The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

THE DAILY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. MONDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 23.:1936 PAGE THREE penier. lend ag Preston 4rd hock night: sand where had under ratment one Mr. Vaughan the of Pit and: Farmer Vanghan of Cataline County, and IL The body in A Funeral will the announced 2 Are Liquor 6. Obituaries stun has been Treelied In.

set ot the death in tipper Marlboro, Md. Andiew Sul tivan For conducted an undertaking business. Crozet: but had. been with Ritchie bora, lie death occurred trom pneumonia, four ness who There three. Kenneth; And Sullie and two daughters tiladya and Ruby Sullivan; Funeral services held from the home of -his water Tin Bethel Cemetery: 1 H.

Funeral rites for Mre beth tarlow held Afternoon from church. of meniher which she had been an. for worker in all departmenta of' the church and Sunday. School, and also a member of the cholr. The services ere conducted by pastor.

the Rev: n. C. Barbour. 1 and the of tel Methodiat Churer. There la cre crowd present.

4. Interment. In -Haleaville church cemetery Briggs, W. 9. Cook, C.

R. Harper. J. W. Rayner, W.

Radford and Wade pall The Rowers wee carried by Mahirt Item, Punie. Wheeler, Julie Woodson, Edith Kirby, Nessie Harper. and Bertha Kirby. Mra. Manit reared on Relmont, thin, city.

She wis educated At Miller School. Soon after com-. pletina her education: the married Raleigh C. Manny: Miller Achool. Mince her she had lived near Miller Achool.

MRA: S. C. kuneral rites for Mra CIlf. him Knapp were held. yorterday af.

ternoon, from -'her late -home West Main Street, conducted by the Roy Dwight M. Chalmers of the of -which had been a member since childhood. Interment was in wood com: etery Orseh, Hunter Melton, Clay Forester, Roy Forestat, Norria Harvey; Woyal Wilton, George and Fred Knobs loch as pallbearers, The flowers were carried by bets of the Clara Martin C. T. of which she was acthe member, Mra.

Mapp was daughter, of the late, Capt. N. G. Clifton, an of. in the Confederale Army, and the late Mra, Octavia Boyer Clifton.

R. WEBBER EARLY VILLE, March 23 Mrs. W. E. Wood has just received: the R.

news the Webber death which of occurred. father, Russell, Kya the age of amety: one. Mr. Webber wha born 'at Campbell. Courthouse, Campbell County, lie moved: from Albemarle County to Kentucky: twenty-eight years hi survived by: two daughters and, Awesons G.

F. Deane, of McKeesport, Pa. W. Wood, 'of Earlyaville and De V. Webber, of Russell, Ky, Hie leaven.

three sisters N. Woolridge; Mra. Jane Hudnall and Mra. Burt. all of Synch.

burg. EDWARD R. VAUGHAN Edward Roland Vaughan, New College Head Curtis Rishop, who. wan ed President of Averett Ji College Came Ate -Danville to succeed Dr. mack, Mr.

Bishop served. de vice pres'dent and man. ager of the school for four years. (Associated Tresa J'hoto). RED CROSS GIVEN $550 SATURDAY Quota of $1,000 Sought: For Relief of Flood Victims total of $550 was contributed heir Saturday towardathe quota of which the Red Cram ing to raise in Chartolicaville and Albemarle fer the Fellet of flood victims, in a drive which.

ends This amount came chiefly from the Ave booths which were up in the Ally and at the, bootha open again to. from 9:30 until 2 o'clock. war planned to reach people Wing In the county the churches, which cooperated with the Red Cross but tel three had -not been tabulated -today, All money raised in thin drive wire, sent 10 national in Washington, where A- will be us ed primarily for the care of those left homeless in the fond ravaged country, A Tirdse who were In tharge of the booths today were Chanutin. Miss Anne Yates, Mr. Frank La.

Polk Mrs. Frank. Geldard, and Mra. Ct Gordon. Dual Fire Alarms Evoke Excitement "Where there's smoke there's may be true in most caper, but toT the City Fife.

Department sometimes all amoke, trage tossed on: top embers" In an anti can the back of the night caused alarms and brought the department top speed, well considerable ortion- of the automobile driyera In the city, to witness the blaze. However, when the: Aremen rived. they found the rage giving off considerable smoke. and a pungent odor, but no fire. Someone in the hotel, smelling scorching rage had telephoned the Are depart ment, and, someone else, also hecoming alarmed; shad pulled the alarm TENNIS TIME The Game Men and Children Play and EnjoyWe Feature Ellsworth Vines -Vines Tennis Balls Special Offer (in cans) (the best seller last Vines Racket season).

Vines Balls $1.35 Rackets Re- Cover strung by $3 to $8.50 Total All $11.78. our experts For $10.00 Er ANDERSON BROS. AT THE CORNER THAT LAST ONE WHAT'S THE GOT NO KID. WHAT'S HE'S COMIN ON HERE BACK FOR. MORE HE WAS 7.

TO GET AT THEM TRUCKS! 4t MORE TE IT BRIEFS AL AT HOMIE Martin continues her home on Hazel St'. at Dr. DOGWOOD Henry -Alford Porter. will DAYS? beard Hinton tonight. Avenue Methodist, at 7:30 March.

in his Jack unique Flynn address, of Dogwood fork will sink. Days Joyce Kilmer. The meeting hi to the public. IMPROVED Daniel Merritt, of Ridge has returned from Richof where her mother, Mra. H.

M. the was called by the whose condition is improvROWERA AND WARMER The weather yesterday was sunshine. more so spring, and the bright waght many people out Into the $2 Saturday's degrees; minimum, 39; at maximum temperature relock: yesterday morning, 51. northwest. Diaction of.

the wind, cloudy, tre was-67 degrees: minimum, 47; Interday's maximum o'clock this morning, 50. Directia -of Feather Bureau Occasthe wind, southeast. hand showers, mostly light, tonight and. Tuesday, rising temperatures. and Mrs.

Edwin Gentry KITH ANNOUNCED ONell of "Mill Rock," Crozet, are announcing the birth O'Neil of' a daughtar, Beverly O'Neill was 'Misi Louise Louise Witten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Witten of Hatton, Va.

ATTENDED FUNERAL: James P. Snapp, of: Atlantas, Taylor, of Damon Abell, of Washington; Bauman, of Fredericksbut; and Mrs. Irma Dawson of Washington, came there to attend the funeral of Mrs. Sadie Caton Snapp. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Mine Katie Balley of Ridge Street, a spending a few- days with ret tire in Lynchburg.

The occasion 4 her visit was to -attend joint arthday 'celebration of her own Arthday and two other members of her family. LL AT HIS HOME Raleigh H. (Jackf son of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Mann, is catnedito his home at "Mirador" iness. PLAY IRISH MUSIC The Junior Mozart Club held its.

March mecting recently c'ebrating St. Patrick's Day, by rendering a program of Irish music. taking- part were Lucile Eye, Nancy Beth Cowles, Yurgaret Smith, Harmon, Emily. Peterson, Elizabeth Shiflette, In. Ruby Wood sung several Irish LITURNS HOME Ira.

R. J. Cash, who has been petteat in the -Martha Jefferron Bargital, has returned to her home. AT TRAINING SCHOOL. Mias Josephine -May of.

Palmyra entered the training school at the Blue Ridge Sanitorium. INSTALL OFFICERS Among the members Sot. Queen Lather Chapter, No. 14,. Order of the Eastern Star, who will motor ratation Waynesboro to witness the in-.

of officers In Waynesboro Copter 105 this evening are k. and Mr. Karl Ge Hayes. and Ir. and Mrs.

C. T. Cades as Grand Esther Lasley. of Virginia Mrs. be the installing -officer.

The Mowing have received mburg; Charlottesville, Harris. Staunton, Shenandoah and la FURNITURE: Ira. Frederick Dirque will enterthe members of -the art group the A. y. W.

at. her home tia afternoon, Mre. At S. Blankinup will give a talk on, "The Hisarical Simitcance of Furniture." Samuel Herring, son of Mr. and In.

J. Herring of Farmingwho has been 111 in the Uniwrity. Hospital, improving. GOES TO HAWAIL miliam C. Mclade of this us enlisted in the United States, and has been assigned' to at the present Infantry stationed In at: Hawail Fort with focuri in New York.

UPROVES SALE The Court has approved 1936 CROP. LOANS. WILL BE MADE (Field Supervisor to Be in Office of County Agent loans Application for emergensy. crop top 1936 wilt he received by James, Brooks, held supervisor of the Emergency: Crop and Fend Section of the Farm Cieut Administration, in the office of 1 0. each.

Scott, county agent. on Tuesday of week, for three: weeks ginning March 24, from 10 AX to 1 P. it was learned today The emergency crop loans will made only to. farmers who cam not obtain credit from any other source, as provided by regulations Insued the "Governor of The Farm Administration: The money loaned will be limited to the farmer's immediate and actual cash needs for stowing hit 1936 crops and in. no Instance may ceed $200 to one farmers Farmers are: not eligible for: emergency crop loans it they car borrow from an individual, produce tion credit association.

hank, other concern: -Farmers will 130 be considered ineligible It they have an application: pending with Rearttlement. Administration, have. received assistance from that or this year or are indebted 'to the Resettlement Administration for an unpaid loan. As in the past, the security for an emergency crop loan will consist of Aret lien on the crop A- nanced. Landlord or others having an interest in the crop to be n- nanced will required to waive their, in.

favor of -a lien the Governor of the Farm Credit Administration until the emergency crop loan is tepaid. Checks in payment of approve loana will. be issued by the Regional Emergency Crop Feed Loan omce at Md. the sale of a tract of land on Pres. ton Avenue belonging to the County of to E.

D. Hundley Jr. for the sum of $5,100.1 DALGHTER IN BORN. Dr. And Mra.

0. Carper Front Royal announce the birth of daughter, Walton, on Sunday, March 15, at St: Luke's pital, Richmond. Mri. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

F. Walton of East. Jefferson Street VISIT HOSPITAL' Mr and Mira 8.. Walton and. Mr.

and Mrs. R. P. Greaver spent Sunday with Mrs. O.

W. Carper and Infant daughter. who are Luke's Hospital Richmond, SUFFERS STROKEThe condition of Mra. E. Perry who muffered.

stroke of paralysis -last Thursday at home, 109 East Jefferson Street, mains pnimproved. Her children "have been summoned to: her bed- INSTALLATION service and the instaliation of officera will be at the March meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of Hinton Avenue M. Church, South, tomorrow night at 7 o'clock at the SLIGHT MISHAP A car driven by Al slightly York of damaged near Farmington was in an accident: not far from Kes-1 wick Saturday night, according to report today. TO HOLD CONFERENCE Daniel To Merritt, presiding Folder of the Charlottesville Dis trict, M. E.

Church, South, will hold his regular; quarterly confer: ence at the Howardeville Church: tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock. Robber Takes $50 From A. T. O. House Around $30 was taken from a pocket book, the property of F.

Moore Jr. of Berryville, at" the Tau. Omega Fraternity House on Rugby: Road sometime after 2 o'clock this marning. 'it was reported to police offcials today? Moore said he had left the wallet, with the money on a bureau in the house about-2 o'clock. He mis the money.

when. he. Arose this morning. On Long NEWPORT NEWS, Mar. 2344 -Nine Martin.

R410 bombardment planes took aft from. Langley Field thin morning on the Art leg of flight. to France Field. Canal. Zone, which they expect to reach Satura day.

The flight left, in command of Lieut: Cot: Charles B. commander of the recond croup; and the planes were manned -by. eleven officers and enlisted from the Langley Field flying W. E. CO.

Bonds Stocks: Investment Service Citizens Bank Bidg. Charlottesville, Vi. Halted in Search Talcett Powell Detained under armed Venezuelan authorities, Talrott Powell, U. S. writer, and a party of friends.

who sailed to search for the ancient site of the first Spanish held patches settlement at In Palamar, America, Venezuela. are reported their indicated papers' schooner were not in order. Mexican Art 'Talk 11 To lie Given at U.Va. Univerwity of Virginia Museum of Fine Art and the Albemarie Art. League.

will sponsor: a free lecture on Mexican Art and on Tuesday evening March 24 At A o'clock at Hall: The lecture will he given by Mr. Cecil duced by Garlick Mr. -who Lawrence will Lee. be intro. The the talk will come from the American Frde ration of Art.

This in being now on account of the current exhibition at the Rayly Art Museum which of. paintings and prints: of I Mexican, scenes by Alexander Trow. bridge and Olin Downs: The exhibition will continue from March 7 to March 28 and la open to the Is Winner: Of Middleburg Cup Mar. The Middleburg Hunt Club bowl towas in the of erick M. Warburg.

New: York and sportsmen, by virtue of the victory attained. by Manpachusetts bred hay. In the. annual hunter trials here Saturday. Airs.

John, lay Whitney, who has held the trophy- for reveral years did not: compete horaure of a recent death In her family, "Meath" captured the blue in the middle and heavyweight division of the owner's piste and then outshone nine other lending. horses in the trials on conformation. HOW You CAN- BE ALL SET. FOR SPRING. it's casier than you think! Hundreds of single and married people are getting their cash from us -on their.

own signatures why don't. you? You receive the cash without. delay. The payments are are ranged to suit you and you can have a year or longer to repay. Here's how to be all set for Spring so add up your, neede and see us NOW.

Leant up to no Citizens. Small Lean Society of Richmond, Inc. 503 Hast Broad Streets Over McOrory's Sc. 10c Store Richmond; Ta- Phone 2-9001 LOCAL MOOSE TO ATTEND SESSION. I Will Present Seven Candidates For Initiation in Way'nesboro substantial from Charlottesville.

Lodge, No 1028, Loyai Order of Moose, will attend. publie. meeting of the Waynes boro Lodge, No. '1309, to be held at 7 orluck tonight: in the auditorfum of the Wilson Iligh School In' Waynesboro. The chiefs speaker un the be Walter, Raft order.

'Canton, The supreme occasion will dictator of the Arat time In. that the head of the international lodge Stinted Virginia body. A special feature the sessions A ill the intuition of of at. lead Seven: of this number will be presented. by the Charlottesville lodge: of the lodge ado so to Waynesboro I W.

Toms, dirtator; R. Powell, vien dictator! E. D. vey, past 14 Garrison, prelate; H. Wilkerson, sergeantat-arms; D.

W. secretary; R. A. Newton treasurer, and W. Thomas, trustees, Tobacco Control Is Subjected To Study RICHMOND, Mar: 23 iov ernor Peary and R.

Hutche son, director of the Agricultural Ex. tension -Division At V. P. J. arc conferring today on.

the question of Virginia's Cooperation a voluntary Control. plan for tobacco. for. which heen launched in Georgia and North The ahjertive la a pledge on the part. of the planters of at least 80 per cent of flue cured acreage in North and South Carolina, Georgia -and Virginia to A reduction or at 30 per.

cent in this planting. Damage Is Slight. In Auto: Accident car driyen P. Flood. of 702 Anderson Street collided with dnd driven by M.

Payne. 26, North Garden at the interN section of Main and Water Streets ayound 9 o'clock Saturday to a' police report today, The Payne machine war dethaged to the 120, and that Pother to the extent. of Lynchburg. Pastor -Speaks At Service An audience that Ailed the main auditorium of the Christian Church taint night heard an interesting mon by T. Watson of' Lynchburg In the Arat of a series of: evange.

listic services: being held it the church this werk. The evangellat spoke on the subject, "Man at His Best," and given the closest fattention throughout: his. address. 'Tonight' he will have as his sub ject. "Making the Church Chris.

tian." Services begin promptly at o'clock and close AT 0 or shortly thereafter, INSURANCE Written To Order Our policies are written ta, order, shaped to. fit your precise needs, 'not too small, not too large. Perfect insurance fitting nicans economy for you. We. will examine your requirements and advise the protection required -without charge or obligation.

HANCKEL-CITIZENS INSURANCE CORP. 7 Teoples Rank Bldg. Phones 28 and 261 Stuart Hanckel-Fred Watson Fritz Souder BOBBY THATCHER- -Hostilities Cease! EFORE THE -INTRUDER STRIKE AGAIN BOBBY'S. FRECKLED FIST CONNECTED WITH HIS EYE WHY, YOU pointmont of Rutwin Winfeld Rove an Univeialty of Rich mond', tout ball player' and now member of the police Henrica chief al -police An Agned chief but to' the with the county force: Mr. member EN force for font was the Arm Virginiando take L.

conse in police work of the Department of tor. The training of Investigators 4 CELLO NO POLISHING NO RUBBING BEAUTY VMO Harris Hardware: Police 4 In with liquor Harvey Shiner, 31 of. niad and sentenced to diya In. on of possessing dent spirit and drunk F. Arnold: 30.

of 703 -nue, Mned and sentenced Na: 30 in jail -on mimilar John Biark, colosed. at Fifth Street, W. Oned $10 and sentenced to: days in jet: on NANA police officials "continued charged at vagrancy and drunken-. on Vinegar Mark arrested. Thirteen persons, one than a Monday: mete drunkenness.

Other convictions follow. istan. of Aned. $35 on drunkenness and carrying a cona pall of won said. Grover 21, and Collie Ad.

A me, 18, both of: W'hite Hall camp, were riven Ane and 30. day, auspended jail sentence each on assauit IN IRVINGE Accepting' Responsibility We conscientiouly form every trust Pith highest degreeol elicien. even to the detail. Every duty placed upon. we in gladly accept: ed, properly performed.

AN IMPRESSIVE FUNERAL AT: MODERATE COST' 1901: HILL- IRVING FUNERAL HOME Phone 160. 418 MAIN CHARLOTTESVILLE Petersburg Will. Head Henrico Force RICHMOND, March County Manager Willard today the ape This story will interest many Men and Women NOT long like friends low inspiring xitired really and I knew 1 had organic trouble so I reasoned senalbly caperience has since that colds and whatrint had Inat worn me down. The ronidence mother has always had he Tonics. which Matill her at and -by when she feels tun me 1 ought to try thin Treatment.

started Gourme. 14 color began to come hark to I felt betters. no longes fired and soon felt that those red were to have called fighting It- la great back la where strong agals and like my old self. ca like myself SSS. TONIC Makes you feel like yourself Plant Material And Service Vigorous, well grown plants are essential to satisfactory resulta, and proper arrangement la just as important a the plant material itself.

Wa' are prepared to furnish both. We offer ope of the most, complete imes of plant material found Mi.the Cast and our stork has bees carefully grows and handled, Our Landscape Department ranks with the beat; We have in charge a graduate landscape architect with practical experience with the class of plant material used this This service sues with our stock without extra March Specials (Postpaid) Crepe Myrtle, Mail Order Size, 750 .1 Pink Dogwood: 18 to $1.00 Red Bud Trees 3 to 1 75c Rock Garden. Plants, $2.00 per dozen Regal Lily Bulbs, $1.50 per dozen Flowering Crabs 3 to 4 $1.00 Japanese Flowering. Cherry 3 to 4 $1.75 for our Complete Price List. or visit our Nurseries 2 WAYNESBORO NURSERIES INC.


The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.