t. OFFICE Assistant, or clerical work by competent young lady. Experienced, familiar with RemIngton bookkeeping machine.

Box 150, Dally Progress. 1-23-2t. BEAUTT Operator, two years experience, diploma. Box 68, Dally Progress. 1-23-2t.

BY Middle aged refined lady position as practical nurse and companion. Phone 204. 1-23-2t. TUTOR-Companion to spend day with child at home. Miss Anne Stobie, age 24, graduate 'of Well College, New York and student at Oxford University, England.

Apply Stobla, 44 University Circle, Tel. 1-22-6t. GARDENER And sober and rellable, long experience In lawn, greenhouse, garden, small family, good reference: Write "William," P. O. Box 831, Waynes boro, Va.

1-21-8t. HELP WANTED MARRIED Man. with spare time to distribute free samples coffee, favoring, food products and make customers. Must devote at least two hours daily and be satisfied with up to $3.00 in an hour. Permanent.

Blair, Dept. Lynchburg, Va. 1-25-1t. MIDDLE Aged, experienced cook. "Country," Progress.

1-23-2t. PROTECT Your health. Weather. strip' your home. Easy terma.

R. L. Bryan, Res. Telephone 1338: 1-20-6t WANTED. Reliable party to take piano in, your vicinity and Anisb payments.

Small size, fully guaranteed. I will sell for balance due on contract. Just continue week. ly payments of $2 Almost brand new, only used a few months. Exceptional value for someone, Ap ply at once to B.

W. Buter, Credit Department, Box 291, Staunton, Virginia. Please furnish ences. CUSTOM Hatching. Leake's Hatchery.

Fry's Spring Road. Phone 1704-J. 1-23-6t. WANTED Van loads to Washington and points North between now and Feb. Bth.

Phone 1181-La 1-25-6t. WILL Buy Peoples Mortgage and National Bank stock at the MarCall F. Auctions Lczals PUBLIC SALE of TWO VALUABLE LOTS OF GROUND IMPROVED BY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE WITH MODERN IMPROVEMENTS known PREMISES NO. 776 AVENUE, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA By virtue of authority vested to the undersigned Special Commie alonera of Sale by Decree entered the case of Dorothy V. Thomas Tobin," al, Dettor, ya, Elizabeth la the Gertrude Corals, poration Court of.

Charlottesville City, Virginia, on Januery 1, 1937, we will offer for male at Publie Auction, In front of the Court House, In Charlottesville City, Virginia, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY, 20, 1987, AT 12 NOON All of those two lots of ground with the Brick Dwelling thereon, located at the Corner of Belmont Avenue and Rialto Street, In the City of Charlottesville, Virginia, known, designated and described as follows: Lot 15 and Lot 16 and' improvementa, of the Subdivision of H. E. Johnson's property, Albemarie County Land records; -Deed Book 151 pages 445 and being shall be glad. to make loans. on Charlottesville real estate.

I will try to make our service Git your needs. Long. Term Loans. Monthly Payment Loans, Short Term Construction, Loans FRED L. WATSON Peoples Beak Bide.

primary pian for the U. 8. Senators Instead 'of by. the General Assembly prevailed at that time. He defeated Captain John Lamb, the "Incumbent, for.

Congress In which, in the twelve successive terme posed only followed, twice: Montague was opden brought forth expree and atona from regret colleagues from at state Washington. omelala Gofernor Peery sald, "he had had and distinguished career had rendered service fo the people of hie district and to the State at. large." Renator Harry F. Ryrd described Montague as "a great and outstanding Virginian." "Ar. Montague was.

high class pubile man, said Senator Carter. Gia Rep. Thomas (. Burch of Min tinaville retarded Montague's death a "great lose not only' for the state hut for the nation at large," CITY COURT Theodore Woodfolk, colored, riven a six-montha suspended tenre hy Judge J. Callan Brooke of the Civil and J'olice Justice Court today on charges of feloniously assaulting Marshal Allen, Judge Brooks reduced the charge to a mindeamenor and ordered.

the defendant to pay a Ane of $18 and coma. Robert Allen, colored, was riven a twelve-montha indeterminate sontence for robbing parked mohile. Read The Daily Progress add FG hick si The rom a a 03 ins to um Hear look 1 MORE THAN EVER NOW Estate Administration Demands Specialized Service With the many new tax laws and other regulations, estate administration becomes still more complicated-requiring even more specialized training and facilities than ever before. No individual- -whose best thought and effort must naturally be devoted to his own pursuits and with whom estate administration is necessarily but a side line- -can compete with a highly trained estate management organization whose entire time is exclusively given to the study of investments, real estate values, fluctuating trends and other matters pertaining to estate management. The full time and attention of our Trust Department are devoted to these matters, and our Trust officers consult freely with the banker's other officers and directors in making Important ions.

These services are available at a fee no higher than that al-. lowed by law to the individual executor with whom estate ad- a ministration is a part-time job. tr We invite a conference on the facilities 2. which our Trust Department can offer you 61 2 Listen Te Our Frogram Interpretive News Over WHY at 8143 Tonight The PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK Charlottesville, Va. OLDEST LARGEST STRONGEST Bank In This Section of Virginia Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation THE NEBBS Look Out By SOL HESS I ANT FELT SO THE MINUTE FOR YEARS BUT I CANT START BRAGGING' ITS AN ILL WIND OF HAD ALL FOLKS.


The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.