The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


Glamel Torporter Tor Confederate Veteran, and Yowell, Chairman of District 4. Wednesday evening a charming rereption was held fur Klate officers and visiting delegates In the home of Hrs. Cullon; and, on Thursday, a delicious luncheon was served. at the P'reabyterian Church by the. ladies of the loral chapter, assisted by mombers of the Junior Auxiliary.

StornInk and afterapon wasions were held on Thursday at the Star Theater, and in the CHInO place a large crowd en joyed the Historical evening which the convention closet. The programs of music and short addressas was presided over by f'ol. With. row, mayor of Warncaboro, who frequently visits in his friend and former companion la. arma, Capt.

11. Clay Michie, c'ol. Withrow, In him address of welroma gave' a brief. but most entertaining sketch of the history of Waynesboro. An Interesting paper on Mr.

ret J. Preston, Including a reading from her beautiful poem on the death of General, was presented by Silas Mary Washington Ball. Mins Proston, after an eloquent address, ing that the Virginia Aug he raised over every school house in the State, presented a State flag to the Billott Fishburne ('hapter of Was boro, delivering 11 to Mayor With row, amid appreciative applause. Tho rebel yell by the veterans present concluded the exercises of the erening. The Charlottesville repress: tattes regretted that Col.

ocher was too unwell to attend there re loco, at which, as they were informed by his daughter, Mira. Forgu sou, he bad greatly desired to ba Alt delegates have. apoton la of highest appreciation of the gracious hospitality extended! to in the beautiful homes of Wayaceboro, which were opened to receive them. The annual meeting of District No. Virginia 'Division.

United, Daughters of the met 10 Waynesboro on, April Sth and, 6th, was attented by the follow menibers of Albomarie chapter: James K. Irvine, Mrs. hugh, a Nancy Got tun and Slime Isabella Gore; and by three bors of the recently Mamon, tot Waddell. Lydia Fishboine and Eliza. brib Williams.

'The convention by Randolph. who in the' Interort of sellet work for needy federate women, ham for yearn fol larly attended the we. gatherings, the brat d'airiet convention at which had ever Dre present. ()n all warm praler was the work of Mira.

Irvine, Chairman; and her charms of manner In. presting all An. unusually large number of State re and chairmen attended the meeting; and these ladies only presented to an inspiring manmar the causes which they partien. Tarly re presented but took part of fully la the general proceedings I the convention. The lint of much OR follows: M1NA Ident Virginia Division; Mrs.

D. Cheatham, Rogintrar ot Virginia Division: Mrs. IN, )'. Clement, State Mira. Norman V.

dolph, Chairman of -Committee on Relief Work; Mra, J. Taylor Allyson, Chairman C'onfederate Museum Committee; Mrs. W. C. N.

Marchant, Virtinia Director of the Shiloh ment Committee; Mira. J. F. F. Cay.

poll, Chairmap of Heals C'ommittre; VIRGINLI BOY MIKEN RISORD Youngest Girdogical Mop Agent Hell 75 In l'our 1a3 me Hare, thirteen vear-old ginia achool boy, has the honor to ho the youngest mad one of the most tire of the map agents of the I nited Blates Geological Survey. In lees than a month Master Hare sold 200 maps- of the Ninte of Virginia and hig'has ar econd of 13 pa sold In four days. Darid In in the slath grammar grade of the Jefferson school of Suf. Va, and his ambition is to gut all the education he possibly c*nt. father is an invalid, so that, although Imwid is an only child, he has learned to work, and the results of his work out of shoul coutribute to! the family income.

Suffolk -The Suffolk polico dogs Neuuty and Birlatow, sent to Jarratia, In carre of Henry Little. to track the robber who broke into the store of Jesse Dunn, on Monday night, did aplendid work and although the was old, succeoded in boldiq8 tho man at bay until the posse rived. The dogs trailed James Lawrenre to his cabin, 4 1-2 miles away, and on reaching there, were shot at by Lawreare, who also tried to, Is it a Cold, Cough or Bad Blood Va-'I hare tiken Dr. Golden Medical Discovery with 11.6 heat Bert, 211 I Fladly state that WAN with the resulta. bad 3.

very serious couch and cold with bad the wan excendtrigly harsh and so violent give mo irrifated BOrA with hiarsoness and a compromood feel. tug In my tunen. -The cough reduced any strength and I bad to atop. work. Al the Indicatica saine and time I had WAN to live 011 fruin state bread and milk.

My liver also was du a ry Inactive condition, As well my These discouraging Ag tome readily 10 the the 'Diacovery' to my strut pleasure and I. EANI 131'S. Laurel Richmond, Va. The best time to cure a cough la when it minite Ordinarily, a few of Doctor Pletre's Golden Medical Dit covery will cure a rough at the br 133 nine. But eVen hen the deep and the body is wasted by temaciation, "Medical Discovery" most will effect a permanent cure, The beat Spring medicine and tonic 1-IN one made of horia and roots without alcohol -that was drat discovered by Tuctor Piercer years axo.

Made of Golden Seal ront. blond root, with glycerine. It 1s called Doctor Pierce's Guidon Medical Discovery. It inakes blood rich and pure. Ingredients on wrapper.

Sold by druggists. shoot Little. The dogs held the man esplise the posse arrived, when Lawrence shot at the officers. It was! to shoot Aix times botore the 014i1 surrendered. The thirty, dollars stolen from the sate and hot and clothes taken from the.

store mete all and Lawrence was lodged In the Sussex County Jail. NATIONAL DEFENSE New York. April -The first meeting to advocate adequate pre-: paredncas for national defense to be! he in the District represented by the lion. James Hay. chairman of the House Committee on Military Affairs, will be held in Charlottesville, on April 15th.

The meeting will be hell in Mad. leon Halt. at Calverwity of. Virginia and the speaker will be Herbert Batry, Secretary of the National SecurIty League, who in graduate of the University and whor*. wielt to his' Alma Mater will be made the lou of a cordial reception: It la capected that P'resident Ablerman of the.

University of Virginia will preside and Introduce Mr. Barry. Should Dr. Alderman be al sent from Charlottessille at the time, his place! will be taken by one of the faculty. The Interest in preparedness in the l'olveralty of Virginia is developine to a marked degree.

and the debating team of the will room particirate in an inter-colleg. late de bato 011 national de fence; is one of the three, larger cities in Hay's, District and is well known throughout the world as U'ntversity town. Fickle weather. Dr. Fahrney's! Teething Syrup Is dependa-1 ble, Doctors prescribe It.

Write for. free. sample, YOUNG WOMEN MAY AVOID PAIN Need Only Trust to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, says Mrs. Kurtzweg.

She praises it highly she has been relieved of all these pains by its us, All mothers should know of this remedy, and all young girls who suffer should try it." Mrs. MATILDA KURTZWEG, 520 High Buffalo, N. Y. Young women who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, headache, dragging clown sensations. fainting or indigestion, shout! take Lydia E.

P'inkham's Vegetable Compound. Thousands have been tostored to health by this root and herb remedy. If you'know of any young weman who is stok and nerds helpful advice, ask her to write to tho Ladin E. P'inkham Malleine Lynn, Mats. Only women will receive her letter, and it will ho hold in strictest contideuco.

Buffalo, My daughter, whom picture is herewith, was much troubled with pains in hor buck and aides every month and they would sometimes he so bad that it woull seem like acute intlammation of sme organ. Sho read your advertisemert in the newspapers and tried Lydia E. Finkbam's table Compound. GIRL OF 20 VANISHES Now York. April 4.

The Alma Fuller Myura, daughter of Sir.4 and Sire. harlea Myers, of Hidal. Orwhich. many pointe it with that Are, de attering the paler 1. 14 Arbold, re.

200 5 000.1001- Izud by her and pit.4 by. numerone friends, denly and no trace of her has b.en found. When who bade good-by In Mr. 1 Arnold Nettel, of The Broux, whom. shed had been visitinx.

laughingly up the pteps of the son station. Last Saturday ning to take the train at the aunt Terminal for home. she appear-! at to drop out of alght, it were and all made since then 10 locate her have proved fruitivaa, and not the alightrat Intiraallon of her whereabouts ham reached tor digIntacted parents. if the girt had. a love affair.

alum concealed It from alt her chete of acquaintances, and those who know her. well unite in saying she was nlways rather indifferent. 10 the society of young non. -When the disappeared dark blue cloth suit with a long ront, a walst trimmed with rod, white, blue and yellow braid. a blue straw bat with a red velvet bor tor and a bunch of cherries, and tan abor 1 ator kinga.

She carried a small tan and book. "The Glory of the Conquered," its nylear Inscribed Mother From Alms." and a umbrella with her Initials on the handle, She had only $3 and aomo change when the loft home, and only about $3 when loft Mira. Sho purchased a round-trip ticket to Anipore, N. Indicating a purpose. to return, and she had lately Led her father, who la an insurance Throker, with office at Maiden Lano, Now York, 10 got her a place In the office of a lareo Newark company, where she was to have reportrel last Monday.

MIN. Myers declares she knows of no reason why her daughter might have wanted to leave home. The Kit always appeared perfectly rOntented and happy in her surround She was her mother's cOmpanton on numerous chopping and other trips, and at no time hinted at diaratiafaction. the loved outdoor sports. tennis, canoeing and skating and she loved housework.

ller pastor has nothing but 400 1 to say of her. She was 5 fort 4 Inchand had brown hair and gray FOR MAYOR To the Voters of the ('It of ('har I hereby announce myself candidate for the omice of Mayor of the City. cot C'harlottestifle, subject to the Primary. elected, promise faithful ad. horence to the duties of the offca, and pledge to the re' 34 of the welfare of the City, and to the' enforcement of law and order, in keeping witS the modern Ideas of progress and morality as enter tatned by sost people of the City.

Very Respectfully. F. Souder, Jr. To the Voters and l'ayers of Having yielded to the' solicita. tiona of many of our citizens; ani tand date for the office of Mayor or Charlottesrille, at the en.

suing election, subject 10. a Dainocratic P'rimary. Owing to annexa. tion of new territory, me may pact new and varied conditions to ariso; 11 these, I trust my long expertone. In public and private faire may be of servica to both the city and the India id la interested.

it elected. promise a faithful and business administration, and will duly appreciate your cotes and port. Very Feb. c. ().

fladen. Cash Store News 1 Sugar lb. lard I. 13c l'ancy Patent 1 four 12lb, bag 1.3c Ret Family Four 12 th. Santos Boasted Ih Coffee ID.

Back The quart 1.1a 2 quarts for 2.0 2 Can Corn No. 2 ('Hu Sinal, 0: No. a l'an 00a Do, Can V'ish lice 13c Vo. 1 air. D'ink Salmon 10c E.

P. WILSON, Opposite Midway Schoal Good health canuct he bought at the drug store, Rising Costs confront everybody! This is an era of ascending costs, a period of price advancement without parallel Nostatistical chart is needed to prove this- You the effect of higher prices is felt by very- one, and is of tea! concern to all. It is a the name. Tr.I.D whirl contime for thoroughly weighing values, a by diopiared on time for taking advantage of every oppor- every chis label. or baude.

Lout tunity that offers a genuin: saving. Certain-teed Roofing lowers the cost of building at this other time, It costs less to buy, less to lav, less to CERTAIN- TEED offers a substantial saving in tool construction, or any maintain and less per year of lite. Because of tremendous production (the General rakes one third of all the roll roofing made in America), and because of economies effected by mills, the enormous General resources, modern machinery and favorably located is able to make the best rooting at the lowest the raw materials to the finished rolls, it is made in the General's CERTAIN-TEED Roofing the General's own product--from huge mulls. It is made of the best quality rooting felt, coated saturated with the General's own blend of soft asphalts and with an impervious covering of harder asphalts. This keeps the inner saturation soft, and prevents the drying out process so destruc-: tive to ordinary roofing.

That's why CERTAIN- outlasts other roofing. It is guaranteed for 5, or 15. years, according to ply. Experience proves that it lasts longer. CERTAIN-TEED is sold by responsible dealers everywhere at.

reasonable prices. Investigate it before you decide on any type of roof. Save rags--they're worth big money now! Prices paid for rage eight times as high as a year ago. any rags? You're alone und a quarter of a million lucky if you have a lot of old rags tons of rugs last year. At present got around the because they'llbring prices, this quantity of rags cost you inuch big as you money wed now to get for them.

an increase in price of $40,000 a day -tight tines as $12,500,000 more than a year agoLat ycar tars old around he a for tooting. they arc bringing 4c a Boys and girls! -This is your chance pound, and manufacturers are glad to make some money. Girt can busy final. and get Rags then torn the is of many well Sell They'll bring you good at that price. hunt up all rags you known products, ruck as writing monty.

If you are not offered their 1 4peT, routing etc. The roofing mills real value, write our nearest office. General Roofing Manufacturing Company World's Largest Manufacturers of Roofing and Building Papers New York City Cleave Philadelobia St. Laois Boston Orkane Cleveland Pitt Detrest San Francisco Cincinnati 4 us Angel les Minneapolis City Seattle Indianapolis Attest ta Richmond Houston Unpy 1311, denore I livunng Manuf Dg Co 1 IT BY' Mr. Bennett.

Throat l'u1 183 Negro Thief. Richmond, April Mantco, 1: Buckingham County this afternoon. Mia. Branch. 45 old.

was attacked in her hone a negro whose purpose was tub In ry, When she declined to the hiding platry of a of Janom negro slashed her throat with a knife and tonight her con li lion is precarious. Mrs. f'ranch, who was left fir dead by the maro, revived sutticiently to also his name and des ription to. neighbors, with the Mincio liatris was arrested by the c. O.

operator at he was preparing to hoard it train to doo the county. The sherif of Burkingham count; Wits notified and negro was turned over to him late tonight. There was no disposition aboun 111 the part of the people' to do the negro harni, and all wore satisfied when the officer took him in charge, Irvin McCollister Paper Hangers and Decorators We hate moved OUT paper stare to our residence on N. 7th Street, house Want of Mats Street where we can show you 1 full liue of everything knows the trade paper hanging and Inside painting Cau egre jou from to 10 cento erer: holt of paper you buy of fIs CA card and we call and rod and give you pries on work. to be dono.

Call at -our bouse any time dur Ing the day or evenlig. IRVIN M'COLLISTER SON 108 V. W. 7TH ATREET. br Fahrney's Toothing Syrup 18 the only baby medicine that is always safe.

Teetlung made easy. No bad nizhta. Will the Reader please draw his own conclusion from the following incident? A resident of this state died lately and left no will. An administrator had to be appointed A young man, whose father's estate was settled by this company two years ago, advised the heirs to select us, and he brought the eldest Sun to our office for an interview. The attorney of the deceased was later consulted, and he advised the same thing.

The Virginia Trust Co. "The Sale Executor" 1106 East Main Street RICHMOND, VA. Rescurers: over $3,600,000.00 N. Matter where live the Virginia Trust Co, can serve you TE 1 R. L.

THOMAS Inc. Tin, Slate, Tile and Slag Roofing Manutacturers of all kinds of Skylights and Cor. nicer. Wam air heating a specialty. CHAS.

C. WHEAT, Mgt. Phone 75 228 West Main Street Watch Your Colors In the suitings for spring there will be much trouble on account of inferior dye stuffs. 1. OURS ARE GUARANTEED in every 1 ay.

Why not play safe? JAMES E. IRVINE COMPANY Clothiers, Tailors and Men's Furnishers For Spraying "Eclipse," "Hardie" and "Myers" Spray. Pumps and Accessories Econcmize By Buying the Best R. F. HARRIS CO.

413-419 West Main Street Is It a Boy or Girl?" A sickness is prevented lonked you upon administor matter of course; oct in. fam troubles ran be it Dr. FAHRNEY'S TEETHING SYRUP It soothes and styengthens the taby's system. Can he given t9 bales one da; old. P'revente (tolera Infantain.

males Teeti in simple and rasy, relieves bowed complaints. 35 routs at druggists. Trial buttit free it you mention this only LY DES. D. FAIRNEY SON, No SPRING OVERHAULING It is the automobile ounce thant Is enacting in his demands that is pleased with our SIRING Our mechanics being chilled and careful.

our 3-1cm of supervising all detail. of their and our and facilities male our 1:1. SERVICE equal 10 the highest grade factory work. You'll prompt ice here of very beat quality at reasonable charges. Try us, AUTO TIRE REPAIR 10.3 E.

Market Street CHESAPEAKE OHIO RAILWAY. Local Anti. L' West 4 West P.M. M. 111:33 2:34 5 Wasd Cast Wich.

404 18.45 A 110-06 12.00 P. A. P. Local Fast Va. Atriine 19:41 A Sunuay SOUTHERN RAILWAY CARRIER Or THE SOUTH H.

-Following sebedule Muares put liaben so not FROM CHARLOTTESVILLA SOUTHBOUND: Corrected to Oct St. INIS for Montgomery, a 1:42 a. m. sad 1:20 p. no.

daily. tor Atlanta, 1:20 P. 40d m. daily, tor Adania, Anniston. Talladeve, Calera.

selma. 1:20 m. and 1:45 m. sud for Un'optowa De mopolis, Meridian, 1:20 D. dulls For Hiringnom, Erisiol, Meridian.

Vick Chatte sourg New Oricans. 13 40 a daily, for Knotrille, Men, o. daily. For A 1:42 1:20 p. m.

dally A. For Columbis. Aisco. Augusta, car for California daily 7:45 For Danville local a r. and 11:45 a.

daily For RockMat and Shipmen 8:40 03 napt Sundar NURTURCUND: for Baltimore Philadelpbla York and paints Part. 2:50. 4:20 a. mo. 4:13 1:30 m.

and 9:25 for local 00 2. 3 3:70 n. car service drawing room, sleeting car ace C. W. 74 12tb N.

W. D. PROP. CIA. Peone 67, L.

MURRAY. UTA. gon41 tolls the truth RU matter upon whom it may rodent. 1 GARS THE FINEST TOBACCO that grows goes in our son cigars. The choicest of the choice 's the only kind used in their making.

That accounts for their splendid flavor and perlect burn. Try one or a box, you will find them all splendidly alike in real joy smoking qualities. Charlottesville Cigar Factory Tailored Clothes that wear. must nave workmanship and cloth put in them, that is of standard qualty. A cheaply made sun never saved you any money.

E. F. MARKWOOD 0g "The H'II Merchant Norfolk Western in effect Nor 22. 1914 Saved ale leave le Traina -The Bristol, Washingiou sud Birmiat bara, Vickenura. New train to douth, sleeper, Cale solid sires (rate to Chate ere to Car.

tot 2:20 Palaski. at 'le b.asil done, Meld. Car to for fall latormaden to. Peter 01-1 Pastr --4.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.