The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

THE DATLY PROGRESS, CHARLOTTESVILLE, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER T1, 1954 1 Pajama Factory To Locate Here F. JACOBSON SONS, INC. of New York, will begin manufacture of their Jayson line of men's pajamas here about the middle. of January. The company will move into the Henderson Ervin plant (above) on Monticello Road, which has been obtained by the New York Arm under.

a long-term lease. Treat B. Terry, of Farmington, has been named manager of the new business. Trent B. Terry To Manage F.

Jacobson And Sons Plant Trent B. Terry, of Farmington, apparel industry here, will manage which will begin operations the former Henderson-Ervin on Monticello Road. Lease of the plant to the Jacobson Company, nationally knows manufacturer of "Jayson" and men's shirts and pajamas, was last week. Terry, who founded the Monticello Shirt Company here and continued as manager after selling to Knothe Brothers, manufacturers of men's underwear, said produce tion of Jayson pajamas would underway here by January 15, and that about 250 employees would used the first year. He said plans call for subsequent diversification of production and increase in the local payroll, probably to about 500.

May Need Larger Plant Prior to Its leasing of the Hen1-Ervin plant, Terry revealed, the Jacobson company had beca considering the erection of plant on property he owns on Dale Street, between Forrest and Albemarle Streets. If local operations are: expanded as to contemplated, he pointed out, it will be necessary either to enlarge the HendersonErvin plant or to erect a new one. The Jacobson company, with home offices in New York City, moving its entire production men's pajamas -to Charlottesville from Albany, N.T., where it la currently producing $7,000 dozen paira year. Terry sald Alfred C. Watson, Howard Drive, now associated with Knothe Brothers, will be his tant manager, and that be expects to retain most of the HendersonErvin office personnel and productian employees.

Holder Or Garment' Patents While operations here the first year will probably be confined the production of Jayson pajamas, Terry said the company plans ultimately to manufacture men's shirts and biss-cut shorts and pajamas at the local plant. Terry the originator and owner of the patents on the bias-cut garments, which- are produced under license by number of manufacturers the United States and abroad. As manager of the local plant, Terry will renewing an old lationship with F. Jacobson and Sons: He did contract work. for the company whee he was operate ing the Monticello: Shirt Company years ago.

A native of Charlottes ville, Terry began the manufacture of men's garments here la 1933 after being associated with manufacturers elsewhere for number years. Orderly Is Bonded On Federal A University Hospital orderly is tree: on $1,000 bond' today February to an- 1 swer felony charge: in Federal Court in Harrisonbure. The man, D. Hill, gro, of Proffit, was picked up terday morning by Univeralty Police officers -for, stealing $8 out of special delivery letter. University Police Chief said the letter was taken from the information desk at the hospital, the money removed and the letter stroyed.

HIll pleaded guilty yesterday at bond hearing before United States District Commissioner Claude Yardley, SHOECENTER Dial 2-2555 313 E. Maia Ste Make It A Western Christmas! with COWBOY -BOOTS Low. Heels or Western Type Heels 4 $495 $595 Widths 3's to. D's A Safe Cracker Pleads Guilty Case Certified To Circuit Court Jury A Hinton Avenue man, charged In a sale-cracking lob at the Charlottesville Stone Company, near Shadwell, was bound over to the Circuit Court grand jury following his plea of guilty' la Trial Justice Court yesterday. Clyde Daniel Ryder told police he was "down and out and needled money" when he was picked up on the breaking and entering and larceny charge.

The safe in the office at the quarry was forced open and a cash box, containing about $28 in cash and $1,300 in charke was taken. The box and the checks were later recovered. Edward Alvin Marsh, of Batesville, noted an appeal yesterday days of a a 30-day jail term for drivafter he was ordered to serve ten ing while under the Induence of an intoxicating beverage. Trial Justire Sidney Watson also Aned him $100 on the charge. Rumpended Sentence Starsh, who pras charged after truck he was operating ran into parked car at Crozet, was given S0-day susponded jail term and $25 fine for operating after his permit was revoked.

He did not appeal the second conviction. A warrant charging him with leaving the scene of an accident without Identifying himself was dismissed after evidence was Introduced showing that Marah ed the owner of the car and offered to make restitution. Judge Watson suspended $50 of $100 fine given Morris, of Dyke, for tipey driving. Morris also riven a 80-day suspended Jail term following his plea of guilty. Deputy Sherif F.

L. Frazier arrested him near Carlysville November 29. No Ease- Up Seen In Teacher Demand For Several Years RICHMOND, there be any ease- up in the demand for school teachers la Virginia in the next few years?" Definitely not, says Dr. Leland Schubert of Madison College. Ten years from now, he foresees demand for 8,500 more teachers than are presently employed.

in Virginia. Schubert, who member of Virginia Education Association committee teacher needs, says the state's pupil popalation will probably reach 890,000 The present enrollment is By next year, he predicta en rollmeat jump af 37,000. At a ratio of one teacher per 27 pupils, this would create a need for 1,000 additional teachers, Schubert plains. This doesn't Include era who would have to replace those who resign from the profession. Schubert gave his sise-up on papil and tascher prospects at a meating here yesterday at which the VEA appealed to civic leaders In various Virginia cities to help push program to recruit teachers, this respect, Mrs.

H. Stanley Bailey of Roanoke, president of the Virginia Federation of Women's proposed that' club groupa use their publications to publicise the problem. She also suggested the use of billboards' to advertise the teacher nerd. Robert F. Williams, secretary the VEA, released Agures of a sur vey which showed that of Virginia's approximately 23,000 teachers last year, left the profession after June.

The greatest number of these weat into business, HISPANIOLA The Dominican Republic occupies the eastern two- of the taland of Hispaniola, in the West Indies, with. Haiti occupying the remaining one-third. Almost 10 per 'cent of U.S. farms have electricity. 3 3 PAGE THREE Briefs I COLDER TONIGHT It will he cloudy and colder tonight, but Friday will be fair, with moderate temperatures, according the weather forecast, Low temperatures tonight be from to degrees in the west portion of the state and from 30 to 34 degrees in the east.

today was 40 degrees. Rainfall, durThe temperature here at 0 A.M. ing the 24-hour period ending A.M. today totalled 1.18 of The maximum temperature during this period was 56 degrees and the minimum was 37. CATHOLIC MEN'S SMOKER The men of Holy Comforter Catholle Church will meet at P.M.

tomorrow at the Children's Service Center, 116 Fourteenth Street, for smoker. PRESSYTERIAN MEN The men of Charlottesville Church will meet at 6:30 P.M. today at the church, together with their children, for supper and program, PURITAN CLUB The Albemarie Ruritan, Club will meet Friday at 7 P.M. at the Month cello Dairy. RESIDENTS MOTHER DIES Mrs.

Katherine Stallings, of 1212 Wertland Street, was, called to Salisbury, N.C., by death of her mother, Mra. J. Anne Stallings. PRUNING CLASS fruit tree pruning demonstration will be held Monday at 9:30 at "Brooksville Orchard" near Afton and at 3 P.M. at the Miller School Orchard west of Batesrille.

Trad Dreiling, extension horticulturiat, will conduct the class. HOLY COMMUNION celebration of Holy munion will be held Friday at 10:50 AM. at Christ Eplacopal Church. Prayers and intercessions will offered for world peace and for those la the Armed Forces. PHA H.

J. Crenshaw, secretary of the local Production and Marketing Administration committee, today asked that county. farmers file their Agricultural Conservation Program practice reports for 1963 at once. Crenshaw said less than half of the 1,100 reporta due have submitted, CHRISTMAS SERVICE Church The choir will of Paul's present program of Christmas music Sunday at 8 P.M. la the church.

James Constantine is the organist. The public is invite Obituaries JOHN. T. GIBSON John Thomas Gibson, native Greene County, died last aight his home at Earlysville, after brief illness. A son of the late andy and Jeanie Eddins Gibson, 18 years old.

married Miss Zena Carpenter, of Greene. County, who survives with two sons, Charles Sandy Gibof Radford, and Thomas Carrenter of Earlyeville, and three brothers, James W. Gibson, of Dallas, Texas, Charles 8. Gibson, of Mineral, and Wade Hampton Gibson, of Mineral. services, will be tomorrow at 3 P.M.

from the Hill and Irving Chapel, with burial in Riv. erview Cemetery, The Rev. P. Burckett, pastor of the Stanardsville Methodist Church, will officiate HRS. LUTHER DRESLER Mrs.

Nora Lee Dresler, of Saturday at 3 P.M. from. Thacker Fredericksburg, died Wednesday at the Mary Washington Hospital there after an liness of several months. A native of Albemarie County, she was daughter of the late George Bowen and Mrs. Mary Res, of Crosst, and was Besides her mother, she her husband, Luther Drealer, sister, Mrs.

W. R. of ascola, Tia, and brother, Carl Bowen, of Croset. The funeral will held tomerrow at 3 P.M. from the HIM and Irving Chapel, with the Rev.

La ander Saunders, pastor of the Croset Baptist Church, officiating. Burial take place in Riverview Cemetery, CHAPMAN WHITE Chapman White, native and lifelong resident of County, died at hie home Schuyler last sight following extended illness. Ho was Mr. White the son of the late George Moatgomery and Jane Eliza White. He leaves his wife, Mary White, and seven children, Theodore R.

White, J. White Mias Elizabeth, White, all of Charlotterville, Andrew White, of Palmyra, Frank E. White, U8N, of Long Beach, Mrs. John Rhodes, of and Mrs. Las lie Beverley, of Nokerville, and 11 grandchildren.

Also surviving are ODe brother, George Montgomery White, one sister, Miss Victory, White, both of near Schuyler. Funeral services will be beld Saturday at 3 P.M. from. Thacker Resisting Arrest Nets Jail Term Two Apprehended At Local Bus Terminal I Sixty day tall sentences were meted out this morning to two Rockbridge County men who sisted arrest at the bus terminal here. Lucian Victor Nell and Robert Marshall Flint, both of Cosben, were also fined $10 cach and en suspended 30-day sentences riven an additional 30-day disorderly conduct and Nell tence and fined $25 for kicking Officer W.

H. Bryant. Police were called. to the bus station after driver told authorities that "the two had been cresting disturbance on bus bound bere from Staunton. Bryant testiled the men were still cursing when he arrived at the bus nel.

He had to get aid from bystanders to hold Flint in patrol car before he could to back in the bus terminal to arrest Nell. Neil resisted and the manager of the terminal testified this morning that Bryant and Nell rolled over and over on the floor during the scutfle two cats fighting." Police Lieutenant 0. E. Sand-' ridge came to Bryant's aid, but Nell continued to struggle even after he was put in the patrol car. Hit-And-Kus Accident Nell and Flint told the court this morning they were on the way to Newport News to ret during the winter months.

They said they had been drinking. George William Stevens, of Bel mont Park, was fined $100 and diven suspended 30-day sentence for leaving the scene of an accident without identifying himself. His car struck parked auto on Avon Street carly Saturday mornins. He said this morning that he stayed at the scene for five or tea minutes, then went to his mother's house so she could treat his Infured back. He was picked up later Saturday by Officer W.

W. Duff, who testified this morning that Stevens at first told him his car was damaged because he bit tree on the Old Lynchburg Road. Herbert Clinton Hems Jr. Untveralty of Virginia student, will spend the week-end in the City Jail. Hess was convicted this morping on 1 charge of operating an auto while his license was revoked.

His driver's permit was taken away June when he was convicted of driving while under the influence of alcohol, The period of revoca tion was 12 months. Police arrested Hess December when Officer D. La Mawyer recognized him after stopping to why an auto. was in the street near the Intersection Routes 29 and 250. showed the police an operator's license sued in Rhode Island in September, but a check with headquarters revealed that Head' driving rights in Virginia were still suspended.

Substitute Civil and Police Justice G. Stuart Hamm Jr. gave Hess 60-day sentence, but suspended all but two days of it. will report to the jail Saturday morning and will be released Monday in time to attend classes. Official To Speak At Employees' Meeting.

C. M. Schaefer, of Richmond, assistant general manager of the Chesapeake and Obio Railway; will address a of the railroad's Employees' Service Conference the Monticello Hotel next week, The meeting will be in the club room at 7:50 P.M. Wednesday. Frank Schumaker, chairman of Charlottesville chapter of the group, this ing urged all employees in this and their families to attend the meeting; all are automatically members of the organization.

Schumaker said the objectives and purposes of the conferences here and at. 10 other points along the railroad are to provide better service to the customers through closer interdepartmental understanding and cooperation. Brothers Funeral Home, ville, with Interment at. his home cemetery. GET.

THE AD-READING HABIT Korea Sn ow Battle PARKA-CLAD AIR FORCE crewmen take the "blankets" off Sabrejet which will soon hula the air. fighting the Reds. The snowfall in 15 years crippled transportation in the Pusan area and caused six deaths. Student Advances To Rhodes Scholar Competition Finals A fourth-year student at the Uni. veralty of Virginia is one of two Richmonders who will represent Virginia the finals for the tion of next year's Rhodes Scholars.

Waller Horsley; an English major here, and his former classmate at St. Christopher's School in Richmond, Edwin P. Conquest won over nine other participants in the eliminations yesterday, the Rhodes Scholarship Committee anwounced. The Virginia winners will rote against winners from cther Southern States in the sional finals in Charlotte, N.C.. Saturday, when the regional Rhodes holara for the coming year will he selected.

The scholarships, set up by the will of Cecil Rhodes, English n- sancier. and empire bullder, provide about $1,400 a year for two years study at Oxford University. They are awarded each year American students chosen by the regional committees. Horsley la a member of the UniRaven versity's Society, Student the "Z' Council, Society, the Student Union, and is president of the Omicron Delta Kappa Ity chapter and captain of the ale team. On the committee that selected the Virginia Contenders were Virgialus Dabney, of the Richmond Times- Dispatch, chair.

man; Francis Pickens Miller, of Charlottesville: Professor Robert K. Gooch, of the University of Vircinia; and Professor'. Fitzgerald Fluornoy, of Washington and Lee University, Agents. Make Third Still Raid In Bacon Hollow Charlottesville Alcoholle BeverControl and Alcohol Tobacco Tax Division Investigators Tuesday made their third strike. Bacon Hollow, Greene County, within the past, 80 days.

Tuesday's raid was about two miles northwest of 8t. George. 40-gallon still' and 50-gallon fermenter filled with mash were selaed and destroyed. The mash, the investigators said, was unsweetened and had just been set. The still site was unattended and no arrests were made, The earlier raids, between Nov.

13 and 19, brought no arresta. One of the vestigators said four to five stills are raided in Bacon Hollow every year for greater participation la council affairs by lay members. It voted to increase membership in the general board, the governing body, by allowing member churches to name more' delegates and split their votes. A budget committee recommended giving more attention to soliciting rifts from foundations, business organizations and individuals to pay for council work. It said $5,384,000 was received during the first 11 months of 1962, OFT THE AD-READING Her's For Christmas.

BED JACKETS Nylons -Quilteds Albatross Velvets Lace Trimmed Tailored Models! OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9 O'CLOCK! Town Country Shop 114 4th Street, N.E. bi Nelson Supervisors Move To Abolish Seven Precincts long Identided with the men's. the F. Jacobson and Sons factory 'shortly after the drat of the year in plante- Prizes Valued At $100 Will Be Given To Lighting Winner Prizes valued at $100 will be riven to the first place winner in the fourth annual Junior Chamber of Commerce Christmas lighting contest, O. T.

Amory, chairman of the committee, announced today. Second prise will include gifts valued at $75 and third prime, $50. Ten honorable mention awards will be made which will vary in value from $5 to $10, Amory sald. Judges for the contest will be Mrs. Anita Black, Thomas Craven, Loule Scribaer, 8.

J. Makleiski, and Charles Smith of the Univeralty of Virginia art department. The contest will be judged on December 22 between the hours of 7 to 10:30 P.M. The contest is for exterior lighting effects and 'is open to all. residents of the city and vicinity.

Entry blanks appear elsewhere in this lasue. of The Daily Progress and should mailed to P.O. Box 670. A number of local merchants also will have the entry blanks. The i lighting displays 9 will Judged on general artistic effect, originality, Ingenulty in utilizing surroundings.

conformity to Christmas spirit and size of Church Council a a (Continued From Pago on) million members in this country, was admitted to the council. brings council representation 34,600,000 persons. Only two of the larger Protestant denominationsthe Missouri Synod of the Lutheran Church and the Southern Baptists -do not belong. 2. Methodist Bishop William Martin, 59, of Dallas reportedly was favored to succeed Episcopal Bishop Henry Knox Sherrill of Boston council president.

The election is tomorrow. Christian Education The 'division of Christian cation: outlined an experimental project to educate young people in Christian communities. Bet at the local level, it' would 'concentrate on ethical conduct, democratic practices, community programs and stronger home The Division of Christian Life and Work recommended churches play more active role in community projecta, participate in world affairs and lead in social welfare work. The council's general board was instructed to make study to determine if: the International Council of Community Churches meets qualifications for membership In the larger National Council. Further 'action on the group's application was deferred two years: The council moved to carry out recommendations of leaders LOVINGSTON The Nelson County Board of Supervisors will petition the Circult Court to abolish seven of the county's polling precincts, At present the county has 16 precincta.

The board, in monthly session here yesterday, agreed to ask the court to take this action, estimatthat the reduction in polling placca would effort an annual say. ing of $750 to $1,000, Nelson County Commonwealth's Attorney Robert C. Goad said the petition would be submitted to the court in the next few days notices will be pasted in the polling places for 30 days. At the opening of the January Circuit Court term on January 24 the court will he requested to take action on the tion, Propound Changes According to recommendations prepared by the board, the followIng changes would be effected: (1) The precincts at Elmington and Lovingston will. be combined.

'(2) A new precinct to be known Rockfish Valley will be created out of the Avon, Greenfield and Wintergreen polling places. (3) Tye River. voters will to Arrington. (4) The Mill precinct will Include Roscland and Lowerville, (5) The precinct at Faber will eliminated with voters living east tot the Southern Rallway to be ins cluded in Schuyler precinct and those west going to Wood's MilL la. the November general about 1,900 votes werd cast Nelson County, with some af polling places recording fewer than CO.

votes. The plan at up by the Board of. Supervisors would eliminate' precincts where the voters have accema to. other pro cincta, but retain small precincts where voters would have long dintances and bad roads to. contend with To Purge Pelt The board yesterday rave the county's electoral board a go-ahead for purge of the county pail books by approving the expanditure to have this done after January 1.

G. electoral board, and P. P. Gantt and La W. Fox, members, appeared to notify the board of the seed for the' purge.

35. 0 The supervisors deferred action on a request by the Lynchburg General Hospital, asking that Nel24 County assume obligation for emergency hospital bills for algent. Nelson County patients. James R. Caskio and Robert cine, spokeaman for the hospital, explained that the city of burg has been paying for these cases la the past, Greenwood Man: Tops Albemarle Corn Producers P.M.

Gann, of Greenwood, la King Cora in Albemarle County. Gann was announced winner. of the 1952 100-Bushel Corn Club come petition at a banquet last night at the Albemarle Hotel, His yield 121.4 bushels brought him prizes of 1,000 pounds and bushel of hybrid seed corn. Red ribbon winner la the contest was C. M.

Garnett Jr. of Garth Road, who received the amount. of. fertilizes and halt bushel of the seed. His acres brought forth 103.5 Other winners were Miss India 1 Route 29 south, third, 95.75 bushels; W.

G. Page, near Red Hill fourth, bushels; Carr, Garth Road, 80.51 bushels; Hugh N. Clark, White Hall, sixth, 82.84 bushels; J. R. Wingheld Hydraulic Road, 80.48 bushels, and J.

K. Wingheld Jr. 60.43 Bains secretary the Farm Bureau, which sponsored the contest, announced the winners lowing a short talk by O. H. Carly district agent of the V.P.L sion Service.

The 3 prizes were donated by are feed and fertilises dealers. 0. Scott, county ministered the project. Scottsville Youth Joins: Army For 3-Year Duty A Scottsville youth, Cecil Eugene Tooley, 20, enlisted yesterday for. three years' period la the U.S.

Army, T-Agt. Robert R. Pollard, local Army. Air Verse 1 ported Tooley previously: served five months in the Army. Before his liatment yesterday, he was ployed by Snow's Nursery.

He bad left for Ft. Md, to begin basio training. A 401 CAST WATSONS PHONE MARKET Our 'Hair Cutting Technique Is Sheer Artistry! Try our personality cut -Includes: Shaping, Tapering, Thinning! For Bubble Bath that really bubbles ask for Spa Bath Foam 'An Undivided Responsibility' INSTALL. 1 1. A GUARANTEE C.

P. MARTIN COMPANY: 1 PLUMBING HEATING A 215. Albemarle Street Phone 3-2555.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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