The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

:1 THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 28, 1932 PAGE FIVE DON'T MIND RAIN IN BATTLE FOR BRITISH TITLE American women golfers pared for rain. Here they are left Glenna Collett Vare, Mra. Palmer CONVENTION. A Restional Sunday-School Convention, under the auspices of the Virgiala Council of Religious Education.

will be held in the Presbyterian church, this city, Friday, June This Regional Convention is one of series being held this year throughout the state in place of the annual State Sunday School Convention. Dr. Henry E. Tralle, of New York, will be the leader and special speaker for the tion. Dr.

nationally known as a leader in the deld of Religlous Education. A. Bennett will preside. GETS NINETY DAYS Lester Broun, colored, thirty-six, of 518 Thirteenth Street, was seatenced by Magistrate W. B.

Colthurst this morning to ninety days in jail and fined $5, for larceny clothing and other articles from students In frateraity house at the University. Broun was arrested last night by Lieutenant B. A. Shipp, Motorcycle Oncer F. W.

Mayo and Patrolmen L. O. Carr and J. M. SENIOR BANQUET The senior banquet of the gradusting class of Lane High School will- be held it the Monticello Hotel On Monday evening at o'clock.

STUDEBAKER DEALERS Announcement of the appolat- Set for Record Hop Waiting favorable weather for his take-off, Stanley Hausner, of Linden, N. is poised at Floyd Bennett Airport, New York, for his attempt to break the long distance: fight record. Hausner's plane loaded with 550 gallons of enough for 50 hours in the air. destination may. be Rome.

MEMORIAL TO LUMBERJACKS 6 BRIEFS Monday June 6, at' MINISTERS CONFERENCE on the Ministers Conference of M. will hold its meeting la University Baptist Church, and Richmond Baptist ministers of the Stats the invited to meet with the have been It is aspected that 200 ministers will be la attendanterrace. will be served by. Disser of the church. A portion st the afternoon will be of spent Virginia, in visitthe University Monticello and other 'points of inof the most prominent ministers in the state have spited their conference.

intention to take part la the MELD ON SUSPICION Spratling, and Willard Fraser, were arrested twenty-eight, 1l both city of 2:30 o'clock this mornof Rome, Ge. the for Captaia Thomas of the Anthers Railway detective force ruspicion of housebreaking and larceny. They are being The held arrest for made by Lieutenant W. H. the southern officers.

Mayo and Patrolman L. E. Greaya and La 0. Carr. WANTED IN PHILADELPHIA Strand colored, nine of 413 Oak Street, was arrestat his home early this morning Lieutenant W.

H. Mayo and Mindelphia Detectives G. and Martin. He 1s vested in Philadelphia for skipsing bail on an assault and battery to and 1 being returned tat CAVALIER BATTERY ASSISTS Ward Brewer and Cheries Poms, of the Cavalier. aise, will play with the local Athletics Sunday at 3:80 P.

M. when they Scotteville. They will oppose well known battery of Faulsad Carter. This will be the contest between these teams strops Aight la' anticipated. HOGRAM OF ANTHEMS choir of the Presbyterian a program of the Church Service, evening at' 7:45 o'clock.

Harry Rogers Pratt will ty the organ, playing the ofaccompaniments. The wit Include a capella, by Palestrina and Bortniand Mendelssohn's mottetta, Tar My Prayer," to which Mine Calhoun will sing the cosolo part. CON FORMATION SERVICES Confirmation services were beld 'Paul's Church, Ivy, Thursafternoon, conducted by Ishop-Coadjuter of the Diocese of Virginia, F. D. Goodwin.

The Risbop also conducted similar vices at St. John the Baptist's Thursday night. 1. THREE PYTHONS ON DISPLAY The three giant pythons which win be exhibited at 410 East Main Street by O. F.

Struble all next week, have been brought to this weatry for display from India. They are, named Samson," who weighs 300 pounds and is 26. feet wag, Toughy," who weighs 110 pounds and is feet long, "Jumwho Is 2 feet long and weighs 131 pounds. They bare no but each 1s equipped with 164 testch. They are ted once every three months, consuming 60 live chickens apice.

They kIll their by the power of their colls. On been the erected banks of the famed AuSable Brough the river's to torrents. memory It of will Unable To Locate Brother Of Mayor NEW YORK. May APIIrving Ben Cooper, associate of the Hofstadter committee. said today' he has been unable.

to reach Dr. William H. Walker, Mayor Walker's -brother, since May 19.1 the day after William J. Chanian testified he had paid Mr. Walker; for Unedical services $2,800, a sum equal to about half of a commission Scanian received on a sale of equipment to the city.

While Mayor Walker war on the! stand Thursday. Samuel Seabury asked him if he knew where his brother was, and Walker promised to him and have him get In touch with the committee. Scanian, agent for a street ing equipment company, gave his testimony about the $2.800 on May 18. Cooper said today that Dr. Walker telephoned the committee May 19 and promised to appear for questioning May 20, but failed to show up.

Since then. he said, the has been unable to reach him, either at his home or at his office. Academy Officials Ban June Nuptials Graduates WASHINGTON, of May Naval Academy hereafter will have to sail two years at sea before embarking upon matrimonial voyage. This has once again been decided upon, officials said, today, on the ground that young officers have their hands full in learning new duties "without being bothered with brides and babies." Heretofore graduation day at napolis has been filled with romance and accompanied by tinkling wedding bells. The now rules applies to next year's class.

DEFOREST WINS TITLE MUIRFIELD, SCOTLAND, May 28-(AP) -Joha De Forest, 25- year-old London player, today won the British amateur golf chempionship, defeating Eric Fiddian, his 22-year-old opponent, three and one. DECISION OF JURY The Aplastic elephant attains a 'Curtis prior to the kidnaping but 401 E. Market Me larger sine ta Burma than elsewhere. had been well acquainted with both 4 5 3 Additional Income from the things that are only in your way If some of the thousands of readers of the DAILY PROGRESS had the privilege of rummaging through your attic, storeroom and closets you'd surprised how many of them would be glad to deal with 1 you on the purchase of things which never realized had so much actual and A worthwhile re-sale value. It's easy to find such buyers.

9 You can scour the entire city and enCASH virons for them by merely listing the items IN WITH in the WANT AD COLUMNS of the A 1 WANT 3 AD DAILY PROGRESS v. (Continued From First Page) be to an Indictment this statement too war taken. as virtual ac. knowledgement, that Curtis has been indicted Attorney Asks Delay The Prosecutor said he IPceIved a telegram this morning from Pender, Norfolk attorney who will defend Curtis. saying he could not he ready to try the cane by June 13, the day the prosecutor had hoped to begin trial Curtis began hie fake tions soon after the Lindbergh baby was stolen from his crib on Starch one.

He was at Aret Lindbergh, but succeeded in doing able: to interest Col Charles A after persuading the Very Rev. Dobson-Peaco*ck and Rear Admiral Guy Buriage, Retired. friends of the Lindbergh family. to Intercede in his behalf. Curtis and his two former Assoc.

lates live in- Norfolk, Va On the of May 12. when the body of the murdered baby found, Col Lindbergh was at following up one of Curtis' Imaginary clues and Cuttia even then continued to furnish police with what he later confessed was false information He confessed on May. 17 and was next day placed in jail to await the action of' the grand jury which subsequently was asked by the prosecutor to indict him Blames Peacork In his confession Curtis charged that Dean Dobson Peaco*ck could have stopped the deception but kept It alive and told false atories about alleged negotiations because of a de. sire to obtain personal publicity. The Dean denied this but refused to come to Jersey to confront Curtia, state police invited him to do, even offering to pay his Admiral Burrage was not in any implicated by Curtis and all (concerned agreed hoodwinked that by he had Curtis mere- and had taken no part in the Imaginary activities after lending his name la the original efforts to convince Colonel Lindbergh.

that 'Curtis was really in touch with the kidnapers. Col. Lindbergh had not known P. 4 1: Dean Dobson- Peaco*ck and Admiral Burrage, and so when they told they hellered Curtis was really PL the trait of the kidnapers he began to lend some cirdence to the Curtis story himself Lindbergh Noser Sure He was never sumciently convinced. however, to accede to request that he deposit money in Norfolk bank as "carneat money" showing his intention to pay A ransom if th, baby was Dean Dobson Peaco*ck was officialing in Mexico City when the late Dwight W.

Mottow was Jor there and Lindbeigh used to visit the Morrow home to Mina Anne Morrow, who to now Mro Lindbergh Admiral Burtago was In command of the cruiser on which Col. Lindbergh was brought back to America in triumph after his night to France in 1927. No Developments Shortly before today's irdictments were returned Colonel H. Norman! auperintendent of state police. announced at Hope.

well that there were no in the police sarch for the kidnap murderers of the Lindhergh haby. Curtis' arraignment and trial are scheduled to take place in quarter court, which will ba preside ed over by County Judge Amos Robbina, who sat on the bench with Justice Trenchard when today's indictmenta were handed down. The Curtis Indictment, supposing the general hellet la correct that one had been found, will be mada public the time of hia plea nest Saturday. -0 LINEMAN ELECTROCUTED DANVILLE, May. 28.

(APICharles Thaxton, of mill lineman, was electrocuted while the top of a pole at Schoolfeld this morning, putting new bulbs In street light. He was dead when the ambulance reached the hospital. Badly burned, he plunged 30 feet 10 the ground. J. LATERNEAU 1 Piano Tuning' Ask to me tratimentata from Work's Famous Musicians Market Closes With Steady Associated Press Photo river in Michigan, this memorial intrepid lumberjacks who rode logs be dedicated July 16 .4 Associated Press Photo championship at Saunten were Van Wie, Mrs.

William Ferris, Mrs. FOUND GUILTY ON CHARGE OF MURDER MEMPHIS, May 28. (AP)-Istam G. Harris, great grandson of Tennessee's Civil War Governor, was convicted here last night of murdering J. D.

Smith, his 64-year-old neighbor, and lIfe imprisonment recommended. James Callie, "Indicted jointly with him, was It was the second time Harris had" heard a Jury accuse him- ct killing neighbor. In 1919 he was released from the penitentiary by pardon after serving a few years of a 30-year sentence in another slaying. was abducted from his home last. November and shot heside a country road.

A Negro In whose death both Harris and Callie were indicted was killed in a lat manner that night. Harris testided he shot the white man de cause he believed he had crimiaally, assaulted Mrs. Harris and that Callis shot the Negro, apparently without cause. Callis denied. the charge.

WADE H. MASSIE GETS REAPPOINTMENT RICHMOND, May Governor Pollard today announced the reappointment of Wade H. Massle and Henry G. Glimer to the State Highway Commission, and Frank W. Darling, of Hampton, to the State Board of Health.

Mr. Massio, of Rappahansock county, represents the Piedmant section State, and Mr. mer, of Wise, represents the SouthAt present Mr. Massle retary of the Commission. Their new terms begin July Honored Mary K.

Douglas of Manitowee, Wis, was selected to present the colors to the winning company at the annual June week ceremonies st at Annapolis. the United States Naval 4 academy To Nominate Hoover Associated Prese Joseph Scott. Los Angeles torney and veteran stump cam paigner, will place the name of Her. bert Hoover in nomination at the republican national convention Chicago. NEW YORK.

May, 28-(AP)-The Stock Market succeeded in throw. ing off early weakness tone. today and closed with a steady Net 4 changes were Irregular but narrow. A father substantial volume of overnight reflecting Friday's decline. brought losses of 1 to 2 points for many leaders dur the.

Arst half-hour. covering in anticipation of the day holiday and a feeling that the bill would have made consider, able. progress by the time tradeis reconvened next week checked the it sag and built up support for the recovery. Tobacco. utility and merchandia.

Ing tarues bore the brunt of early liquidation. but eventually joined other groups in retracing lost ground. Trading was fairly active in view of the fart that many trad. were away for an extended seek -end. transactiona appropriatin 700,000) shares: a a A 10 competing in the British women's golf to right: Helen Hicks, Virginia and Maureen Orcutt ment of Dowell-Barr Motor Corporation as Studebaker and Rockne.

dealer in this city made yesterday by John Huntington, representative of The Studebaker Bales Corporation of America and Rockne Motors Corp. Dowell-Barr. Motor Corporation have showrooms at 529 E. Main St. where a complete line of baker and Rockne automobiles will shortly be exhibited, and a thoroughly modern service station, for Studebaker and Rockne owner will be operated.

Waynesboro, of the Augusta Coupty League, comes to Timberlake's Field Sunday for the second of three game series. The Cardi. pals will try to even things up Waynesboro took the opener. Waynesboro brings a collection of stars over the mountala. The Cardinals' new pitcher will toe the slab again for the locale It is expected be will be riven better support in this came, loose Melding cost him the verdict in his Arst start.

CARDINALS VS. WAYNESBORO ELECTED PRESIDENT George Seward, of Louisville, was elected president of Jetferson Society last aight at the last meeting of the year. He do tested H. C. Pollock of Charlottesville by two, votes.

W. S. Mundy, of Lynchburg. was elected president. defeating E.

C. tock, of Clarendon. E. .0. McClintock won the balloting.

for secretary, defeating J. Alien Wheat, of Charlottesville. Thomas W. Lemon, of Sumter, 8. was elected treasurere, defeating E.

D. Hoffman, of Brooklyn, N. Y. DETECTIVE REPRIMANDED DANVILLE, May 28-(AP)-Police Detective W. C.

Talley was out $25 permanently and out of job for 15 days today trate Charles K. Carter in police court ruled that Talley's protests, on Anding his daughter driving la the late evening with Raymond Mill. ner, 23, were a little too severe. Talley told the magistrate that 1 became irritated when his daughter, Mrs. Mildred Talley Brown, who was recently separated from her husband, falled to return home.

Driving his own car, he overtook the couple, and "angered by the de meanor of the youth," he proceeded to chastise Miliner. Milner apepared In court showing the marks of his treatment. LINER DEPARTS FOR BUILDERS PHILADELPHIA, May -The steamahip Manhattan, largest lines ever built in this country, left today for her. builders' trial off the Delaware Capes. The 30,000 ton passenger ship's main propulsion and auxiliary mechinery has been tried out at the New York Shipbuliding Company yard at.

Camden, N. J. where she was built for the United States Lines. After the builders trials, the Manhattan, which was launched last December, will return to Camden for Anlabing touches. BILL IS ASSAILED WASHINGTON, May 28-(AP)The "Yellow Dog Contract," which Congress recently declared contrary to public policy, was defend.

ed before a Benate mining subcommittee today by E. Greever of Tasewell, counsel for the National Coal Association. Greever's testimony closed the case pi opponents of the Davis. Kelly bill for Federal regulation of the bituminous Industry. Assailing the bill be said it would give tyrannical power to Federal commission and would compel unionization of the mines.

MASKED MEN FOILED IN ATTEMPTED HOLD LURAT, May 28-(AP)-Authorities sought today to trace the identity of masked men who attempted, unsuccessfully, to hold up Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Patterson on the highway nine miles west of Broken glass and other missiles were throws, and several shots were Ared in an attempt to bait the Patterson's car. i.

Nearly 60 per cent of the marbie quarried in the United Slates comes from Vermont. The Roans used an eight-day. week prior to the Christian era. Be sure the see to New: Fashions: That are Arriving Daily! The Leader.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.