The News-Virginian from Waynesboro, Virginia (2024)

TEMPERATURES 9 p. -62 9 a. er portion. cold6 p. -60 6 a.

--52 Waynesboro News tonight Saturday, Coldp. -66 3 p. Readings, Main Gate, Du Pont Saturday. Yesterday Today THE WEATHER Midnight-59 Noon-56 er in west portion tonight. -Virginian tinued in Fair east cold and Somewhat ConEverv Afternoon Except Sunday The Only Daily Newspaper in the Great Eastside Valley Established 1892 VOL.

50-No. 264 Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations WAYNESBORO, VIRGINIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER Member Associated 7, 1941 Press UP Price 3 Cents Digest of State News RICHMOND ANNEXES CHESTERFIELD COURTHOUSE, (P)--A formal annexation decree transfering 7.7 square miles of Chesterfield County territory to the City of Richmond on December 31 was signed last night by the three-judge annexation court. Entering of the decree came several hours after the judges handed down an eight-point memorandum settling controversial financial items on which council for Richmond and Chesterfield had been unable to agree. The City will assume $247,701.87 of the County's total debt. THREATENED PRESIDENT RICHMOND, (P)-Secret service agents filed a charge ot threatening the President against a 38-year-old white man arrested in the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway yards yesterday.

The man, who was not identified by Federal authorities, was brought before United States Commissioner Melvin Flegenheimer and ordered bound over to the grand jury. NEW FLYING CORPS RICHMOND, (P)-Capt. Allan C. Perkinson, supervisor of the Virginia civilian flying corps, reported today that 31 persons had signed up for another unit of the INCFC in the Lynchburg area. Additional three-year vounteers are expected from Bedford and Farmville to bring the unit to maximum strength of 60 pilots.

The unit will become an adjunct of the Virginia Protective Force. TAX FORMS MAILED RICHMOND, (P) enlarged office staff at the Department of Internal Revenue here was busy today mailing returns for the next monthly "luxury" tax on retail sales of jewelry, furs and toilet preparations. Collector N. B. Early, said any dealers who do not receive the forms should notify his office, but he warned that non-receipt.

would not constitute exemption from the tax. The penalty for failing to pay is 5 per cent monthly. OPTION EXTENDED HARRISONBURG, The tion on purchase of the Spotswood Country Club has been extended until January 15, Hamilton Haas who is the leader of the movement to preserve the recreational reannounced last night. HEADS KIWANIS CLUB HARRISONBURG Emanuel Blosser, president of the City Produce Exchange and a charter member of the club, yesterday was elected president of the Harrisonburg Kiwanis Club by a one rote margin over Dr. Paul Hounchell, a member' of the Madison College faculty.

PLAN GRID RALLY HAMPDEN SYDNEY, (AP) Forrest Jessee of Lebanon, captain of the 1941 Tiger football team, will address a student rally tonight on the eye of HampdenSydney's homecoming day game with Roanoke College. BODY FOUND IN RIVER BEDFORD The body of W. E. co*cke, 66, of Bedford, was found yesterday in his automobile after it had been removed from the James River a short distance from Route 501 near Snowden Bridge in Amherst County. PLAN CONVENTION RICHMOND Plans for the twenty-eighth annual convention of the Virginia Dairy Products Association were made yesterday when the program committee, headed by Claude Parcell of Fredericksburg, met at the Hotel John Marshall.

The convention will take place January 20 and 21 at the John Marshall. PRESBYTERIAN TO STUDY RICHMOND, (P)-A five-day town and Country Ministers' Institute is to be held November 10- 14 at Union Theological Seminary and some of the outstanding educators and ministers of the Presbyterian church are to conduct the various lecture sessions and round table discussion groups. TO BUILD SHIPWAY NORFOLK, (P) The Welding Shipyards, yesterday obtained a city building permit to erect 620-foot shipway on the propery of the Virginian Railway at Sevalls Point, the cost being estinated at $100,000. TO HOLD HEARINGS RICHMOND, (P)-The State Compensation Board will conduct hearings for city treasurers, comnissioners of the revenue and ommonwealth's attorneys Wedesday, November 19, on salary nd expense allowances for 1942, Chairman Martin A. Hutchinson announced yesterday Seek More To Continue On "Youth Presbyterian Project May Be Halted By Lack of Funds Roof on the First Presbyterian Church Youth Building is about complete and unless renewed enthusiasm is thrown into the congregation's task of raising $40,000 for the project it bids fare to halt at completion of the roof, it was learned today.

Inaugurated a year ago last month as the core of a program to provide religious and recreational for young people of Waynesboro, campaign for funds was launched in October, 1940, under the supervision of R. H. Clemmer as chairman of the "Youth Building" finance committee. In the October, 1940, campaign a total of $21,000 was subscribed in cash and pledges by some 500 of the church's 800 members. The pledges were payable during a period of two years.

one year of which has already passed. Will Not Incur Debt At a congregational meeting of the church this year it was voted to not incur debt in construction of the church's addition. With unanimity the congregation voted to complete the building only if, as and when funds were in sight and if funds were exhausted before the structure was completed the job was to be stopped. In 1874 when the Presbyterian church congregation built the SEE PAGE 4 Additional comments relative the Presbyterian Youth Building project appear today in "The Old Arm Chair" column on Page 4. church on Main Street hill now occupied by the News-Virginian the land and building were completely paid for before the congregation held a single meeting in the new structure.

It is in keeping with this tradition, members say, that decision to stay out of debt was reached in this present instance. Second Campaign Launched And so last month October, 1941 a second campaign was launched by local Presbyterians to raise the balance needed to finish the job. In this campaign, being conducted under the direction of (Turn to page 2, column 1, please) Convoy Moves On "Drive" More than a hundred trucks in convoy from Camp Pendleton, Virginia, and en route to Big Meadows, in the Shenandoah National Park, are going up the Skyline Drive today. The trucks are entering the "Drive" at Rockfish Gap and will camp tonight and tomorrow at Big Meadows, sixty miles up the Skyline Drive from here. At Big Meadows this convoy will join with 160 more trucks entering the Shenandoah National Park at Swift Run Gap on Route 33.

A thousand men are expected to be in the encampment of both groups tonight and tomorrow at Big Meadows. DIES AT AGE 101 WINCHESTER, -Mrs. Abbie Matilda Fay, who was in her one hundred and first year, died yesterday at "Hackwood Farm," the home of her only son, Logan R. Fay, near here. Pledges Work Building" Clergy Asked To Note Red Cross Sunday Church Congregations ToHear of ManyNoble Red Cross Services Waynesboro churches Sunday have been asked to join with thousands throughout the United States in observance of Red Cross Sunday, on Sunday, Nov.

9, Mrs. Morgan H. Hudgins, chairman of the Waynesboro Branch, said today. Pastors have been requested to comment on the forthcoming Roll Call of this great agency and its vital relationship to national defense and emergency relief. In joining in observance of Red Cross Sunday, the local churches will be participating in a nationwide move being noted alike by Catholics, Protestants and Jews.

Citing the vital importance of the Red Cross in today's national emergency and for its work on the military front and civilian defense fronts, national headquarters at Washington has received the indosem*nts of Dr. Luther A. Weigle, president of the Federal Council of Churches; the most Reverend Joseph M. Corrigan, president of Catholic University of America, and Rabbi James G. Heller, president of the Central Conference of American Rabbis.

In his message to Red Cross officials, Dr. Weigle said: "For sixty years this great National Organization has carried on its noble service to humanity, and in it the people of America have found a channel for that outpouring of mercy, pity and succor which are the expression of the true conscience of humanity. "Today, more than ever before, the world stands in need of that spirit of Christian compassion and brotherhood. Demands on the humanitarian activities of the American Red Cross are constantly increasing, and it should be our duty, as well as our priivlege, to share, every one of us according to his ability, in its mission of charity." The Reverend Father Corrigan's (Turn to page 2, column 4, please) Dairymen In Meeting Here Dairymen of the Sixth District, met at the Hotel General Wayne yesterday and elected J. 0.

Beard, of Linville, in Rockingham County, to succeed himself as a member of the board of the Virginia State Dairyman's Association. Mr. Beard's election is for two years. R. J.

Connelly, extension dairyman of Blacksburg and secretary of the state association, discussed milk problems, national defense, shortage of feed both roughage and grain, and other like topics of interest to dairymen. Among those present were: County Agent E. B. Morse, Assistant County Agent James Gorsline, R. J.

Connelly, J. 0. Beard, T. O. Tench, Lyndhurst: Fay K.

Koiner, A. E. Houff, Abner F. Weaver, all of Waynesboro, M. H.

McComb, Stuarts Draft; O. C. Flory, Stuarts Draft; M. C. German, Greenwood; Nelson Beck, Charlottesville; and I.

D. Myers, Harrisonburg. The Sixth district embraces the counties of Albemarle, Alleghany, Amherst, Augusta, Bath, Greene, Highland, Nelson, Rockbridge and Rockingham. Of these only Albemarle, Augusta and Rockingham were represented. EDUCATION FOR STRONG AMERICA American Education Week, November 9th to 15th, takes "Education for a Strong America," as its theme this year.

Daily programs pointed toward the general theme of strengthening the United States in the present emergency will be featured in classrooms and in special activities. Parents and other adults are urged to visit the public schools during this period. The daily topics are: Sunday, November 9-Seeking World Order. Monday, November 10-Building Physical Fitness. Tuesday, November 11-Strengthening National Morale.

Wednesday, November 12-Improving Economic Wellbeing. Thursday, November 13 Safeguarding School Support. Friday, November 14-Learning the Ways of Democracy. Saturday, November 15-Enriching Family Life. Heart Attack Fatal ROBERT GLASS VANCE Jury Picked For Johnson Murder Trial Negro Will Take Stand As Only Witness For Defense, Counsel Says LOVINGSTON, Nov.

7 A Nelson County Circuit Court jury was empannelled here today for the trial of Charles T. Johnson, 19-year-old Negro, on a charge of murder of Gladys Mae Tyree, 18. Appomattox High School senior. Selection of the jury from a group of 40 persons called was completed before noon, three of those examined being released when they stated they had already formed an opinion in the case. The jurors selected were all white men, mostly farmers.

Johnson's counsel said the Negro would take the stand as the only witness for the defense. Diggs' Case Heard LOVINGSTON, Nov. 7 (P). While parents of the girl listened, William Henry Diggs, 19-year-old Negro, told Judge Edward Meeks in Nelson Circuit Court yesterday of witnessing the rape and slaying of Gladys Mae Tyree, Appomattox High School senior, but declared his only part in the affair was to help drag the girl into the woods. Testimony in his trial on a charge of murder; was completed yesterday afternoon, but attorneys' arguments were deferred until after the trial today of Charles T.

Johnson, also a 19-year-old Negro, on an identical charge. Diggs, who also is under indictment on charges of rape and robbery of the 18-year-old white girl, waived trial by jury. He pleaded innocent. Spectators Searched State police brought the two young Negroes to court in an armored car and returned them to the Lynchburg jail in the afternoon. Officers stationed in the court room searched spectators for weapons as they entered and closed the doors as soon as all seats were filled.

Several hundred failed to gain admittance. Diggs testified that he had been drinking when he met Johnson October 18, the day of the slaying, but that when they saw the girl coming down the road near Gladstone and Johnson said, "Let's catch that girl," he objected. "These white people will hang you for that," he said he told Johnson Story of Crime Told Then Johnson grabbed Miss Tyree, Diggs testified, and she started hollering. Diggs said he took her arm and helped pull her into the woods, slipping a watch from her wrist as they dragged her. The defendant said he watched while Johnson threw a coat over Miss Tyree's face and choked her.

Diggs denied any part in the attack and said Johnson took him (Turn to page 2, column 4, please) Dr. Coleman Dies; Age 69 LEXINGTON. Nov. 7 Dr. Howe R.

Coleman, 69, practicing physician in Rockbridge County for the past 42 2 years and brother of Dr. C. C. Coleman, the noted brain specialist, died here today after a brief illness. He was a member of the Rockbridge county board of supervisors and the county board of health.

Funeral services will be held Saturday aftrnoon at 3 o'clock at the Collierstown Presbyterian Church. WEATHER OUTLOOK Temperatures generally below normal; rising tendency Tuesday or Wednesday. Little or 110 precipitation indicated, R. G. Vance, 73 Succumbs; Rites Sunday Was Past President Va.

Bankers Association; Horticultural Society Robert Glass Vance, 73, vice-president, cashier, and trust officer of the First National Bank and for many years prominently identified with the civic, business and religious life of Waynesboro community, died at 6:45 a. m. today at his home on Wayne Avenue following a heart attack. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at First Presbyterian Church with Dr. J.

G. Patton, pastor, in charge. Burial will follow in River View Cemetery. Was Kentucky Native Mr. Vance, a past president of the Virginia Bankers Association and of the Virginia State Horticultural Society, was born April 2, 1868, in Middletown, Kentucky, the son of Robert Glass Vance and Fanny Stowe Vance.

He attended Shelbyville private school and Shelby Academy. He was married at Frankfort, Kentucky, on February 8, 1893, to Miss Flora B. Alexander, of New Liberty, Kentucky. Widow, 3 Sons Survive Mrs. Vance survives as do three sons -Albert Price Vance, of Washington; Dr.

Robert Glass Vance, of Boston; and Dr. Lewis Alexander Vance, of Boston; also two grandsons, and two granddaughters. He is survived as well by two brothers, Truman S. Vance, of Staunton, and Dr. James Vance, of El Paso, Texas; and by two sisters, Mrs.

W. R. Snyder, of Lexington, Kentucky, and Mrs. A. L.

Harbison, of New York City. Mr. Vance's interests were numerous and varied. Upon completion of his education he was engaged for a time as a civil engineer with the Southern Railroad and later was a menber of the firm of Venable and Vance, mining engineers, in Charleston, West Virginia. Came Here In 1899 He came to Waynesboro on August 23, 1899, and with the late Theodore Coiner established the South River Bank, a state bank, which in 1905 was reorganized as a national bank and renamed the First National Bank of Waynesboro.

In this he was vice-president and cashier, positions he held at the time of his death. When the bank's trust department was organized, he took on the added duties of trust officer. Banking was his major interest and in his field he was recognized as one of its leaders. In 1919-1920 he served as president of the Virginia Bankers Association and in later years aided the organization in various capacities in committee work or as a zone or group officer. One of his valued possessions was a silver bowl presented him by the bankers' association on June 17, 1920, at a Hot Springs Convention.

Was State Fair Director As an orchardist and fruit grower, Mr. Vance also attained statewide prominence, serving one or more years as president of the Defense Bond Sales Studied Industry Gets Data On Payroll Allotment, Almost every Waynesboro industry was represented at the city-wide meeting held at the City Council Chamber yesterday to hear officials of the Defense Savings Program explain the Payroll Allotment Plan, as would be applied to local industry. Ki Williams, member of the state committee, presided and presented the first speaker, Julien Mason, from the United States Treasury Department, who is traveling with Robert F. Nelson, State administrator for Defense Savings Bonds and Stamp program. C.

E. Roth, also a representative of the Defense Savings Staff, led a round-table discussion following the explanation. Defense Savings is the modern. streamlined version of the Liberty Loan campaigns of World War days, sans high pressure, quotas, time limits, and with other objectives. Among them is to prevent inflation through systematic savings, to build up a reserve of savings against the day when defense spending stops, and also to finance defense activities throughout the nation.

To Washington Top-flight Japanese diplomat Saburo Kurusu, signer of the pact with Germany and Italy, is flying to Washington for conversations that may decide peace or war with the U. S. for his nation. May Withdraw U.S. Marines From China President Says Proposal Under Consideration; Details Not Given WASHINGTON, Nov.

7 (P). President Roosevelt declared today that the government was considering the withdrawal of American Marines from Peiping, Tientsin and Shanghai, China. Mr. Roosevelt told a press conference he did not know when a decision would be reached. He declined to elaborate in any way on his statement.

The Chief executive did say in reply to a question that there had been no discussion at any time between the U. S. and Japan concerning presence of U. S. Marines in China.

He brushed aside a question whether withdrawal would mean a new status for Americans in China. Farmers Plan Chicago Trip Round-trip excursion to the International Livestock show to be held in Chicago beginning December 1, is being arranged by County Agent E. B. Morse. It 18 hoped that enough farmers will be interested in going to arrange a private coach on the Chesapeake and Ohio railway.

Should there be sufficient interest to make this trip, the group will leave from Staunton on the night of November 30, and return December 6, Mr. Morse said. He requested farmers of this county interested in making the trip contact his office. The round -trip fare will be approximately $20.00 and those wishing to secure this rate must leave from Staunton. Cubs Will Meet For Handicrafts Session Tomorrow, 9:30 a.

m. Handicraft classes for Cubs and prospective Cubs will be resumed tomorrow (Saturday) morning under the supervision of C. H. Lovegrove, Sr. Mr.

Lovegrove has now been supplied by funds from the Boy Scout treasury with which to get material and he'll have plenty on deck tomorrow morning. Class will open promptly at 9:30. Mr. Lovegrove insists that boys desiring to participate be present on time. Last session of the group there were 21 present with materia! sufficient for only seven to work.

Now there will be adequate supplies for all Cubs and prospective Cubs that care to attend. POSTMASTER CONFIRMED WASHINGTON, The senate has confirmed Lois Price as postmaster at Natural Bridge, Va. Waynesboro "Buddy Poppy" Day Sales Continue Tomorrow Waynesboro's Buddy Poppy Day sales, underway today under chairmanship of Mrs. B. F.

Dean, will continue tomorrow with effort being made to have a complete sell-out of the full 3,500 ordered for the two-day sales. Sales are sponsored by Waynesboro Post 2424, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the VFW Auxiliary. Funds realized from the sales are devoted to rehabilitation of needy veterans and their families, Stalin Confident, Predicts Germany's Collapse In Year U.S. Aided In Giving Finns Peace Terms State Department Cites 2 Conferences With Finnish Minister WASHINGTON, Nov. 7 (P)-- The State Department made public today memorandums of conservations in which the United States transmitted to Finland information that the Soviet government was prepared to talk terms which would end the -Finnish war.

One conversation, between Undersecretary of State Sumner Welles and H. J. Procope, the Finnish minister, took place on August 18, and a. talk between Secretary of State Hull and Procope was held on October 3. Hull said at his press conference today he had not yet received a reply from the Finnish government concerning his declaration to the Finns that unless they stopped their warfare against the Russians they would forfeit the friendship of the United States.

Finns Ready For Peace HELSINKI, Finland, Nov. 7 (AP). Military operations are drawing to a close as far as our country is concerned," the Finnish radio announced last night. "'It is realized that our frontiers cannot finally be determined until the coming peace conference," the announcer added. Earlier the Finnish News Agency had issued a denial of reports abroad that Finland had been presented Russia's peace terms on August 18.

New Income Tax Proposal Is Advanced Senator George Propos- es "Withholding" Plan For Personal Income WASHINGTON, Nov. 7 -A "withholding tax" on all personal income was proposed by Chairman George, Democrat, of Georgia, of the State finance committee, today after congressional leaders had decided to delay: action temporarily on treasury suggestions for a new revenue bill. George took the position that sooner of later Congress would have to take steps to raise more taxes to offset in part expenditures soon to reach three billion dollars a month. For that reason, he told reporters, he favored not only 3 payroll levy but a similar tax on all personal receipts. The Treasury was reported to have suggested that upwards of $4,800,000,000 in new revenues be added to the $3,500,000,000 piled on the nation's tax bill when Congress enacted steeper levies las: summer.

Roads Accept Wage Proposal CHICAGO, Nov. 7 (P)-Conference committees representing all Class 1 Railroads in the United States announced today they had decided to acept the recommendations of President Roosevelt's factfinding board for temporary wage increases for 1,250,000 railroad workers. Waynesboro Students Hold "Pep" Parade As Prelude to Grid Game Carrying a paper coffin with "Beat Lee High" and various other inscriptions, students of Waynesboro High School, accompanied by the band, paraded through town shortly after noon today. All were in a very jovial nature to meet the Lee High School of Staunton there this afternoon. Library Will Close For Armistice Day In keeping with past years' policy, Waynesboro Public Library will be closed all day Tuesday, Armistive Day, Mrs.

R. G. Wright, librarian, announced today. Says Reich Is "Bleeding To Death;" Red Army Renews Counter-Attack (By the Associated Press) Russia's premier Josef Stalin declared today that Germany is "bleeding to death facing disaster" and confidently predicted that within a few months, perhaps a year, the Reich would "burst under the weight of her own crimes." As Stalin thus reflected optimism in the fight against Adolf Hitler's invasion armies, counter-attacking Soviet troops were reported battering Germans into retreat in a sector 65 miles northwest of Moscow. In the south, a bulletin from Hitler's field headquarters for the first time acknowledged that the GermanRumanian drive into the Crimean peninsula was meeting stubborn resistance.

Makes Second Speech In his speech marking the 24th anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution his second in two days Stalin told the Soviet people: "Hunger and impoverishment are now reigning in Germany. Her resources are giving out. The spirit of revolt is gaining possession not only of the nations of Europe who fell under the yoke of the German invaders but of the German people themselves who see no end of the war. Plan Second Front In London, Prime Minister Churchill's war strategists were reported to be studying the possibility of opening a new British fighting front as urged yesterday by Premier Stalin. Reliable sources in London said plans already had been formulated for a second front "to be put into effect when the time is considered opportune," and the highly placed Press Association added the time "might be very near." F.

D. To Veto Price Control WASHINGTON, Nov. 7 (AP)- High administration officials said today President Roosevelt would veto the pending price-control bill. Game, Fish Group to Meet Francis R. Loth, president, today called a special business meeting of the Waynesboro Game and Fish Protective Association for next Thursday, November 13, at 7:30 p.

m. at the Baraca Class Room of Main Street Methodist Church. Purpose of the business meeting is to elect new officers for 1941-42; and to discuss matters of vital interest to sportsmen. Letters notifying members of the meeting are to be mailed in the near future. 15-MinuteOrganRecital Planned at Waynesboro Baptist Church Sunday The first of a series of "All Request Programs," lasting fifteen minutes before the evening service, will begin at the Waynesboro Baptist Church this Sunday.

Rev. Harry C. Hubbard, pastor, has announced the organ recital to begin at 7:15 p. m. James Riley Henson, organist, announces the selections for this service to be: "Song to the Evening Star" ((from -Wagner: Adagio sostenuto (Moonlight Sonata) Beethoven: Evening Prayer (from "Hansel and WAYNESBORO TODAY 7:30 p.

-Basic City Lodge No. 29, Odd Fellows, at Eastside Hall. 7:30 p. Circle, Liberty Grove No. 66, at White's Hall.

TOMORROW 2:00 p. vs. Hargrave at Fishburne Field..

The News-Virginian from Waynesboro, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

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